S. B. — Unidentified. Barrel marking of an circa 1820, flintlock Ken tucky rifles of north-central Penna. provenance. On one spesimen the patchbox lid is engraved "BERLIN" in script.
S. B. in oval — Unidentified barrelmaker. Stamped under breech of A. Gumpf halfstock percussion rifle.
S. C.—Mark of ownership of the State of Connecticut found on arms of the Revolution.
S. C. — Initials to denote ownership by State of Connecticut.
S. D. — Unidentified. Good Kentucky rifles.
S. G. B.— (Samuel Border of Bedford Co., later Somerset Co., Pa.?) Maker of a full curly maple stock percussion rifle.
S. L. — Unidentified. Marking in script on Penna. made Kentucky rifle.
S. M. — Marking on a pair of flintlock Kentucky type pistols carried by Col. Nathan Dennison at Battle of Wyoming, Pa., July 3, 1778.
S. N. & W. T. C— See Norris, S. & W. T. Clement.
S. N. & W. T. C.—See S. Norris.
S. P. — State of New Jersey marking for "State Property."
S. R. F. — Unidentified. Waynesboro, Pa. Kentucky rifle.
S. S.— Unidentified. Flintlock Kentucky rifles.
S. T. S.— Mark of Samuel Todd Sherwood.
S. V. J. D.— Unidentified. Marking on late flintlock period, highly decorated Kentucky rifles.
SACKET, J.— See Sackett, Jacob.
SACKETT, D. S.— Westfield, Mass. Underhammer, brass-frame per cussion pistol.
SACKETT, Jacob— (Also Sacket, J.) Saegertown, Crawford Co., Pa. Heavy over-under swivel rifle-shotgun; single and over-under percussion rifles.
SACRISTE, L. C— Gunsmith, 1 Victory, New Orleans, La., 1853.
SAGE, Luther— U. S. Inspector of Contract Arms, 1817-1838. In spected arms in plants R. & J. D. Johnson, Simeon North, Lemuel Pomeroy, Nathan Starr, Asa Waters and Eli Whitney.
Sage, T. C.—Cartridge manufacturer at Middletown, Conn., period of the Civil War.
SAGET, Julian — New Orleans, La., gunmaker listed in the City Direc tory 1841 to 1886; to 1865, at 80 St. Philip and from 1866, at 198 Chartres. Arthur E. Saget listed as gunsmith at the Chartres address from 1881 to 1896. Stocks bought out by P. Bouron when business was discountinued.
Salisbury Furnace—Salisbury, Conn. Built in 1762 and sold by the original builder to Richard Smith of Hartford in 1768. Smith was located in Boston at the dawn of the Revolution. On January 17th, 1776 the Council of Safety ordered “the foundry, furnace lands and ore l>eds on the estate of Richard Smith, late of Boston, now gone to the enemy,” taken over. 1.English (Sheffield) knife carried by a Southern soldier during the Civil War. 2.Philadelphia knife carried across the plains in 1857. 3.Made by C. Woctenholm Si Son, Green River Works. In use in Kansas in 18o3. 4.American (?) knife of the Bowie pattern, period of the Civil War. Average length 1314 inches. Following the seizure of the property the Council appointed ^ Lemuel Bryant, cannon founder, David Carver, Zebulon White and David Oldman, moulders. This was on the 16th day of February, 1776 and on the 18th day of March following, Colonel Porter was appointed Overseer. Production began immediately: cannon in 3, 4, 6, 9, 18- pounder size were supplied as was cannon shot and hand grenades. On April 7th, 1779 the Council offered the property for private lease and it was taken over by Wm. Whiting. Following the Revolution, cannon were produced in sizes from 4 to 18-pounders for the Navy. In 1798 the lease was held by Stephen Higginson & Co. Activities continued through the War of 1812, the furnace being abandoned in 1830. (Cf. Pg. 129, "History of Iron,” Swank, Philadelphia. Records of the State of Connecticut, Hoadley, Hartford, 1890. Vol. I, pg. 23; Vol. II, pg. 248; Vol. XV, pgs. 242-249.)
Salisbwy Center Forge, S. B. Moore & Co.—Salisbury Center, Litchfield County, Conn. Active 1848-64 producing cannon and musket barrels. (Pg. 150, “Iron Manufacturers Guide/ ' Lesley, N. Y. *859)
SALOLA— "The Squirrel." Qualla Town, Haywood Co., N. C, in 1843 1848. Blacksmith and gunmaker of the Cherokee Nation. Rifles and pistols made lock stock, and barrel. An underhammer, rifled percussion bootleg pistol, barrel inscribed in Cherokee alphabet.
SALTER or SOLTER, Wm. J.— Short Creek, Jefferson Co., Ala. Ken tucky rifles.
SALTERSWAITH, Barclay — New Lisbon, (now Lisbon) Columbiana County, Ohio. Active in the early part of the 19th Century.
SALTONSTALL, Gordon— Paid in August 1775, by Connecticut, for receiving, storing and repairing arms after the "1762 war."
Sample, Bethuel—Riflemaker of Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio. First mentioned in 1818 and active until 1854. Produced Kentucky rifles.
SAMPLES, B. — Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio, active before and after 1848-54. Fullstock Kentucky rifle dated 1852. Also lock on a Ken tucky rifle by J. D. Loomis Co.
San Francisco Arms Co.—San Francisco, Calif. Patented an automatic pistol in 1897. May, or may not, have produced the same.
SANDERS, William— Gunsmith .44 Cedar, Phila., Pa., 1819.
SANDERSON, B. — Vermont. Maker of heavy barrel, under hammer, birdseye maple stock target rifle.
SANDERSON, M. F.— Proctorsville, Vt., 1857. Underhammer percus sion rifle, and "harmonica" rifle.
SARGENT & SMITH— Newburyport, Mass.
Sargent, C. R.; Sargent & Smith—Riflemakers at Nevvburyport, Mass., 1859-68, before and after.
SARSON & ROBERTS— J. B. Sarson and William S. Roberts, 11 Piatt St., New York, N. Y. Civil War Contractors of Dec. 26, 1861, for 25,000 Model 1861 Springfield rifle muskets at $20.00 each. Of these 5,140 were delivered on contract.
SATTERTHWAIT, B. A.— Unlocated. Silver inlaid percussion Ken tucky rifle.
Saunderson, E.—Gunmaker of Saint Catherines, Ontario, 1867-75.
SAUP, Andrew— Bedford Borough, Bedford Co., 1841.
Savage & Smith—Gunmakcrs of Middletown, Conn., 1872-75.
Savage Arms Co.—Organized at Utica, N. Y., 1893, to manufacture the rifle designed by Arthur Savage of that city. Incorporated in 1917 and active to date. During the World War about 12,500 Lewis machine guns were fabricated for the British and Canadian governments priojr to America s entry. On April 12th, 1917 received U. S. contract for 1,300 of the same weapons which contract was continued until the number of arms delivered numbered 25,000. The J. Stevens Arms Co.; Springfield Arms Co., and A. H. Fox Company, are now controlled by Savage. Produce rifles and shotguns and formerly automatic pistols.
SAVAGE ARMS CO.— See Savage Repeating Arms Co., of Utica N. Y.
SAVAGE ARMS CORPORATION— See Savage Repeating Arms Co., of Utica, N. Y.
SAVAGE REPEATING ARMS CORPORATION— Utica, N. Y. Founded in 1895 as the Savage Repeating Arms Co., by Arthur W. Savage, who was born in Kingston, Jamaica, came to United States as a boy and attended school in Baltimore, later com pleting his education in England. After an adventurous life in Australia, East Indies, Egypt and back to his native West Indies, he returned to the United States to take up residence in Utica, N. Y., where for a time he was the manager of the Utica Belt Line Railroad. Though the Savage Repeating Arms Company was organ ized in 1895, to manufacture arms of Mr. Savage's design, the first firearms introduced by the Company were made by the Marlin Firearms Co., of New Haven, Conn., as the Savage manu facturing plant was not established until 1898, three years or so after the organization of the Company. In 1899, the firm was renamed Savage Arms Co., and in 1917, became the present Savage Arms Corporation controlled by J. Stevens Arms Co., manufacturing a wide variety of sport ing arms and the A. H. Fox shotguns. Arthur W. Savage was found dead in San Diego, Cal., Sept. 22, 1938, from a bullet wound; a pistol was by his side.
Savage Repeating Firearms Co.—Middletown, Conn. Successors to North & Savage. Active through the Civil War. Produced 25,500 rifled muskets and 11,284 S. North's patent 1856 and 1859 Navy revolvers for the federal government, 1861-65.
SAVAGE REVOLVING FIREARMS COMPANY— Middletown, Conn. Organized in 1860, by Henry S. North and Edward Savage (previously North & Savage) for the manufacture of their navy revolver (North patent of 1856) as improved by North and Savage patents of Jan. 8, 1859, No. 22,666, and of May 15, 1860, No. 28,331. The government purchased 11,284 Savage navy re volvers during the Civil War. See also North & Savage. The Company is believed to have made some Starr revolvers in their plant. The Company also contracted during the Civil War for Model 1861 rifle muskets; on Sept. 9, 1862, for 25,000 at $18.00 each; 13,520 delivered, and Feb. 25, 1864, for 12,000 at the same price; contract completed. These contracts were signed by James A. Wneelock, Secretary of the firm. Edward Savage was one of the sureties.
Savage, E.—Gunmaker of Middletown, Conn., 1856-59.
SAVAGE, E.— Edward Savage, Midddletown, Conn., maker in 1856 59 of the H. S. North patent, figure-8 trigger revolver, patented June 17, 1856, No. 15,164. See North & Savage.
SAVAGE, James— 37 George St., Baltimore, Md., 1810.
SAWYER, Phinelias — An English type sporting flintlock musket, with this name on lock. May be a Committe of Safety musket.
SAXONIA GUN WORKS— Eugene, Oregon. Limited production of 16 gauge hammer less shotguns.
Saylor, Jacob—Gunsmith of Bedford County, 1779-83. Worked on public arms of State of Pennsylvania as repairman. Active 1790 or later.
SAYLOR, Jacob— Bedford Borough, Bedford County, Pa., about 1776. Reputed to have made muskets for Committee of Safety and worked on public arms 1779-83. To date not found mentioned in contemporary records.
SCHAEFER & WARNER— Boston, Mass. 1860-70.
SCHAEFER, Joseph — Unlocated. Maker of early percussion Kentucky rifles of Snyder Co., Pa., style and fine workmanship. Graceful Roman nose, inlaid stocks with brass furniture.
SCHAEFER, William R.— Boston, Mass., 1853 to 1916 and after. As sociated with Warner in 1860-70.
SCHAEFFER— Unidentified. Flintlock rifles.
Schaeffer, William R.; Schaeffer & Werner—Established 1853 at 11 Dock Square, Boston. The partnership of Schaffer & Werner was in effect about 1860-70.
SCHAFFER, J. A. — Vicksburg, Miss. Large bore muzzle loading per cussion rifle marked "J. A. SCHAFFER VICKSBURG MISS."
SCHAIRER— Back action lock marked "SCHAIRER I. G." on a curly maple, half stock, single shot, percussion rifled pistol, and double set triggers, percussion Kentucky rifles.
Schalck, Chris—Riflemaker of Williamsport, Pa., 1825-75.
Schalck, George—Riflemaker, 13 E. Norwegian Street, Pottsville, Pa. Born 1824, developed the system of rifling which bears his name and died in 1892.
SCHALCK, George — (also Schalk) Born in Wils Baden, Germany, 1821; emigrated to Pottsville, Pa., in 1854. Famous maker and shooter of Schuetzen rifles; inventor of Schalck rifling system for unpatched, grooved and lubricated bullet. Retired about 1891, died Nov. 2, 1893.
SCHALK, Andrew — Pottsville, Pa., Percussion period. Had been as sociated with T. P. Cherington.
SCHALK, Chris— Williamsport, Pa., about 1825-75.
SCHANER, Henry— Oley Valley, Pa.; early 19th century riflesmith.
SCHARP, S.— Pennsylvania. Kentucky rifles.
Scheaner, William—Riflemaker of Reading, Pa., 1779-90.
SCHEANER, William— Also Shener. Reading, Berks Co., Pa., 1779-85.
SCHEETZ, F.— Virginia. Kentucky rifles. Related to M. Sheets, Vir ginia?
Scheffield, Jeremiah-—A Committee of Safety musket maker of Rhode Island, 1775-/ 6.
SCHELL, John — Pennsylvania. Late flintlock and early percussion periods.
SCHENKL, J. P.— Boston, Mass., 1850-54. A carbine made by J. P. Schenkl was tested by the West Point Board in 1857.
Schenkle, J. P.—Riflemaker of Boston, Mass., 1850-54.
SCHILLING, Frederick— Lancaster, Pa., 1857.
SCHILLING, Peter— Lancaster, Pa., 1857.
SCHLEGELMILCH, Herman — Born in Suhl, Germany. Came to the United States in 1853. Worked at the gunmaking trade in New York City, Bethlehem, Pa., and Chicago, before settling in Beaver Dam, Wis., in 1855. In 1860 moved to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and then to Eau Claire, Wis., in the same year, where he remained until his death in 1903. Made percussion hunting and target rifles including over-under double barrel rifles and rifle-shotgun com binations - a popular type of gun in Wisconsin in the percussion era.
Schley, Jacob—Riflemaker to the Maryland Council of Safety, 1776. (American Archives, 5th series, Vol. I #93 )
SCHLEY, Jacob — Fredericktown, Md., Revolutionary War rifle maker. Contracted April 19, 1776, with the Maryland Council of Defense for heavy, brass-mounted, black walnut stocked rifles carrying a four ounce ball. A specimen was shown to Washington and was highly praised by him.
SCHLOTTERBECK, C.— 103 Commercial, San Francisco, Calif., 1859 60. (With A. J. Plate?).
SCHMELZER, J. H.— Leavenworth, Kan.
SCHMIDT, Hernrich— Lancaster, Pa., 1857.
SCHMIDT, William— New York, N. Y. Accepted a contract July 15, 1857, for ten Schroeder patent carbines at $30.00 each.
Schnader, Frank K.—Gun and gun barrel maker of Berks County, Pa. Began as apprentice to Franklin Miller about 1836. In 1839 he obtained possession of the shop of John Keirn. From about 1852' he specialized in the production of barrels. In the 8o's he was supplying such firms as James Brown & Son; Great Western Gun Works; W. Wurfflein Gun Co., and others.
