E. A. M.
Initials of E. A. May, U. S. Inspector of Arms within years 1831-1850.
E. B.
Unidentified. Script marking on superposed, percussian Ken tucky rifle.
E. D. & CO.
Unlocated. Marking on a Model 1795 musket lockplate.
E. L.
Unidentified. Kentucky rifle.
E. S.
Unidentified. Marking on an over-under, percussion rifle.
E. S. A.
Initials of E. S. Allin, Master Armorer Springfield Armory. Inspected arms made at Springfield Armory in the 1850's - 60's. Inventor of the Allin breech-block as used on Springfield Models 1865 to 1889.
E. T.
Initials of Elisha Tobey, U. S. Inspector of Contract Arms, 1818-1830. Inspected arms in plants of R. & J. D. Johnson, Simeon North, Nathan Starr and Asa Waters.
New York City. Incorporated Nov. 20, 1865, for the manufacture of the Eagle revolver made under patents of Willard C. Eliss, No. 24,726, July 12, 1859, and N. White, No. 39,318, July 21, 1863, which were taken over by the Eagle Arms Company from the Plant Manufacturing Co., who had manu factured the Plant revolver under the same patents.
Eagle Arms Co.
New York City. Incorporated November 20, 1865. Produced Eagle revolvers or the so-called Plant. Patent was issued to W. C. Ellis and N. White, July 12, 1859, July 21, 1863, and renewed August 25, 1863.
Eagleville, Mansfield, Conn., Makers of Spring field rifle muskets marked "U. S. Eagleville" during the Civil War. Contract of Dec. 26, 1861, for 25,000 at $20.00 each of which 20,000 were delivered.
Eagle Mfg. Co.
Norwich, Conn. Produced “U. S. Eagleville” muskets during the Civil War. Secured two government contracts: December 26, 1861 25,000 rifled Springfield muskets. July 26, 1862 20,00 ditto. Prices ranged from $16.00 to $20.00 each.
Eagle Revolver Mfg. Co.
Norwich, Conn., revolver manufacturers, 1892-93.
Eagle Rifle Work»
Philadelphia, Penna. James Golcher, proprietor. Active before and after 1833.
Percussion Kentucky rifle with name on barrel, H. Elwell lock, and name Jos. Golcher inside cast brass patch box cover.
Eagle Works
Philadelphia, Penna., corner of Callowhill and Nixon Sts. Cannon foundry during the Revolution and War of 1812.
EALER, Lewis W.
Lancaster, Pa., 1857.
Ealer, Lewis W.
Riflemaker of Lancaster, Penna., 1848-57.
EARL, Thomas
Leicester, Mass., 1770-76
Earl, Thomas
Famous gunmaker of Leicester, Mass., 1770-76.
EARLE, Elias
Centerville, S. C. Contracted with government on Feb. 16, 1815, for 10,000 muskets at $15.00 per stand to be de livered at Centerville, S. C. Earle having been elected to Con gress, the contract was taken over by Adam Carruth on Nov. 14, 1816.
Earle, Elias*
Centerville, S. C. Secured a government contract February 16, 1815 for 10,000 stand of amis. This contract was taken over by Adam Carruih of Greenville, S. C., on November 14, 1816.
EARLY, Jacob
Atcheson, Kansas gunsmith and frontiersman. Born in Tennessee in 1816; trapped in Rocky Mountain area in 1839; served in Mexican War; was government employed gunsmith to Sac and Fox Indians in 1853-60 and opened his own shop in 1864. Died 1886. Flintlock rifle marked "J. EARLY."
EARNEST, John & Peter
Gunmakers, cousins, of Delmont, Pa., 19th Century. Rifles known marked "S. P. EARNEST." Peter may be Simon P. Earnest whose grave is so marked in the Delmont cemetery. John was born 1827, died 1904.
Unlocated. Flintlock rifled target pistol.
Unlocated. Fine 18th century Kentucky rifle with 40 inch barrel, about .38 cal. Engraved, long brass patch box incised butt carving, silver inlays. Name on barrel. Also pair of Penna. construction circa 1812, flintlock pistols marked on barrels "W*M*EARNHART."
Walnut full stock, German silver inlaid, flint lock (converted to percussion) sporting musket, Kentucky style.
Double action pocket revolvers.
Rochester, N. Y. Percussion rifles.
Concord, N. H. Percussion rifles.
Jaffrey, N. H., 1863-1868. Underhammer arms, tele scope-sight match rifles, long-barreled pistols.
