N. — Unidentified. Marking on a Kentucky type pistol.
N. I. J. — Unidentified. Script initials on a fine, silver-inlaid percussion Kentucky rifle.
N. W. P.— Initials of N. W. Patch, U. S. Inspector of Contract Arms, 1834-1840 at plant of Nathan Starr.
NABURY, Thomas — Maker of gun skelps for musket barrels. In em ploy of Col. Peter Grubb, who operated a gun skelp forge for the Lancaster, Pa., Committee of Safety in 1776.
NAGEBAUER, Jean — Gunsmith, Moreau corner Mandeville, New Orleans, La., 1853.
NAGLE, Marcus — Maker of gun skelps for musket barrels. In employ of Col. Peter Grubb, who operated a gun skelp forge for the Lancaster, Pa., Committee of Safety in 1776.
NASH, John — New Haven, Conn., 1645. Listed as gunsmith.
NASH, Thomas— New Haven, Conn. Early gunsmith. (1638?)
NASHVILLE ARMORY— Confederate arms plant believed to have been located in the basement of the Capitol building. Arms were made from parts furnished by local gunsmiths.
NASHVILLE GUN FACTORY— Nashville, Tenn. Organized as a stock company in 1861 to manufacture arms for the Confed eracy. The buildings were located on the site called "Gun Fac tory Playground," South 3rd, opposite Lindsley Street. The plant made Model 1841, Mississippi, type rifles until 1862, when it closed on the arrival of Federal troops. The buildings were used as a school for negroes in 1867-71, and then were occupied by the Weakley & Warren Furniture Manufactory until 1885, when the entire plant burned down.
Nashville Plow Works—Nashville, Tenn. Produced sabers for the Confederate forces, 1862-64.
NASON, C. F.— Auburn and Lewisburg, Me., 1863-68.
Nason, C. F.—Gunsmith of Lewiston, Maine, 1863-68.
NATIONAL ARMS CO.— Brooklyn, N. Y. After 1863. Makers of National cartridge derringers, rifles and teat-primer cartridge revolvers made under David Williamson patent of Jan. 5, 1864, No. 41,184, manufactured to avoid infringement of Smith & Wesson controlled, Rollin White patent for a "cylinder bored end to end." The National Arms Company is believed to be identical with, or successor to, Moore's Patent Firearms Co., of Brooklyn, both firms producing identical derringers and revolvers.
National Arms Co.—Brooklyn, N. Y. Pistol makers, taken over by Colt in 1869.
Naval Gun Factory—U. S. Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. Equipped for heavy gun making by Act of March 3, 1883. Produce naval guns in all calibers.
Naval Ordnance Plant—South Charlestown, W. Va. Government munitions works established during the World War. Inactive at the present.
NEAL, John — Bangor, Me. Son and successor to Wm. Neal. In partner ship with Charles V. Ramsdell as Ramsdell & Neal, Harlow St., post-Civil War. The partnership dissolved, Neal's shop stood at State and Harlow Streets.
NEAL, Wm. — Bangor, Me. Percussion under-hammer pistols without trigger guard.
NEAVE, T. & C. — Cincinnati, Ohio, percussion period.
Neel, George—-Riflemaker of Uniontown, Belmont County, Ohio, 1849-54.
NEFF, Peter & Sons — Cincinnati, Ohio. Makers of percussion rifle locks; one with brass lockplate, stamped with squirrel, dog, etc.
Neidner, A. O., Neidner Rifle Corp.—Melrose, Mass., and later at Dowagiac, Mich. Rifle makers.
NEIHARD, Peter— See Neuhard, Peter.
Neihard, Peter—Gunsmith of Northampton County, Pa., 1785-87. Produced Kentucky rifles.
NELSON & CO,— Unlocated.