SCHNADER, Franklin K. — Gun barrel maker on Wyomissing Creek, between Mohn's Store and Gouglersville, near Reading, Berks Co., Pa. Made 2,500-3,000 barrels a year. Made 1,700 rifle musket barrels during the Civil War. Made barrels for J. H. Johnston of Pittsburgh, and Henry Leman of Lancaster. Bought John Keim (formerly Worley), shops from Nicholas Yokum & Son; improved buildings and built a dam. Father of Nathaniel Schnader.
SCHNADER, Nathaniel— Son of Franklin K. above. Managed Schna der works on Wyomissing Creek until 1890 or later.
Schnaut, T. G.—Gunmaker of Monmouth, New Jersey. Active 1822, died 1838.
SCHNAUT, T. G.— Monmouth, N. J. Died 1838.
Schneeloch, Otto—Rifle and revolver maker, 109 Ewen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Patented a revolver December 31, 1872. Produced heavy target rifles and active from 1868 to 1878 or later.
SCHNEELOCH, Otto— Brooklyn, N. Y., 1868-75. Percussion rifle.
SCHNEIDER— 622 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. 1887. Made rifles called "Native Son Guns."
SCHNEIDER— Unidentified. Kentucky rifles, circa 1860.
SCHNEIDER & CO. — Memphis, Tenn., makers of percussion der ringers.
Schneider & Co»; Schneider & Glaasick—Pistol manufacturers at Memphis, Tenn., 1859 or before. Subsidized by the Confederate government and in operation until the Federal troops took Memphis.
SCHNEIDER & GLASSICK— 20 Jefferson St., Memphis, Tenn. Wil liam S. Schnieder and Frederick G. Glassick, arms makers for the Confederacy. Manufacturers of percussion derringers.
SCHNEIDER, A.— Unlocated. Plains rifles, late flintlock period.
Schneider, Charlea E.—Dayton, Ohio. Successors to M. Schneider. Made or assembled a few shotguns, 1877-83.
Schneider, F. A.—Rifle barrel maker of Canton, Ohio, 1850-57.
SCHNEIDER, F. A.— Canton, Ohio, 1853-57. Maker of gun barrels.
SCHNEIDER, F. A.— Columbia, S. C. Advertised in the "Daily Phoenix" on Dec. 5, 1868 ". . . making to order all kinds of Pistols, Guns, Locks, etc . . ."
SCHNEIDER, John— Unlocated. "MAR. 19, 1776" engraved on patch of very early Penna. type Kentucky rifle with lock engraved in script "J.S."
SCHNEIDER, M.— Dayton, Ohio, 1859-65. Listed as M. Schneider & Son from 1866-71.
Schneider, M.; Schneider & Son—Schneider established in Dayton, Ohio in 1848. In 1866 he was joined by his son Edward J. and the firm name was changed to indicate the addition. Active until 1877 and succeeded by Charles Schneider. Produced rifles, shotguns and pistols.
SCHOB, J.— Pennsylvania, 1780-1815.
SCHOEB, I.— (of J. Unidentified. Die marked on barrel of Penna. rifle. May be barrel maker only. (Same as J. Schob?)
Schoener, Henry—Riflemaker on the Wyomissing, Reading, Pa., 1850-63.
SCHOENER, Henry—Reading, Pa., 1850-63 and after.
SCHOENMEN, Frederick— 517 Kearny St., San Francisco, Calif. 1887.
Schontz, P. H.—Riflemaker of Canal Fulton, Stark County, Ohio. Active from before i860 to 1865.
SCHONTZ, P. H.— Canal Fulton, Stark Co., Ohio, 1855-65.
Schorer, Andrew—Gunsmith of Bethlehem Twp., Lancaster County, Pa., period of the Revolution. Doubtful as to arms production.
SCHORER, Andrew— Bethlehem Township, Pa., Revolutionary War period.
Schoyen, George—Rifle barrel maker at New York about 1897-1917. Senior member of the firm of Schoyen & Peterson which was succeeded upon the death of Schoyen by A. W. Peterson & Son. Peterson carried on after the death of his partner, until about 1932 when he retired from active practice. His sons continue the business to date, at 1429 Larimer St., Denver, Colo.
SCHOYEN, George — Denver, Colo., gunsmith, native of Norway. Came to U. S. shortly after the Civil War and found employment with Carlos Gove, Denver gun maker, in 1873. In 1885 Shoyen established his own shop with D. W. Butt as partner. This dis solved in 1887, he took in F. A. Burgen, the partnership lasting until 1897. In 1904 Axel W. Peterson became his partner with shop at 1417 Lawrence St. Later directories give shop locations at Blake, Fifteenth, Arapahoe and Lawrence Streets. Shoyen died in 1916, the business being carried on by A. W. Peterson.
Schrapel, Louis—Georgetown, Colorado. Made or assembled a few breech-loading shotguns, 1875-80.
SCHRAPEL, Louis— Georgetown, Colo., 1877-80.
SCHRAYER, George— Also Schryer. Franklin & Greene Sts., Balti more, Md., 1810.
SCHRECKENGOST, Wm. and L. G.— See Shreckengost, William and son, L. G.
Schreidt, John—Riflemaker of Reading, Pa., 1760-68.
SCHREIDT, John— Reading, Pa., 1858-68. Kentucky rifles.
SCHREYER, George— Also Schroyer. Had worked in Abbotstown, Pa. Circa 1800 carved stock, flintlock Kentucky rifle of fine work manship. Reported not to have used curly grain in his carved maple stock rifles.
SCHRIVENER, James A.— Auburn, N. Y.
SCHRIVER, G. B.— The Camden, S. C. "Journal," May 31, 1861 "G. B. Schriver, gunsmith, has built a breechloading rifle upon the same principle as the Maynard but is an improvement thereon."
SCHRIVER, J — Pennsylvania. Kentucky rifles.
SCHROCK, Jacob D.— Five miles east of Goshen, Ind. Born Dec. 5, 1823, died Jan. 13, 1918 at the age of 94. With his wife, migrated from Holmes Co., Ohio, to Indiana in 1847. Active about 1852 1890. Maker of fine superposed rifle-shotguns with Remington barrels and purchased locks.
SCHROEDER, H.— With L. Salewski and William Schmidt of Bloom ington, Ind., associates, patentee and maker of a single-shot car bine, patented Dec. 23, 1856, No. 15,288. Purchase of ten Schroeder carbines reported by an ordnance report of Nov. 1, 1858.
SCHROYER, George — Probably same as George Schryer, Reading, Pa. Huge, early Kentucky style match rifle with half-octagon barrel.
SCHROYER, Mathias — Taney Town, Md., musket maker, contractor under Act of July 5, 1798, for 1,000 Charleville pattern (Model 1795), muskets at $13.40 per stand. There were 150 recorded de livered by June 10, 1801.
Schryer, George—Gunsmith of Reading, Pa., 1767-68. Doubtful as to production.
SCHRYER, George— Also Schrayer, Franklin and Greene Sts., Balti more, Md., 1810.
SCHRYER, George— Reading, Pa., 1758-1768. See Schroyer, George.
SCHUBARTH, C. D.— Casper D. Schubarth, Providence, R. I., Civil War Contractor of Oct. 11, 1861, for 20,000 Springfield rifle mus kets, Model 1861, at $20.00 each. Of these 9,500 were delivered. The contract was extended by another 30,000 on Nov. 26, 1861, but no deliveries were made on the second lot.
Schubarth, Caspar D.—84 Wcybosset St., Providence, R. I. Received the following contracts during the Civil War: October n, 1861, 20,000 rifled Springfield muskets. November 26, 1861, 30,000 ditto. July 10, 1862, 28,000 ditto. Delivered but 9,500 arms which some authorities pronounce the finest of the Civil War. Active until 1868 or later.
SCHULER, H. J. — Curly maple stock, swivel breech, percussion, over-under Kentucky type rifle. See Shuler.
SCHULL, M.— Lancaster Co. Pa., 1800-1838. Flintlock Kentucky rifles.
SCHULTZ— Unidentified. Flintlock rifles.
SCHUMANN, Louis— Memphis, Tenn., 1860.
SCHUSLER, Nicholas— Morgantown, W. Va. No details.
Schuyler, Hartley & Graham—New York City, 1874-76. See Remington.
SCHWEITZER, A.— Unlocated, possibly Pa. Early flintlock Kentucky rifles. Rifled flintlock Kentucky pistol, carved curly maple full stock with coin silver mountings; lock and barrel stamped. A. Schweitzer.
Schweitzer, C.—Riflemaker of Canton, Ohio, 1863-66.
SCOTT— Washington Co., Pa., period of 1800. Fine flintlock Kentucky rifle.
Scott & Fetzer Mfg. Co.—Cleveland, Ohio. Produced 7,750 25 mm. Very pistols, Mark IV, in 1918.
Scott Foundry, Reading Iron Works—Reading, Pa. Built in 1854. Became a subsidiary of the American Iron & Steel Company. Produced artillery for the U. S. 1904-05.
SCOTT, E. — Albany, N. Y., maker of a fine percussion target rifle with back action lock, double-set triggers, German silver patch box and octagon barrel by Remington.
SCOTT, GRANT— Zanesville, Muskigum Co., Ohio, 1804-1820.
SCOTT, J. N.— Unlocated. Percussion Kentucky rifles.
Scott, W. J. and R. H.—Riflemakers of Albany, N. Y., 1848-50, before and after.
SCOTT, W. J. and R. H.— Albany, N. Y., 1848-50. Percussion rifles.
SCOUT, Jacobus (or James)— 1736-1829. Warminster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa. Learned silversmithing from John Fitch, presumably worked on the first commercial steamboat. In 1776 an armorer with the Continental Army near Trenton. A slim converted flintlock Kentucky rifle with silver eagle inlay under forearm, large script initials "J. S." on patchbox.
SCOVE, Nicholas — Maker of gun skelps for musket barrels. In em ploy of Col. Peter Grubb, who operated a gun skelp forge for the Lancaster, Pa., Committee of Safety in 1776.
SCOVILLE, Hezekiah — Haddam, Conn., musket barrel manufacturer of early 1800's. Supplied Eli Whitney and Nathan Starr.
Seabury & Co., J.—Gunmakers of Southbridge, Mass., 1861, before and after.
SEABURY, J. & CO.— Southbridge, Mass., 1861.
Sears & Co., Henry—Shotgun makers of 88-90 Lake Street, Chicago, 111., 1874-82.
SEAVER— Vergennes, Vt.
SECHREST — Pennsylvania. Kentucky rifles.
Secor, O. P.—Peoria, 111., 1867-70, before and after. Made or assembled breech-loading shotguns.
Sedgley & Co., R. F.—2310 N. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Succeeded Henry M. Kolb at the same address, 1897. Active to date, producing Springfield Spotters, tear gas weapons, .22 caliber “Baby Hammerless” revolvers, etc.
SEDGLEY, R. F., Inc. — Philadelphia, Pa. Modern. Makers of sporting and military arms.
SEELEY, Austin— Reedsburg, Wis., 1849 until after the Civil War. Seeley was born in Medina County, Ohio, in 1820, and moved to Wisconsin in 1845. Made percussion hunting and target rifles.
SEELEY, D. N. — Western N. Y. Percussion Kentucky rifles.
SEELEY, T. B. — (Also Sieley?) Dunkirk, N. Y. Over-under percus sion rifle-shotgun.
SEES, J. — Unlocated. Flintlock, Kentucky type pistol with lock marked "Foulke Philadelphia."
SEEWALD, Valentine— Tiffin, Seneca Co., Ohio, 1830.
SEIBERT, Charles and Christian — See Siebert.
SEIDNER, J. — Unlocated. Percussion Kentucky rifles.
SEIGLING, W. C— Sandusky, Ohio, 1866-69. Rifles and shotguns.
SEIPEL, Conrad — Also Siple or Sipel. Philadelphia region, about 1750. See Siple C.
SEIPEL, J. — Percussion Kentucky rifles.
SEITS, Colonel George — Lancaster, Fairfield Co., Ohio, 1820's.
SELDEN, A.— Whitehall, N. Y. Side-by-side percussion rifle-shotgun.
SELL, Frederick — Unlocated. Early, carved flintlock Kentucky rifle.
Sell», F. N.— Riflemaker of Laurel, Ohio. Active 1860-85.
Sells, Benjamin—Riflemaker. The Sells family migrated to Ohio from Pennsylvania where the name was given as Selz. P>enja- min worked with his brother Michael at Augusta, Kentucky and located for himself at Georgetown, Ohio, in 1835. Active until 1884.A fine workman.
SELLS, Benjamin — Georgetown, Ohio, 1835-1865. "Curly maple or Sugartree gunstocks."
SELLS, Jacob — Believed to have worked in Linglestown, Pa. Made relief carved stock, flintlock Kentucky rifles.
SELLS, James — Ohio.
SELLS, M. — Unlocated. Curly maple fullstock percussion Kentucky rifle. "W. W. TWEED" on stock, "M. SELLS" in script on barrel.
SELLS, M. B. — Georgetown, Brown Co., Ohio, 1839.
Sells, Michael—Riflemaker of Augusta. Bracken County, Kentucky. Elder brother to Benjamin, he was horn about 1797, l>egan as a gunsmith in 1827 and active until about i860. Angered at the determined resistance offered by Sells who opposed their attack, Dick Morgan's Raiders took him prisoner and forced him to accompany them on foot. Sells refused to crack however and was released after several days.
SELLS, N. F.— Laurelville, Hocking Co., Ohio, 1877-82.
SELMA ARSENAL — Selma, Ala. Confederate armory. According to Benjamin Franklin Barnes, a resident, the arsenal manufactured rifles, muskets, pistols, swords and bayonets, with Captain N. D. Cross, C. A., in charge of operations. The plant which consisted of twenty-four buildings, was destroyed by General Wilson's cavalry. It is said that brass-frame revolvers were made at Selma towards the end of the Civil War, and it is possible that these were made by Charles H. Rigdon, who had come to Selma from Augusta, Ga.
SELVIDGE, John— Harris Creek, Bradley Co., Tenn., 1800-1845 and after; learned trade from a smith named Wright who had learned under the Yeomens at Charlotte, N. C. Selvidge went to Tenn essee in 1800, was active at age 91. Meredith Wolfe became his apprentice in 1845, later married his daughter Elizabeth.
SEMMENCE, Ed.— Erie, Pa., working in 1900. Riflesmith.
SEMPLE, A. B. & BROTHERS— Louisville, Ky. Late flint Kentucky rifle locks marked "A. B. SEMPLE & BROTHERS LOUIS VILLE."
SENSENY, J.— Chambersburg, Pa., 1850's. Taught the trade to James H. Johnston, later of the Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburgh.
Sensey—Riflemaker of Chambersburg, Pa., 1855, before and after.