236 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio, before and after 1851. Percussion rifle makers.
Eaton & Kittridge
236 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Operating with ten hands and producing 250 rifles annually, 1851. See B. Kit- tridge & Co.
Moravia, N. Y.
Chicago, 111. Double barrel, hammer, 10 g. shotgun.
Boston, Mass., 1847.
Concord, N. H., 1874-1916.
Eaton, J.
Gunsmith of Boston, Mass., 1847.
Eaton, J.
Gunsmith of Concord, N. H., 1874 to about 1916.
Unlocated. Percussion Kentucky rifle.
Cutler of Lancaster County, Penna., 1760-78. 44A peerless genius in iron and steel. a natural mechanic, his bayonets are not inferior to the damask blade/ ’
545 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1861-63.
Eberle, A.
Riflemaker of Cincinnati, Ohio. Active 1855-63.
EBERLE, Charles
Phila. cutler. Acted as inspector of sabers, con tract of Dec. 9, 1807, for 2,000 horsemen's sabers, awarded to William Rose & Sons, Blockley Township, Phila., Pa., by Tench Coxe, Purveyor of Public Supplies.
Eberley, John
Committee of Safety musket maker. Location unknown.
Lancaster, Pa., 1775-77. Excused by the Executive Council from military duty Dec. 5, 1777, for the making of arms for the State of Pennsylvania, in the employ and under direction of William Henry I of Lancaster.
Vicinity of Duncannon, Pa. Gunsmith. Born Lan caster Co., Pa., 1846. Died 1920.
EBNER, Ferdinand
Burlington, Iowa. Born in Baden, Germany, October 22, 1831, son of Joseph and Anna Zimmerman Ebner. In 1853, having served apprenticeship in gunsmith trade, on death of father, emigrated with mother, three brothers and sister, to U. S. Lived for a short time in New York City, then Newburg-on-the Hudson. Came to Burlington in 1855, to work for Mr. Ebersoll, gunsmith, whom he bought out a year later. Married locally in 1857 and later took sons Charles and Rollie into business, the firm becoming F. Ebner & Sons. Ferdinand Ebner had reputation for fine work; octagon bar rel, heavy, schuetzen butt target rifle with micrometer sights adjustable for elevation and windage. Reported by Mrs. Charles F. Ebner: "I have seen several of his guns but didn't pay much attention, they were single barrels (I think) & heavy with his initial on end of barrel."
Eckart Bros.
Riflemakers of St. Joseph, Mo. Henry and William active from before 1857 to 1868.
ECKEL, Charles
518 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1840-1860.
Eckel, Charles
Riflemaker of Cincinnati, Ohio. Active 1855-60.
Upper Amberson, Pa.
ECKHART, H., & FLOHR, Charles
Sacramento, Calif., after 1870. Schuetzen rifles.
ECKHART, Henry and William
St. Joseph, Mo., 1863-69.
Pennsylvania, about 1820. A 53-inch flintlock Kentucky rifle.
EDDY, James
Philadelphia, Pa., 1812-14.
Eddy, James
Gunsmith of Philadelphia, 1812-14. Doubtful as to complete arms. Worked on public arms.
Wm. Edgar and B. M. Smith, Mineral Point, Wis. Marking on a percussion "duckfoot" revolver firing three shots at a time.
German, N. Y. and Chenango, N. Y., percussion period.
Edgewater Steel Co.
Pittsburgh, Pa. During the World War produced one 155-mm “G. P. F.” and one 240-mm howitzer forgings per day.
Unlocated. Beautiful flintlock Kentucky rifle. The only Edgington family in the 1790 Pennsylvania census was in Washington County.
Edison Machine Works
19 Dey Street, New York City. Manufacturers of naval torpedoes, 1889-90.
Unidentified. Flintlock Kentucky rifles.
Edward, A. G.
Riflemaker of Corunna, Michigan, 1855-69.
New Haven, Conn., musket makers. Executors and trustees for Eli Whitney, deceased. Musket con tract of March 21, 1830, details unknown. Contract of Jan. 8, 1840, for 7,500 muskets at $12.45 per stand. Duration five years, 1,500 per annum. Edwards of the firm is believed to be ex governor Edwards, one of the Whitney trustees from 1835 to 1842.
Edwards Sc Goodrich
New Haven, Conn., 1840-45. Received a government contract January 8, 1841 for 7,500 muskets complete, at $12.75, deliveries within five years. (U. S. 383, Doc. 72.)
