M — Unidentified. Possibly Ohio. Crude, homemade percussion (pos sibly converted) fullstock rifle with strap-iron trigger guard. Marked "M" on barrel.
M. H. — Unidentified. Percussion Kentucky rifles of fine workmanship.
M. J. & G. — Marking on Confederate rifles. See Mendehall, Jones & Gardner.
M. S. — Unidentified. Percussion Kentucky rifle.
M. T. W. — Initials of Marine T. Wickham, Master Armorer, Harpers Ferry Armory before 1811. U. S. Inspector of Arms 1811-1815. Inspector of arms (sabers) at plant of Nathan Starr in 1814. See Wickham, M. T.
MACK & MUNGER— Dubuque, Iowa.
MACKEY, James J.— Gunsmith. Born at No. 6 Dutch St., New York, N. Y., date unknown. Was either superintendent in charge of op erations or foreman of a department at State Rifle Works, Greenville, S. C, 1863-64. The plant was operated by George W. Morse. See Morse.
MACON ARMORY — Macon, Ga. Confederate arms manufactory established by Col. James Burton, C. S., former Commandant of the Richmond Armory, who was relieved at Richmond May 27, 1862, and the next day left with his family for Atlanta, Ga., where Spiller & Burr were already located. The riflestock making machinery in the Richmond Armory was also sent along. Due to high cost of real estate in Atlanta, Col. Burton was offered and accepted a free site in Macon, Ga., where he located about June 28th, using the old Macon & Western Railroad shops temporarily. Brick buildings were started, and machinery purchased in Eng land, Col. Burton making a trip there for that purpose May 6 to Oct. 14, 1863. At the end of the Civil War, the buildings were finished up to the roof, and one building that housed the Pistol Factory, which had formerly been Spiller & Burr's, had been completed. Although the machinery of Jones, McElwaine & Co., had arrived at Macon, Ga., there seems to be no record of any guns made there, outside of pistols. The stocking machinery from Richmond was set up in the railroad shops and stocks evidently made. The stocking machinery was later sent to Columbia, S. C. Part of the Macon Armory was in existence until a few years ago, at Elm and Jackson Streets being occupied by a carpet cleaning establishment.
MADESIE, John— See Matthesiee, J. N.
MAIZE, Henry — Uniontown, (Now Ashland), Ohio, 1828-30.
MALBERT CARLISS & CO.— Probably New York, N. Y. Double ac tion pocket revolvers patented in 1883.
MALCOLM, John — Pennsylvania musket maker to the Committee of Safety, 1776.
MALCOLM, Wm. — Syracuse, N. Y. Maker of a precussion target rifle with lock marked "A. SPIES." Also detachable stock target pistol marked "Wm. Malcolm, W. A. Sweet. Syracuse."
MALITZ, Charles — Gunsmith, Melicerte, between Magazine and Con stance, New Orleans, La., 1853.
MALONE, M.— Gunsmith. New Orleans, 1861.
MALTBY, CORLISS & CO. —New York, N. Y. Five shot double-action pocket revolvers, patents of 1878 and 1885, marked "Metropolitan Police."
Maltby, Henly & Co.—New York. Patent a double-action, 5 shot revolver in 1888. Made with one-piece brass barrel and frame.
MALTBY, HENLY & CO.— New York, N. Y. Makers of rim-fire and center-fire cartridge revolvers under patents of John T. Smoth, Rockwell, Conn., of Jan. 24, 1888, No. 376,922 and Oct. 28, 1889, No. 413,975.
MALTBY, Jasper Adalmont — Galena, Illinois gunmaker with shop and home at 184 (in 1854) and later 186 (1858-59) Main Street. Born in Astabula Co., Ohio, Nov 3, 1826. Served as a private in Mexican War and was wounded at Chapultepec. After discharge established himself as gunsmith in Galena, making and selling "rifles, sporting and target, pistols, revolvers" and doing general gunsmithing. Well made rifle known marked on barrel "J. A. MALTBY, GALENA No. 209." He served in Civil War with Illinois troops. Appointed Lt. Colonel March 5, 1863; Brig. Gen eral of Volunteers Aug. 4, 1863; Mustered out Jan. 15, 1866. Died March 20, 1868.
MANGE, H.— Unlocated.
Manhattan Arms Co.—New York.
Manhattan Fire Arms Co.—Brooklyn, N. Y. Active T.849-62. Probably became the American Standard Tool Company.Produced a three-barrel pepperbox which revolved by hand to avoid infringement upon Ethan Allen’s patents. Probably less than three hundred made in 1849. Made “Hero” single-shot pistols also.Made the Manhattan revolver, patent of December 27, 1859. This arm was an exact imitation of the Colt except that the Manhattan possessed a double number of cylinder stops permitting the cylinder to be locked, by the hammer, between the chambers. This was a better safety device than was offered by Colt who brought suit and forced out of business.
MANHATTAN FIREARMS CO.— Also Manhattan Firearms Mfg. Co., Newark, N. J., and New York, N. Y., 1864-69. Makers of per cussion, pepperbox pistols and later of percussion and rim-fire cartridge revolvers. About 1870 reorganized as American Stand ard Tool Co.
MANN, M. D.— Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y., 1817-19.
MANNING, Richard— Ipswich, Mass., 1749.
MANNY, Postman — Blairsville, Ga. Percussion rifles.
Mansfield & Lamb—Sword cutlers at Forestdale. L. I. Civil War contractors producing M-2, 1862 sabers.
MANVILLE, Cyrus— 208 Orange St., New Haven, Conn., 1866-67. Firearms maker. Probably made the Lindsay two-shot muskets for the J. P. Lindsay Mfg. Co. whose address was identical with that of Manville. Manville was also surety for Lindsay in his government contract. The site of the old Volcanic factory was 208 Orange Street.
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co,—Organized at Gladstone, Michigan in 1898 by W. L. Marble. Produced the first firearm - the Game Getter, about 1908. Best known for fine cutlery and gun sights. Active to date.
MARBLE ARMS & MFG. CO.— Gladstone, Mich. Organized by W. L. Marble in 1908. Makers of the Game Getter Gun and producers of gun sights.
MARBLE, Simeon — Sunderland, Vt. Flintlock and percussion rifles.
MARCUM, J. E. — New York, N. Y. Halstock percussion target rifle.
MARK. F. H.— Bellows Falls, Vt. Percussion arms.
MARKER, Daniel— Pennsylvania, "D* MARKER" is stamped on a full stock, curly maple, brass trim, percussion Kentucky rifle with 43 inch octagonal barrel and lock by "R. NORRIS." Made highly decorated flintlock Kentucky rifles. Marker's son was also a gunsmith.
MARKER, George— Gettysburg, Drake Co., Ohio, 1844.
MARKER, James — (Son of Daniel Marker?) Percussion Kentucky rifle.
Marker, Paul—Rifiemaker of Union City, Randolph County, Indiana, 1867-75, before and after.
MARKHAM, T.— Unlocated. Percussion rifle.