SERLES, D.— Post-Civil War riflesmith; learned under J. H. Johns ton of Pittsburgh.
SETTLE, Felix— Barren Co., Ky. Son of Wm. Settle, born 1792. Ex tensive maker of flintlock and percussion Kentucky rifles one numbered 1020. Father of Simon Settle.
SETTLE, John — Pennsylvania. Early flintlock Kentucky rifles.
SETTLE, Simon— Greensburg, Green Co., Ky., 19th century. Son of Felix Settle. Kentucky rifles.
SETTLE, W. F.— Unlocated. Walnut halfstoked percussion rifle with Riddle lock. Name and number XXVI stamped on barrel.
SETTLE, William— Barren Co., Ky. Born in Virginia, 1770, of Scot tish ancestry; died 1808. Father of Felix Settle. Fine flintlock Kentucky rifles.
SETTLE, Wm.— Russelville, Logan Co., Ky., 1863. Probably related to the Settle family: William Settle (1770-1808), and son Felix, (born 1792), of Barren Co., Ky., and grandson Simon of Greens burg, Green Co., Ky.
Sever, Joseph and Shubabel—The two Severs were associated as gunsmiths at- Framingham, Mass. Served the Committee of Safety in 1775 and 011 Juhc T2*th of the same year they were appointed armourers to the Colony. Active until 1782 or later.
SEVER, Joseph and Shubabel — Armorers to the Colony of Massa chusetts as of June 12, 1775. Gunmakers to Committee of Safety, Framingham, 1775-76.
SEVERIN, T.— 524 Kearny, San Francisco, Calif., 1861-64.
Seward, Benjamin—Gunsmith of Boston, Mass., 1796-1803.
SEWARD, Benjamin— Boston, Mass., 1796-1803.
SEYMOUR — Unlocated. Over-under, swivel-breech, percussion double rifle with one barrel bored smooth. Back action lock. Burl wal nut stock with cheekpiece.
SHAFER, Joseph (also Shaefer)— Unlocated. Kentucky rifles c. 1760 1800. Possibly same as Schaeffer.
Shakanoo&a Arm» Mfg. Co.—Produced arms for the Confederate government 1862-64.
SHAKANOOSA ARMS MFG. CO.— Confederate shoulder arms mak ers. See Dixon, Nelson & Co.
SHANE, B. F.— Unidentified. Percussion Kentucky rifle.
SHANNON, W. & H.— William and Hugh Shannon, gunsmiths and cutlers are listed in the Philadelphia, Pa., City Directories as follow: Hugh Shannon, (alone) at 47 Sassafras in 1805-07. Wil liam and Hugh at 24 Passyunk, near 5th in 1809-11, and at 21 Passyunk in 1813-16. William is listed alone at 224 Shippen in 1817-20, while in 1819-20 Hugh is shown at 57 Mead. W. & H. Shannon contracted Nov. 9, 1808, with the govern ment for 4,000 Model 1808 muskets, to be delivered over a period of five years, of which, 1,001 are recorded delivered by Oct. 7, 1812. William Shannon, son of John Shannon of Norristown, was a Deputy Commissary of Hides in 1779, of which department William Henry I had been appointed Chief Commissary. The Shannon clan became related to the Henrys by marriage of Joseph Henry in February, 1799, to Mary Shannon, daughter of James (brother of William) and Elizabeth (Lane) Shannon. William Shannon was born in 1745, died Aug. 6, 1823, at the age of 78, and is buried at the St. James Perkiomen Churchyard at Evansburg. The relation of Hugh Shannon to William is uncertain, most likely son, as William's brothers were named Robert and James.
Shannon, W. H.—Gunmakers of Philadelphia, Pa. Secured a government contract in 1808 for muskets “for arming the Militia.” A report dated October 7, 1812 indicates they had delivered i,roi arms.
SHARP, John — Shelby County, Ohio. Pioneer gunsmith well known in the county for fine workmanship.
SHARP, Noah A. — Unlocated. Curly maple, silver-inlaid, full-stock, percussion Kentucky rifle.
Sharps & Co., C.—Philadelphia, Pa. “Christian Sharps in association with Nathan H. Bolles and Ira B. Eddy, erected a brick, four- story building, I40'xi4c/ at the west end of the wire bridge near Fairmont, in 1858. Produced rifles, carbines, 4-barrel pistols and a rare dropping block single-shot pistol, patent of 1848 and 1852.
Sharps & Hankins—Located on the west bank of the Schuykill River, Philadelphia. Began in i860 and produced Sharps & Hankins sliding breech rifles and carbines, patent of January, 1859. Rifles on this system were supplied the government during the period 1862-72 being used principally by the navy. Produced Sharps four-barrel pocket pistols in three sizes and remained active until about t88o.
SHARPS & HANKINS— Philadelphia, Pa., 1863-72. Rifle manufac turers. See Sharps, C. & Co. above.
SHARPS PATENT ARMS M'FED— Fair Mount, Philadelphia, Pa. See Sharps, C. & Co. above.
SHARPS RIFLE CO.— -Bridgeport, Conn., 1876-81. Formed by the sale and reorganization of the Sharps Rifle Manufacturing Co., of Hartford, on Aug. 31, 1874. With the expiration of the lease at the Weed Sewing Machine Co., on Feb. 1, 1876, the Sharps Rifle Company moved to Bridgeport, Conn., where a new plant was erected for them by a group of Bridgeport citizens. The firm made Sharps sporting and Creedmoor models, and Sharps Borchard martial arms. The firm discontinued production in October, 1881.
SHARPS RIFLE MANUFG CO.— Hartford, Conn., 1851-74. Estab lished about 1851, at Hartford, Conn. In 1853, R. S. Lawrence of Robbins & Lawrence, Windsor, Vt., arrived at Hartford to erect and manage an arms manufacturing plant for Sharps stockholders, which plant was to be operated by Robbins & Lawrence for the manufacture of arms based on the Sharps patents. Christian Sharps received a royalty of $1.00 for each arm made. There is no evidence that Mr. Christian Sharps was directly connected with the operations of the firm, though his brother-in-law, Robert Chadwick, is reported to have taken charge of the Sharps cartridge factory in 1851. After the failure of Robbins & Lawrence, the Sharps Company resumed control, with R. S. Lawrence in operation of the plant. The government purchased 3,040 Sharps carbines in July, 1858, at $30.00 each. The Company supplied 80,512 Sharps carbines and 9,141 rifles during the Civil War to June 30, 1866, and over 31,000 percussion carbines and 2,400 rifles were altered to the Sharps system in 1868-69. In 1871, the firm sold their plant to Weed Sewing Machine Co., except for a small portion reserved for the manufacture of Sharps Arms. Aug. 31, 1874, the Company was reorganized as the Sharps Rifle Company. See below.
Sharps Rifle Mfg, Co.—Hartford, Conn. Established 1851, capital $125,000, J. C. Palmer, president. On September T2th, 1848, Sharps, then residing in Cincinnati, received a patent for an improved breech-loader. Sharps claimed as his invention “the combination of the sliding breech with the barrel, the breech supporter and the stock, in such a manner as that when the sliding breech is forced down, the breech bore will be exposed as to enable it to receive a cartridge on a line with the bore. When the sliding breech is forced up, it will shear oft the rear end of the cartridge so as to expose the powder to the fire communication and will finally and securely close the breech bore.” Pie also claimed the invention of the combination of the cat-nipple with the sliding breech. Soon after the incorporation of the Sharps Rifle Mfg. Co., Richard S. Lawrence of the firm of Robbins & Lawrence took charge of the mechanical department as Master Armourer. No part of the rifle or its appendages were made outside the establishment, most of the tools being designed and executed by Lawrence. The firm remained active at Hartford until 1871 thence to Bridgeport where it continued until October, 1881. cf. Pgs. 743-46, Vol. IT, “History of American Manufacturers,” Bishop, Phila., 1864. Pg. 337, “Philadelphia and Its Manufacturers,” Edwin Freedlev, Phila., 1858. The early government contracts were made by, and between the government and John C. Palmer of New York, president of the Sharps Rifle Mfg. Co. These contracts were as follows: April 13. 1856, 400 carbines at $30.00; April 12, 1857, 200 rifles at $26.15; April 12, 1857, 32,000 cartridges at $15.30 per M; November. 1857, 1,400 rifles at $30.00; April 8, 1859, 2,500 carbines at $30.00. With the. mutterings of war in his ears, Palmer probably considered it good business to sell both sides in the coming conflict. Pie accordingly delivered 1,600 carbines at Savannah, Ga., for that state and was given in return $25,000 in state bonds on February 22, 1861.(P. 29, “The Confederate Records of the State of Georgia,” Chandler, Vol. TI.)
SHARPS, C. & CO.— West side of 30th Street, south of Bridge Street, Fairmount, (West) Philadelphia, Pa., about 1857-63. The firm was established by Christian Sharps, who was born in New Jersey in 1811. After a common school education he was apprenticed in the machinist's trade and is believed to have worked out his invention of a breech-loading arm in the Daniel Nippes Armory on Mill Creek, about six miles from Philadel phia. The fact that one of his earliest arms is marked A. S. Nippes, supports this belief. Considering that the name Sharps, in rifles, is almost synonymous with Colt in revolvers, but little is known of the inventor's life. It is known that prior to 1852, Sharps arms were made in small numbers by several firms, such as Massachusetts Arms Co., Robbins & Lawrence at Windsor, Vt. In 1857, it is recorded that C. Sharps & Co. consisted of Christian Sharps in association with Nathan H. Bolles and Ira B. Eddy. They erected "a very extensive establishment (140 ft. x 40 ft., brick) in which were housed machinery of most beautiful and accurate description ... a high pressure engine of 75 horsepower which forms the motive power of the establishment." The firm made Sharps breech-loading, self priming pistols and Sharps rifles. In 1863, the Company combined with Wm. C. Hankins, rifle manufacturer, to form Sharps & Hankins rifle and pistol manufacturing establishment. After the Civil War the firm moved to the northeast corner of 24th & Springgarden Streets. Sharps and Hankins are listed as residing at 2216 Green Street, in 1868-71. Christian Sharps died at Vernon, Conn., March 13, 1874.
Sharps, Christian—Inventor of the Sharps breech-loader. Born in New Jersey, 1811. Associated with Sharps Rifle Mfg. Co., Hanford, Conn.; C. Sharps & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and Sharps & Hankins of the same city. Married Sarah Chadwick of Chadwick Mills, Mill Creek, where ammunition was produced for the Sharps about 1862-64. Died at Vernon. Conn., March 13, 1874.
SHATTUCK, C. S. ARMS CO.— Also C. S. Shattuck, Hatfield, Mass., about 1880-90. Makers of Unique palm pistol and Shattuck cart ridge revolvers and shotguns. Prior to April 1, 1880, the firm was Hyde & Shattuck.
SHAUB, Adam— Lancaster, Pa., 1857.
Shaw—A Committee of Safety musket maker of Massachusetts, 1775.
SHAW — Massachusetts. Musket maker to Committee of Safety 1775-76.
SHAW & LEDOYT — Stafford, Conn. Makers of under-hammer per cussion pistols.
Shaw, Albert S.—Riflemaker of Morrow County, Ohio, 1840-51.
SHAW, Albert S.— Morrow County, Ohio, 1840.
Shaw, John—Musket maker and armourer to the State of Maryland, 1780-81.
SHAW, John — Annapolis, Md. State Armorer to Maryland, 1780.
Shaw, Joshua—Native of Lincolnshire, England, born 1777. Came to America and established in Philadelphia in 1817. Died at Burlington, N. J., in September, i860. Shaw disputed the claim of others on the invention of the percussion cap of copper. He secured a number of patents among which the following are on record: June 24, 1822, “improvement in percussion arms,,; March 17, 1834, “a percussion pistol whip”; January 30, 1841, “manner of discharging firearms.” He developed a wafer primer for cannon which was tested and accepted by the U. S. Government. Shaw claimed royalty upon the use of this primer and in 1848 succeeded in collecting $18,000 of the $25,000 claimed due from the government. (P. 2270, Vol. Ill, p. 1054, Vol. II, “History of Philadelphia,” Scharf-Westcott, Philadelphia, 1884.)
SHAW, Joshua — Lincolnshire, England; Bordentown, N. J., later Philadelphia, Pa. Artist and inventor; invented steel disc per cussion cap about 1813. Emigrated to America about 1814; was refused patent as an alien. Improved and manufactured first copper caps. Awarded government honorarium of $25,000 for his invention in 1846.
SHAW, S. & J. — Unlocated. Southern style percussion Kentucky rifle without buttplate or forend cap.
Shawk & McLanahan—Made revolvers at Saint Louis, Mo., prior to the Civil War,
SHAWK & McLANAHAN— Carondelet (St. Louis suburb), Missouri, 1858. Makers of .36 cal. Navy percussion revolvers, 6 shot, brass frame. Abel Shawk of Pennsylvania, mechanic and inventor of steam fire engines, with J. K. McLanahan of Cincinnati, estab lished a factory in Carondelet for the manufacture of locks and fire engines. On Shawk's invention of a rifling machine the firm turned to manufacture of brass frame, .36 cal. six shot revolvers, rifled with seven right twist grooves.
SHEAFF, Henry— Lancaster, Pa., 1857.
Sheble & Fisher—“Frankford Factory,” Philadelphia, Pa. Sword cutlers and contractors to the U. S., 1861-64.
SHEE, John— Musket maker to State of Virginia, 1800.
SHEESLEY, George— Hartley Township, Union Co., Pa.
SHEETS, A.— Dayton, Ohio. Percussion rifles.
SHEETS, Adam — Shepherdstown, Va., gunsmith active after the Revolutionary War. The Sheets family came to Shepherdstown from York, Pa., about 1762. Adam had enlisted in Capt. Stephen son's Rifle Company; transferred to Capt. Shepherd's Company. Was taken prisoner, exchanged; drafted out of Capt. Shepherd's into another rifle company Jan. 1, 1777, and transferred in Decem ber, 1778, into Co. No. 4, Capt. Charles Porterfield Commanding, of Morgan's Riflemen. After the Revolution established his gun shop in the house built by his father, in which house the descend ents of the family still lived about 1900.
SHEETS, M. — Virginia. Brass frame, sheath trigger, 6 shot percussion revolver.
SHEETZ— Hartsville, Stark Co., Ohio.
SHEETZ, D. — Southern maker of fine Kentucky rifles.
SHEETZ, I. or J. (or Scheetz) — Pennsylvania. Percussion halfstock rifle, finely silver mounted throughout, with cap and patch boxes.