NELSON, Alexander— Philadelphia, Pa. On March 25, 1776, con tracted with the Colony of Virginia to furnish 600 stands of arms similar to the British pattern to be delivered at the Pub lic Gun Factory at Fredericksburg, Va., at 4 pounds, 5 shillings, Virginia currency per stand, payable at Williamsburg, delivery to be completed before June 15, 1777. Bond with security fur nished under penalty of £1,000. Each stand is described "to consist of a good musquet, 3 feet, 8 inches in the barrel, %-inch bore, steel rammers, the upper thimble trumpet-mouthed, the lower thimble with spring to retain the ramrod, bridle-lock, brass mounted; a bayonet 18 inches blade, with a scabbard; one pair bullet molds, to mould 16 bullets to every 40 guns; a priming wire and brush to each musquet; the stand compleat, well fixed and properly proved."
NELSON, Francis — Advertised for sale "gun stocks well seasoned by the large or small quantity," at his place of business opposite the Bull's Head (tavern), Strawberry Alley, Philadelphia. Ad vertisement in the Pennsylvania Evening Post, Aug. 31, 1776.
NELSON, Owen O.— See Dickson, Nelson Co.
NELSON, Roger— Medina-Town, Ohio, 1825.
NELSON, Roger— Medina, Ohio, 1858-60. (Same, or related to Roger Nelson above?)
Nelson, Roger—Riflemaker of Medina City, Ohio, 1857-60.
NEPPERHAN FIREARMS CO.— Yonkers, N. Y., about 1859. Makers of 5-shot, percussion, pocket revolvers.
NESBITT, Robert— McLane, 3 miles south of McKean, Pa., 19th century. Farmer, surveyor, sailor, blacksmith, gunsmith. Beauti ful fowling piece.
NESTLE, Frederick— Baltimore, Md., 1850-70.
NETTER, Solomon — Huntingdon Co., Pa. Kentucky rifles.
NEUHARD, Peter— Also Neihard. Whitehall Township, Northampton Co., Pa., 1786-88.
New England Westinghouse Company—Chicopee and Springfield, Mass. Produced ordnance from 1916 to T927 or later. Supplied military rifles to the Russian Government and took over Remington Arms Co/ s contract for 15,000 Browning aircraft machine guns.
NEW HAVEN ARMS CO.— New Haven, Conn., 1857-66. The firm was organized by Oliver F. Winchester, one of the principal stockholders of the Volcanic Repeating Arms Co., which had been organized by Horace Smith and Daniel B. Wesson to manufacture a repeating pistol in 1854, and was incorporated in July, 1855, as the Volcanic. In February, 1856, the Volcanic moved to New Haven, Conn. The Volcanic failed and had to reorganize, and May 1, 1857, became the New Haven Arms Company, with Mr. Winchester as President and principal owner, and B. Tyler Henry remaining as the superintendent in charge of production. Mr. Henry obtained a patent on an extractor feature in an improved magazine arm using rim-fire cartridges, (No. 30,446, of Oct. 16, I860,) and assigned the patent to Mr. Win chester. The firm abandoned the manufacture of the older Vol canic type arms, and began the production of the new Henry rifles, named in honor of the inventor, whose initial "H" was also stamped on the base of the shells, a practice followed to this date by the Winchester Company. About 10,000 Henry repeating rifles were acquired and used by the Union forces during the Civil War, the arm being known to the Confederates as "that damned Yankee rifle that can be loaded on Sunday and fired all week." Of the above number, 1,731 Henry rifles were purchased by the War Depart ment from July 23, 1863, to Nov. 7, 1865. In 1866, the New Haven Arms Company was reorganized, and reappeared as the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, making the Winchester rifle, which was the old Henry with certain improvements, principal of which was the Nelson King side-loading gate.
NEW HAVEN ARMS CO.— New Haven, Conn. Modern. Makers of Reising automatic target pistols.
New Haven Arras Co.—New Haven, Conn., 1857-65. Organized by Oliver F. Winchester and B. Tyler Henry in 1857. Produced the Henry repeating rifle and dissolved in 1866 to he reorganized as the Winchester Repeating Arms Co.
NEW YORK ARMS CO.— Double action, rim-fire pocket revolvers.
NEWBAKER — Pennsylvania, making Kentucky rifles of excellent workmanship in 1831.
NEWBERN, D.— Linn County, Iowa, 1878.
NEWBERN, J. C— "Jimmy" and "Old Danny" Newbern, Mount Vernon, Iowa, rifle maker; 1870-1900. After his death his tools and equipment reported to have been purchased by Mr. Ralph Williams of Lisbon, Iowa, his former apprentice and shop worker.