Marlin Fire Arms Co.; J. M. Marlin; Marlin-Rockwell Corp.—Marlin established in New Haven in 1870 and continued until 1881 to become Marlin Fire Arms Company. Operated in this style until 1915 becoming Marlin-Rockwell Corporation to continue to date.Produced “Victory” derringers, patent of April 5, 1870; “Never Miss“ single-shot pistols; “Standard“ revolvers, patent of April 5, 1870; “XX Standard“ patent of July, 1878; Ballard target rifles, patent of November 5, 1861.Discontinued production of sporting arms during the World War to accomplish government contracts. Produced 38,000 Browning Aircraft Machine Guns; 17,000 Browning Automatic Rifles; 9.000 Barlow heavy drop bombs and Mark II 25-lb. demolition bombs for the U. S. Government. Prior to America’s entry into the war, Marlin produced a large number of old lever-type Colt machine guns for the Russian Government.
MARLIN FIREARMS CO.— New Haven, Conn., 1881 to date. Op erated by John Mahlon Marlin, maker of Ballard patent rifles. and rim-fire "OK." and "Victor" pistols, "XL" derringers and "XXX Standard" revolvers manufactured under the numerous John M. Marlin patents. In 1915 the Marlin family sold out to Marlin-Rockwell Corpn., arms makers during the World War I. The Company was turned back in 1920 and operated by receivers until 1926, when it was sold again and reorganized, resuming the name of Marlin Firearms Company. Its recent products include magazine and lever action rifles and over-under shotguns.
MARLIN, J. M.— John Mahlon Marlin, New Haven, Conn., 1870-81. Inventor and arms maker. Incorporated in 1881. See Marlin Fire arms Co.
MARLIN, ROCKWELL & CO.— See Marlin Firearms Co.
MARS, Andrew — Middle West. Percussion Kentucky rifles.
Marsh, J.—Rifiemaker of Binghamton, N. Y., 1850-70.
MARSH, J.— Binghamton, N. Y., 1850-70.
MARSHALL COUNTY MANUFACTURING CO— Holly Springs, Miss. The corporate name of Jones, McElwaine & Co., Confed erate arms manufacturers. See Jones, McElwaine & Co.
MARSHALL, Job — Fairmount Township, Luzerne Co., Pa.
MARSHALL, M. — A plain, southern percussion Kentucky rifle with barrel crudely marked "M. MARSHALL" in large letters.
MARSTON & KNOX— New York, N. Y., 1864. Single-shot percussion pistols of same construction as the Sprague & Marston arms.
MARSTON, David— Gunsmith. 179 No. Fourth, Phila., Pa., 1819.
MARSTON, John— Phila., Pa. Listed as gunsmith at 179 N. 4th, in 1829.
MARSTON, W. P.— Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Percussion rifles.
MARSTON, W. W.— William W. Marston, 22nd St., and Second Ave., New York, N. Y., before and after 1866. Patentee and maker of the Marston single-shot, sliding breeck-block pistols, patented June 18, 1850, No. 7,443, pepperboxes, percussion revolvers and 3-shot superposed barrel, rim-fire cartridge pistols. Plant also called "Phoenix Armory."
MARSTON, W. W. ARMORY— See Marston, W. W.
Marston, W. W.; Marston Firearms Co.; Marston & Knox—Mars ton established on Jane Street at the corner of Washington, New York, 1850.In 1853 he was producing 40 rifles, 150 revolvers and 400 rifled pistols per month. Stanhope W. Marston, who was associated with William, patented a “fly-tumbler gun lock“ Januatw 7, 1851.Made a three-barrel pistol, patent of May 20, 1857. The barrel tips down to load. An indicator on the right side designates which barrels have been fired. Improved 1864, the firing pin being changed for the three barrels by operating a side stud.(p. 136, “Art and Industry,“ Crystal Palace, New York, Horace Greeley, 1853.)
Martic Forge—On Pcquca Creek near Colemanville, Lancaster County, Pa. Built in 1755 and a boring mill added in 1776. Produced musket barrels and cannon shot during the Revolution. Active until 1883.
MARTIN & SMITH— 98 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. Marking on a Kentucky type percussion pistol.
MARTIN, George — Matinsville, is. Odd, breech-loading, cartridge rifle.
MARTIN, Hacker — Current maker of Kentucky type, flintlock and percussion rifles and pistols. Born 1895. Lives about ten miles from Johnson City, Tenn. Operates a water-wheel grist mill and has his gun shop on the second floor of the mill. Great-grand father, grandfather and father were all gunsmiths. Is a descend ant of the Bean family of gunsmiths and water-wheel mill oper ators, whose mill stood at the mouth of Boones Creek; and to whom is credited the birth of the first white child south of the Alleghanies. Hacker Martin still uses the Bean anvil.
MARTIN, HACKER & SON— See Martin, Hacker.
MARTIN, John — Charles County, Maryland. Was paid 4,180 pounds of tobacco in 1682, for "scowering Cleansing and fixing of Arms."
MARTIN, M. — Unlocated. Fine silver-inlaid flintlock Kentucky rifle.
MARTIN, Robert— 20 Frederick St., Baltimore, Md., 1808, and after.
MARTIN, T.— Unlocated.
MARTIN, W. L.— New Haven, Conn., 1873-77.
MARTIN, William — Born 1810 in Kentucky. A cabinet maker and gunsmith, he moved to Jackson Co., one mile east of Leesville, Lawrence Co., Indiana, in 1840. In 1852 moved two miles east to near Weddleville; died 1902, aged 92. Made any type of gun in demand; specialized in match rifles with 14 grooves and lands. Bought barrel blanks from Cincinnati and St. Louis; stocked mostly with hard maple root. A heavy, curly maple halfstocked Plains rifle marked "W. Martin" in script.
MARYLAND STATE GUN LOCK FACTORY— Frederick, Md. 1777 78. Operated by Chares Beatty, James Johnson and John Hanson, Commissioners. Manager of the factory was Samuel Boone, who June 17, 1777, was ordered to deliver to Nicholas White 110-gun locks.
MASLIN, M. M.— Unlocated. Maker of a flint Kentucky rifle lock with reinforced hammer, waterproof pan and roller frizzen spring bearing; marked "M. M. MASLIN WARRANTED."
MASON— Ashtabula, Ohio, in 1812. Flintlock Kentucky rifles.
Mason Machine Works—T ami Lon, Mass. Received two contracts during the Civil War. The first on January 7, 1862, for 100,000 rifled muskets; the second, June 25, 1862, for 30,000 additional. Had delivered 29,297 prior to July 30, 1864, for which the government paid .$596,316,90. (William Mason.) By 1864 had attained a weekly production rate of 600 per week. (p. 861, Vol. IT, “History of American Manufacturers,” Bishop, Philadelphia, 1864.)
MASON, J. — Unlocated. Marking on Kentucky rifle. (Same as Mason of Ashtabula, Ohio?)
MASON, J. C. — Keene, N. H. Fowling pieces and halfstock percus sion rifles.
Mason, John—Georgetown, D. C. Cannon founder to the government 1825-31. During this period he received nine contracts which totaled 248 24-pounder iron cannon and 172 32-pounders, all at a price of $5.94 per cwt.