SHEFFIELD, Jeremiah — Rhode Island musket maker to Committee of Safety, 1775-76.
Sheldon, Nash—Cutler. Shop on the north side of Eight Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Active 1853-61 and produced Bowie knives of high quality.
SHELL & EARLY— Pennsylvania. Flintlock Kentucky rifles.
Shell, John—Born in Tennessee, 1788, son of Samuel Shell, a gunsmith. John located at Greasy Creek, Leslie County, Kentucky, where he remained until his death in July, 1922, age 134 years. As evidence of the correctness of his age, Shell produced receipts issued him by the sheriff of Gay County in 1809. Shell contended he had attained man’s estate at (hat dale. Produced rifles and a feu- shotguns.
SHELL, John — Shellsville, Pa. Born Dec. 20, 1790, son of Martin Shell, Jr.; died Mar. 27, 1875. Founded Shellsville, Dauphin Co., Pa.; commissioned a major, 2d Bn. 98th Regt. of Pa. Militia, in 1814. Made many flintlock and percussion rifles marked John Shell or J. Shell; one numbered 421.
SHELL, John — Greasy Creek, Leslie Co., Ky. Son of Samuel Shell, a gunsmith, John Shell claimed to have been born in Tennessee in 1788, which considered that he died in 1922, would have meant that he attained the age of 134 years.
SHELL, M.— Allentown, Pa., about 1780-1820. Fine flintlock Kentucky rifle, curly maple fullstock with raised carving, silver inlays and brass wire scrollwork.
Shell, Martin—Gunsmith of Dauphin County, Pa. Born 1737, contract musket maker to Provincial Congress during the Revolution and active until 1790.
Shell, Martin Jr.—Riflemaker of Dauphin County, Pa. Born 1763 and active 1796 or later.
SHELL, Martin, Jr. — Pennsylvania rifle maker, son of Martin Shell, Sr. Born October 16, 1763. Died September 9, 18(?). Father of Jacob, Martin, John and Daniel Shell, rifle makers and gun smiths.
SHELL, Martin, Sr. — Lebanon County, Penna. Rifle maker. Born 1737. Died 1771.
SHELL, N. — Pennsylvania. Flintlock Kentucky rifles.
SHELL, Samuel— Tennessee, before and after 1787. Father of John Shell.
SHENER, William— Also Scheaner. Reading, Berks Co., Pa., 1779-85.
SHENNEFELT, N.— (Or Shennefeldt) Clarion, Pa. Percussion Ken tucky rifle with oval patchbox; back action lock by Whitmore, Wolff, Duff Co.
SHEPHERD, John— Phila., Pa. Listed as gun lock filer at 135 Green, in 1829.
SHEPLER, H.— Unlocated. Plains rifle, flintlock period.
Shepler, Peter—Riflemaker of Clarks, Coshocton County, Ohio. Active 1848-54, before and after.
SHERIDAN PRODUCTS, INC.— Racine, Wis. In 1947 began making high grade pneumatic rifles.
SHERMAN, A. P. — Portsmouth, Ohio. Heavy percussion Kentucky rifles; one acid-etched on barrel, "Fool Killer, I Am Looking for You."
SHERMAN, B. & W. H.— Woodstock, Illinois, 1861-65. Fine, walnut stocked muzzle loading percussion rifle with German silver mountings.
SHERMAN, Nathaniel— Boston, Mass., 1692.
Sherman, William R.—New Bedford, Mass. Produced breech-loading arms 1862-69.
Sherry, John—Riflemaker of Turkey Run, Clarion County, Pa., 1830-35.
SHERRY, John — Born in 1797, in Lancaster County, Pa. Served his apprenticeship and learned the trade of rifle-making in the Leman rifle shop, which he entered at the age of 17 and remained for 12 years. Established himself in 1830 in Beaver Township, Clarion Co., Pa., as a maker of early percussion Kentucky rifles. Inventor of the segmental rifle groove and one of the first to use gain twist rifling. John Sherry died in 1889.
SHERWOOD, Samuel Todd— Between Smithburn and Blandville, W. Va. Born July 7, 1828; died Dec. 14, 1900. Extensive rifle maker; hand welded barrels, later used Remington barrels and Leman locks. Used brass flash-guard under hammers, mark "S. T. S." on barrels.
SHIELDS, D. — Unlocated. Percussion rifles, single and double.
SHILLITO, Samuel— McConnelsburg Boro, Fulton Co., Pa., 1826. (Prior to 1850 Fulton Co., was a part of Bedford County). Late flint and early percussion Kentucky rifles.
SHILLITS, J. — Vicinity of Chambersburg, Pa. Had apprenticed under J. N. Johnson, Sr.
SHIRK, S. — Pennsylvania, about 1800. Silver inlaid flintlock period Kentucky rifle.
SHIRLEY, Jeremiah— Clover dale, Ohio, 1870. Percussion sporting and target rifles.
SHISLER, D.— Flintlock Kentucky rifle, period 1820, caliber .45, with ornate brass furniture and 24 silver inlays; converted by re breeching. Marked "D* SHISLER," in script, on barrel. Lock marked externally "T. KETLAND & CO."; and inside "K W & A," (Ketland, Walker & Adams, listed in Birmingham, England, Directory in 1818).
SHOENEN, Daniel — Wyomissing Creek, Berks Co., Pa., rifle barrel welder.
SHOLF, I.— Unidentified. Flintlock Kentucky rifle.
SHOLL, John — Unlocated. Percussion Kentucky rifle.
Shorer, Andrew—Gunsmith of Bethlehem Twp„ Northampton County, Pa. 1775-76. Doubtful as to production.
SHORER, John— Liverpool, Pa., about 1850-60.
SHORT, BISCOE & CO.— Tyler, Texas, Confederate Contractors of Nov. 5, 1862, for 5,000 Model 1841, Mississippi type rifles. The firm consisted of J. C. Short, a practical gunsmith, Wm. L. N. Biscoe and George Yarborough. A site on the outskirts of Tyler, Texas, was purchased and a factory erected which was destroyed at the end of the war. It had been turned over to the Confederate States in 1863, and was in charge of Lieut. Col. G. H. Hill, and the rifles sometimes marked "HILL RIFLE TYLER C. S."
SHOUGH, Jacob— U. S. Inspector of Muskets 1809. Refused to accept blades of sabers made on contract of June 8, 1810, with James Winner of Phila., for 500 horsemen's swords. Relieved from duty in 1811.
Shoverling & Daly—New York, X. Y. Produced hunting and target rifles, revolvers, etc., 1871-76, before and after.
SHOWALTER, J. — Brookville, Pa. Over-under percussion rifle.
SHRECKENGOST, L. G.— (Or Schreckengost). Putney ville, Pa.; son of Wm. Shreckengost. A rifle similar to his father's, but with natural grain stock and plain furniture; J. Golcher lock. Name cut in rough script on barrel. Both made distinctive arms of fine workmanship.
SHRECKENGOST, Wm.— (Or Schreckengost). Putney ville, Pa. Half stock, percussion rifle with very small butt plate and pronounced crescent drop to stock, finely engraved brass and German silver furniture, openwork patchbox with oval lid, artificially striped stock; with lock marked "RIDDLE." Father of L. G. Shrecken gost. Learned the trade under Alonzo Bonnett. Name cut in rough script on barrel.
SHREYER, G.— Flintlock Kentucky rifle. See also Schreyer, George. (Same?)
SHRINER — Unlocated. Percussion Kentucky rifle.
SHRIVER, Jno — Hanover, Pa. Shop still stands. Name on barrel of handsome, relief carved flintlock rifle also marked "ADAMS COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA, 1801."
SHUE AIR RIFLE CO.— Milwaukee, Wis. In 1914 made inexpensive, spring-operated air guns.
SHULER, John— Also Schuler. Liverpool, Pa., about 1808-15. Maker of flintlock pistols and Kentucky rifles. Contracted with Tench Coxe, Purveyor of Public Supplies on June 4, 1808, for 150 pair of pistols.
Shuler, John R.—Riflemaker of Liverpool, Pa., 1849-60.
SHULER, John R. — Also Shuler, John. Liverpool, Pa., about 1850 1860. Maker of over-under, swivel-breech, muzzle-loading, per cussion double rifle with double-set triggers. Also brass trim, striped maple half stock, over-under, revolving barrel, percus sion rifle-shotgun.
SHULER, S.— Liverpool, Perry Co., Pa. About 1820. Percussion, over-under, rotating, double Kentucky style rifle, top flat marked "S SHULER TWIST" and "LIVERPOOL, PA," in separate lines. James Golcher lock.
SHULER, V. — Tuscarawas or Carroll Co., Ohio. Rifles and laminated double-barrel shotguns.
SHULTZ, H.— Pennsylvania. Kentucky rifles.
SIBERT, G.— Pennsylvania. Kentucky rifles.
SIDES, Henry— Bedford Township, Bedford Co., Pa., about 1776.
Siebert, Charles M.—Born in Columbus, Ohio, September 25, 1839. He began with his brother, Christian, in 1851, when but twelve years of age. Charles developed into a skilled metal and woodworker and produced many elaborate arms. Died at Columbus in 1915.
SIEBERT, Charles M.— Columbus, Ohio, active 1851-1915. He was born at Columbus, Sept. 25, 1839, and entered his brother Chris tian's shop as an apprentice at the age of 12. Known for well made duelling pistols. Died at Columbus in 1915.
Siebert, Christian—Born at Frankfort, Germany, November 9, 1822. His family sailed from Bremen in the month of October, 1832, and landed at Baltimore after a voyage of sixty-five days. Proceeded overland to Columbus, Ohio, where the elder Siebert established as bookbinder and printer about 1839. Christian set up a gun shop at 253 South High Street, in 1851 moving to 217 South High in 1872. He was a skilled worker, specializing in rifles though he made shotguns and pistols also. Died at Columbus, September 18, 1866.
SIEBERT, Christian— Elder brother of Charles M. Siebert above. Born Nov. 9, 1822, at Frankfort, Germany, whence his family sailed for U. S., in October, 1832, and settled in Columbus, Ohio. Christian Siebert set up his rifle-making establishment at 253 South High Street, in 1851, where he remained until 1872, when he moved to 217 South High. Died Sept. 18, 1886.
Siebert, Henry L.—Riflemaker of Cincinnati, Ohio. Active from before 1849 to 1858. Associated with John Griffiths, 1852-54 as Griffiths & Siebert, 279 Main Street.
SIEBERT, Henry L.— 279 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio, before and after 1852-58. Was associated with John Griffiths as Griffiths & Siebert from 1852 to 1854.
SIEBERT, J.— Unlocated. Percussion Kentucky rifle.
SIEBERT'S REPEATING RIFLE— On March 11, 1861, Colonel James H. Burton, C. S. Army made an estimate for machinery, tools, etc. for making 3,000 Sibert's patent repeating rifles per annum, prepared at request of Col. McCue of Staunton, Va., and amount ing to $41,405.
SIEGFRIED, D. B.— Unlocated. Kentucky rifles.
SIEGFRIED, S.— Half stock, late percussion Kentucky rifle with back action lock marked with initials "G.R." and "S. SIEGFRIED."
SIEGLING, W. C— Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio, 1866-69. Maker of rifles and double-barrel shotguns.
Siegling, William C. —Manufacturer of rifles and laminated steel, double-barrel shotguns, 1866-70.
SIEVER, Charles — St. Louis, Mo. Lockmaker for Hawken firm; still living in 1890's.
SIFE, C. — Early Pennsylvania maker of flintlock Kentucky rifles. Pos sibly a misreading for C. Sipel or Siple, Philadelphia region about 1750?
SIGLER, Amos— Gunsmith. Irish Lane, Phila., Pa., 1819.
SILL, A. V. — Operated a gun factory on Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y., 1828-35.
SILVIS, Jacob — Delmont, Pa., gunsmith. Born in 1801 near Bushy Run Battlefield (near Jeanette, Pa.). In addition to gunsmi thing, farmed and did blacksmithing, his father's trade. Forged his own barrels and made flint locks and other fittings. Later, in the per cussion period, bought barrel blanks and other supplies from James H. Johnston. Made guns in his Delmont house before his shop was built. Signed his arms "J.S." Died in 1891.
SIMPSON, J. — New Britain, Conn. Percussion under-hammer pistols.
SIMPSON, R. J. — New York, N. Y. Percussion derringers.
SIMS-DUDLEY— "Dynamite Gun"- Pat. July 23, 1889.
SIPE, C. — Unlocated. Script marking on maple stripe, fullstock, flint lock Kentucky rifle. Probably C. Sipel.
SIPEL, Conrad — Also Siple or Seipel. Philadelphia region, about 1750. See Siple, C.
SIPLE, C— Probably Conrad Siple, also Seipel or Sipel. Philadelphia region about 1750. Flintlock Kentucky rifle with lock by Drepert.
SITES, J. — Boonville, Mo. Full length maple stock percussion rifle of small caliber. Brass or bronze furniture. Marked on barrel "J. SITES BOONVILLE MO."
SITES, J. P. — Settled at Arrow Rock, Mo., in 1844. Percussion Ken tucky squirrel rifle, brass-mounted plain walnut fullstock with out patchbox. Name stamped on barrel. Probably related to J. Sites of Boonville, Mo.
SITES, W.— Unlocated. Flintlock Kentucky rifle marked "W * SITES" on barrel, "Warranted" on lock. Probably related to J. P. Sites of Arrow rock and J. Sites of Boonville, Mo.
SIZER, A. S. — Unidentified. Maker of high grade percussion rifles. A revolving cylinder percussion rifle also known by this maker.
SKattuck Arms Co., C. S.—Hatfield, Mass. Active from about 1880 to about 1910. Produced Shattuck revolver, patent of November 4, 1879, No. 10677. The cylinder of this arm swings to the right horizontally to load and eject. Ejection is accomplished by sliding the cylinder forward on; the rod on which it swings. Produced also a four-barrel pistol to be carried in the hand and fired the four barrels simultaneously, by pressing upward on a slide. Made single shotguns with an extra trigger to break.
SLACK & SON— Peter Slack and son, A. J., 61 East Main St., Spring field, Ohio. The firm was established by Peter Slack in 1859, under his name, and was changed to Slack & Son in 1874, when the son was taken into partnership. Active until 1891 and after.
Slack, Peter; Slack & Son—Born in Peterboro, Lincolnshire, Eng., in June, 1820. Served a seven-years apprenticeship as a gunsmith, receiving but his board and clothing. Migrated to America and proceeded directly to Cincinnati arriving in the fall of 1851. Found employment as journeyman gunsmith and remained until 1854. In the late spring of the same year he embarked in business at Springfield, Ohio, and continued until his death on September 18, 1892. Succeeded by his son, Alfred J. Slack (born January 10, 1852), who continued as a sporting goods dealer. The elder Slack produced many “plains” type rifles and a number of pistols. (Pp. 114-15, “History of Clark County, Ohio,” Beers, Chicago, 1881.)
