T. A. T. — Marking on a barrel of a two-shot, single barrel, percus sion, Kentucky type rifle.
T. B. & CO.— Philadelphia, Pa. Percussion derringers.
T. D.— What looks like "T. D." in old German script on a long flint lock Kentucky rifle, is "C. D." The initials of Christian Durr. The barrel is marked under breech "C. H. D."
T. D. & CO. — Unidentified. Stamped factory percussion lock on boy's Kentucky rifle.
T. H. S. — Initials of Thos. H. Steves, U. S. Inspector of Contract Arms (ship's cutlasses) in 1816 at the plant of Nathan Starr.
T. P.— -Initials of Thomas Palmer, U. S. Inspector of Arms 1808-10.
T. P. — Unidentified. Curly maple, full stock, percussion Kentucky rifle.
T. R. — Unidentified. An early percussion Kentucky rifle with hand hammered barrel marked in script; 16 silver inlays; long patch box with side plates shaped and engraved to represent snakes.
T. S. — Unidentified. Marking on a percussion Kentucky Squirrel rifle.
T. S. — Tobias Snider, Liberty Township, Bedford County, Pa. Maker of a side-by-side, double barrel, curly maple stock, percussion Kentucky type rifle, as well as of percussion, Kentucky single barrel rifles.
Tacony Ordnance Co.—Philadelphia, Pa. Wartime set-up of the Philadelphia Steel & Forge Co. Active producing gun forgings, 1917-18.
TALCOTT, George — Lieut. Colonel Ordnance. Acting Superintendent Springfield Armory from August 26, 1833 to October 31, 1833. Brig. General 1850.
TALL AS SEE ARMORY— Tallassee, Ala. Confederate carbine armory ordered transferred from Richmond, Va., about June 2, 1864, Transfer completed by June 16, 1864. The operators of the armory had been in the ranks during Dahlgren's Raid, May 1, 1864. The site and buildings to house the plant were acquired from Barnet, Micou & Co., owners of a cotton mill on the location, by Col. James H. Burton, C. A., of the Macon Armory, who left Macon May 26, 1864, and completed the negotiations May 30th. The armory repaired arms and made a carbine com bining Enfield and Springfield features.
TALLEY — Massachusetts gunsmith active from 1768 to 1776, and later. Appointed Master Armorer to the Colony of Massa chusetts Bay June 13, 1775. Served as ensign in Col. Danielson's Regiment, where he drew extra nay as armorer.
Talley, Ensign—Ensign in Colonel Danielson's Regiment. Active at least as early as 1768 as a gunsmith, Talley was appointed Master Armourer to the colony of Massachusetts Bay on June 13th, 1775. He was reputed “a master gun welter” and received 40 shillings per month in addition to ensign’s pay.
TANNER, N. B. — Bastrop, Texas. Made at least 264 rifles of the Model 1841 type for the Confederacy.
TARPLEY, GARRETT & CO.— Jere H. Tarpley, Greensboro, N. C., 1864. Makers of the Tarpley Confederate breech-loading carbine. (Adv. in Greensboro Patriot, Jan. 14, 1864.) Tarpley obtained a Confederate patent on his arm, Feb. 14, 1863. No. 148. Jere H. Tarpley was associated with one Yarborough in the operation of a foundry and machine shop which had been established before the Civil War, was known as the Greens boro Foundry in 1864, and the Pioneer Foundry and Machine Shop, makers of domestic and farming implements, in 1866. Probabilities are that the Tarpley carbine was made in these shops, which in 1869 became the Sergeant Manufacturing Co
TARRINGTON — Percussion period. Under J. H. Durke at Lebanon, N. H., later at Springfield, Mass., and elsewhere.
TAYLOR, A. J. & CO.— 209 Clay St., San Francisco, Calif., 1856-58.
TAYLOR, Alexander— Fulton Co., Penna., 1826. (Fulton Co., was a part of Bedford County prior to 1850).
TAYLOR, Argulus— Ira, N. Y.
TAYLOR, C. — Unlocated. Halfstock percussion rifle.
TAYLOR, F. C— St. Louis, Mo. "Taylor Fur Getter," .22 cal. trap pistol patented June 9, 1914.
Taylor, George—Owner and operator of the Durham Iron Works, Northampton County, Pa, During the Revolution he produced small, brass, swivel cannon and musket barrels. Taylor died in 1781.