NEWBURY ARMS CO.— Albany and Catskill, N. Y., 1855-60. SmaU caliber rimfire deringers and percussion revolvers based on patents of Frederick D. Newbury of Albany, N. Y.
NEWBURY, John— U. S. Inspector of Contract Arms, 1818-1825. In spected arms in the plants of R. & J. D. Johnson, Simeon North, Lemuel Pomeroy, Nathan Starr and Eli Whitney.
NEWCOMB, H. W.— Eastport, Me., 1866-68.
Newcomb, H. W.—Gunmaker of Eastport, Maine, 1865-68, before and after.
NEWCOMER, John— Hempfield Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1771.
Newcomer, John—Gunmaker of Ilempfield Township, Lancaster County, Pa., 1770-72.
Newhard, Peter—Gunmaker of White Hall Township, Northampton County, Pa. Active 1777-88 and after. Probably same as Peter Neihard. Name is given as Newhardt also.
Newhardt, Jacob—Gunsmith of Allentown, Pa., 1774-77.
NEWHARDT, Jacob and Peter— Allentown, Pa., before and after 1774-76.
NEWHIRTER, J.— Pennsylvania. Kentucky rifles.
NEWHOFF, F. B.— Leidersdorff near Sansome, San Francisco, Calif., 1858-60. F. Newhoff is listed at 208 Leidersdorff in 1865. (with William Harris?).
NEWLING, Price — Unlocated. Reported lock marking on a flintlock Kentucky rifle by A. Gompf, Lancaster, Pa.
NEWTON ARMS CO.— Buffalo, N. Y. Organized by Charles New ton, a lawyer, in 1914, with himself as President and John F. Nagle, brewing equipment manufacturer as Secretary, for the manufacture of Newton high power sporting rifles. The offices were at 506 Mutual Life Building, and the works at 442 Niagara Street. The firm went into receivership in 1916, and failed in 1918. About 2,400 rifles had been made by the Company before they went into receivership, and some 1,600 during the later period.
NEWTON, CHARLES, RIFLE CORP'N— 1083 Ellicott Square Build ing, Buffalo, N. Y. Organized by Charles Newton about 1918, in competition to the Newton Arms Co., of which Mr. Newton had lost control, and which was operated by receivers. This firm had 100 Newton-Mauser rifles made for it in Germany, and never went much beyond the promotion stage, insofar as the domestic production of arms was concerned. The Company went out of existence about 1932. See Newton Arms Co., and Buffalo Newton Rifle Corp'n.
Newton, Charles; Newton Arms Co.—The Newton Arms Company was organized at Buffalo, N. Y. in 1914 and was succeeded in 1919 by the Newton Arms Corp. Charles Newton, perhaps the bestknown American designer of the time, had earlier developed the 32-40 high-power, the Savage .22 “Hi-Power” and the Savage 25-3000.
Newton, E. M.—Riflemaker of Skowhegan, Maine, 1858-68, before and after.
NEWTON, Moses— Connecticut, 1776. Made and sold to Connecticut and Massachusetts Committees of Safety six guns and locks: Nov. 15, 1776.
Newton, Philo S.—Riflemaker of Hartford, Conn., 1843-75. Secured patent on false muzzle, June 1, 1843.
Nichols & Childs—Rufus Nichols and Edward Childs of Conway, Mass., secured a patent on a revolving arm April 24, 1838. Possessed by a seven-shot cylinder operated by a rachet at the base of cylinder. The hammer, an extreme goose-neck type, strikes the caps through an aperture in the top bar of the frame. One rifle of this type is known to the writer but the maker is unknown.
NICHOLS & LEFEVER— Syracuse, N. Y., 1876-79.
NICHOLS and CHILDS— R. Nichols and E. Childs. Patentees of a 7 shot revolving cylinder rifle, made in Conway, Mass. Patent No. 707 April 24, 1838. Caliber .36, 39 inches long.
NICHOLS, John— Philadelphia, Pa., before and after 1776-89.