SLARET— Chillicothe, Ohio.
SLAYMAN, G.— Late flintlock period, about 1800-1830, Kentucky rifle.
SLAZMAN & SON, Charles — Punxutawney, Pa. Percussion Kentucky rifles.
Sleret, Englehart—Riflemaker on High Street, Chillicothc, Ohio, 1854-60, before and after.
Sliterman, Jeremiah—Armourer to the Colony of Georgia, 1766-68, inclusive. Produced a few muskets.
SLITERMAN, Jeremiah — Musket maker and armorer to Colony of Georgia, 1766-68.
SLOAN, Robert — Connecticut. Repaired arms for the Committee of Safety. Account submitted for work from May to August, 1775.
SLOAT'S RIFLE FACTORY— Richmond, Va., 1861. Confederate shoulder arms.
SLOCOMB, Harding— Worcester, Mass., 1820 and later. Flintlock rifles, pistols and fowling pieces.
Slocum, Hardin—Riflemaker of Homer, N. Y. Active 1831-46, before and after.
SLOCUMB, Samuel D.— New Orleans, La. Kentucky rifles.
SLOCUMB, Wm. B. & Co.— New Orleans, La.
SLONAKER, G.— Probably near New Paris, Bedford County, Pa. A heavy, percussion Kentucky rifle. Said to have made over-under rifles.
SLOTTER & CO.— Philadelphia, Pa. Percussion derringers; heavy, false muzzle percussion match rifle.
SLOTTERBAK & CO.— Philadelphia, Pa. Halfstock percussion rifle.
Slotterbeck & Co.—Philadelphia, Pa. Produced back-action percussion rifles and derringers in .41 and .44 calibers.
Slotterbeck, Charles—Lakeport and San Francisco, Calif. Active 1878-84, before and after. Produced a number of shotgun type rifles with lever to break on the barrel tang, patent of October 5, 1880. Percussion arms also.
SLOTTERBECK, Charles — San Francisco, Cal. Late percussion and cartridge arms.
SLOTTERBECK, H.— Los Angeles, Cal. Cartridge arms.
Slotterbeck, H. W.—3732 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Produced metallic arms, recent, now deceased. ,
SLOWCOMB, H.— Homer, N. Y., before and after 1853.
SMALL, David — New Lisbon, Ohio, gunmaker. Son of John Small.
SMALL, John — New Lisbon (now Lisbon), Columbiana Co., Ohio, gunmaker established in 1806. Succeeded by his son David.
Small, Samuel—Riflemaker of New Lisbon, Columbiana County, Ohio. Produced the entire arm including the barrel. Active 1849-54.
SMALL, Samuel — New Lisbon, Ohio. Son of David Small. Member of the third generation of Small family of gunsmiths. Reported still active in the trade in 1879, in the "History of Columbiana County."
SMART, Eugene— Dover, N. H., about 1865-90. Breech-loading rifle.
Smart, Eugene—Gunmaker of Dover, N. H., about 1865-90.
SMITH— See Sowers & Smith.
SMITH— Chatham Street, New York, N. Y. Percussion period.
Smith & Co., George—New York, N. Y. Produced pistols and trap pistols, 1863-66.
SMITH & HYSLOP— New York, N. Y. Maker of flintlock holster pistols.
SMITH & PECARE— New York, N. Y., 1851.
SMITH & SAVAGE— Middletown, Conn., about 1876. Makers of cartridge revolvers in the old S. North factory building.
SMITH & WESSON— The arms manufacturing firm of Smith & Wesson of Springfield, Mass., had its origin in the partnership of Horace Smith with Daniel B. Wesson, the younger brother of Edwin Wesson, co -inventor of the Wesson & Leavitt revolver. Courtland Palmer, who had the rights to the Jennings mechan ism, was also an associate in the firm. The association of Smith and Wesson had begun while both were in the employ of Allen, Brown & Luther, rifle makers of Worcester, Mass., in 1852. Smith & Wesson began with the manufacture of a magazine firearm based on the Horace Smith patent of Aug. 23, 1851, No. 8,317, with improvements which they bought from B. Tyler Henry, and incorporated in a repeating pistol, patented under the Smith & Wesson name on Feb. 14, 1854, No. 10,535. In order to attract working capital to the firm, the Volcanic Repeating Arms Company was incorporated in July, 1855, to which Smith & Wesson turned over their patent of 1851, as well as new patent of Aug. 8, 1854, No. 11,496, for an improved cartridge. Shortly after the incorporation, Horace Smith withdrew from the firm and went to Springfield, Mass., where he engaged in gunsmith trade with his brother-in-law, Collins. Wesson re mained with the Volcanic. Among the larger stockholders of the Volcanic Company was Oliver F. Winchester, a shirt manufacturer of New Haven, Conn. Doubtless under his influence, the Volcanic Repeating Arms Company moved from Norwich to New Haven in February, 1856. On the 11th of the same month Daniel B. Wesson resigned from the firm to devote his time to the development of a car tridge revolver. His experiments were successful. On Nov. 17, 1856, Wesson bought from Rollin White the exclusive right to the White patent of a "cylinder bored end to end." After looking about unsuccessfully for a building in which to manufacture the arm in New Haven, about May 1, 1857, Wesson rejoined his former partner, Horace Smith in Springfield, where they leased a build ing on Market Street, and started the production of parts. By October of 1857, they were ready to put their arms on the market, upon the expiration of the Colt patents in the fall of 1856. The first Smith & Wesson revolver was a small, caliber .22 arm, using a metallic shell cartridge. With the development of better methods of production and annealing of copper shells, resulting in greater tensile strengths, and solving problems arising from lack of outside support in the early revolver cartridges, Smith & Wesson brought out larger calibers, result ing later, through improvements in the actions as well, in such famous arms as the American, Schofield, and lastly the famous side-swing model of 1917, 153,311 of which were pur chased by the U. S. government between April 6, 1917, and December, 1918, for the use of the American armed forces dur ing the World War. It is interesting to note that in the early days of the cart ridge revolvers, through their control of the Rollin White patent for a "cylinder bored end to end," Smith & Wesson had a virtual monopoly of the manufacture of cartridge revolving arms, and until 1869, when the Rolling White patent expired, the firm suc cessfully prevented competitive manufacture of cartridge re volvers which infringed on their patents, by promise of infringe ment suits and actual court action, which in a number of in stances resulted in the confiscation of the competitors' stock of manufactured arms.
Smith & 'Wesson—Horace Smith and Daniel B. Wesson established in Norwich, Conn., in 1855 and produced Volcanic arms. Moved to Springfield iu 1856 where the firm continues to date. The S. & W. “First Model Revolver No. t” caliber .22 short, has a hinged hammer-nose. (F. H. Harrington's patent of June 15, 1858.) Has also a smoke shield or plate to the rear of the cylinder. Marked on cylinder “Patented April 3, 1855 & June FS» 1858." About 3,000 were made from November, 1857, to January, 1859. Grips square, Colt pattern; brass frame, usually silver plated. The first were made to employ B. B. caps but in the spring of 1858 the .22 short rim-fire cartridge was invented. Have produced revolvers for the U. S. services in .38, .44 and .45 calibers. The S. & W. Schofield, adopted in 1873, had a tip-up barrel, held in place by a spring just before the hammer. The pres- sent S. & W. Model 1917 is, in the opinion of the writer, “tops” in the field of revolvers.
Smith & Williams—Gunmakers of Rutland, Vermont, 1864-68.
Smith Gun Co., L. C.—Established at Syracuse, N. Y., by Lyman Cornelius Smith in 1877. Smith sold his interests in 1890. During his term as head of the business he gave employment to an average of 176 workmen and produced more than 30,000 shotguns. The Smith line is now made by the Hunter Arms Co., Fulton, N. Y.
SMITH, A. B. — Pennsylvania. Heavy 2-groove flintlock Kentucky rifle with cherry fullstock.
SMITH, Adam — Cincinnati, Ohio, in early days of settlement. Hand some, unsigned flintlock Kentucky rifles. Relief-carved rifle, period 1760, deep-rifled for buckskin patches.
Smith, Anthony—Riflemaker of Bethlehem Twp., Northampton Co., Pa., 1779-90-
SMITH, Anthony— Bethlehem Township, Pa., before 1783.
SMITH, Argulus (or Anglus?)— Buffalo, N. Y. Percussion rifles.
SMITH, B. M.— Of William Edgar & B. M. Smith, Mineral Point, Wis. Marking on a percussion "duckfoot" revolver firing three shots at a time.
SMITH, Charles W.— Cherry Creek, N. Y. Originally from Silver Creek, N. Y., moved to Cherry Creek in 1832. Maker of percus sion rifles.
Smith, Dexter—Gunmaker of Springfield, Mass., 1869-75. before and after. Secured a patent on a method for regulating the choke of shotguns, May 30, 1871.
SMITH, Dexter— Springfield, Mass., about 1872. Breech-loading shot gun.
SMITH, E.— Cape, Jefferson Co., Ala. Died in 1900. Percussion Kentucky rifles.
SMITH, Geo. & Co.— New York, N. Y., 1864. 3-shot trap pistol.
SMITH, George— New York, N. Y. Early air rifle.
Smith, George Wm.—Completed a foundry and boring mill in Goochland County, Virginia, in 1809. Produced cannon for the state, 1809-11.'
Smith, Gilbert—Gunsmith of Butternut Falls, N. Y., 1830-58. Secured three patents on a breech-loading arm, 1854, 1856 and 1857. During the period 1861-65, the government purchased 30,062 Smith's patent, June 23, 1857, carbines at $24.00 each. These were produced by the Massachusetts Arms Co.
SMITH, Gilbert— Unlocated. About 1830-35.
Smith, Horace—See Smith & Wesson.
SMITH, Horace— Springfield, Mass. See Smith & Wesson.
SMITH, Ira W.— Onaquaga, N. Y. Born 1825; died 1897.
SMITH, J. & P.— Saltillo, Pa.
SMITH, J. F.— Huntingdon, Pa., late flintlock period.
Smith, Jeremiah—Gunsmith of Lime Rock, Rhode Island, 1770.
SMITH, Jeremiah— Lime Rock, R. I., 1770.
Smith, John—Riflemaker of Hessville, Black Swamp, Ohio, 1866-69, before and after.
SMITH, John — Rutland, Vt, musket maker 1798-1801. In association with Darius Chipman, Royal Crafts and Thomas Hooker, con tracted under Act of July 5, 1798, for 1,000 Charleville pattern, (Model 1795) muskets at $13.40 per stand. Of these 575 were delivered before June 10, 1801.
SMITH, John— Hessville, Black Swamp, Ohio, 1868-69.
SMITH, John — Exeter, N. H. Percussion period.
SMITH, John — Sacramento, Calif., 1860-1875. Fine percussion rifles with Remington barrels.
SMITH, John 2d— Millroy and Reedsville, Pa. Kentucky rifles.
Smith, Johnston—With John Young of Northampton Co., Penna., contracted with the Council of Safety of Virginia for 1,000 stands of arms in February, 1776. Deliveries were completed before May 1 st of the same year.
SMITH, Johnston — Pennsylvania musket and rifle maker. In asso ciation with John Young of Northampton County, Pa., contracted in February, 1776, to furnish arms to the State of Virginia.
SMITH, L. — Unlocated. Patent breech percussion shotgun.
SMITH, L. C— Syracuse and Fulton, N. Y. Modern.
SMITH, Levi— Church Street, Clyde, Ohio, 1866-69.
SMITH, Lewis— Tiffin, Ohio, 1858-59.
Smith, Louis—Riflemaker of Tiffin, Ohio, 1855-59.
SMITH, M.— Pennsylvania. Flintlock Kentucky rifle.
SMITH, M. — Unlocated. Under-hammer percussion pistol, curly maple stock.
SMITH, Major & Son— Westville, New Haven, Conn., 1866-68.
SMITH, Martin— Greenfield, Mass. Listed as gun maker in 1827, 1829, and 1836, when his shop was sold. Was commissioned paymaster 2nd Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 4th Division of Massachusetts Militia in 1823. Discharged in 1830. Maker of a full cherry stock, Ken tucky type, flintlock rifle of fine workmanship. The octagon barrel is marked on left side near breech "M. SMITH GREEN FIELD, MASS." in two lines. The English, gooseneck hammer lock is marked "R. NORRIS."
Smith, Obadiah—Gunsmith of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1810.
SMITH, Obadiah— Brunswick County, Va., 1810.
Smith, Otis A.—Revolver manufacturer at Rock Fall, Conn., 1887-90.
SMITH, Otis A.— Rock Falls, Conn., about 1873-84. Maker of Smith revolvers under patent of April 15, 1873, No. 137,968.
SMITH, P. — Unlocated. Script marking of a handsome, well-made, swivel-breech, superposed barrels, flintlock rifle, circa 1830.
SMITH, P. F.— Saltillo, Pa.
Smith, Patrick—189 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Gunmaker, active 1866-75.
SMITH, Patrick— 189 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y., 1835-70. Percussion cadet rifles. Revolving pill-lock rifle.
SMITH, Pete— Huntingdon, Pa., about 1880. Fine craftsman.
SMITH, S. — Maker of a curly maple, full stock, percussion Kentucky rifle with long, engraved patchbox, silver inlays and set trigger.
SMITH, Seth— Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1803-1865, and possibly later. Born in New Hampshire in 1803. Family moved to Lorain, Ohio, in his childhood. Came to Council Bluffs, in 1852, and in 1853 "took up" land and built the first house in Grant Township, Monona Co., Iowa. Was local blacksmith and gunsmith, using his natural mechanical bent. Did much work for the Indians who hunted in the Sioux Valley. Had been appointed govern ment blacksmith on the Omaha Indian Reservation 1858-62. Made percussion rifles and shotguns. Rifle reported marked "SETH SMITH SMITHLAND" on barrel.
Smith, Stoeffel—Riflemaker of Pennsylvania, 1790-1800.
SMITH, Stoeffel— Pennsylvania, about 1790-1800. Marked his name on barrels in silver inlay.
SMITH, Thomas — North Carolina arms maker. Authorized March 4, 1777, by the State to repair arms of the Continental troops raised in the state.
SMITH, Thomas— 118 Broad St., New York, N. Y., 1801.
SMITH, W. H. — New York. Marking on a percussion pistol. Possibly dealer only.
SMITH, W. W.— Saltillo, Pa.