MASON, Wm. — William Mason, Taunton, Mass., Civil War con tractor of Jan. 7, 1862, for 50,000 Springfield Model 1861 rifle muskets at $20.00 each. Of these 30,000 were delivered.
MASS A, George— Lancaster, Pa., 1857.
Massachusetts Arms Co.—Chicopee Falls, Mass. Established 1849, capital $70,000. Produced the following arms: Edward Maynard’s rifles and carbines, patents May 27, 1851, December 6, 1859; Gilbert Smith’s carbines, June 23. 1857 (the only arm employing rubber cartridge) ; Daniel Leavitt’s revolvers, November 26, 1850; Joshua J. Stevens, revolvers, October 7, 1851; R. Adams’ English revolvers, May 3, 1853; J. Kerr’s English revolvers, April 14, 1857.
MASSACHUSETTS ARMS CO.— Chicopee Falls, Mass. Incorporated under a special act of legislature of March 5, 1850, authorizing Timothy W. Carter, James T. Ames, Benjamin F. Warner and their associates, which included heirs and kin of Edwin Wesson, to manufacture firearms and machinery. The company was or ganized primarily for the manufacture of percussion revolvers under the Wesson patents. Edwin Wesson, who died in 1850, had been previously associated with Daniel Leavitt in the manu facture of the Leavitt revolver, made with a hand-turned cylinder under the Leavitt Patent No. 182, April 29, 1837. At the time of his death, Wesson had a patent pending for an improvement embodying mechanical operation, the patent rights to which formed a part of the Wesson inheritance. With the receipt of the patent right to mechanical opera tion. Patent No. 6669, dated as of August 28, 1849, the Massa chusetts Arms Company, which had been making the older hand-turned models, started the production of the new model revolver, which in addition to mechanical operation had several other desirable features, among them a frame that pivoted for ward of the hammer, permitting easy and rapid removal of the cylinder. The new models were barely on the market, when the Company was faced with a suit brought by Colt Patent Fire Arms Company for the infringement of Colt patents. The Colt Company, represented by Edward S. Dickinson, foremost patent attorney «f the day, won the suit, though the Massachusetts Arms Company had retained Hon. Rufus Choate, one of the famous lawyers of the era, as its counsel. On August 4, 1851, the Massachusetts Arms Company had to cease the manufacture of revolvers under the Edwin Wesson patent until the expira tion of the Colt patents, for a mechanically operated cylinder, in the fall of 1856. The firm also manufactured small revolvers using the May nard tape lock priming system, Maynard, Greene and Smith carbines, and percussion revolvers made under the Robert Adams (British) U. S. patent No. 9694, of May 5, 1853. The government bought 20,202 Maynard carbines during the Civil War, in addition to 400 purchased in 1857. Government records indicate that 30,062 Smith carbines were also obtained during the war, but that most likely includes arms made by the American Machine Works, the American Arms Co. and by Poultney & Trimble. At the close of the Civil War, with the decreasing demand for firearms, the business of the company fell off, and the assets, stock and franchise were bought out and operated by T. W. Carter, who had been in charge of operations. On Feb. 1, 1876, the works were taken over by the Lamb Knitting Machine Mfg. Co., owners (since 1867) of the water power and shops in which the Massachusetts Arms Co., con ducted its business. The firm continued the manufacture of arms under the Maynard patents, until about 1890, Wm. F. McFarland, ex-employee of the Springfield Armory being the superintendent in charge of production.
MASTER, Christopher — Employed as musket barrel maker by Hugh Shannon in 1810.
Masterson, W.—Riflemaker of Brantford, Ontario, 1867-75, before and after.
MATHESON, Welcome— Rhode Island. Pre-Revolutionary period.
Mathews & Moore—Rush Hill Works, Philadelphia. Produced Dahl- gren cannon weighing from 7,000 to 10,000 pounds, 1861-66. (See History of Philadelphia, Scharf-Westcott, Philadelphia, 1884.)
MATHIS, B. — Maker of an early flintlock fowling piece.
MATSON, Thomas— Boston, Mass., 1658-82.
MATTHESIEE, John Nicholas— Union Township, Bedford County, Pa., 1876. "J. N. MATTHESIEE" marking on barrel of relief carved, fancy inlaid percussion rifle. Also used American deriva tions "Medasia, J. Nicholas" and "Madesie, John."
MATTOON, C. B. — Unlocated. Heavy percussion target rifle.
MAUGER, H.— Unlocated, about 1780. Fine flintlock Kentucky rifles with carved curly maple fullstocks.
MAUS, Jacob — Pennsylvania. Son of Philip Maus; Kentucky rifles.
MAUS, Philip — Central Pennsylvania, making Kentucky rifles in 1798. Father of gunsmith Jacob Maus; family settled in Berks Co. before 1776. Fine flintlock target rifle.
MAUSE, F. E.— Mausdale, Montour Co., Pa.
Maxim Munitions Corp.—New Haven, Conn. J. W. O’Bannon, Pres. Produced small arms cartridges for the government during the World War.
Maxim, Hiram Percy—Son of Hiram Stevens Maxim, born in Brooklyn, N. Yv September 2, 1869. Died La Junta, Colo., February 17, 1936. Inventor of the Maxim gun silencer and president of the Maxim Silencer Company which was organized in 1909. The manufacture of silencers was discontinued in 1925. During the World War produced gas grenades.
Maxim, Hiram Stevens—Born February 5, 1840, died November 24, 1916. Brother to Hudson Maxim and son of Isaac and Harriet Maxim, he was bom at Brockway’s Mills near Sangerville, Piscataquis County, Maine. Hiram went to England in 1882 and in 1888 effected a merger with the Nordenfcldt Gun Company. In 1896 the firm was absorbed into the Vickers Sons & Maxim Company of which Maxim was a director. He retired in 1911 and the name was shortened to Vickers, Ltd. Maxim became a British subject in 1900 and was knighted by Queen Victoria in T90T.
Maxim, Hudson—Born Orneville, Piscataquis County, Maine, February 3, 1855. Died May 6, 1927. He was brother to Hiram whom he joined in England in 1886. Returned to Pittsfield, Mass., in December, 1888, as the American representative of the Maxim-Nor- denfeldt Guns & Ammunition Co., T.td.Secured a patent on high explosives on September 17, 1889, and on a detachable gas check for projectiles, May 20, 1890. Hudson did not enjoy his connection with his brother and was planning to leave his employment. Resigned in 1891 and soon thereafter became chief engineer of the Columbia Powder Mfg. Co., makers of dynamite at Squankum, New Jersey. For this company-which failed in 1893- Maxim secured two patents for making a safer dynamite. He next began to work seriously on a smokeless powder and secured a number of patents on this process between 1893 and 1895. He was unsuccessful in selling his ideas to his brother, but in 1897 he sold them, together with his plant, to E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. He served this firm as a consultant throughout the balance of his life. Received $50,000 from the government in 1901 for the invention of “Maximite” high explosive. Later invented “Stabillite,” a smokeless powder, a number of gun cartridges and U. S. service projectiles. Patented a number of improvements for torpedo boats, “motoritc;', propellant for torpedoes, etc.