Nichols, John A.; Nichols & Lefever—Shotgun makers of Syracuse, N. Y. The partnership extended from 1876 to 1878 after which each partner went his way. Nichols advertised in 1879-80 as the sole maker of the Nichols & Lefever gun.
NICHOLS, Jonathan, Jr.— Vergennes, Vt. Contractor under Act of July 5, 1798, for 1,000 (Model 1795) Charleville pattern muskets at $13.40 per stand. No deliveries recorded. Probably failed in his contract.
NICHOLS, R.— See Nichols & Childs.
NICHOLSON, John — Pennsylvania musket maker to Committee of Safety, 1775-76. Payment recorded for making eleven pattern guns. Listed as having paid tax in Dock Ward, Philadelphia, in 1774. John Nicholson was one of the petitioners represent ing Pennsylvania gun makers, complaining to the Committee of Safety against the high cost of material and labor entering into arms making and quoting advances in prices within one year, ince 1775. With Abraham Morrow he had been awarded warrants for the repair of arms of militia of Bucks, Chester, Lancaster, Montgomery and Delaware Counties, as well as of Berks and Northampton, in 1791. Contracted for "rifle guns" in 1792, for which payments of $588.00 is noted. U. S. Inspector of Arms at Phila., Pa. 1800-06.
Nicholson, John—Gunsmith of Dock Ward, Philadelphia, 1774-90, Delivered 28 new muskets to Committee of Public Safety prior to Sept. 11, 1775. On June 4th, 1776, Nicholson transmitted to the committee of safety at Philadelphia his “Plan for Carrying on a Gun Factory” which was as follows: First. -There must be a convenient place for erecting a Mill for boaring and grinding barrells, to be under the direction of Mr Tomilson, or some other barrell maker. & shops fit to forge barrells in, with three or four forges. Second. -A Shop to contain three forges for forging Locks, with a good sett of tools to each, and a shop or shops to contain forty lock filers, with a good set of tools to each, suitable to the part of the locks they have to file, with a forge for each ten Lock filers to harden & temper the Springs, mend tools & case harden, &c. Third.-A shop or shops for ten Gun stockers, with each man a sett of tools. Fourth. -A Casting Shop & propper tools for a brass founder to Cast the mountings & a shop to finish ditto in. Fifth.-A Shop with two forges to forge Bayonets and Steel Ramrods & works erected at the Mill for polishing and grinding ditto. Sixth.-A forge for making Swivals. trickers, Pins & Springs for the ramrods, &c. Seventh.-A Small Shop for putting the Guns together in. near the Stocking Shop. N. B. - rt will be necessary to get all the files & Brass that can be got, as them articles are become very scarce, and to provide a file cutter to cut the files over Again. It will be likewise Necessary to have a Clark that Understands Something of the hardware business, in order to provide things as they may be needed. Nicholson also signified his willingness to take charge of the factory at “threehundred pounds per Year with a convenient Dwelling house for myself & Family, & Five Pounds for every hundred Guns made under my Inspection.”
NICHOLSON, L. — Unlocated. Fancy curly maple halfstocked per cussion rifle marked in script on silver inlay. Back action lock; round lid cabox and numerous small brass inlays of animals, etc.
NIPPES, Daniel— Mill Creek, Pa. Musket contractor of July 16, 1842, for 4,000 flintlock muskets, Model 1840, at $14.75 per stand, to be delivered at the rate of 800 per annum to Jan. 1, 1846. On March 3, 1846, Nippes obtained an additional con tract for 1,600 muskets, also at $14.75 each. It it interesting to note that these last Nippes flintlock muskets were still being made on contract, three years after the manufacture of flintlock arms was discontinued at the Springfield Armory. In 1848, Nippes contracted to alter 2,000 muskets to the Maynard priming system, 1,000 on Feb. 9, at $4.00 each, and another 1,000 on Nov. 22, 1848, at $3.00 each. The earliest record of the Nippes family is found in the passenger list of the ship George of Portland, Francis White, Master, which arrived from Rotterdam, Holland, Oct. 26, 1796. Among the passengers are mentioned Abram, Daniel and Wil helm Nippes, as well as Anna Christiana and Anna Catharina Nippes. The first record of the Nippes family, arms makers, is found in a contract awarded to Nippes in association with Winner and Steinman, on July 20, 1808, for 9,000 Model 1808 muskets, five years duration, of which 3,900 are recorded to have been delivered by Oct. 7, 1812, and presumably in time the con tract was completed. There are known Model 1808 muskets with lock-plates marked "W. N. & S." This stands for Winner, Nippes & Steinman The Philadelphia City Directory lists Abraham Nippes as re siding at 262 St. John Street in 1813, and William at the same address in 1813, and at 254 St. John Street in 1819-20. In 1829 Abraham Nippes is listed at 111 Dillwyn and William Nippes at 127 Dillwyn. Daniel Nippes is not shown, and may have been at the Nippes Mill, at Mill Creek, where the Model 1840 Nippes muskets were made later. Daniel's son, Albert S. Nippes, was the superintendent of the Nippes works, and Sharps early rifles are known made about 1848, marked A. S. Nippes.