Smith, William—Riflemaker of Saint Mary’s, Auglaize County, Ohio, 1849-54, before and after.
SMITH, William — Elizabethtown, Ky. Percussion rifles.
SMUTS— Piqua, Miami Co., Ohio.
SMYTH, Thomas— Chester Town, Md. Notified the Council of Safety on July 2, 1776, that he had 50 guns ready to be proved.
SNEIDER— Of Clark & Sneider, 214 Pratt St., Baltimore, Md. 1876 84. Inventor and maker of Sneider rotating bolt shotguns. Had worked in Europe. As early as 1846 had choke-bored large bore wildfowl guns "the guns being so choked that a cut wad could not be used."
SNEIDER — Lancaster, Pa., before 1775.
SNEIDER, Anthony— Lancaster, Pa.
Sneider, C. Edward—Baltimore, Md. Patented a breech-loader, March 20, i860, which was manufactured by T. Poultncy. Secured a second patent in 1865. This later patent was a bolt-action needle- gun.
Sneider, C. W.—Produced shotguns at 214 W. Pratt St., Baltimore, moving to 209 S. Sharp later. Active about 1884-87.
SNEIDER, Charles A — Baltimore, Md. About 1862. 14-shot brass frame .22 revolver with two 7-shot cylinders on same shaft.
SNEIDER, Chas.— Boonville, Ind., 1875.
SNEIDER, T.— Unlocated.
SNELL, Chauncey— Auburn, N. Y., about 1830-60. Son of Elijah Snell.
Snell, Chauncey and Elijah—Riflemakers of Auburn, N. Y. Elijah, . the elder, was active from 1820 or before until his death in 1834. Succeeded by his son, Chauncey, who continued until about i860.
SNELL, Elijah— Auburn, N. Y. Active about 1820, until his death in 1834.
SNEVELY, Jacob (also Sneveley, Snevley)— Harrisburg, Pa., in 1817. A flintlock Kentucky rifle, .53 calibre, 8-groove.
SNEVELY, William— Flint's Mills, Washington Co., Ohio. 1854-65.
Snively, William —Riflemaker of Flint's Mills, Washington County, Ohio. Active from before 1858; quit in 1865.
SNOW & COE— New Haven, Conn. Makers of "Kalamazoo" air pistols under Hawley patent of 1869.
SNYDER, Adam, George, Henry, John — Providence Township, Lan caster Co., Pa., representing several generations of gunsmiths.
SNYDER, I. or J. — Unlocated. Superbly ornamented percussion Ken tucky rifle with German silver inlays of Lion & Union Jack facing Eagle & Stars and Stripes; name in script on lock and barrel.
SNYDER, Ira — Woodward, Union Co., Pa., percussion period.
SNYDER, Ira E. — Unlocated. Percussion over-under Kentucky rifle. May be same as Ira Snyder, above.
SNYDER, Jacon— Liberty Township, Bedford Co., 1860. Possibly the same as I. or J. Snyder above. I. and J. were used interchange ably.
SNYDER, Tobias— Liberty Township, Bedford Co., Pa., 1857.
SOLEIL, Francis — New Amsterdam, 1656.
SOMERS, H.— -Barnett, Vt. Heavy barrel, double-set trigger, Ger man silver trim, percussion match rifle.
SOPER & LYONS — Sioux City, Iowa. Half stock, .44 caliber, per cussion, plains rifle.
SOPER, Loren — Theresa, N. Y. Percussion rifles.
SOPER, P. — Unlocated. Percussion rifles.
SOREY, E. N. — Danville, Va., 1862. Engaged in arms repair for the Confederacy.
SOUBIE, Armand — New Orleans, La., gunsmith and arms importer listed in Michel's New Orleans Annual and Commercial Register at 24 Toulouse Street, in the 1834 issue published in December 1833. Listed in the City Directory from 1835 to 1861. Located at 160 Chartres in 1853. Returned to France during the Civil War.
South Boston Iron Works-—Cyrus Alger & Co., Foundry Street, Boston, Mass. Established 1809, incorporated 1827 and ceased operations about 1891. Cyrus Alger (1782-1856), the first president, was interested in artillery and, due to his enthusiasm for the subject, his firm became one of the most important sources of ordnance supply in the nation. Began the production of iron cannon in 1828 and in 1834 made the first rifled cast-iron cannon. In 1835 began the manufacture of malleable-iron cannon, the process of which Alger patented on May 30, 1837. Began the production of bronze cannon in 1836. Made the gigantic “Columbiad” mortars, the largest cast in the country, in 1842. Cyrus -Alger died in 1856, his son and successor, Francis, in 1861. In 1843 Alger improved shells and fuses and in 1855, six breech-loading, slotted (interrupted) screw-breech guns were made for the British Government. During the Civil War, hundreds of pieces of heavy ordnance were turned out, an average of 400 workmen being given employment. In 1869 the last cast-iron rifle -10-inch -accepted by the government, was delivered. The demand for greater accuracy, greater range and maximum safety for gun crews brought about the construction of built-up forged steel guns. The South Boston Co. attempted to keep pace with developments. On January 5, 1880, a navy contract for a 6-inch breech-loader, constructed on this plan, was received. This gun was accordingly produced but the jacket was imported from Firth of Sheffield, England. In 1886 a 54-ton breech-loading rifled cannon of cast steel was turned out. This ended the history of that branch of foundering at these works and their heavy gun lathes were removed to Water- vliet Arsenal the following year. cf. Pp. 66063, Vol. II, '‘History of American Manufacturers/ ’ Bishop, Philadelphia, 1864. P. 315, Vol. II, “History of the Manufacturers of the U. S.,” Clark, N. Y., 1929. Many references, “Gun Making in the United States,” Capt. Rogers Birmie, Washington, 1907.
SOUTHERLAND, C— Geneva, N. Y. Percussion holster pistol with "Golcher" lock.
SOUTHGATE, R. — Madison, Tenn. Modern authentic reproductions, restorations, and repair.
SOWERS— Philadelphia, Pa. Flintlock Kentucky rifle (lock only?). A percussion lock marked "SOWERS" on a Wm. Bodenheimer rifle is reported.
SOWERS & SMITH— Philadelphia, Pa. Percussion lock marked "SOWERS & SMITH," on a full maple stock rifle by Diesinger, Philadelphia.
SPANG & WALLACE— Philadelphia, Pa. Makers of full maple stock, ornate brass trim, flintlock and percussion Kentucky rifles.
SPANGLE, P. — Unlocated. Halfstock, double-set trigger, percussion hunting rifle.
SPANGLER, G.— "LIVERPOOL." Marking on barrel of fine, circa 1830, Kentucky rifle of northern Penna. style.
SPANGLER, George— Monroe, Wis., 1846-1914. Percussion shotguns, target rifles, and single and double barrel hunting rifles includ ing the over-under type. Dealer only after about 1870. Son of Samuel Spangler.
SPANGLER, Samuel — Located in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, before 1846. Made flintlock Kentucky rifles in Pennsylvania. In 1844 left the state with wife and son, George, and moved to Wisconsin, settling in Monroe in 1846. Probably died before 1856. Flintlock rifle with brass sideplate engraved "STOYSTOWN 1830." Stoystown is in Somerset County, Pa.
SPARKS, Thomas— Shot manufacturer. 476 South Front, Phila., Pa. 1819.,
SPARLING, Lewis D. — Pennsylvania and New York. Learned under the Lemans at Lancaster, Pa.; migrated to Fallsburg, N. Y., where he made flintlock rifles until the Civil War. Son Leslie M. Sparling was working in Montour Co., Pa., in 1930.
SPAULDING— Hartland, Vt. Percussion period. Same as Abel Spaulding?
SPAULDING, Abel— North Buckfield, Me. Percussion rifles.
SPEAR, L. — Unlocated. Percussion Kentucky rifles and rifled pocket pistols.
SPECHT, A.— Unlocated. Kentucky rifles.
SPECHT, Eley— (Also Elias Spect) Beavertown, Snyder Co., Pa. Late percussion period; over-under rifle-shotguns.
SPECHT, M. — Unlocated. Percussion, swivel-breech percussion rifles.
SPECT, Adam (or Specht) — Bevertown, Snyder Co., Pa. Kentucky rifles.
SPECT, Moah — Bellville, Pa. Probably same as M. Specht, maker of swivel-breech, over-under percussion rifles.
Speed, Robert—Riflemakcr of Boston, Mass., 1820-40.
SPEED, Robert— Boston, Mass., 1820-40.
SPELTER, John — Joliet, 111., in 1889. Born 1853; gunsmith and Schuetzen match shooter.
SPENCE, P. I. — Marietta, Ohio. Recent percussion rifles.
SPENCER ARMS CO.— Windsor, Conn., about 1885-93. Makers of repeating shotguns of all grades under Spencer patent of Feb. 26, 1885. The shotgun mechanism was the joint invention of Christopher M. Spencer, of Spencer repeating carbine fame, and of Sylvester M. Roper. In 1902, the Company was controlled by Francis Bannerman and his associates.
SPENCER REPEATING-RIFLE CO.— Chickering Building, Tremont St., Boston, Mass., about 1861-69. Makers of 7-shot, tube maga zine, cartridge carbines and rifles based on the Christopher M. Spencer patent of March 6, 1860, No. 27,393. During the Civil War and up to Jan. 1, 1866, 12,471 Spencer rifles and 64,685 carbines were procured by the Ordnance Department. In addition 30,496 Spencer carbines were obtained from the Burnside Rifle Co. Spencer arms were also purchased with private funds to equip state troops. The Company went out of business Sept. 12, 1869, when the plant was sold at auction and was absorbed by the Winchester Repeating Arms Co.
SPENCER, A. F.— Winsted, Conn. Percussion target rifle.
Spencer, Christopher M., Spencer Repeating Rifle Co.—Boston, Mass. Established 1862, capital $100,000. Took over the plant of the Chickering Piano Company on Tremont Street. Manufactured the Spencer magazine rifles and carbines. First patent was issued Spencer in i860, when he was but 19 years of age. An improved • model was patented in July, 1862, and the cut-off feature added in 186^. The Spencer was extremely popular during the Civil War and until 1880. The government purchased 94,000 of these arms during the period 1862-65. The Spencer Relating Rifle Company was purchased by Winchester in 1869.
SPENCER, Dwight W.— Hartford, Conn., about 1860.
SPENCER, DwighW —West Hartford, Conn., 1868. Percussion telescope target rifle.
SPENCER, J. — Unlocated. Half stock, brass mounted, percussion rifle with lock by Joseph Griffith, Louisville, Ky.
SPERL, H. — Or Speerl, Susquehanna Depot, Pa. Percussion Sport ing rifles.
SPICKER, G. & F. — Cincinnati, Ohio. Double percussion shotgun.
Spies, A. W.— Broadway & Fulton Sts., New York. Produced firearms and edged weapons, active 1832 until his death in i860.
SPIES, A. W.— New York, N. Y., 1820-1851. Died 1860. Maker of six shot, percussion, pepperbox pistols, and octagonal barrel, keyed half stock target rifle with double set triggers and engraved lock marked "A. W. SPIES WARENTED."
Spies, Kissan & Co.—New York, N. Y, Successors to the above. Active until 1876 or later.
SPIES, KISSAN & CO.— New York, N. Y., 1873-76.
Spiller & Burr—Macon, Georgia. Produced revolvers for the Confederacy which are now very rare. These were a close copy of the Whitney except with a brass frame.
SPILLER & BURR— Edward N. Spiller and David J. Burr, Atlanta, Ga., June 12, 1862 to February 1864, when the firm moved to Macon, Ga. Makers of .36 caliber, Confederate revolvers on the Whitney Navy Model, but with brass frame. These were usually marked on the barrel, "SPILLER & BURR," bore a serial num ber and sometimes "CS" on the right side of the frame. Due to lagging deliveries after initial production of some six hundred revolvers, the firm was bought out by the Confederate Govern ment February 7th, 1864, and the firms name omitted on arms made under government ownership, only the continued serial number and "CS" being retained on the next six or seven hun dred made prior to the end of the Civil War.
Spitzer—Father and son, gunsmiths to the Virginia Council of Safety, 1776. Following the Revolution, the younger located in Newmarket, Ya., where he was active until about 1820. Their early location is unknown.
SPITZER — Father and son, musket makers to Virginia Committee of Safety 1775-76. Location unknown during the War of Revolu tion, but subsequently, the son moved to Newmarket, Va., where he was active until 1825.
SPITZER, W.— Reported maker of heavy, Kentucky type, flintlock match rifle.
Sporleder, Louis—-Gunmaker of Walsenburgh, Colo. 1867-75 an<l after.
SPORLEDER, Louis— Walsenburgh, Col., 1867-75.
SPRAGUE— Louden, Ohio, before and after 1846. P. A. Reinhard had been apprenticed to Sprague.
SPRAGUE & LATHROP— Stevens Point, Wis. Percussion period. Double Barrel side-by-side, high grade hunting rifle.
Sprague & Marston—New York, N. Y. Produced W. W. Marston patent 1849 pepperbox.
SPRAGUE & MARSTON— New York, N. Y. Makers of 6-shot per cussion pepperbox and single-shot pistols of the same construc tion as the Marston & Knox.
SPRATLEY, W. C— Norfolk, Vt. Flintlock fowling piece.
Springfield Arm« Co.—Springfield, Mass. Made James Warner’s revolvers, patent January 7, 1851, July 15, 1851 and June, 1856. Warner was the company manager and his revolvers were very similar to the Wesson & Leavitt except that they possessed a ramrod. Ho later• (February, 1864) patented a breech-loader which was in use during the Civil War. The government purchased 4,000 of these arms which, however, were produced elsewhere and not by Springfield Arms Co.
