O. M. — Heavy, home-made buffalo rifle, oak half stock with sowbelly butt. Remington Cast Steel barrel. Initials "O.M.", cut in pewter fore-end tip, both sides.
O. N.— Initials of Noble Orr, U. S. Inspector of Arms, 1799-1801.
O. W. A. — Initials of O. W. Ainsworth, U. S. Inspector of Arms within years 1831-1850.
OAKE, C. & SON — Jacksonville, Florida. Side-by-side, combination percussion rifle-and-shotgun equipped with back-action locks.
OAKES, Samuel— Philadelphia, Pa., before and after 1800.
Oakes, Samuel—Riflemaker of Philadelphia, about 1800.
Oberholser, Christian—-A Committee of Safety gunsmith of Lancaster, Pa., 1775-76.
OBERHOLTZER, Christian— Lancaster, Pa., arms maker to Com mittee of Safety, 1775-77. Excused by the Executive Council from military duties on Dec. 5, 1777, for the making of arms for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the employ and under direction of William Henry I of Lancaster.
OBERTEUFFER, C. A.— Phila., Pa. Brass barrel flintlock pistol with lock probably by Spang & Wallace.
OBLINGER, David and Walter— Piqua, Ohio, 1870-88.
Oblinger, David and Walter—Gunmakers of Piqua, Ohio. Father and son, David was active 1859 to 1890 when the firm name became Oblinger & Son. Active 1892 or later as repairmen.
OBLINGER, S.— Troy, Ohio, 1869-78.
Oblinger, Sol—Gunmaker of Troy, Ohio, 1868-77.
ODELL, S.— Natchez, Miss. Kentucky rifles.
ODLIN, John— Boston, Mass. 1671-82.
OFFREY, P.— Gunsmith, 173 Chartres, New Orleans, La., 1853.
OGDEN, C. — Owego, N. Y. Three-barrel percussion gun.
OGDEN, J.— Owego, N. Y. (Related to C. Ogden?)
OGDEN, W. & C. — Owego, N. Y. Percussion period. Prolific workmen.
OHLENHAUSEN— Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio.
Old, James—Ironmaster. Supplied Pennsylvania with cannon and shot in 1776. Received >£1,500 for his services. Location unknown.
OLDHAM, Thomas— East St. Clair Township, Bedford Co., Pa., 1850. Maker of Kentucky rifles.
OLIVIER, John— 37 George St., Baltimore, Md., 1810.
OLMSTEAD, Morgan L.— Auburn, N. Y.
O'MARA BROTHERS— Detroit, Mich., 1865-70? A three barrel gun, two rifles side by side with shotgun barrel underneath.
O'NEAL — Unlocated. Rifle maker.
O'NEAL, David— Geary near Kearny, San Francisco, Calif., 1858.
ONG, E.— Philadelphia, Pa., before and after 1773-77. Had worked at the State Gun Factory, at Philadelphia, under Peter Dehaven.
Ong, E.—G unsmith of Philadelphia, 1773-77. Employed by Peter Dcllaven at the State Gun Factory, 1776.
ORAHOOD, J.— Bellefontaine, Ohio, 1858. Percussion rifles.
ORGILL BROS. & CO.— Memphis, Tenn., 1860.
ORMSBY, E. S.— Unlocated. Pill-lock revolving rifle.
ORR, Hugh — Came to America from Scotland and established at Bridgewater, Mass., in 1737. Is known to have made 500 stands of muskets for the Province of Massachusetts Bay in 1748, which arms were subsequently removed by the British on their evacua tion of Boston in 1776. Orr was active as an arms maker during the Revolutionary War. Born at Lochinwinioch in January, 1717; died in December, 1798.
Orr, Hugh—Born January 13, 1717, at Lochinwinioch, Scotland. Came to America and established in Bridgewater, Mass., in 1737. In 1745 he made 500 stand of arms for the Province of Massachusetts Bay, believed to be the first public firearms produced in the colonies. Orr also erected a cannon foundry which supplied iron and brass cannon to the Continentals in sizes from 3-pounders to 42- pounders. Very active during the Revolution, Orr died in 1798. (Pg. 487, Vol. II, National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, White, New York, 1929.)
Orr, James—Born July 22, 1796, in Westmoreland County, Pa. Established in Belmont County, Ohio in 1830. Engaged in riflemaking until i860 when he quite in favor of a more profitable business of wagon making. Died in September, 1887. A fine workman in metal and wood, his rifles were of high quality.
ORR, Noble— U. S. Inspector of Arms 1799-1801. His initial "ON" are found on Whitney contract musket stocks.
ORR, Robert — Son of Hugh Orr. Appointed Master Armorer at Springfield Armory in 1795.
Orr, Robert—Son of Hugh. Worked with his father in Bridgewater during the Revolution and became Master Armourer of Springfield Arsenal in 1795.
OSBORN, Lot— Waterbury, Conn., 1776-77. Musket maker to the state. Arms marked with name or initials and "S. C." for State of Connecticut. Received payment for thirty-seven guns without bayonets and thirty-seven with bayonets; Jan. 14, 1779.
Osborn, Lot—Gunsmith of Waterbury, Conn. Active 1772-77 he produced muskets for the state which bore his name or initials and the stamp “S. C.” for the State of Connecticut.
OSBORNE, H. — Springfield, Mass., musket maker before and after 1812-21.
Osborne, H.—Riflemaker of Springfield, Mass., about 1820-30.
OSGOOD GUN WORKS— Norwich, Conn., about 1880. Rim-fire "Duplex" and "Monarch" revolvers.
Osgood Gun Works—Norwich, Conn. Produced the “Duplex” double barrel, nine shot revolver. This arm is on the principle of the Le Mat save that the barrels are hinged at the bottom of the frame to swing up to load.
OSHKOSH TRAP GUN CO.— Oshkosh, Wis. About 1910. Cheap, single barrel shotguns.
Ostrander Repeating Gun Co.—San Francisco, Calif. Made repeating shotguns, 1892-93
Oswan, Frederick—Riflemaker, Harpers Ferry, Va., 1810-16.
OVERBAUGH, C. E.— 300 Broadway, New York, N. Y., before and after 1879-87. Top action target rifles.
OVERLY, Peter— Kentucky. About 1812.
OVERTON, J. — Arkadelphia, Ark., percussion period.
Owen Bros.; Owen, Robert G.—Modern gunmakers at Sanquoit, N. Y., 1921-23. Robert G. Owen located at Tucson, Arizona for a time and is now with Winchester.
OWENS, E. G.— Denver, Col., 1879-80.
Owens, E. G.—Gunmaker of Denver, Colo., 1877-80, before and after.
OWENS, Lemuel— Zanesville, Muskigum Co., Ohio, 1810-20.