TAYLOR, George— Easton, Pa., before 1783. Barrel maker, lock tester, etc., under Richard Backhouse at the Durham Iron Works.
TAYLOR, Henry— First gunsmith, Jackson Tp. (Co.?), Ohio, 1817.
TAYLOR, J. N. — Unlocated gunbarrel maker. Stamped on muzzle of heavy percussion match rifle.
TAYLOR, Jno. — Pennsylvania musket maker to Committee of Safety. Was one of the petitioners representing the gun-making trade, complaining to the Committee of Safety in November, 1776, against the high and rising cost of materials and labor entering into arms making, and quoting advances in prices within one year, since 1775.
TAYLOR, L. B. & CO.— Chicopee, Mass. Makers of a rim-fire car tridge, single-shot, sliding barrel, pocket pistol.
TAYLOR, N. B— Vienna, Trumbull Co., Ohio, 1840.
Teaff, James and Nimrod—Janies, a riflemaker of Steubenville, Ohio, served in the army during the Mexican War. Returned to his shop following that conflict and in 1856 his son. Nimrod, became a member of the firm. James was active until 1861 or later. Nimrod continued until 1891.
TEAFF, James and Nimrod— Father and son. Steubenville, Ohio. James was active from the end of the Mexican War, in which he had served, until about 1861. Nimrod had become associated with his father, James, about 1856, and was active until 1891 or later. Nimrod was "a great hunter of bear and deer."
TEAFF, Joseph— Steubenville, Jefferson Co., Ohio, 1820's.
TEEGER, J. A. — Curly maple, full stock, octagon barrel Kentucky rifle with ornate patch box and silver inlays.
Teff—A Committee of Safety musket maker of Rhode Island, 1775-76.
TEFF, George — Rhode Island gunsmith to Committee of Safety, 1775-76.
TELL, Frederick — Adams Co., Pa., Frederick and Hagerstown, Md., about 1780-1820. Ornate flintlock Kentucky rifles with handmade brass lockplates, raised carving, brass and silver inlays.
TENNESSEE ARMORY— Location unknown. Operated in 1861 by George W. Morse for the conversion of sporting rifles to mili tary caliber. On the arrival of Federal troops in the vicinity of Nashville, the machinery was first shipped to Atlanta, Ga., then on being turned over by the governor of Tennessee to the Governor of South Carolina, was shipped to the State Works at Greenville, S. C, where Morse carbines were made. See Morse, George W. In an inventory taken while at Atlanta was listed a stamp "Tennessee Armory."
TERRELL, Eph — Tennessee. Heavy percussion match rifles.
TERRY, B. L. — Unlocated. .22 cal. vest pocket pistols.
TERRY, J. C. — Unlocated. Brass frame .22 vest pocket pistol.
TETLEY— See Bown & Tetley, Enterprise Gun Works, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Thames Arms Co.—Norwich, Conn., 1907-08. Arms manufacturers.
THAMES ARMS CO.— Norwich, Conn. Double-action, 5-shot re volvers.
THATCHER, H. C— See J. Peacock & H. C. Thatcher, Chicago, 111.
THAYER, Eli— Notice given at Worcester, Mass., in 1856 of Eli Thayer's control of the manufacturing of a rifle invented by B. F. Joslyn. No record of manufacture. Thayer was born at Mendon, Mass., June 11, 1819. Taught school 1845-52. Was in State Legislature 1853-54, and was engaged in a plan to colonize Kansas for freedom, 1854-56. Founded Ceredo, W. Va. Elected to Congress in 1856.
THAYER, O. G. — Chardon, Ohio. Creedmoor percussion match rifles.
Thayer, Robertson & Cary—15-31 S. Golden Street, Norwich, Conn., 1907-08. Revolver makers.
THAYER, ROBERTSON & CARY— Norwich, Conn. Pocket revolvers.
THAYER, Thaddeus — Norwood, N. Y. Percussion rifles.
THENDON, John— Unidentified. Flintlock Kentucky rifles.
THOMAS, Benjamin — Hingham, Mass., about 1740-50.
Thomas, E.—Chicago, III. Produced the Abbey & Foster breech- loading top-fastening, shotgun, 1878-79.
THOMAS, H.— Kingman, 111. Active before and after 1841. Had worked in Kentucky before settling in Illinois.