Springfield Armory—Springfield, Mass. On April 26th, 1782, Congress authorized the establishment of a “good and efficient magazine for the reception of the public ammunition/ * Based upon this authorization a magazine was constructed “un the high ground known as the Training Field” and remained in operation until its demolishment in 1842. The actual production of arms was provided for by Act of April 2, 1794, and 245 muskets were made the following year. From that time until the present the armory has been enlarged and equipped to meet the demands placed upon it during times of emergency. A peak production rate of 1,500 arms daily was attained in November, 1918. The reservation embraces 297 acres, has a land valuation of $614,000 and the buildings and equipment are appraised at $11,543,- 131. (1933 )
SPRINGFIELD ARMORY— Springfield, Mass., 1795 to date. U. S. Government manufactory of arms which developed gradually out of an arsenal and powder magazine established on Washing ton's approval in 1777. Begun at first as a depot for the manu facture of musket cartridges and gun carriages, the depot soon broadened its activities to the repair of small arms and the preparation and supply of munitions of war and ordnance of of all kinds to the Continental armies. When in 1792, Congress authorized the establishment of two national arsenals, and on April 12, 1794, directed the construction of two Federal armories, President Washington combined the storage and manufacturing authorizations, and selected for the combined purposes, Spring field in the North, and Harpers Ferry in the South. The manu facture of arms at the Springfield Armory began in 1795, in which year 245 muskets were laboriously produced, mostly by hand. Production facilities were rapidlv increased, until by 1825, the armory reached an annual output of 15,000 muskets. In addition to muskets and pattern arms, as well as 250 rifles re corded in 1819, the armory produced 1,000 horse pistols in 1818, and 4,021 pistol-carbines in 1856-57. Subsequently, under the able management of the U. S. Ordnance Department, the Springfield Armory maintained a splendid record of service in all national emergencies. It reached its peak production of small arms in October, 1918, with a daily output of well over one thousand Model 1903 (Springfield) rifles.
SPRINGFIELD ARMS CO.— Springfield, Mass., 1850-69. Operated by James Warner as an arms manufactory, and later under his own name. Made Jacquith percussion revolvers under patent of July 12, 1838, No. 832, and James Warner patent percussion revolvers under patents of Jan. 7, 1851, No. 7,894 and July 15, 1851, No. 8,229. Cartridge revolvers made by the firm about 1863, in fringed on the Smith & Wesson controlled patents, and 1,513 were turned over to S. & W. in 1863. See Warner, James.
SPRINGFIELD MANUFACTURING CO.— Ludlow, Mass. Sub-con tractor to Springfield Armory for musket barrels in early 1800's.
Sprinkle, Michael—Gunsmith. lie was the first settler of Shawnee- town, 111., arriving in 1800. Doubtful as to production.
SQUIRE & ROGERS— Unidentified. Makers of flintlock Kentucky rifles.
ST. CLAIR, S. H. — Pennsylvania. Early maker of a very fine flintlock Kentucky rifle. About 1800 or earlier. Lock by Southerland (Revolutionary period British lock maker), but may be a replace ment.
STACY & ANGEL— Knoxville, Tenn. Advertised in 1871 as "manu facturers of rifles," and "rifles made to order."
STAEGE, William — Omro, Wis. Modern. Mostly maker of rifle barrels for target rifles, but has made several .22 caliber bolt action rifles of his own design.
STAFFORD — Unlocated, possibly British. Front-action percussion lock on Kentucky smooth rifle by Waggoner, Schenectady, N. Y.
Stafford, T. J.—New Haven. Pistol manufacturer, single shot, breakdown, barrel is hinged to tip down to load. Patent of March 19, i860.
STAFFORD, T. J.— New Haven, Conn., 1860-61. Maker of small gold plated, pearl handled "Lady's Pistols." Stafford was a printer at 88 State Street, in 1854. After a brief fling at arms-making, he went back to printing business in 1865-66. He is listed as a cartridge maker in 1877.
STAHL, C— Lancaster, Pa., 1810-20. Flintlock Kentucky rifles.
STAHL, C. T. — Pennsylvania. Curly maple, half stock, brass mounted, flintlock, 8-groove rifle with 30 inlays and German silver patch box. Same as Stahl, C?
STALTER, William — Logan, Ohio. Percussion sporting rifles.
Stamm, Jacob—Rifle maker of Sardinia, Brown County, Ohio, 1859-64, before and after.
STAMM, P. H. — Maker of a brass trim, half stock, percussion, Ken tucky type rifle with double set triggers.
Stamm, Philip—Born in Germany about 1797. Came to America and established in Brown County, Ohio, in 1842. An excellent worker in iron and wood, he made many guns and pistols. His shop was located in or near the town of Ripley and he was active until his death in May, 1862. A second gunsmith by the name of Phillip Statin is found at Ripley in 1864-66. He was probably the son of the above.
STANBER— Houstontown, Pa., 1850.
STANDARD ARM CO.— Wilmington, Del. Modern Makers of gas operated automatic rifles and slide-action repeating rifles.
Standard Arms Co.—103 F St., Wilmington, Delaware. Produced a repeating rifle, gas-operated and similar to the Mondragon, 1910-11.
STANDARD TOOL CO.— Unlocated. Makers of a .22 cal. revolver.
Stannard, F. P.—Gunmaker of Janesville, Wisconsin. Active 1874-82, before and after.
STANNARD, F. P. GUN CO.— Milwaukee, Wis., gunmakers located at 414 E. Water, in 1891 and at 13 Grand Ave., in 1893.
STAPLETON, James— Todd, Huntingdon Co., Pa. Late percussion period over-under rifles and fancy percussion Kentucky rifles. Fine craftsman.
STAPLETON, Joseph— Orbisonia, Huntingdon Co., Pa. Skilled maker of Kentucky rifles. (Related to or same as Stapleton, James?)
STARR— Lancaster, Pa., about 1750-1760. Flintlock Kentucky rifle with carved high-comb fullstock and slender wrist.
STARR— Lancaster, Pa., before and after 1800.
Starr Arms Co.—Yonkers. N. Y. Manufacturers of Eben T. Starr’s revolver, patent of January 15, 1856, #14118. The government purchased 47,952 of these arms during the period 1861-65. Also made Starr’s patent September 14, 1858, #21523, breech-loaders. This arm employed a cap and paper cartridge and saw some service during the Civil War. In 1865 he received a patent on a breech-loader taking a rim- fire cartridge. This arm was submitted to the U. S. trials in 1865 but was not adopted.
STARR ARMS CO.— Store and office 267 Broadway, New York and plants at Yonkers, Binghamton and Morrisania, N. Y., about 1858-67. Makers of revolvers under the Eben T. Starr patent of Jan. 15, 1856, No. 14,118. There were 5,000 Starr revolving pistols contracted for by the government Nov. 24, 1858, and a total of 47,952 Starr revolvers of all types purchased during the Civil War. The firm also made single-shot and 4-shot Derringer pistols. The firm also made Starr breech-loading percussion car bines patented Sept. 14, 1858, No. 21,523, of which 20,601 were delivered during the Civil War. An additional 5,001 Starr rim fire cartridge carbines were purchased in 1865. The Starr plant located in Binghamton, was later sold to "Jones of Binghamton - He Pays the Freight," who made scales for many years. He was Gen. Edward F. Jones, who commanded the Massachusetts regiment that was fired on while marching through Baltimore, early in the Civil War. The Binghamton street leading to the former location of the plant, is still called Starr Avenue. The site is now occupied by the Daniel S. Dick inson School. The president of the Starr Arms Co., was H. H. Wolcott, inventor of the Wolcott carbine, patented Nov. 27, 1866, No. 60,106. Probabilities are that the Wolcott carbine (specimen in the National Museum) was made in the Starr shops.
STARR, N. & SON — Middletown, Conn., active as riflemakers from about 1823 to 1845. The firm was originated as sword makers about 1798, by Nathan Starr (Sr.) who received a large govern ment saber and sword contract. His son, Nathan, Jr., entered the firm about 1798, the name being later changed to N. Starr & Son. The Starrs contracted on Dec. 9, 1823, for 4,000 Model 1817 rifles at $14.50 each, to be delivered at the rate of 800 per annum from July 1, 1823. Contract of Oct. 28, 1830, details unknown. March 17, 1840, the firm obtained an additional con tract for 6,000 flintlock rifles at $14.50 each, duration five years, at 12,000 per year. Nathan Starr, Jr., died at Middletown, on Aug. 31, 1852.
Starr, Nathan S.; Starr & Son, N.—Nathan S. Starr, the elder, was born April 14, 1755, at Middletown, Conn., son of Jacob and Priscilla Starr. On October 15, 1798, he received a government contract for 10,000cavalry sabers at $5.00 each and 4,000 artillery swords at $4.00. Nathan, the younger, was born February 20, 1784, and entered his father’s shop in 1798. He received a patent on a breech-loading arm, May 3, 1839, #1411 and died in Middletown on August 31, 1852. Starr produced a handsome sword of honor which was presented by the State of Connecticut to Commodore Isaac Hull in 1825. This sword is now preserved in the Navy Department at Washington. A partial list of the government contracts held by Starr follows: October 15, 1798, io,oco horsemen’s swords at $5.00, 4,000 artillery swords at $4.00; January xi, 1813, 11,000 sabers, 1,165 added later on January 5, 1819; 10,000 sabers for cavalry, 4,000 swords for artillery; December 6, 1823, 4,000 rifles, complete, at $14.50; March 17, 1840, 6,000 rifles, complete, $14.50.
State Gun Factory—Fredericksburg, Virginia. A state-owned gun manufactory established by Virginia in 1775 with Colonel Fielding Lewis and Charles Dick in charge, Dick remained in this connection until 1782 at which time he gave employment to 19 workmen and 5 apprentices. (Many references, Calendar of Virginia State Papers, McRae, Richmond, 1886.)
STATE RIFLE WORKS— Greenville, S. C, 1863-64. Operated by George W. Morse. Makers of breech-loading carbines and muskets with "inside" locks. See also Morse, George W.
STATES, S.— Pennsylvania. Kentucky rifles.
STATLER, William— Main Street, Logan, Ohio, 1868-74.
Statter, William—Gunmaker of Logan, Ohio, 1868-74.
STEADMAN, F.— Unlocated. Percussion rifles.
STEADMAN, J. — Lock marking of an over-under, combination, per cussion rifle-shotgun.
STEDMOND & SON— Lancaster, Pa. No details.
STEEL, Archibald— Military Storekeeper. U. S. Arsenal, Phila., Pa. 1819.
Steel, John—Steel and two sons were active as gunsmiths as early as 1771. On July 7, 1775, they were collectively appointed Armourers to the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Produced muskets for the state and active 1787 or later.
STEEL, John — The family of John Steel and two sons, gunsmiths all, active from about 1771-87. All had been appointed Armorers to the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, July 7, 1775.
STEELE & LATHROP— Albany, N. Y., about 1860. Makers of per cussion pistols.
STEELE, WARREN & CO.— Albany, N. Y. A percussion Kentucky rifle lock. See Warren & Steele.
Stein, Mathias—Gunmaker of Milwaukee, Wis., 1868-75.
STEIN, Mathias — (Or Mathew) Milwaukee, Wis. Came to Milwaukee from. Detroit in 1837. Located at 25 Market Square until 1865, after that at 460 Market Square. Percussion hunting and target rifles.
Stein, William—Gunmaker, , 309 Federal Street, Camden, N. J., 1868-75, before ancl after.
STEINMAN— "LANCASTER." Marking on a flint lockplate of a Penna. rifle signed "A. GUMPH" on barrel.
STEINMAN, Frederick— 31 Green Street, Philadelphia, Pa., at 31 Green in 1825-33, and on Elizabeth Street in 1835-36. (Son of John Steinman?)
STEINMAN, John— Philadelphia, Pa., gunsmith listed at 442 North 3rd Street in 1810-11, then at 17 Green Street in 1818-19, 51 Green in 1820-22, 59 Green in 1825, 31 Green in 1828 and 22 Green 1829-36. Moved to Germantown Road about Fifth in 1842 and is last shown at Clymer above Mud Lane in 1845. Steinman is believed to have been a member of the firm Winner, Nippes & Co., musket contractors for Model 1808 arms, whose lock-plates were marked "W. N. & S."
STENGEL — Lancaster, Pa., 1719. Reputed to have been the first German immigrant (Pennsylvania Deutch) to make the Ken tucky rifle by modification of the German hunting rifle.
STENGER, T. S.— Waterloo, Iowa, 1866-68.
STENZER — Lancaster, Pa., Revolutionary War period.
Stephens & Co., John—Musket makers to the Board of War, Philadelphia, Pa. The minutes of the board for April 9, 1777, contain a memorandum “paid £ 160 on account of Arms making by Them. N. B. - 27 guns delivered this day.” (P. 28, Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. I.)
STEPHENS, Ebenezer — Oshkosh, Wis., percussion period.
Sterewith—A Committee of Safety musket maker of Maryland, 1775. *
STEREWITH— Maryland, 1775-76. Musket maker to Committee of Safety.
STERLING, H. G.— Unlocated.
STEUCK, P. E.— Leadville, Col., 1879-81
Steven*, Martin—Riflemaker of Stoughton, Mass. Active 1859-68, before arid after.
Stevens & Co., J*; Stevens Arms & Tool Co-—Stevens was active 1852 or before, and the J. Stevens & Co. was established at Chicopee Falls, Mass., 1864. In 1886 the business was incorporated as the J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., which was taken over by Westinghouse in 1915. Following the World War, the Savage Arms Corporation secured control, which they exercise to date. Produced rifles, shotguns and pistols.
Stevens, A- C.—Riflemaker of Hudson, N. Y. Active 1855-75, before and after. Produced a number of heavy, percussion match rifles with false muzzles.
STEVENS, A. C. — Hudson, N. Y. False muzzle, percussion match rifle with lock by H. T. Cooper, N. Y. Also a plains rifle, 1856, with C. Baker lock.
STEVENS, H.— Watertown, N. Y. Heavy, false muzzle, match rifle and superposed, percussion rifle-shotguns.
STEVENS, J. & CO. — Chicopee Falls, Mass. The business was estab lished by Joshua Stevens, who was born in Chester, Hampton Co., Mass., Sept. 10, 1814. In 1837, after serving a four-year apprenticeship in a machine shop in Chester, he secured em ployment with C. B. Allen, arms manufacturer at Springfield. Later he worked with other firearms firms, until 1864, when with the invention of a small pocket pistol, Stevens in associa tion with James E. Taylor and William B., established J. Stevens & Co. In 1888 the firm was incorporated as the J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., and after the World War became the J. Stevens Arms Co., controlled by the Savage Arms Corporation.
STEVENS, J. ARMS & TOOL CO.— Chicopee Falls, Mass. See J. Stevens & Co., above.
STEVENS, JOHN & CO.— Musket makers to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. There is recorded 160 pounds paid on account, on April 9, 1777, and 27 muskets delivered to the state that day.
STEVENS, Thos. H.— U. S. Inspector of Contract Arms (ship's cut lasses) in 1816 at the plant of Nathan Starr.
STEVENTS, J. ARMS CO.— Chicopee Falls, Mass. Modern. Makers of the Stevens line of rifles, pistols and shotguns. See J. Stevens & Co., above.
STEWART— Bucyrus, Ohio. Rifles and revolvers.
STEWART — Lewistown, Pa. Kentucky rifles.
STEWART, John— 6 Light St., Baltimore, Md., 1810.