Corunna, Mich., 1869. Half stock percussion rifle.
Unlocated. Fancy inlaid and relief carved Kentucky rifle.
Philadelphia, Pa., percussion derringers.
EGE, Frederick
Detroit, Mich. Percussion rifles.
EGGERS, Samuel
New Bedford, Mass., about 1840-65.
Eggers, Selmar
Gunmaker of New Bedford, Mass. Specialty whaling guns. Associated with Grudchos as Grudchos & Eggers, 1857. Partnership was dissolved aboiil i860, Eggers continuing until 1875.
Unidentified. Kentucky rifles.
Pennsylvania. Kentucky rifles.
31 Queen St., Lancaster, Pa., flintlock period to 1888.
Eicholtz, H. C.
Riflemaker, 58 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa., 1866-75.
Lancaster, Pa., 1857 Lancaster Directory.
Eicholtz, Robert L.
Riflemaker of Lancaster, Pa. Shop at Lime Street, near Vine, 1848-57.
EICHORN, Charles
Lock and gunsmith, Cleveland, Ohio, 1848.
Swordsmith of Baltimore, Md. Produced ten swords per week for Maryland, 1781-82.
York County, Penna. Revolutionary War period. Skilled rifle maker of fine arms. Uncle of H. Aultland.
Unidentified. Making on mule-ear percussion lock.
Eli», Josiah
Pittsburgh, Pa. Inventor of Ells double-action percussion revolvers.' Patent April 25, 1854, and August 1, 1854.
Elizabeth Furnace
Near Brickersville on Middle Creek, Lancaster County, Pa. Built about T750 by John Huber, a German. Became the property of Robert Coleman and supplied cannon and shot during the Revolution. Abandoned 1856. (Pg. 180, Swank.)
Cairo, 111. Heavy percussion match rifle.
Elliott ArmsCo^
404 Broadway, New York. Advertised in 1863 “Elliot’s New Repeaters.” Production doubtful.
ELLIOTT, Mathew and Nathan
Kent, Conn. Musket makers. Con tractors under Act of July 5, 1798, for 500 Charleville pattern (Model 1795) muskets at $13.40 per stand. Of these 235 were delivered by June 10, 1801.
Canandiagua, N. Y., percussion over-under, mule-ear rifle-and-shotgun.
ELLIS, Reuben
Albany, N. Y. Contracted July, 1829, for 500 Hall breech-loading flintlock rifles. Failed on his contract. Maker of flintlock repeating rifles on sliding lock principle using S. North, Model 1817 rifles.
Ellis, Reuben T.
Riflemaker of Albany, N. Y. Produced 500 Hall’s breech-loaders for the government in 1829. Made sporting rifles also.
Unlocated. 1855-60.
ELLS, Josiah
Pittsburgh, Pa., about 1854-57. Maker of "Ells" patent pocket revolver, patents of 1854 and 1857.
Present Richland Co., Ohio, 1800.
Seneca Co., Ohio, before 1812. Made gunlocks for Indians.
Pennsylvania. Though reported as maker of a flintlock Kentucky rifle, probably was a lock maker only, of late period flintlocks with reinforced hammers and roller frizzens spring bearings and of original percussion locks. Variously marked H. ELWELL WARRANTED. Probably identical with Henry Elwell and N. Elwell, (misread)? Handsome Kentucky pistols known marked "H. Elwell" on lock plates.
Unidentified. Marking on the percussion lock of a rifle by G. W. Harvel & Bros. Elwell locks are also found on rifles by James Golcher.
Unidentified. Marking on lock of a percussion Ken tucky rifle.
Ely, A. F .
Gunmaker of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, 1848-60.
ELY, A. F.
Mt. Vernon, Ohio, 1830-56.
ELY, Martin
Springfield, Mass., about 1770-75. Musket maker to Committee of Safety.
Ely, Martin
Committee of Safety musket maker, Springfield, Mass., active 1770-76.
Emerson & Silver
Trenton, New Jersey. Swordsmiths, active 1862-65.
Chatfield, Fillmore Co., Minn, 1864-65.
Emery, N.
Riflemaker of Chatfielci, Filmore County, Minn. Active 1859-65-
EMMES, Nathaniel
Washington Street, South End, Boston, Mass. 1796-1825. Advertised "The Gunsmith's Business carried on in its various branches with neatness and dispatch."