THOMAS, Henry— Gunsmith with firm Hyde & Goodrich, 15 Chartres, New Orleans, La.
THOMAS, Isaac — Harford County, Md., musket maker to Committee of Safety. Agreed March 4, 1776, with John Cunningham, "for making a parcel of musquets which they oblige themselves to do, agreeable to directions which they have and are to re ceive from the Committee, as may be directed by the Council of Safety, at the price of Musquets are made for at Baltimore, to be completed with steel ramrod and bayonet ..." A com pany of riflemen was raised in Harford County during the War of Revolution.
Thomas, J. A.—Gunmaker of West Meriden, Meriden, Conn., 1865-68.
THOMAS, J. F.— Unlocated, 1858.
THOMAS, Milt— Kingman, 111. Son of Thomas, H., above.
Thomas, Oratio—Rifle maker of Higginsport, Brown County, Ohio, 1846-54.
THOMPSON, George— Washington, Pa., 1870-80.
THOMPSON, Harry— Fremont, Ohio, 1878-83.
THOMPSON, J. R. — Jackson, Mich. Over-under percussion rifle.
Thompson, John—Riflemaker of Philadelphia, about 1800.
THOMPSON, John— Philadelphia, Pa., before and after 1800.
THOMPSON, John— 1 Market St., Norwich, Conn., 1866.
Thompson, Samuel—Riflemaker of Columbus, Ohio, 1820-22, before and after. In 1822 he employed two hands.
THOMPSON, Samuel— Columbus and Lancaster, Ohio, 1820-27.
THORNTON, R. L.— Seneca St, Seattle, Wash., 1910 and before.
THORNTON, William A.— Captain Ordnance Dept, U. S. Army. U. S. Inspector of Contract Arms 1842-61. Graduated U. S. Military Academy 1825. Died Brig. General 1866.
THREE BARREL GUN CO.— Moundsville, W. Va. Makers of shot guns combined with rifle barrel.
Three-Barrel Gun Co.—Moundsville, W. Va. Manufactured three barrel shotguns, 1907-08. Short lived. The same outfit that operated at Wheeling, VY. Va., as the Royal Gun Co., and Hollenbeck Gun Co.
THRESHER, A.— Stafford, Conn. Underhammer pistols.
THURBER, Charles T.— See Allen & Thurber, Allen & Wheelock.
Thurman, C.—Riflemaker of Larimor, Iowa, active 1879-85. Produced heavy target rifles.
THURSTON, R. R.— Cuba, N. Y., percussion period to about 1880.
TIDD, Marshall— Woburn, Mass., 1846-1890; died 1890. Light percus sion rifle without forearm; round-barrel pistol with nipple on axis; both marked "M. TIDD."
TILLMAN, J. N.— Petersburg, Ind., 1860.
TIMMINS, Edward — Maryland. Contracted with Council of Safety in 1776, to furnish steel musket ramrods at 5 shillings each.
TIMOTHY FIELDS FOUNDRY & MACHINERY CO.— Trenton, N. J. Arms makers during the Civil War. Use barrels supplied by the Trenton Iron Co.
TIPLE, C— Unlocated. Late flintlock rifle.
TISDALE, Luther W. — Scranton, Pa. On Pennsylvania Avenue, be fore 1850, on Washington after 1850. Died about 1890. Heavy percussion match rifle.
Titherington, George—Noted rifle-barrel maker. 1321 S. American Street, Stockton, Calif. He produced the barrel with which John B. Adams of San Diego, Calif., won the world's record at Bislev, England, in 1932. Active to date.
Titusville Forge Co.—-Titusville, Pa., Naval gun forgings, 1902-25.
TOBEY, Elisha — Inspector and Foreman, arms stocking shop, Spring field Armory, 1818. U. S. Inspector of Contract Arms 1818-1830. Inspected arms in plants of R. & J. D. Johnson, Simeon North, Nathan Starr and Asa Waters.
TOBIAS, S. E.— Xenia, Ohio. Early 20th century; percussion rifles and pistols.
Todd, George—A Confederate gunsmith at Austin, Texas. Active 1857, or before, to 1864.
TODD, George — Austin, Tex., and later Montgomery, Ala. Active about 1857-65. Maker of muskets and Colt type, brass frame revolvers for the Confederacy.
TOLEDO ARMS CO.— Toledo, Ohio. Sheath trigger pocket revolvers and semi-automatic pocket pistols.