MAXWELL, A. L., Jr. & CO. — Knoxville, Tenn., iron mongery and foundry at Broad and Southern R.R., which during the Civil War undertook the manufacture of Mississippi (Model 1841) rifles for the Confederacy. The arms manufacturing department, em ploying about one hundred hands, was in charge of Thomas Riggins and was active until about October 21, 1863, when it was seized by the Federals, held two months and then destroyed to prevent recapture by Confederates. The plant originally was established in 1853, as Maxwell, Briggs & Co., by Anthony L. Maxwell, a New York engineer, as a machine shop for the manufacture of iron bridge materiel. In 1855 it became Knoxville Mfg. Co., making engines and boilers until the advent of Civil War, when it became an arms plant. Colonel Maxwell, though a native of Old Saratoga, New York, was commissioned in the Confederate Army.
MAYDAT, V.— Pacific near Front St., San Francisco, Calif., 1855.
Mayer, George—Gunsmith of Lancaster, Pa., 1819-38. Produced gun- locks exclusively after 1835.
MAYER, George — Lancaster, Pa., about 1810-20.
MAYESCH— Unidentified, Kentucky rifles, about 1775.
Maynard Gun Co.—Chicopee Falls, Mass., 1861-62.
MAYNARD GUN CO.— Chicopee Falls, Mass. Early Maynard car bines. See Maynard, Edward.
Maynard, Dr. Edward—Washington, D. C. Inventor of the Maynard breech-loader and primer. The primer was submitted to a Board of Ordnance at West Point in 1845. The original idea was the improvement of flintlock to percussion and the first alterations had the primer magazine entirely outside the stock, nor did it permit the use of regular percussion caps. The same year, 1845, 300 flintlock muskets were converted at Springfield Arsenal. In 1851 the Ordnance Department suggested the improved lock in which the primer was imbedded in the lockplate, this type becoming the well-known Model 1855. Adopted by order of Secretary of War Jefferson Davis, 1855, condemned i860. The breechloader was patented May 27, 1851, and December 6, 1859. Centerfire primed cartridge, February 18, 1873.
MAYNARD, Edward— Washington, D. C, and Chicopee Falls, Mass. Dental surgeon. Inventor and patentee of the Maynard breech loading system, patented May 27, 1851, No. 8,126, and Dec. 6, 1859, No. 26,364. Also invented the Maynard primer. On Dec. 25, 1857, Dr. Maynard furnished the government 400 Maynard car bines at $30.00 each, delivery from Chicopee Falls; presumably made by the Maynard Arms Company. The Maynard primer system was adopted and incorporated in the Model 1855 rifle musket, in addition to a large quantity installed in altered (flintlock) muskets. A total of $75,000.00 was paid Dr. Maynard for the government rights to his tape primer system.
MAYNARD, John— 3 Beaver St., Albany, N. Y., in 1823. Evidently an employee of the master gunsmith Henry Turner. At 672 Market St., in 1825; not listed in 1826 directory.
Mayweg & Nippes—Philadelphia. Secured U. S. Navy contract February it, 1814, for 2.000 cutlasses at $3.00. Probably Daniel Nippes.
MAYWEG, John— Phila., Pa. Listed as gunsmith at 133 Dillwyn, in 1829.
MAYWEG, John & Wm.— Phila., Pa. Listed as gunsmiths at Dillwyn near Green in 1829.
MB — Letters directed to be stamped on musket barrels, near locks of arms made for the Massachusetts Committee of Safety by specifi cations issued by Massachusetts House of Representatives Novem ber 3, 1775, which also reads: ". . . Resolved, That for every effective and substantial Fire Arm which shall be manufactured in this Colony, with a barrel of three feet and nine inches in length that will carry an ounce ball, a good bayonet with a blade not less than eighteen inches in length, a steel ramrod with a spring to retain same, two loops for gun strings, and the makers name stamped or engraved on the lock . . . and resemble in construction, and, as nearly as may be, equal in goodness with King's new arms, there shall be allowed . . . the sum of three Pounds."
Mc CLALLEN, H.— Also McClalen. Auburn, N. Y. Maker of under hammer percussion sporting rifles of fine workmanship.
McAllister, B.—Gunmaker of Lawrence, Mass., 1859-68.
McALLISTER, Coll.— Pittsburgh, Pa. The only gunsmith listed in the Directory in 1815, "Gun and white smith, sw corner of Redoubt Alley and 3rd."
McAUSLAND, Alexander D.— Born 1835. First listed in 1866 Omaha City, Nebraska, directory as gunsmith, machinist, and sporting goods dealer, corner Douglas and 14th. 1870 directory lists McAusland Bros. A. D., John, and William (clerk), 242 Douglas corner 14th dealers in firearms, guns, pistols, ammunition, and agents for Hazard Powder Co. A. D. McAusland last listed there in 1874-75. A. D. McAusland moved from Deadwood City, S. D. (where John is listed as a merchant, 1878-79) to Miles City, Mont., on Christmas 1878. The 1882 Miles City directory lists the "CREED MORE ARMORY, A. D. McAusland prop., guns and ammunition." Main St., between 6th and 7th. Early in the 1900's the shop was moved to 16th and Main; McAusland sold out and returned to Omaha where he died Nov. 26, 1919, aged 84. He specialized in fitting Remington barrels to Sharps actions for the buffalo hunters; one brother was a Remington representative. A 40-90-370 paper-patch Sharps rifle is known, marked "A. D. McAusland 1880."
McCartney, Robert—Gunmaker of Boston, Mass., 1805-18.
McCARTNEY, Robert—Boston, Mass., 1805-15.
McCARTNEY, William G.— 3Q0 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1850; 176 First Ave. in 1870-71. Curly maple fullstocked Kentucky rifles.
McCavery—Committee of Safety gunsmith of New York, 1776-77. Doubtful as to arms production.
McCLALLEN, J. M. — Auburn, N. Y. Percussion sporting rifle. (Re lated to H. M. McClallen?)
McCLELLAN, Hugh-— 16 Beaver St., Albany, N. Y., 1819; 8 Beaver St. in 1820; not in 1821 directory. (Same as Hugh McClelland of Philadelphia, 1829?)
McCLELLAND, Hugh— Phila., Pa. Listed as gun stock maker at Julian near Green, in 1829.
McCLELLAND, Wm. — Nappanee, Ind. A fine percussion rifle so marked in script on the barrel.
McCLELLAND, Wm.— Uniontown, Pa., 1820-1850. Gunsmith.
McClure, J. M.—Riflemaker of Bucyrus, Ohio, 1848-54.
McClurg, Alexander and Joseph—The early government contracts for cannon produced at Pittsburgh were granted to Joseph McClurg (1814), McClurg & McKnight (1821), and Alexander McClurg (1827 and 1831.)
McComas, Alexander—Gunsmith of Baltimore, Md. Located at 51 Calvert Street and active 1860-75.
McCOMAS, Alexander— 51 South Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. Estab lished in 1843. Born in Hartford County in 1821. For 50 years one of the best known gunsmiths of Baltimore.
McCOMAS, Nicholas — 44 Pratt St., Baltimore, Md., in 1853 listed as dealer and manufacturer. In 1860 at 44 West Pratt St
McCONKLIN, G. & H.— Unlocated. Halstock, brass mounted per cussion rifle.