Nippes, Daniel—Mill Creek and Philadelphia, Pa. 1808-48. Mill Creek runs in an arc from its source at Bryn Mawr to Shawmont, on the west shore of the Schuykill River where it discharges into the river. On June 20, r8o8, Winner, Nippes & Co. received government contract for 9,000 muskets. By October 7, 1812 had delivered. The writer believes the Nippes referred to in this contract to have been Daniel Nippes. On February 11, 1814. Mayweg & Nippes received a contract for 2,000 cutlasses at $3.00. Their location was given as Philadelphia. Sometime in the 3o’s Nippes appears to have taken over the Rose Glen Mill on Mill Creek. William Booth of Narberth, Pa., who married into the Nippes family and later operated the mill himself, claims this as the Nippes Mill. During the period March 9, 1939 to January 1, 1846, the government purchased 4,000 muskets from Nippes at $14.75. On March 3, 1846 contracted for 1,600 additional muskets at $14.75.Nippes altered 2,000 muskets to the Maynard system and supplied 1,000 cones at 10*4 c each.
NIXON, Austin— Washington Street, Buffalo, N. Y., 1832.
NOBLE & LITTLE— Unlocated. Flintlock Kentucky rifle.
Noble & Son—Rome, Georgia. Produced 3-inch guns for the Confederacy, 1863.
Noble Bros« & Co.—Floyd County, Georgia. Cannon founders to the Confederacy, 1861-63.
Noggle, Washington—Riflemaker of New Burlington, Clinton County, 1848-55. .
NOLL, J.— Maryland? 1803. Relief carved fullstock Kentucky rifles of fine workmanship. One known dated 1803.
NORCROSS & ALLEN — Unlocated. Underhammer percussion pistol.
NORDHEIM, G. A. — Yreka, Calif., maker of percussion sporting rifles and target rifles with burl walnut half stock, double set triggers, brass cap boxes and iron mounts.
NORMAN, John— U. S. Inspector of Arms, in year 1830.
Norman, William—Gunmaker of Brooklyn, N. Y. 1855-75.
Noroth & Savage—Middletown, Conn. Pistols, rifles and revolvers. Active from 1844 until i860 when the Savage Repeating Firearms Co. was formed. On July 30, 1844 received patent which gave the inventors as E. Savage and S. North. Subsequent patents from 1850 to i860 are granted to E. Savage and II. S. North. Produced a six-shot revolving rifle in which the trigger guard cocks the piece and indexes the cylinder, patent of January 18, 1859, #22,666. Produced S. North’s patent 1856 and 1859 revolvers which later were produced by Savage Repeating Firearms Company as the Savage Navy Revolver. During the period 1861-65 the government purchased 11,284 of these arms from Savage. Also produced a trap pistol, the patent of North & Couch, June 28, 1859.
NORRIS, A.— Unlocated. Reported flint lock on a D. Marker, Ken tucky rifle.
NORRIS, S. & W. T. CLEMENT— Springfield, Mass. Civil War con tractors to the State of Massachusetts in 1863, for 2,000 Model 1863 Springfield rifle muskets. Contract extended in 1864 for an additional 1,000. These arms were marked "S. N. & W. T. C. for Mass."