Tomes, Henry & Co.—Gunmakers of New York City, 1847, before and after.
TOMES, HENRY & CO.— New York, N. Y., 1847.
TOMLINSON — Pennsylvania musket maker to Committee of Safety, 1775-76.
TOMLINSON, Carter— Unlocated. Marking on a lock of a Kentucky rifle by D. Glassbrenner. Early percussion period.
Tomlinson, Joshua—Musket-barrel maker to the Pennsylvania council of safety, 1775-76.•
Tonks, Joseph—Riflemaker of Boston, Mass. From 1854 to 1857 his shop was in the rear of 37 Union Street thence to 49 Union in 1857 and continued until 1869 or later. Alfred Tonks, a relative of Joseph, patented a gun-lock, January 13, 1857, #16411.
TONKS, Joseph— 49 Union St., and 1 Marshall St., Boston, Mass., 1860-68.
TOOKER, J. S.— Carthage, N. Y., percussion period.
TOPPER, H.— Napier Township, Bedford Co., Pa., 1835. Flintlock Kentucky rifle.
Torkelson Mfg. Co.—Warren, Mass. Manufactured the ‘‘New Worcester” hammerless shotguns, 1903-08 and probably before and after.
TOULSON, Alexander— St. Mary's Md. Active in 1663. The earliest Maryland gunsmith on record after the landing of the Calverts in 1634.
TOUZE, John— Gunsmith. 101 So. Second, Phila., Pa., 1819.
TOWN, Aspy — Unlocated. Flintlock, Kentucky, squirrel rifle.
Town, Benjamin—A Committee of Safety musket maker. In 1775 he contracted to make 200 muskets at ¿4:5s each. (Probably of Philadelphia.)
TOWN, Benjamin — Pennsylvania musket maker to the Committee of Safety. In association with John Willis, contracted on Dec. 6, 1775, to make 200 firelocks at £4-5s, each.
Townsend, Peter—The furnace of Ward & Colton (built 1751) and the forge of Abel Nobel (built 1752) both of Orange County, N. Y., fell into the hands of Townsend prior to the Revolution. These became known as the Sterling Iron Works. In addition the iron cannon and shot, the anchors for the frigate “Constitution” and the enormous iron chain which was suspended across the Hudson River in 1778, were produced here. This chain weighed 180 tons and was placed across the river to prevent the passage of British vessels up the Pludson. Peter, the elder, died in 1783 and was succeeded by Peter, Jr. During the War of 1812, cannon, howitzers and carronades were produced.
TOWSEY, Thomas — Vergennes, Vt., musket maker. In association with Samuel Chipman contracted under Act of July 5, 1798, for 1,000 Charleville pattern, (Model 1795) muskets at $13.40 per stand. Of these 275 were delivered by June 10, 1801. Thomas Towsey settled at Vergennes in 1791.
TRANT, George B.— Thornville, Ohio, 1877-80.
TRAUDT, John — Milwaukee, Wis. Apprentice and son-in-law of John Meunier; shop manager for 64 years until retirement in 1941. Died Oct. 19, 1945.
Treadwell, Daniel—Cambridge, Mass. In 1841, Treadwell brought out cannon formed of rings or short tubes of wrought iron. These were joined together, end to end, and welded. A second larger scries was placed over the smaller and the gun was built up in this manner. These arms were tested by both the army and navy in 1846 and the ordnance board recommended batteries of 6-pounders and 12- pounder guns and of 12-poundcr and 24-pounder howitzers. These were subsequently approved by the Secretary of War in 1847, and produced. (“Gun Making in the United States,” Rogers Birmie, Jr., Washington, 1887.)
Tredegar Iron Works—Established in January, 1838, at Richmond, Va. During the Civil War. produced 7-inch Brooks guns for the Confederate government in addition to other ordnance items. Produced projectiles in World War. Tredegar Co., since 1867.
TREDEGAR IRON WORKS— Richmond, Va. Confederate cannon foundry and machine works. Made small arms making machinery.
TREIBEL, Henry — Lancaster, Pa., 1857.
Trenton Arms Co.—Trenton, N. J. Arms manufacturers, 1863-65.
TRENTON ARMS CO.— Trenton, N. J., 1863-65. Makers of rifle muskets during the Civil War.