McCONNANT, J.— Unlocated.
McCormick, Robert—Globe Mills, Philadelphia, Pa. Just when McCormick, a native of Ireland, arrived in America is not known. He leased Globe Mills about 1798 and on August 12 of the following year submitted an offer to manufacture muskets for the State of Virginia at $13.40 each. This offer was accepted by the state on November 5 and McCormick embarked upon a short and stormy career as a gunmaker. After making deliveries of several hundred arms McCormick failed and was imprisoned for debt in the fall of 1800. His contract was continued by his foreman, James Haslett. All of the muskets delivered by McCormick are marked with his name and the date 1800. He appears to have delivered 600 muskets.
McCORMICK, Robert — Philadelphia musket maker and contractor under Act of July 5, 1798, for 3,000 Charleville pattern (Model 1795) muskets at $13.40 per stand. $4,000 recorded paid on account in 1799. Believed to have failed on this contract. On Nov. 5, 1799, McCormick contracted with the State of Virginia for 4,000 Charleville pattern muskets at $13.40 per stand. After delivering a few hundred stands McCormick failed in business in July, 1801, and was imprisoned for debt, and a part of his uncompleted contract was taken over by his shop superintendent, James Haslett. Prior to his failure in July, on May 4, 1801, McComick in association with Richard Johnson, contracted with the State of Pennsylvania for 1,000 Charleville pattern muskets. The McCormick muskets were made at Globe Mill, which stood on the west side of Germantown Road and St. John Street, Philadelphia. Originally Globe Mill was called Gov ernor's Mill and was erected for William Penn in 1700. It was used in turn as a grist mill, mustard and chocolate mill, spinning mill and in about 1796 was known as the Globe Mill. It was leased by Mr. McCormick, an Irish immigrant, about 1798-99. After the completion of Haslett's contract of 600 muskets of the uncompleted McCormick award, it is believed that the mill was leased to one Hewson, and was used for block calico printing.
McCORY — Canton, Stark Co., Ohio. Came from Penna.
McCOSH, S. — Full stock, percussion Kentucky rifles marked "S. McCOSH" in script on barrels. Possibly same as, more probably father of Sam McCosh, below.
McCOSH, Sam — Gastonville, Union Township, Washington Co., Pa., 1860-1880 at least. Half stock rifles stamped on barrels "S. McCOSH"; sometimes stamped also on purchased lock. Some known stamped "S. McCOSH PITTSBURGH." McCosh was an extensive maker.
McCOY & BAKER — Princeton, Ky. Percussion combination rifle shotgun.
McCoy, Alexander—Gunsmith of Dock Ward, Philadelphia, 1779.
McCOY, Alexander—Dock Ward, Philadelphia, Pa., 1779.
McCoy, Kester—Gunsmith of Upper Paxton Township, Lancaster County, Pa., 1770-71.
McCOY, Kester — Upper Paxton Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1770 1771.
McCullough, George—Gunsmith of Dromore Township, Lancaster County, Pa., 1771-73. Doubtful as to arms production.
McCULLOUGH, George— Dromore Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1771-73.
McCULLOUGH, N. G.— Muncie, Ind. Percussion rifle.
McCULLOUGH, W.— Brookville, Pa. Over-under rifle with locks marked "J. M. COOPER WARRANTED PITTSBURGH."
McDANIELS— Mifflin Co., Pa. Kentucky rifles.
McDERMIT, A. P. — Unlocated. Heavy barrel curly maple half stock Kentucky rifle.
McELHANEY— Unlocated. Riflesmith, died 20 years after Civil War.
McELROY, T — 38 Third St., San Francisco, Calif., 1861.
McELWAIN, R. G. — Huntingdon, Pa., Over-under percussion rifle.
McElwaine, W. S.—Confederate gunsmith of Holly Springs, Missouri. Active through the war and until his death in 1882.
McELWAINE, W. S.— Holly Springs, Miss., 1859-62. Confederate rifles and rifled muskets. See Jones, McElwaine & Co.
McGillvery, Daniel—Riflemaker of Symmes Corner, Butler County, Ohio, from before 1854 until i860.
McGIRK, A. C. — Marietta, Ohio. Halfstock percussion Kentucky style rifle.
McGirr, A. C.—Gun and riflemaker of Marietta, Ohio. Active 1856-85.
McGREGOR, Eli — Lebanon, O. Percussion rifles.
McILROY, J. W. — Unlocated. Percussion period.
McK BROTHERS— Baltimore, Md. Probably McKim and Brother. Martial pistols.
McKAHAN & GALL— Washington, Pa. John D. McKahan above.
McKAHAN & NOBLE— Washington, Pa. See John D. McKahan. A curly maple halfstocked percussion rifle with brass rib and en graved patchbox; barrel by J. D. Little, marked "McKahan & Noble 117."
McKAHAN, John D.— Washington, Pa. About 1840-April 20, 1861, gunmaker. Service in National Blues, 3rd Brigade, 17th Division, Pennsylvania Militia, Sept. 10, 1852 to July 4, 1856; then Wash ington Blues to Jan. 8, 1859; April 20, 1861, with Co. "E", (Washington Blues), 12th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, for 3 months enlistment. Later worked with Ordnance Department. On July 14, 1863 mustered into Co. "H", 46th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Died July 25, 1864 of wounds received at the Battle of Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20th. Buried in Atlanta, Ga.
McKEE, Wm.— Gough Street, Baltimore, Md., 1817.
McKENNA — Unlocated. Cast in brass trigger plate of halfstock per cussion target rifle, probably of Middle West origin.
McKenny & Bean—-Gunmakers, 166 Main St., Biddleford, Maine. 1866-71
McKENNY & BEAN— 166 Main St., Biddleford, Me., 1866-71.
McKIM & BROTHER— Baltimore, Md., about 1800. Martial pistols.
McKin—Riflemaker of Baltimore, Md., about 1800.
McLAIN, G. W. — Maker of a heavy, single shot percussion target rifle with double set triggers and curly maple stock.
McLEISH, Charles— Williamsburg, Ohio.
McMAHON, John — Lock and gunsmith, Tchoupitoulas, between Benjamin and Suzette, New Orleans, La., 1853.
McMANT, John— Wellsburg, W. Va., 1837. Percussion sporting rifle.
McMULLEN, Peter — Maker of gun skelps for musket barrels. In em ploy of Col. Peter Grubb, who operated a gun skelp forge for the Lancaster Committee of Safety in 1776.
McNAUGHT, James — Richmond, Va. Advertised in 1821 in Richmond Enquirer: "Fowling pieces, Pistols and Rifles with or without hair triggers: patent breeched, double and single twisted stubb and Damascus barrels of all lengths and sizes. Duelling Pistols, locks and mountings, dirks, hangers, flasks, etc."