ENGLE, Barney
B. E. script initials. Greensboro, Greene Co., Pa. Before and after 1870. Maker of a late percussion Kentucky marked "B. E." with H. Elwell lock. Taught the trade to nephew Lewis N. Donham and E. L. Pancost.
Greensboro, Greene Co., Pa. Flintlock rifles. Reputed to have been the first gunsmith in Greene County. Father of Barney Engle.
Nazareth, Pa., about 1830-36. Rifle maker, also made Darling brass pepperbox pistols marked E. Engh.
Unidentified. Percussion rifles.
136-138 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Established 1848 by Bown & Tetley. In 1862 James Bown be came sole proprietor; in 1871 his son William H. Bown was ad mitted to partnership and the firm became James Bown & Son, until at least 1879. Firm trade mark was "KILL" over a buck deer. Rifles bearing the Enterprise Gun Works marks are known marked "BROWN & HIRTH," successors to James Bown & Son. The following extracts from "Industries of Pittsburgh 1879." "For more than thirty years the name of Mr. Bown has been identified with the gun business in the Iron City, The Enterprise Gun Works having been established in 1848 by Bown & Tetley. In 1862, Mr. James Bown became the sole proprietor, and in 1871, Mr. Wm. H. Bown, his son, was admitted and the firm be came James Bown & Son, under which style it has continued to the present day. They occupy three floors of the large double store, 30x60, at Nos. 136 and 138 Wood street, employing twenty six skilled workmen, and their weekly pay-roll amounts to about $275. Their stock, which is full and complete in every variety of Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Fishing tackle, Sportsmen's articles in General . . . While they are large manufacturers of rifles, Rifle Barrels, Shot Guns, etc., they also deal extensively in the best articles of foreign and American make . . . Mr. James Bown was born in England in 1823 and at the age of ten years came to this country with his parents, and in 1843 became a resident of Pittsburgh. Mr. Wm. H. Bown was born in the Iron City and has never lived in any other place.
Philadelphia, Pa. Listed as inn-keep and gun stock manufacturer at 54 Callowhill, in 1829.
Houston, Texas. Percussion derringers.
ERNST, Jacob
Frederick, Md. Working in 1770, probably until 1820. Carved, silver inlaid flintlock Kentucky rifle with engraved, hand-forged lock; one rifle numbered 125.
ERRIES, Francois
Gunsmith, 175 Ursulines, New Orleans, La,, 1853.
ESCHERICH, Anton, Ferdinand and Francis
Also Escherick. Balti more gunsmiths, brothers, who came to Maryland from Pennsylvania just before the Civil War. In addition to making and re pairing long arms and pistols, Anton ran a restaurant as a side Line in his shop on Baltimore Street, near Greene. Mr. Hetrick reports an A. Escherich double barrel percussion pistol notable for its exquisite engraving and bas-relief work.
Eshevrich, A.
Gunmaker, 477 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. 1856-60.
ESPICH, Charles
Agersville, and New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio., 1828.
Milford, Mass., early percussion rifles
Armada, Mich., maker of 2-barrel, super posed percussion rifles.
Etna Arms Co.
New York City. Successor to American Standard Tool Co. Produced revolvers in .22, .32 and .38 calibers, about 1868-72.
Of Doherty & Evans, Petersburg, Va. Makers of a walnut half stock, German silver trim, back action lock, double set trig gers, percussion rifle.
The Evans family, Pennsylvania gun makers of Evansburg, five miles north of Valley Forge, originally settled in Limerick Township, Pa. They intermarried into the Lane family of Lower Providence Township, who had settled in that locality in 1698.
Evans & Co., George
Swordsmiths of 132 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Active 1887-91, before and after.
Mechanic Falls, Maine, about 1871-80. Manufacturers of the Evans repeating sporting and mili tary rifles and carbines using a spiral tube magazine extending through the stock. The plant, which was operated by Merwin & Hulbert, ceased operations in 1880.
Evans Rifle Mfg. Co., Evans Repeating Rifle Co.
Mechanic Falls, Maine. Produced Warren R. Evans' patent of December 8, 1868, and September 19, 1871 rifles, muskets and carbines. 1870-78.