TRENTON IRON CO.— Trenton, N. J. Civil War makers of rifle musket barrels for the government and for arms contractors.
Trenton Wiard Ordnance Co.—Trenton, N. J. Produced cannon developed by Norman Wriard, 1862-73.
TRIPP, S. G. — Leidersdorff near Commercial, San Francisco, Calif., 1855-56.
TRIPPER, A. N.— Potsdam, N. Y. Percussion pistol.
TROTH— Unlocated. Early flintlock Kentucky rifle.
Trout, John—Riflemaker of Williamsport, Pa., 1855-75.
TROUT, John— Williamsport, Pa., about 1855 and after. Maker of percussion sporting rifles, and over-under, walnut half stock, percussion rifle-shotgun with lower barrel fired by an under hammer, and single trigger firing either hammer.
TROUTMAN, D. B.— Londonderry Township, Bedford Co., Pa., 1858. Plain, fullstock percussion rifles of good workmanship with long or oval patchboxes. One with lock by Whitmore & Wolff, Pitts burgh.
TROYER, William— Lancaster, Pa., 1847.
Truby, Jacob—Riflemaker of German, Darke County, Ohio. Active1859-61.
TRUBY, Jacob — Kittaning, Armstrong Co., Pa. Kittaning was the chief Indian town west of the Alleghenys until Sept. 1756, when it was destroyed by Gen. Armstrong.
TRUE & DAVIS— Albany, N. Y. 8-ga. percussion goose gun.
TRUETT BROS. & CO.— Philadelphia, Pa. Makers of flintlock Ken tucky rifles.
TRUITT & CO.— Located at 528 Market Street, below 6th, South Side, Phila., Pa., in 1863. Successors to Truitt Bros. & Co., above.
TRUITT, BROS, & Co.— Philadelphia, Pa. "Importers and wholesale dealers in foreign and domestic hardware." Flint and percus sion rifle locks. 'TRUITT BROS. & CO." stamped on .44 caliber percussion rifle barrel.
TRUMBULL ARMORY— Stonington, Conn., 1861. Lockplate marking off a two-band Civil War short rifle.
TRUMP, J. W.— Philadelphia, Pa. Percussion duelling pistol.
TRUMPLER, J. F. — Unlocated. Percussion derringer.
TRY, John — Beaver Springs, Pa. Percussion Kentucky rifles,
Tryon & Co., Edward K.—1857-64.
Tryon & Co., Edward K., Jr.—1868-1905.
Tryon & Co., Geo. W.—1830-37.
Tryon & Getz—Philadelphia, 1811 only. (George W. Tryon.)
Tryon Bros.—1864-66.
Tryon Bros. & Co.—1866-68.
Tryon Co., Edward K.—1905 to date.
Tryon, Edward K.—1837-57.
Tryon, George W.—Born 1791, the grandson of a French Hugenot who sailed for America in 1773. George was apprenticed to Getz and in 1811, when but twenty years of age, became the partner of his employer. In 1813, Joseph G. Chambers of West Middletown, Pa., received a patent on “repeating gunnery” that “could be discharged in such a manner that by a single operation of the trigger it would discharge several loads in succession (six or eight), with a space between each sufficient to aim.”Secretary of the Navy, William Jones, directed George Harrison, Navy Agent at Philadelphia, to contract with reliable parties for the construction of 50 repeating swivels and 200 repeating muskets. On February 16, 1814, Harrison placed a contract for the entire amount of arms with Tryon and John Joseph Henry, who jointly agreed to produce them for $6,600, the muskets costing $23.00 each. On May 4, 1832, received contract for Indian guns, 550 at $12.50 or $6,895.50. Received a second contract on March 19, 1833, for 510 likewise at $12.50. Contracted with the Republic of Texas for 1,500 army muskets on April 3, 1840. The Department of the Interior, through the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, placed a contract for “Northwest” or Indian guns on January 13, 1841, which was continued for fifteen years. George W. Tryon died in 1878. His son and successor, George, Jr., died in 1888. Edward K. Tryon, the third to control the business, died in 1892, and his son and successor, Edward K. Tryon, Jr., in 1904. The firm continues to date.