McNEILL, Thomas E.— Macon, Ga., 1861. Self styled "Acting Super intendent" of a proposed "Southern Armory & Foundry" and enterprise to be subscribed for by the public, for the manufacture of "Artillery, Small Arms, Laboratory Stores and Projectiles." The project got only as far as proposals for construction. On July 29, 1862 McNeill entered into a contract with Capt. Burton of the Confederate Ordnance for services in connection with manufacture of 20,000 breech-loading carbines of C. W. Alexander's invention, but could not raise the $5,000 required for patterns, machinery, etc. and the arm of which a pilot model had been made under supervision of Capt. Burton, never ma terialized beyond the experimental stage. See C. W. Alexander.
McNICHOLS, Joseph— Goshen Township, Belmont Co. Ohio, 1828 1854.
McPHAIL'S ARMORY— See Columbia Armory.
McRae, Alexander—'Gunsmith of Richmond, Va. Secured a government contract July 28, 1817, for 10,000 stand of arms at $14.00. McRae could not meet delivery' requirements, his contract being taken over by Brooke Evans and John Rogers of Philadelphia.
McRAE, Alexander — Richmond, Va. Contracted with United States on July 28, 1817, for 10,000 muskets at $14.00 per stand, to be delivered over a period of five years at 2,000 per annum. McRae failed on his contract and with the consent of the government, on March 21, 1821, John Rogers and Brooke Evans of Pennsylvania, took over the McRae contract, and by Dec. 31, 1823, delivered 5,730 stands. McRae is also men tioned as M'Rea in some reports. Also marking on fullstock Ken tucky rifle with name on barrel and "VIRGINIA 1811" on lock.
MEACHAM & POND— Albany, N. Y. Flintlock pistols.
MEACHAM, C. D., ARMS CO.— St. Louis, Mo., about 1880. Double barrel hammerless shotguns.
MEACHAM, I. & H.— Albany, N. Y. Makers of pinned-barrel, flint lock muskets for the State of New York.
MEAKIN, Ben— Cherry Hill, New Paltz, N. Y. German silver mounted, double barrel percussion shotgun. Had worked for John P. Moore. Born 1835: died 1907.
MEALS, John — Unlocated. Late flintlock and early percussion Ken tucky rifles and swivel-breech, double-barrel Kentucky rifles.
MEDASIA, J. Nicholas— Union Township, Bedford Co., Pa., 1876. See Matthesiee, J. N.
MEDBERRY, Joseph — Rochester, N. Y. Percussion rifles.
MEDBURY, Thomas— New Berlin, Chenango Co., N. Y., after 1800. Moved to Erieville, N. Y., in 1818, and still active there in 1828, assisted by his son, Issac. Flintlock rifles and fowling pieces.
MEDEER, Bruce — Brownsville, Fayette Co., Pa. Post Civil War. Taught gun making to Uriah Fisher, Leather workers by trade, made percussion rifles as a hobby.
MEEKIN, George — Pike Co., Pa. Kentucky rifles. His old shop was standing in 1927.
MEFFORD (or Miff ord?)— Mays ville, Ky., period of 1803. Flintlock Kentucky rifles. Father of T. Mifford?
MEIER— Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio. 1880, 1902.
Meier, Adolphus—Riflemaker of Saint Louis, Mo., 1845-50.
MEIER, Adolphus — St. Louis, Mo., 1845-50. Heavy barrel percussion target pistol.
MEIGS— Unidentified. 1870.
MEISGER, Henry — Ashland, Pa. Kentucky rifles, especially double barrels.
MEISSNER, C. & SON— 12 South 6th St., Zanesville, Ohio, 1880-1902. MELCHIOR, M. Pennsylvania. Kentucky rifles.
MEISSNER, Charles— Zanesville, Ohio, 1859. Maker of halfstock, pill lock, percussion Kentucky rifle of fine workmanship. See C. Meissner & Son.
Meissner, Charles; Meissner & Son—Zanesville, Ohio. Charles Meissner, Sr. established in 1856. Produced rifles and active until 1880 under his name. Became Meissner & Son the same year and continued until 1902. Shop at 12 South Sixth Street.
MELCHIOR, Nathaniel— Mercer at Grant Streets, Baltimore, Md., about 1830-40. Maker of handsome sporting rifles.
Melchoir, Nathaniel—Gumnaker of Baltimore, Md. Active about 1830-40.
MEMPHIS ARMORY— Memphis, Tenn. Confederate shoulder arms plant. Remodelling and conversion of sporting arms to military use. Some arms marked with name.
MEMPHIS ARMS CO.— Incorporated Jan. 1861, and on May 6th amended to include others, total number of 20 subscribers. Marcus J. Wright, Confederate Historian, and Wm. R. Hunt, who was in charge of the Memphis Armory were among the twenty. It is not believed that any guns were made by them.
MENCH, J. — (Or S.) Unlocated. Revolutionary period flintlock rifle with name in crude script on lock; 1/3 octagon barrel, relief carved butt, long brass patchbox with secret release under brass side strip.
MENDENHALL, A. R.— Unlocated. 1840-50.
Mendenhall, James & Gardner—Confederate gunsmiths at Greensboro, N. C. Contracted with the state to make 10,000 rifles. These arms were marked “M.J.&G.”
MENDENHALL, JONES & GARDNER— Cyrus P. Mendenhall, Col. E. P. Jones and Grafton Gardner, operators of the Deep River Armory, (formerly Oakdale Cotton Mills), at Old Jamestown, Guilford Co., N. C. Mendenhall, Jones & Gardner were Con federate contractors to the State of North Carolina for 10,000 Model 1841 type, sabre-bayonet rifles marked "M. J. & G." and "N. C." The partnership was dissolved Dec. 5, 1864, and the machin ery of the Deep River Armory was sold at auction Dec. 15, 1864. The shops of the Deep River Armory were established at Old Jamestown, about six miles southwest of Greensboro, with Oakdale Cotton Mills machinery removed from Petersburg, Va., in 1862, and were operated by slave labor largely trained in industrial work by George C. Mendenhall, father of Cyrus P.
MERCKLEY, Jacob— New Hanover Township, Philadelphia Co., Pa., 1781.
MEREDITH, Benjamin— Baltimore and Paca Streets, Baltimore, Md., 1817.
Meriden Fire Arms Co.—508 N. Colony St., Meriden, Conn., firearms 1907-09.
MERIDEN FIREARMS CO.— Meriden, Conn. Makers of 5-shot ham merless, auto-ejecting revolvers (Fryburg type) and of Miller breech-block system for alteration of muzzle-loading arms.
Meriden Mfg. Co.—Meriden, Conn. Active during the Civil War producing the Triplett & Scott carbine. This arm used in the service 1865-70 and invented by Louis Triplett of Columbia, Ky., patent December 6, 1864. Also produced W. H. & G. W. Miller’s patent May 23, 1865 conversion during the period 1865-68.
MERIDEN MFG. CO. — Meriden, Conn. Civil War arms. Makers of Triplett & Scott repeating, breech loading carbines, Louis Trip lett's patent of Dec. 6, 1864, No. 45,361. Also of Miller conversion of rifles to breech-loading system.
MERMAN, D.— Spring Mills, Pa. Set triggers Kentucky rifle with large brass patchbox and silver inlays.