STICKLER— Dayton, Ohio, 1837. Worked with J. Wilt. Made rifle and shotgun barrels.
STILDENBAUER, Asa— Winesburg, Holmes Co., Ohio. Half-stock percussion rifle marked "A. S." on barrel.
STILGENBAUER, A.— Unlocated. Reported maker of a fancy, silver inlaid halfstock percussion squirrel rifle with squirrel engraved on patchbox lid. Probably misreading for Stildenbauer.
STILLMAN, AMOS & CO.— Farmington, Conn. Amos and Ethan Stillman, contractors under Act of July 5, 1798, for 500 muskets at $13.40 per stand, of which 525 (excess of 25) were delivered by June 10, 1801. Amos Stillman & Co., are recorded to have been paid in full a total of $7,035, as follows: in 1799- $978.20; in 1800- $1,701.80 and in 1801 the balance of $4,355.00, completing the payment for 525 stands of arms. See Ethan Stillman.
Stillman, Ethan—Born at Westerly, Rhode Island, 1768. As a young man he was employed, for a time, at the New York Iron Works, near Stonington, Conn. In 1798 he moved to Farmington where he and his brother, Amos, contracted to make t,ooo stands of arms for the government at $13.40 each. It is noted in his autobiography that he cleared $1,000 on this transaction. In 1803 lie transferred to Burlington, Conn., where he built a shop for repairing and making rifles. In 1808 he secured a second government contract for 2,500 muskets at $10.75 each, deliveries of 500 each year for five years. A report, dated October 7, 1812, indicates 825 arms had been delivered. In his autobiography, Stillman recounts his subsequent troubles with the benign powers of the Republic: “Because I did not make 500 the first year, they took me and my bondsmen with a special writ for $ 12,000 each, there being five of us in the aggregate, we were holden for S6o,ooo. Wc must get bail or go to jail. We sent to three courts, Pierpont Edwards was the judge and we got it put over each time. The fourth time they withdrew the suit but I finally lived it through and made the guns, but it took my farm to pay my debts. “There were eighteen other men in New England who contracted to make guns at the same time, that did not do as well as I did. All fell in debt to the U. S. One of them died and left his bondsmen in debt to the U. S., $7,000. Another was so much in debt that he jumped in the river and was drowned. I was acquainted with both of them. I finished my contract of arms, arranged my business, paid my debts and in the fall of 1818 I moved to Brookfield, N. Y.”- Charles D. Cook in the Magazine Antiques, by permission.
STILLMAN, Ethan — Burlington, Conn., musket maker. In associa tion with his brother Amos of Farmington, contracted for 500 muskets under Act of July 5, 1798. Completed deliveries with 25 stands excess by June 10, 1801. On Sept. 14, 1808, Ethan Stillman (alone) contracted for 2,200 muskets to be delivered over a period of five years. Of these 825 were delivered by Oct. 7, 1812. Ethan Stillman was born at Westerly, R. I., in 1768. After working as a youth in the New York Iron Works at Stoning ton, he worked for a while as a shoemaker. In 1798 he moved to Farmington where with his brother he obtained and com pleted the contract of 1798, on which he cleared a profit of $1,000. In 1803 he moved to Burlington, where he established a gunsmith shop. It was here that he undertook the 1808 con tract which he apparently fulfilled after considerable difficulties with the government. Upon completion of the contract he moved to Brookfield, N. Y.
STING— Tiffin, Seneca Co., Ohio.
Stinger, Thomas—Riflemaker of Lycoming County and Jersey Shore, Pa. Active about 1835-50.
STINGER, Thomas — Lycoming County and Jersey Shore, Pa., about 1840.
STITZELL, Adam— Employed as musket barrel maker by Joseph Henry in 1810.
Stocking & Co.—Alexander Stocking. Produced pistols and revolvers at Worcester, Mass., 1849-52, and after.
STOCKING & CO.— Worcester, Mass., 1849-52. Operated by Alex ander Stocking. Makers of percussion single-shot and 6-shot pepperbox pistols.
STOCKING, Alexander— Operator of Stocking & Co. Had been em ployee of Allen, Brown & Luther.
STOEHR, I.— Maker of full stock, flintlock Kentucky rifles.
STOEY, Gustavus— Lancaster, Pa. Appointed and commissioned In spector of Arms by the Governor of Pennsylvania, Jan. 7, 1806, vice Peter Getz, resigned. Stoey was authorized on July 10, 1810, to receive from the widow of Peter Getz all public arms and parts left in her possession by the former inspector.
STOKES, Enoch — Lancaster, Pa. Two gunsmiths of same name listed at different addresses in the 1857 Directory.
STONE, David — Walpole, N. H., musket maker. In association with Gurdon Huntington, John Livingston and Josiah Bellow, con tractor for 1,000 Charleville pattern, (Model 1795) muskets at $13.40 per stand, contracted for under the Act of July 5, 1798. Of these 608 were delivered by June 10, 1801.
STONER, John—Webster, Westmoreland Co., Pa.
STORY, Asa— Windsor, Va., 1835.
Stossmeister, Charles—Riflemaker of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1857-63, before and after.
STOSSMEISTER, Charles— Cincinnati, Ohio, 1857-63.
STOUDENOUR, Jacob— Colerain Township, Bedford Co., Pa., about 1825. Died in 1871.
Stowell, Elson J.—Brooklyn, N. Y. Pistol maker, active 1873-78.
STRAUB, John— Snyder Co., Pa. 1847-1923. Specialized in heavy target rifles. Good workmanship.
STREETS, Charles— Portsmouth, Scioto Co., Ohio, 1829.
STRIECER, E. J.— Unidentified. Flintlock Kentucky rifle.
STRODE, John — Culpepper County, Va. Manager of the Rappa hannock Forge, or Hunter Iron Works and gun factory at Falmouth during its operation 1776-81. After the Revolutionary War, Strode apparently retained arms manufacturing connec tions, as he (unsuccessfully) submitted bids for the manufacture of muskets for the State of Virginia on March 18, 1796, and Sept. 7, 1797. Was inspector of arms made by Home & Wheeler in 1801-02.
STROHECKER & EWBANK— Late flint lock with reinforced hammer and roller frizzen-spring bearing, factory decorated. Poorly fitted to a southern Kentucky rifle.
STROHHECKER, H. F.— Charleston, S. C. Reported marking on 12 inch percussion pistol with belt hook.
STROHL, J.— Fremont, Ohio, 1868-70.
Strong Firearms Co.—New Haven, Conn., 1880. Sold out to Winchester in January, t88t, and the plant was destroyed by fire in 1883. Revived soon thereafter and active until 1891. Produced rifles, rifled sub-caliber tubes, yacht cannon and ammunition.
STRONG FIREARMS CO.— New Haven, Conn., 1881-83. Breechload ing shot-guns with interchangeable rifle barrels.
STRONG, H. A. — Unlocated. Percussion rifles.
STROSSMEISTER, Charles— Cincinnati, Ohio, 1857-1863.
STROUP, O. M.— Wellington, Ohio, 1880-83.
Stuart, Charles—Riflemaker of Binghamton, N. Y. about 1850-70.
STUART, Charles — 43 Washington St., Binghamton, N. Y. Ex-em ployee of Bartlett Bros. Made high grade rifles in his own establishment 1850-83. Also underhammer percussion pistols.
STUBBLEFIELD, James; — Superintendent Harpers Ferry Armory, 1809-1817.
STUDTE, F.— 638 Commercial, San Francisco, Calif., 1861-62; 648 Commercial, 1863-65.
Stull, Jerry and Samuel—Riflemakers of Millwood, Knox County, Ohio, 1858-61, before and after.
STULL, S. — Ohio. Well-made halfstock percussion rifle stamped with name on barrel and "S. STULL, OHIO" on lock.
STURDIVANT, Lewis G.— Talladega, Ala., rifle contractor to the Confederacy. The plant was on the south side of Battle Street west, three doors below S.W. Crossing of Court St., in a two story building still standing, numbered 116-118. The contract was of March 6, 1862 for 2,000 Enfield or Mississippi type rifles. About 280 rifles were delivered, some not up to standard. Sturdivant had been a jeweller and rented the building from Mr. S. D. Watson for the manufacture of arms. It was then a two story shop, the lower floor used as a blacksmith and ma chinery shop, the upper story was the woodworking shop where the stocks were made and guns finished.
STURGIS, Julius— Lancaster, Pa., 1857.
STUTSMAN, J. G.— Dayton, Ohio. Stamping on factory-made late percussion lock on a Kentucky rifle.
SUE, W. — Pennsylvania. Percussion Kentucky rifles.
Sukalle, W. A .—1120 Washington St., Phoenix, Arizona. Rifle barrel maker, present.
SUMNER ARMORY— Gallatin, Tenn., 1861 and later. Makers of Model 1841, Mississippi, type rifles.
SUNDERLAND— Boulton, Bethlehem District, Pa.
SUNDERLAND & BLAIR— Boulton, Bethlehem district, Pa. Ken tucky rifles.
Surkamer, Fred—54 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. Guns to order. Established 1891 and succeeded in 1935 by E. Mirz.
SUTER, C. & CO. — Rifle contractors to the Confederacy. Selma, Alabama. Furnished 50 Mississippi rifles (M.1841) to the State of Alabama between Oct. 1, 1863 and Nov. 1, 1864. Partner was P. Lessier.
SUTER, John J. — Bucks Co., Pa., gunsmith of (Edinburgh) Scottish ancestry. Born 1823 at Ruffsdale, Pa. Had been apprenticed to John Johnson. Made plain, long, percussion hunting rifles of large caliber, .40 to .50. No engraving, no butt plates but un usually slender and light for their caliber and length. Used peculiar enamel-like blueing. Made his own locks; barrels pur chased from Brown & Hirth, Pittsburgh, Pa. Rifles marked "J.J.S." on barrel between cone and rear sight. Died 1902.
SUTER, Worthe, G. — Ruffsdale, Pa., gun maker, current period. Born near Ruffsdale, Pa., Oct. 6, 1896. As a very small boy worked as a gunsmith's helper with his grandfather, John J. Suter, until the latter's death, then with C. M. Knupp at Bakersville, Somer set Co., Pa. All phases of gun making: hunting rifles, flint or percussion, ornamental, with name and address stamped on barrel. Makes own locks, curly maple or walnut stocks, barrels, brass and silver work, set triggers and ornaments.
Sutherland, Samuel—Gunsmith to the Confederacy at Richmond, Va., 1861-64.
SUTHERLAND, Samuel— Richmond, Va. His address is given at 174 Main Street, in 1852, at 132 Main Street, in 1855, and at 1406 E. Main and 609 E. Broad in 1869. During the Civil War Sutherland operated a large plant chiefly devoted to alteration of flintlocks and reclamation of arms damaged in the Con federate service.
SUTTON— Early marking of the A. Waters arms made at Sutton, Mass., in which the Waters Armory followed the practice of the national armories in using the name of the town of manu facture rather than the name of the firm in marking early muskets.
SUTTON, John— Gunsmith. 55 Duke, Phila., Pa., 1819.
SWAIN, John— West Virginia. Percussion Kentucky rifles.
SWAN, James — Musket contractor to the State of Virginia in 1800.
SWARTCOOP— New York, N. Y., 1786-1796.
SWARTZ, Abraham— Sugar Creek, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, 1850-1870. Also tuned organs.
Swartz, Peter—Gunsmith of York County, Pa. Worked for state. 1784-86. Doubtful as to production.
SWARTZ, Peter— York County, Pa. Did work for the State 1784-86.
SWEET, D. & CO.— Unidentified. Percussion period.
SWEET, E. S. — Kalamazoo, Mich., percussion period. Lock of single hammer, 3-barrel percussion rifle by J. A. Lien.
Sweet, Jenks & Son—Gunmakers of Rhode Island. Received a government contract on November 13, 1810, for 3,000 muskets. Had delivered 250 prior to October 7, 1812.
SWEET, JENKS & SONS— Rhode Island musket makers. Contractors of Nov. 13, 1810, for 3,000 Model 1808 muskets, duration five years. Only 250 delivered by Oct. 7, 1812. It is believed that this firm is identical with Jewett, Jenks & Sons of Rhode Island, who were reported in 1818 by Col. Decius Wadsworth of the Ordnance Office, to have been given a con tract for 3,000 muskets of which 250 stands at $13.48 per stand were delivered to the State of Rhode Island.
SWEET, W. A. — Syracuse, N. Y., late percussion period. Heavy target pistol with shoulder stock.
SWEET, W. A.— See William Malcolm.
SWEGER, William— Unlocated. Flintlock Kentucky rifle.
SWEGER, Wm.— Unidentified. Flintock Kentucky rifle.
Sweitzer & Co., Daniel—“Announced the opening of their gunlock manufactory, west of the courthouse on the road to Millerstown,” Lancaster County, Pa., 1808. Remained active until 1813 or later.
SWEITZER, A. — Pennsylvania; Kentucky rifles. Probably same as A. Schweitzer, q. v.
Sweitzer, Charles—Riflemaker of Mauch Chunk, Carbon County, Pa., 1864-75, before and after.
SWEITZER, J.— Greenville, Ohio. Reputed maker of half stock per cussion rifle.
SWIETZER, DANIEL & CO.— Lancaster, Pa. Announced in 1808 the establishment of their "gun-lock factory, west of the court house, on the road to Millerstown." Model 1808 type flintlock pistols are known marked "SWEITZER & CO." believed to have been made by the same firm.
SWIGER, W.— Period of 1800; flintlock Kentucky rifles. Possibly same as Wm. Sweger.
Swinehart, Andrew—Riflemaker of Somerset, Perry County, Ohio, 1846-54.
SWOPE, A. — Pennsylvania. Percussion Kentucky rifles, one with patchbox on both sides of stock.
Symington-Anderson Co.—Rochester, N. Y. A wartime set-up of the Symington Co. Completed fifteen 75-mm guns per day for the government in 1918. The forgings were produced at Columbus, Ohio, and elsewhere.
SYMMES, J. C. — Watertown, Mass. Maker of Symmes breech-loading carbines, patented Nov. 16, 1858, No. 22,094. The purchase of 200 or less, Symmes carbines at $40.00 each was authorized as early as July 18, 1855. Ordnance Department correspondence of March 4, 1857, shows that 200 were ordered April 2, 1856, and 20 were delivered at the cost of $804.50.
Syracuse Arms Co.—Syracuse, N. Y. Originally the Syracuse Forging & Gun Company. Makers of the “Syracuse” line of shotguns and active 1889 or earlier. Absorbed by the Ithaca Gun Company.
SYRACUSE ARMS CO.— Syracuse, N. Y. Hammerless shotguns.