TRYON, George W. — Philadelphia, Pa., arms maker, founder of the firm of Tryon of that city. George W. Tryon, of French Hugue not descent, was born in 1791. In his early youth he was appren ticed to Frederick W. Goetz, (or Getz), a Philadelphia gunsmith whose partner he became in 1811 at the age of 20. The Tryon family memoir (1909), states that shortly after entering into the partnership, Tryon bought out "Getz", and continued the business in his own name at 165 North Second St., until 1829, when the plant was enlarged and re-established at 134 North Second Street, (Now No. 220). In this connection the following entries in the Philadelphia City Directories are of interest: Frederick Goetz, gunsmith is shown at Sassafras Alley in 1809-11, and at 163 North Second, and at 32 Sassafras Alley from 1813 to 1817. Geo. W. Tryon, gun maker and stocker, is listed at 165 North Second in 1816, and from 1817 to 1824 is shown at the same location as gun manufacturer and dealer. In February, 1814, George W. Tryon, in association with John Joseph Henry, undertook to manufacture for the navy "20 repeating swivels and 200 repeating muskets" invented by Joseph G. Chambers, and described as arms which could be fired "in such a manner that by a single operation of the trigger, it will discharge several loads in succession (say 6 or 8), with a space between each sufficient to take another aim." In this connection Mr. Chambers was appointed "sailing master" and his two sons "gunners," in the navy, to superintend the manufacture of these arms and to have authority to instruct "a certain number of persons in the art of repeating gunnery." The "repeating arms" were approved by Commodore Wm. Bainbridge, and Mr. George Harrison, the Navy Agent at Philadelphia, was directed April 18, 1814, to send 15 repeating swivels, 50 muskets and 50 pistols to Com. Chauncey on the Great Lakes, in order to test their use in the active service. Harrison, the Navy Agent, had been di rected in February, 1814, by the Secretary of the Navy, Wm. Jones, to contact reliable parties for the construction of 50 repeating swivels and 200 repeating muskets, and apparently in addition to the 20 contracted for by Tryon and Henry, others were constructed by other contractors, for at the request of Com. Rogers, eight of the repeating swivels were placed on the "Guerriere," launched at Philadelphia in 1814. On Jan. 1, 1836, Edward K. Tryon, the eldest son was ad mitted into partnership, the firm continuing the manufacture of shotguns, pistols and especially Kentucky rifles. On Nov. 7, 1837, Tryons contracted for 1,000 rifles for Indians at $12.50 each, which was followed by a contract for 640 muskets at $12.18 each on July 8, 1846, awarded to Tryon, Son & Co. Edward K. Tryon is next shown to have received contracts for Northwestern guns and arms for the Indian De partment, on Dec. 11, 1846, Jan. 8, 1847, and May 15, 1847. On April 22, 1848, the Tryons obtained a contract for 5,000 Model 1841 percussion rifles at $12.87% each. The Tryon memoir mentions a contract of April 3, 1840, for 1,500 army rifles Model 1841, for the Republic of Texas. The founder of the firm, George W. Try on, retired from active participation in the firms affairs in 1841, and died in 1878. The successive names of the firm were as follows: 1811- Tryon & Getz: Geo. W. Tryon. 1836- Geo. W. Tryon & Co. (General Business). Tryon, Son & Co. (Manufacturing business). 1841- Edw. K. Tryon & Co. 1843- Edw. K. Tryon. 1859- Edw. K. Tryon & Co. 1863- Tryon & Brother. 1866- Tryon Bros. & Co.: Edw. K. Tryon, Jr. & Co. 1905- Edw. K. Tryon Co., Inc.
TRYON, MERRICK & CO.— Philadelphia, Pa. Percussion pistols.
TUBES, J. B. — Waterloo, N. Y. Over-under percussion, mule-ear hammer shotguns and rifles. TUCKER, SHERRARD & CO. of Lancaster, Dallas Co., Texas. Entered into contract with State of Texas for 3,000 pistols on April 11, 1862, one-half being army size, and the other half navy size, at $40.00 per pistol. The contract was cancelled and about 400 made and sold to private parties. The firm consisted of Labon E. Tucker, J. H. Sherrard, W. L. Killen, A. W. Tucker, Pleasant Taylor, and Jno. M. Crockett, the latter acting as agent. Though commonly known as "Tucker, Sherrod & Co.," it is believed that "Tucker, Sherrard & Co." is more nearly correct. There was no partner by the name of Sherrod in the firm. Sher rard pronounced with a Texan or Southern drawl sounds like Sherrod. Probabilities are that the error originated there.