Norris, Samuel; Norris & Clement—Samuel Norris and W. T. Clement were active 1862-65 at Springfield, Mass. Produced Model 1863 muskets which are marked “S. N. & W. T. C. for Mass.” Norris continued 1866-69.
NORRIS, W.— Unlocated, 1833 (or 1838). Percussion Plains rifle, back-action lock marked Williams Warranted.
Norris, William—Riflemaker of Brown County, Ohio. T84T-54.
North & Cheney—Berlin, Conn. A brief partnership of Simeon North and his brother-in-law Elisha Cheney. Produced pistols like French Model 1777, in 1794.
NORTH & COUCH— Middletown, Conn., about 1860. Makers of a six-barrel trap pistol.
NORTH & SAVAGE— Henry S. North and Edward Savage of Middle town, Conn., 1856-59, makers of the Savage-North figure-8 trigger, 6-shot, sliding cylinder revolvers made under the Henry S. North patent of June 17, 1856, No. 15,164. One hundred revolving pistols were purchased by the gov ernment from North & Savage May 23, 1857, at $20.00 each, and an additional 500 were contracted for July 10, 1858. Ninety nine were issued to the army in 1858. The firm was succeeded in 1860 by the Savage Revolving Firearms Company, manufacturing the improved Savage re volvers. See Savage Revolving Arms Co.
NORTH & SKINNER— See H. S. North.
North American Arms Co.—Producing pistols in the old Ross plant, Quebec, P. Q. 1918-19.
NORTH CAROLINA GUN FACTORY— Established at Halifax in 1776, James Ransome, Esq., superintendent. Records indicate manufacture and delivery of arms in 1777. In 1778 the factory was ordered dismantled and equipment sold, except for 36 com pleted muskets, which were to be turned over to the Command ing Officer of the Guard at Halifax.
NORTH CAROLINA STATE ARMORY— Florence, N. C. Confederate small arms plant operated by Capt. Zimri S. Coffin, Confederate Ordnance Agent, and employing 30 to 40 hands.
North Wayne Tool Co.—North Wayne and Oakland, Maine. Established 1835, incorporated 1879, active to date. Produced swords during the Civil War and after.
North, Chase & North—Located in the “lower part of the city,“ Philadelphia, Pa. Produced cannon, shot and shells, 1861-65.
NORTH, H. S.— Middletown, Conn. Maker of North & Skinner re volving rifles and shotguns, patented June 1, 1852, No. 8982.
North, Henry S.—Of the firm of North & Savage, Middletown, Conn., active 1844-60, before and after. Received the following patents: January 5, 1847, breech-loading mechanism. June 17, 1856, revolver. April 6, 1858, revolver. January 18, 1859, revolver.
NORTH, Selah— Stow's Corners, Summit Co., Ohio, 1835.
NORTH, Simeon — Middletown, Conn. Active 1799-1852. A descendant of an old New England family, Simeon North was born at Berlin, Conn., July 13, 1765, and according to family history began earning his livelihood as a farmer. In 1795 he purchased a water power mill adjoining his farm, and started the manu facture of scythes. It was probably this training as a metal worker and machinist, as well as a natural mechanical bent, that prompted him to secure a government contract on March 9, 1799, for the manufacture of 500 horse pistols at $6.50 each, to be delivered in one year. Possibilities are that he learned the rudiments of arms manufacture from a neighbor, Elias Beckley whose gunsmith shop was but a mile away from North's birth place at Berlin. The first North pistols, Model 1799, patterned after the French Model 1777 army pistols, were satisfactory, and ever prior to the completion and delivery of the first lot of 500 North was awarded on Feb. 6, 1800, another contract by James Henry, Secretary of the Department of War, for 1,500 additiona pistols at $6.00 each to be completed by Feb. 6, 1802. These earliest North pistols of the French, brass frame type, are markec with Cheney's name as well as North's, though all North con tracts known, are signed by Simeon North alone. According to the North family history, Elisha Cheney, a brother-in-law anc clock manufacturer by trade, had a working agreement witl North, about 1811, to make screws and pins for North pistols but partnership is denied. After the completion of the first contracts, North resumec the manufacture of farm implements until June 30, 1808, whei he obtained a contract for 1,000 pair of navy boarding pistols a $11.75 a pair, to be made