MERRILL FIREARMS CO.— Baltimore, Md., 1864-67. Operated by James H. Merrill. Manufacturers of carbines, rifle and sporting arms using the Merrill system of breech-loading by a lever type breech-block. Merrill was associated with Latrobe and Thomas in 1855 to about 1864, when the Merrill Firearms Company was formed. In addition to 170 Merrill, Latrobe & Thomas carbines purchased by the government July 26, 1855, at $35.00 each, 100 each of Merrill carbines, muskets and rifles were bought in 1859. During the Civil War, 14,695 Merrill carbines and 583 rifles were purchased by the government. In addition many thousands of muzzle loading rifles Model 1841, and rifled muskets were changed to the Merrill system. The firm ceased operations in 1869. While muzzle loading arms are known to have been altered to the Merrill system in Baltimore it is believed that the Merrill rifles and carbines were made for the firm by Remingtons.
MERRILL, James H.— Baltimore, Md., about 1852-64. Inventor, pat entee and maker of Merrill breech-loading system carbines. Associated with Latrobe and Thomas, 1855-64. See Merrill Fire arms Co.
Merrill, James H.; Merrill Patent Fire Arms Mfg. Co.—Merrill, a gunsmith of Baltimore, began about 1852. He received the following patents: January 8,1856, breech-loader, produced by Remington and later known as the Merrill, Latrobe & Thomas; July 20, 1858, method of converting muzzle-loaders. About 14,000 arms converted by the government on this system; April 8, 1861, breech-loader, with action changes covered by patents of May 28, 1861 ; October 22, 1861 ; December 8, 1863; produced by the Brown Mfg. Co., Newburyport, Mass., and called the Brown-Merrill. During the period January 1, 1861, to June 30, 1866, the government had purchased 14495 carbines and 583 rifles, paying $398,685.13.
MERRILL, LATROBE & THOMAS— Baltimore, Md. Makers of breech-loading carbines on the early Merrill system. The govern ment purchased 170 Merrill, Latrobe and Thomas carbines July 26, 1855, at $35.00 each. See Merrill Firearms Co., above.
Merrimac Arms & Mfg. Co.—Newburyport, Mass. Established 1866, E. P. Bray, Agent. Produced Baliard rifles, “Southern derringers.” . patent of April.9, 1867; Martin’s patent “Magic Globe Sights” ; Beach’s “Combination Rifle Sights,” etc.
MERRIMACK ARMS & MFG. CO.— Newburyport, Mass., 1867-69. Makers of military and sporting rifles and carbines under Ballard patents. Taken over by Brown Mfg. Co.
MERRIMAN, Silas — Repaired public arms for the State of Connecti cut, April, 1777.
Merritt, Allen—Riflemakcr of East Randolph, Mass., about 1855.
MERRITT, Allen— East Randolph, Mass., about 1855.
Merritt, Ira—Riflemaker of Abington, Mass., 1859-68, before and after.
Merritt, John—Guntnaker of Boston, Mass., 1789-98 and after.
MERRITT, John— Boston, Mass., about 1789-98 and after.
MERWIN & BRAY FIREARMS CO.— Or Merwin & Bray, New York, N. Y. Though this firm's name appears on revolvers, they are not known to have manufactured arms, but have acted as sales agents or promoters of a number of arms companies.
Merwin & Bray; Merwin & Simpkins; Merwin, Taylor &. Simpkins; Merwin, Hulbert & Co.—Merwin & Bray were active at Worcester, Mass., 1864, or earlier, until 1868. In 1868 Merwin & Simpkins and Merwin, Taylor & Simpkins became Merwin, Hulbert & Co., to continue until 1891 or later. During the period 1864-68 Merwin & Bray actually produced arms, or the parts thereof, at Worcester, Mass. Bray was essentially a sales representative, acting in this capacity for Merrimac Arms & Mfg. Co., of Newburyport, Mass., since the organization of that firm in 1866. Merwin & Bray were also agents for the sale of Ballard’s breech-loader and for Plants Patent revolvers. During the period 1887-91 Merwin, Hulbert & Co., with offices at 26 W. 23rd Street, New York, made, or had made for them, a line of rifles and derringers.
MERWIN HULBERT & CO.— New York, N. Y. Revolver patentees 1874-77. Army type revolvers under their patents and bearing the firm's name were manufactured for them by Hopkins & Allen.
MESSER, W. W. — Boston, Mass. Percussion period.
Messersmith, Jacob—Gunsmith of Lancaster Borough, Lancaster County, Pa., 1779-82. Doubtful as to arms production.
MESSERSMITH, Jacob— Lancaster Borough, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1779-82.
Messersmith, John—Gunsmith of Lancaster, Pa., coming from Maryland. In 1776 he was producing gunlocks for the Committee of Safety at $3.00 each. May have worked at Philadelphia also and . active to T779 or later.
MESSERSMITH, John— Lancaster, Pa., gun-lock maker, 1776. Came from Maryland.
Messersmith, Samuel—Gunsmith of Baltimore, Md. Contract musket maker to Maryland Council of Safety, 1775-78. On February 7, 1776, 27 muskets of his manufacture were subjected to proof-test, 23 were reported “good, 4 bad.” He also produced 10 or 12 gun- locks per week, at $3.00 and repaired public arms. (Many references, Archives of Maryland, Browne, Baltimore, 1893, Vols. XVI, XX, XXI.)
MESSERSMITH, Samuel— Baltimore, Md. Contracted with Maryland Council for musket-locks at $3.00 each in 1776. In July of the same year was given a contract to repair public arms for the state.
MESSMER, Casper— Manitowoc, Wis., 1843 and later.
METLER, John E.— Easton, Pa. Died 1879.
Metropolitan Arms Co.—97 Pearl St., New York City. Established 1859. Produced a few revolvers which were almost an exact copy of the Colt Navy. Colt sued for infringement and stopped manufacture.
METROPOLITAN ARMS CO.— 97 Pearl St., New York, N. Y., 1859 to about 1880. Makers of percussion revolvers similar to the Colt Model 1851, Colt Model 1862, and of rim-fire cartridge revolvers.
METZEGER, J. or Metzger, J. — Penna. Maker of Kentucky rifles about 1778.
Metzger, J.—Lancaster, Pa. A handsome Kentucky rifle dated 1728 and signed by Metzger indicates that he was one of the first to produce this weapon.
METZGER, Jacob — Frederick Town, Md. Musket maker, associated with Nicholas White, Thomas Crabb and Christopher Barnhizzle in a contract under the Act of July 5, 1798, for 1,000 Charleville pattern (Model 1795) muskets at $13.40 per stand. Of these 235 were delivered by June 10, 1801.
Metzger, Jacob T.—Lancaster, Pa. Riflemaker of Lancaster, Pa., 1849-57, before and after.
METZGER, Jacob T.— Lancaster, Pa., 1857 to about 1870.
METZGER, John— Fredericksburg, Md. 1790.
MEUNIER, John— Milwaukee, Wis., 1855-1919. West Water Street. Maker of very fine percussion schuetzen rifles. Listed as John Meunier Gun Co. after 1893. After the general adoption of breech loading target rifle, Meunier built schuetzens on Ballard, Mar tini and Patt-Martini actions. After Meunier's death in 1919, his son Stephen, maintained the shop until 1940 doing repair work and selling guns and ammunition. Located at 254 W. Water in 1862, West Water at Cedar in 1863, 293 West Water in 1865, West Water between Wells and Cedar in 1867-68 and at 272 W. Water 1868-1932. In 1932 listed at 946 N. 5th St., in 1933 at 827 N. 3rd St., and 1937-40 at 144 East Water Street.