TUCKER & TYLER — Makers of full stock, cherry wood, brass patch box, flintlock Kentucky rifle.
Tucker, Sherrod & Co.—Lancaster, Texas. Made revolvers for the Confederate government, 1863-64. These resemble Colt’s second model Dragoon and are now rare.
Tunx, William—Gunmaker of.New York as early as 1769. In 1775, the Royalist Governor William Tryon induced Tunx to quit the colonies for London. Tunx was to he given employment in one of the Crown Armories.
TUNX, William — Colonial gunsmith returned to England by Governor William Tryon in December, 1775, with inducement of prepaid passage, 20 guineas and work in government armory.
TUPPER, A. N.— Potsdam, N. Y. Percussion rifles.
Turk, James—Rifleniaker of Morrow, Warren County, Ohio. Active 1852-65.
TURK, James — Morrow and Cincinnati, Ohio. Percussion rifles.
TURNBULL— New Orleans, La., 1885.
TURNER, C. B.— Grand Rapids, Mich, maker of a light weight, three barrel, combination percussion shotgun-rifle, with under hammer rifle barrel underneath the side-by-side shotgun barrels, with single trigger capable of firing all three barrels simultaneously.
TURNER, Henry— "Gunsmith, 15 Beaver St., shop 3 Beaver St., Albany, N. Y., 1820-1823. "Mary Turner, widow of Henry" listed 1825. A very fine English style flintlock double shotgun, breeches stamped "H. TURNER ALBANY," in Mahogany case.
TURNER, W. — Maker of a percussion Kentucky rifle with ornate brass patchbox in full curly maple stock.
TUSTIN, J.— Soho, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1833. A gunsmith's threading plate marked "J. TUSTIN SOHO" (S backwards), 1833. An iron pipe-tomahawk similarly marked but undated.
TUTTS, Charles— Unlocated, 1883. 8-ga. ring trigger gun.
Tveryar, M.—Rifleniaker of Frederick, N. C. Active about 1855-62.
TVERYAR, M. — Unlocated, Percussion rifle.
TYDICH, Peter — Baltimore, Md., Revolutionary War period.
Tyler Arsenal—Tyler, Texas. A Confederate gun factory which produced “Texas Rifles, Tyler, C S.” during the latter part of the Civil War.
TYLER ARSENAL — Tyler, Texas. Organized in May 1862 and oper ated by George Yarborough, J. C. Short and W. S. Briscoe, the latter a gunsmith. Taken over by Confederate States in fall of 1863 for manufacture of rifles "after the model of the Mississippi rifle." However arms made were closer to Enfield patern. The armory was established with machinery assembled from numer ous localities, such as Little Rock, Arkadelphia, etc. The arms are marked "TEXAS RIFLE TYLER C. S."
TYLER, Daniel — Lieutenant Ordnance Dept, U. S. Army. Chief In spector of arms made at National Armories after 1831. Had in spected musket stocks in the plant of Nathan Starr.
TYLER, DAVIDSON & CO.— Cincinnati, Ohio. Makers of percussion rifle locks.
Tyler, John—Gunsmith of Allentown, Pa. Tyler was in charge of the State Gun Factory while it was located here and gave employment to sixteen hands. Worked on public arms from 1775 to 1779. He was active as early as 1772 or before.
TYLER, John — Pennsylvania gunsmith active about 1770-1780. Was located on Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa., on April 16, 1777. On Oct. 31, 1777, John Tyler is reported as having purchased a place in Northampton (Allentown), where he employed 16 hands and expected to repair 300 stands of arms. Payments recorded for repair of public arms in 1778-79.
Tyler, N. B.— Active at Vienna 1858-60, and later at Warren, Ohio, until 1891. Manufacturer of rifles, shotguns, pistols, hunting knives, gun barrels and trimmings.
TYLER, N. B.— Vienna, Trumbull Co., Ohio, 1855-71. Maker of rifles and shotguns. Operator of Tyler's rifle works.
TYLER, William — Providence, R. I. Musket maker, associated with William Rhodes in a contract under Act of July 5, 1798, for 2,000 Charleville pattern, (Model 1795) muskets at $13.40 per stand. Of these 950 were delivered by June 10, 1801.
TYLER'S RIFLE WORKS— See Tyler, N. B. above.
TYSON, J. H.— North Beaver St., York, Pa.