according to Navy Department patterns but with certain North improvements. To fulfill this contrac North enlarged his factory and applied his mechanical abilit: and inventive genius to the development of labor saving ma chinery and the modern principle of standardization of parts, b: assigning the production of identical parts to individual work men, until a large number were finished. This method, far ahea< of those times of individual craftsmanship, not only saved tim and labor, but resulted in giving North arms a reputation fo a more uniform and better product. The pistols of the contract for Model 1808 having been "mud approved," the contract was extended, and on Dec. 4, 1810, th navy contracted for an additional 500 pairs at $12.00 the pair. In the meantime, in 1808, Congress passed an act for th arming and equipping the whole body of the militia of th several states by the Federal Government, and in 1810, Simeoj North contracted under the provisions of this act, with Tend Coxe, Purveyor of Public Supplies, to manufacture horse pistol for the army (Model 1810). It is at about this time that Nort] was commissioned as Lt. Colonel in the 6th Connecticut Regi ment. Shortly before the declaration of War of 1812, North a the instance of the Secretary of War, backed by promise o further contracts, enlarged the capacity of his Berlin shops and when on April 16, 1813, he was given a contract for 20,00 pistols (Model 1813), he erected a new, large factory at Middle town, Conn., six miles from Berlin. The Berlin shops were con tinued in operation under supervision of North's eldest sor Reuben, making forgings for the Middletown factory, unti 1843, when they were closed, and in 1857, the buildings wer destroyed by a flood. In the pistols made at Middletown factory, which wa built according to the most advanced ideas of the time, Co North successfully embodied the principle of standardizatio: and inter changeability of parts, then a project open to skeptics criticism. The delivery of pistols under the contract of 1813, whic was to be completed in five years, was delayed by a year, du to modifications introduced in 1816. On July 1, 1819, before completing the delivery under the old contract, North entered into a new contract for 20,000 horse pistols (Model 1819), which he completed in 1823, well in advance of specifications. On November 16, 1826, Colonel North undertook a contract for 1,000 navy pistols (Model 1826) at $7.00 each. This contract was repeated by another for the same model and same number on Dec. 12, 1827, and again for an additional 1,000 on Aug. 12, 1828. These 3,000 pistols (Model 1826), were the last of the North pistol contracts. Simeon North had entered into the manufacture of rifles in 1823, and in 1828, with the expiration of the last of the pistol contracts, he turned his entire attention to the manu facture of rifles, both the standard muzzle-loading types, and the Hall breech-loaders. Between 1799 and 1828, Simeon North had manufactured and delivered some 50,000 pistols to the United States Government. The following are the North long arms contracts, known and recorded at the date of publication: +Dec. 10, 1823-6,000 Model 1817, standard flintlock rifles at $14.00 each, duration five years, at 1,200 per year from July 1, 1823. +July 22, 1828-1,200 Model 1817, standard flintlock rifles at $14.50 each, delivery within one year. +Dec. 15, 1828-5,000 Hall breech-loading flintlock rifles at $17.50 each, delivery 1,000 per year from July 1, 1829. +July, 1829-1,200 Hall rifles. +June, 1833-1,000 carbines for Dragoons at $20.00 each, de livery between January and May, 1834. +Jan. 27, 1835-4,000 Hall rifles. +June 20, 1836-2,500 Hall carbines at $18.00 each, duration to Dec. 31, 1837. +May 2, 1839-10,000 Hall carbines at $18.00 each, duration five years, at 2,000 per year from Jan. 1, 1840. +Dec. 30, 1845-2,000 Hall carbines at $17.50 each. +Feb. 4, 1848-1,000 Hall carbines at $17.50 each. +Feb. 5, 1850-3,000 Hall carbines at $17.50 each. +Simeon North is reported to have had two other orders of Nov. 23, 1835, and Jan. 6, 1836, both for Hall carbines, details unknown at this time. Colonel North died in 1852, after more than half-century of providing arms to the government.
