U. S. Arms & Cutlery Co.—Rochester, N. Y. Produced pencil-pistols and kniie-pislols, etc.
U. S. ARMS CO.— New York, N. Y., about 1873-78. Makers of .22 cal. knife pistols and rim-fire cartridge revolvers.
U. S. Arms Co.—Revolver makers of New York City about 1870. Found at 244 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1874-78.
U. S. SMALL ARMS CO.— Chicago, 111., 1917. Knife-pistol.
U. S. Small Arms Co.—Chicago, 111. Produced .22 caliber knife pistols, 1917. Short lived.
UHLINGER, W. L. & Co.— Philadelphia, Pa. Sheath trigger .22 pocket revolvers.
ULLBRICH, A.— Albany, N. Y. Maker of a double barrel, side-by-side muzzle loading, percussion rifle.
ULRICH, D. — Unidentified. Percussion Kentucky rifle.
UMBARGER, Obediah— Central Pennsylvania; Kentucky rifles, Prob ably related to Humberger family of Pennsylvania, later of Ohio.
UNDERWOOD, Thomas— Lafayette, Ind.
Unger, Oswald—Rifleniaker. His shop was located on Butler Street, Port Huron, Mich., where he was active 1858-67, before and after.
UNION ARMS CO.— Hartford, Conn. 1857-61 and later. At 2 Central Row, Hartford, 1861. Makers of percussion pepperbox and single shot percussion pistols, and 5 and 6-shot percussion revolvers.
UNION ARMS CO.— New York, N. Y. Contracted Nov. 15, 1861, for 25,000 Springfield rifle muskets. Three delivered; these were marked "U. A. CO." and '"New York."
Union Arms Co.—New York. Active 1858-64, before and after. Received a government contract November 15, 1861, for 25,000 rifled muskets at $20.00 each. These are marked “U. A. Co. New York” upon the lockplatcs. Produced percussion single-shot, pistols exactly like the Allen.
Union Arms Co.—or Firearms Co. Established in Toledo, Ohio, in 1903. Produced repeating shotguns, revolvers, etc. Taken over by the Ithaca Gun Company about 1913.
UNION FIREARMS CO.— Toledo, Ohio, about 1904. Makers of a semi-automatic, recoil operated revolver. About 1902 the Com pany had negotiated with Francis Bannerman of New York City, and his associates, in control of the Spencer Arms Company of Windsor, Conn., for the purchase of the Spencer plant for manu facture of repeating shotguns. However, the purchase did not materialize. Following from Sporting Goods Dealer, 1903:- "In our October number we noticed the report that the Union Firearms Co., Toledo, Ohio had purchased the Spencer gun plant, which would be removed to Toledo, and the manu facture of the Spencer gun reinaugurated on a large scale. We are advised by Francis Bannerman, 579 Broadway, New York City, that the reported sale has not been made. The Spencer plant is still in his hands, and is advertised for sale elsewhere in this issue of the Sporting Goods Dealer. The merits of the Spencer repeating shot gun are too well known and generally known to require being touched upon here. It was the joint invention of Christopher M. Spencer (who at the age of 19 in vented the Spencer repeating rifle and carbine, adopted and used by the U. S. Government in the civil war) and Sylvester M. Roper, also closely identified with improvements in American arms. The Spencer gun appeared in 1884 and stood the brunt of the battle against the prevailing prejudice which opposed single barrel repeating guns and favored the double barrel. For something like nine years it was the only repeating shot gun in the field, virtually creating a demand which heretofore had not existed, and establishing its reputation as a thoroughly re liable arm. Some 20,000 Spencer guns were made and nearly all of them were sold and are now in use in all parts of the world. Lately their manufacture was discontinued by Mr. Bannerman and his associates, principally, because their original business of handling ordnance, military goods and war relics had grown so large that it required undivided attention. The Spencer gun is still in demand and it is to be hoped that its manufacture will shortly be resumed."
Union Metallic Cartridge Co.—Bridgeport, Conn. Established 1866, capital $300,000. Merged with Remington in 1902 as the Remington U. M. C. Co.
UNION MFG. CO.— Richmond, Va., 1861. Operated by G. P. Sloat making arms for the Confederacy. In business only a short time.
Union Mfg. Co.—A Confederate gun factory at Richmond, Va. G. P. Sloat of Philadelphia, Supt.
UNION RIFLE WORKS— Lancaster, Pa. Percussion rifles.
Union Rifle Works—North Second Street, Philadelphia. Active 1856-60, before and after.
United States Cartridge Co.—Established at Lowell, Mass., in 1869, by Gen. Benjamin F: Butler and associates. Butler secured complete control in 1870 and continued to operate the business until his death in 1893. Paul Butler, son of Gen. Butler, became the treasurer in 1876, and continued with the firm until his death in the fall of 1918. In 1910 the National Lead Company purchased a half interest in the business, buying the remaining half in 1919. Since that time the National Lead Company has been sole owners. During the World War the company served the governments of the United States, Great Britain, Holland, Russia, France and Italy. A remarkable total of 2,262,671,000 munition items were produced during this period. (After Brooks Darlington in The Dupont Magazine, by permission.)
United States Machine Gun Co.—Meriden, Conn. A promotional project organized by William Haskell of Boston in 1917 to sell the rights to the Berthier machine gun. The firm was active until 1921, during which year the Berthier automatic, or semi-automatic, was submitted to an army board.
United States Projectile Co.—Brooklyn, N. Y. Produced navy projectiles, 1899-1900.
United States Rapid Fire Gun & Powder Co.—Derby, Conn. Probably manufactured Driggs-Schroeder ordnance. Active 1905-08.
UNSELD, John— Frederick City, Md. Contracted December 14, 1775, with Council of Safety to furnish 80 muskets with complete equipment according to Maryland specifications, to be delivered by May 1, 1776. The Council wrote May 3, 1776 that so far they had received only 29 very roughly made muskets.
Unverzagt, William—Gunmaker of Memphis, Tenn., 1868-75.
UPDEGRAPH, Jacob— Schuylkill County, Pa.
URIE, Solomon — Orange Township, Ashland Co., Ohio, 1818.
URIELL, D.— Unlocated. Kentucky rifles.
UTTER, George — Newark, N. J. Saw-handle percussion duelling pistols.