EVANS, Brooke
Hardware merchant of 120 High St., Philadelphia, Pa. In association with John Rogers (who owned the Valley Forge) on March 21, 1821, took over the defunct contract of July 28, 1817, for 10,000 muskets at $12.25 per stand, which had been awarded to Alexander McRae of Richmond, Va. Brooke Evans remodelled the old forge and iron works into a gun factory, and is known to have delivered 5,730 muskets by Dec. 31, 1823. These arms are marked "B. Evans - Valley Forge" in two lines surrounding an eagle. It is believed that after the con tract was fulfilled, the partnership was dissolved, as in 1825, Rogers alone obtained a contract for 5,000 muskets.
Evans, Brooke
Gunsmith of Philadelphia and Valley Forge. Came to America from Sheffield, England. In the spring of 1821, he leased the mill and forge of John Rogers near the mouth of Valley Creek, Chester County. Produced 20,000 model 1822 muskets.
EVANS, Edward
Musket maker of Evansburg, Pa. Associated with James Evans in a contract of May 2, 1801, with the Common wealth of Pennsylvania for 1,000 Charleville pattern (Model 1795) muskets at $11.00 per stand. See O. & E. Evans.
EVANS, James
Musket maker of Evansburg, Pa. Associated with Edward Evans in a contract of May 2, 1801, with the Common wealth of Pennsylvania for 1,000 Charleville pattern (Model 1795) muskets at $11.00 per stand.
EVANS, James E.
Philadelphia maker of percussion duelling and derringer type pistols and fine double shotguns. Listed at 25 North 2nd St., in 1850, 86 South St., in 1855, and at 230 South St., in 1860-65.
EVANS, O. & E.
Pennsylvania musket makers Owen and Edward Evans, (see above) in partnership, contractors on Oct. 25, 1808, for 4,000 Model 1808 muskets, to be delivered in a period of five years. Of these 1,960 are recorded to have been delivered by Oct. 7, 1812. The firm obtained an additional contract of Aug. 14, 1815, for 25 muskets, probably to close the account of pre vious contract. At this time the firm was managed by Edward Evans, Owen having died in 1812. Made French M.1805 type flintlock pistols of which a specimen was reported marked 1814 on barrel.
Evans, O. & E.
Owen and Edward Evans, gunsmiths of Philadelphia. Secured a government contract in 1808 for “muskets for arming the militia.” A report dated October 7, 1812, indicates 1,960 arms had been delivered. A second contract was secured August 14, 1815, for 25 stand of arms at $14.25.
Born in Limerick Township, Pa., July 12, 1758. Son of Thomas Evans. Resided and made arms at Perkiomen Bridge, Pa., (now Collegeville). The barrels for his arms were probably made at Pechin's Mill, about three-quarters of a mile south of Perkiomen Bridge. Had contract with Commonwealth of Penn sylvania of Dec. 7, 1797, for 1,200 muskets made after the Charle ville pattern, to be stamped "CP." Died in 1812. Evansville was named after him. See O. & E. Evans.
Evans, Stephen
Established at Mount Joy Forge, Valley Forge, in 1742. He was allotted a portion of the work provided for by Act of March 8, 1797, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This Act authorized the purchase of “20.000 stands of musquets, of the fashion and pattern of the French Charleville Musquet.”
EVANS, Thomas
Lancaster County, Pa., before and after 1779.
Evans, W. L.
Contract pistol maker to the government, Valley Forge, Pa. Produced Model 1827 pistols for the Navy which are met with dated 1830-31.
EVANS, William L.
Sixth child of Owen Evans, William L. Evans was born May 28, 1797, at Evansburg, Montgomery Co., Pa. In 1825, he became associated with John Rogers, who had purchased Valley Forge in 1814. William L. Evans made pistols patterned after the Model 1826 North Navy arms, and on May 3, 1831, con tracted for 1,500 muskets at $12.45 per stand, to be delivered in a period of two years from Jan. 1, 1832. It is believed that barrels mostly were made at Valley Forge, the rest of the arm being made at the factory at Evansburg. William L. Evans arms are known marked "W. L. Evans V. Forge" and "W. L. Evans E. Burg" on the lock-plates. William Evans died Aug. 6, 1861, and is buried in the family plot in the old church-yard of St. James Parkiomen Church at Evansburg.
EVATT, Columbus
56 Light St., Baltimore, Md., 1840.
EVATT, Edward
35 Light St., Baltimore, Md., 1804-1818.
EVATT, Ellen, Mrs.
Baltimore, Md., 1842.
Baltimore, Md., 1831.
36 Ellicott Wharf, Baltimore, Md., 1804.
Unidentified. Maker of a curly maple full stock, muzzle-loading, percussion Kentucky rifle.
See Strohecker & Ewbank.