North, Simeon—Born at Berlin, Conn., July 13, 1765. It is claimed that he was the first official pistol maker to the United States. The earliest existing contract between North and the government is dated March 9, 1799 and provides for the production of 500 horse pistols at $6.50 each, deliveries within one year. Other contracts were as follows: February 6, 1800, 1,500 horse pistols at $6.00, five years. June 30, 1808, 2,000 boarding pistols $11.75 Per Pa*r- December 4, 1810, 1,000 same. April 16, 1813, 20,000 pistols, $7.00, five years. North began the erection of a larger plant in 1813 and placed his son Reuben in charge of the old shop at Berlin. The Berlin shop remained in operation until 1843. After the completion of his new shop at Middletown, Colonel North sought and secured the following contracts: December 10, 1823, 6,000 rifles at $14.00, five years. November 16, 1826, 1,000 Navy pistols, $7.00. December 12, 1827, 1,000 same, $7.00. July 22, T828, 1,200 rifles, $14.00, one year. August 18, 1828, 1,000 Navy pistols, $7.00. December 15, 1828, 5,000 Hall's breech-loading flintlock rifles complete with bayonet at $17.50. 1833, 1,000 carbines for dragoons at $20.00. January 27, 1835, 4,000 rifles. November 23, 1835, carbines, the number not shown. January 6, 1836, same. June 20, 1836, 2,500 carbines, $18.00, with bayonets. Several additions were made to this contract which was increased by 8,000 more arms. The last addition is dated February 5, 1850 and was the last received by Colonel North from the government. After more than half a century of service to his country, Colonel North died in 1852. (“Simeon North, First Official Pistol Maker to the United States" S. N. D. and Ralph North, Concord, N. H., 1913.)
Northwestern Ordnance Co.—Madison, Wisconsin. Established 1917. Produced four 4.7-inch guns in 1918. Now defunct.
NORTON, Lyman - —Susquehanna District, Pa. Percussion sporting rifle.
NORWICH ARMS CO. —Norwich, Conn. About 1875. See Norwich Lock Mfg. Co. NORWICH ARMS CO.- Norwick, Conn., Civil War contractors for Springfield rifle muskets: April 1, 1864, for 10,000 at $18.00 each, and Oct. 16, 1864, for 15,000 at $19.00 each. Both contracts ful filled. The firm also had produced a few Armstrong & Taylor rifles. The Norwich Arms Company had two plants; barrels and +bayonets were made at the Franklin Street shop, the stocks and locks in a plant near Shetucket. The firm failed at the end of the Civil War, and the assets were sold at auction.
Norwich Arms Co.—Norwich, Conn. Produced 25,000 muskets during the Civil War. Quit 1866.
NORWICH LOCK MFG. CO.— Also Norwich Arms Co., Norwich, Conn., about 1873-77 and later. Makers of Union Jack, International, and other cartridge revolvers. It is believed that the firm is identical with the Hood Fire Arms Co., of Norwich, Conn.
NOWLIN, Abram Cephus— Born in Patrick Co., Va., 1825; died 1913. Flintlock and percussion Kentucky rifles. Wounded in Confeder ate Army; after Civil War moved to Stark Creek near Cross Timbers, Hickory Co., Mo. Complete gunmaking; made one lock. Father of Tom Newlin.
NOWLIN, Tom — Stark Creek near Cross Timbers, Hickory Co., Mo. Born 1879, son of Abram C. Nowlin. Percussion rifles. Moved to Kansas City before World War II; machinist, does restoring and reconditioning.
NULL, G. — Penna. Rifle of indifferent workmanship.
NUNNEMACHER, A.— Andrew, Abraham or Abram. New York County, Pa., 1779-83.
Nunnemaker, Abraham—Gunsmith of York County, Pa., i779~%3-
Nutt, Rollin—Riflemaker of Eagleville, Ashtabula County, Ohio. 184x8-54.
NUTTING, Ebenezer— Falmouth, Maine, 1724-25. Active in the trade about 1725-45. Early, 43 inch, part octagonal, pinned barrel flint lock rifle with full cherry stock. Marked "E. NUTTING" on barrel flat.
Nutting, Ebenezer—Gunsmith of Falmouth, Maine. Working on public arms in 1724-25 being “detained by His Excellency, the Governor." Probably repairs only. .