MEUNIER, Stephen — Brother and employee of John Meunier, Mil waukee. Died in early 1930's.
MEWHIRTER, S.— Unlocated. Late flintlock Kentucky rifles of good workmanship.
MEYER, C. H. J.— 604 Pacific St., San Francisco, Calif., 1865.
MEYER, J. — Unlocated. Reported stamping on lock and barrel of a walnut half stock percussion rifle.
MEYERS, D. — Unlocated. Marking on Penna. type Kentucky rifle circa 1825-35, with lock marked "DREPPERD, LANCASTER."
MEYERS, Jacob— Somerset Co., Pa., 1830. (Same as J. Meyer and Jacob Mier?)
MEYERS, Jacob — Gunsmith, 99 Front Levee, third district, New Orleans, La., 1853.
Meylan, Martin—Gunsmith of Lancaster, Pa. He began in 1719. Doubtful as to production. BUTTERFIELD ( rare)
MEYLAN, Martin— Lancaster, Pa., 1719 about 1730; Reading, Pa., about 1760-1800 (two men?). Erected a barrel-boring mill in 1719. Flintlock Kentucky rifles.
MICKSELL, Martin — Apprentice gunmaker to Christian Werger, Leacock Township, Pa., musket maker to Committee of Safety in 1776.
MIDDLETON, Edward — Unlocated. Maker of muzzle loading, percus sion shotguns.
Middletown Firearms & Specialty Co.—Middletown, Conn. Active 1925-27, the products of this firm are unknown to the writer.
MIDNIGHT, I. E.— -Unidentified. Percussion duelling pistols.
Midvale Steel and Ordnance Co.—Philadelphia, Pa. Began the manufacture of ordnance material in 1880, the first gun, a 6-inch naval piece, produced in 1883. Produced coast defense, field and naval guns, gun mountings, armor plate and small arms. One of the most important sources of ordnance procurement in the nation, their arms are excelled by none.
MIER, I. or J. — Somerset Co., Pa. Kentucky rifles. (See Mier, Jacob).
MIER, Jacob — Near Salisbury, Somerset Co., Pa., early 19th century. Father of Samuel Mier. Kentucky rifles marked "J. MIER" in script.
MIER, Samuel — Near Salisbury, Somerset Co., Pa., period of 1850 1870. Son of Jacob Mier. Long, elaborate percussion Kentucky rifles with German silver inlays or brass wire ornament and engraved fancy patchboxes, hand-made lockplates, and narrow butt, light Somerset Co. stocks; name in script.
MIFFORD, T.— Maysville, Ky. Born 1803, died 1890. Flintlock and percussion Kentucky rifles.
Miles, John—Gunsmith of New Jersey. Secured a government contract June 30, 1808. A report dated October 7, 1812, indicates that Miles had delivered 2,407 muskets and was in arrears 6,793 arms and overdrawn in the amount of $1,000.
MILES, John, Jr. — Bordentown, N. J. Son of John Miles, Sr. Born in London, England, in 1777. Came to United States about 1790 and lived with his father in Philadelphia, until about 1805, in which year he is listed at 43 Chestnut Street, while his father is shown at 30 S. 3rd Street. Upon his father's death in 1808, John Miles moved to Bordentown, N. J., where on July 30, 1808, he obtained a U. S. contract for 9,200 muskets at $10.75 per stand, of which 2,407 were recorded delivered before Oct. 7, 1812. Of the arms delivered by Miles under the 1808 contract, many parts were obtained from sub-contractors in Philadelphia and vicinity, as was quite common in those days. Among the latter was John Kerlin who furnished Miles with 400 musket barrels. When Miles defaulted on the balance of his 1808 con tract, it was completed by Miles' surety, or guarantor; the same John Kerlin, who on Feb. 12, 1811, entered into a new contract with the government for the unfinished balance of the Miles muskets. In all probability the marking was not changed. About 1826, when Congress authorized a refund for im provements and modifications made in contract muskets, Model 1808, involving deviation from pattern, the estate of John Kerlin received the refund. There is no record available of pistol contracts awarded to Miles, father or son. However, judging the existing specimens of Miles pistols, made in resemblance of the North Navy pistols of 1808, probabilities are that John Miles, Jr., had a pistol con tract, and also made martial pistols for sale to states' militia, individual officers or to privateers. John Miles (Jr.) died in 1852, and is buried in the church yard at Bordentown.
MILES, John, Sr. — Philadelphia, Pa. John Miles, Sr., was born in London, England, in 1752, where also was born his son, John, Jr., in 1777. They came to United States about 1790 and settled in Philadelphia, where John Miles the elder, is listed as residing at 500 North Second St., from 1790 to 1798, and at 30 South 3rd St., in 1805-08. He died May 1, 1808, and is buried in the All Saints Churchyard at Torresdale, Pa. John Miles, Sr., of Northern Liberties, near Philadelphia, had contracts with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of Sept. 3, 1798, for 2,000 muskets, Charleville pattern, and of April 16, 1801, for 2,000 additional. Miles also had a U. S. contract under Act of July 5, 1798, for 400 Charleville pattern (Model 1795) muskets at $13.40 per stand, on which account he was paid $5,332.00 in 1800. Records indicate that on July 23, 1801, Miles purchased the McCormick "instruments for gun making," and on Aug. 9th, 1801, agreed to take over a part of the defaulted McCormick contract "to complete the work undertaken by McCormick" for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The barrels of some of the early Miles muskets are proof marked with a "liberty cap" instead of the usual eagle head. Mary Miles, widow of John Miles, gunsmith is listed at 86 Callowhill, Phila., Pa. in 1819.
Miles, Thomas—Gunsmith of Pennsylvania. He received a portion of the work provided for by Act of March 8, 1797, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which authorized the purchase of muskets of the Charleville type.
MILES, Thomas — Pennsylvania rifle maker to Committee of Safety, 1782-97. Payments recorded in August and September, 1776, for rifling of arms and furnishing rifles. Thomas Miles was one of the petitioners representing Pennsylvania arms makers to the Committee of Safety of Philadelphia, in November, 1776, com plaining against the high cost of material and labor entering into gun making, and quoting the advances in prices in one year, since 1775.
Milholland, James—Civil War contractor. Produced 5,502 rifled muskets.
MILITARY LABORATORY— 34 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ad vertised in the Aurora "Advertiser," Jan. 1, 1800, as the place "where owners and commanders of armed vessels may be sup plied with Muskets & Pistols."
MILLARD, Seth P.— Lockport, N. Y. Percussion rifles.
MILLBENZ— 1825. Unidentified.
MILLER — Resided six miles north of Ithaca, N. Y. Percussion period. Maker of 4 and 8-gauge shotguns for market hunting on Cayuga Lake.
MILLER — Washington, Mo. Percussion rifles.
MILLER, Abner— Easton, Pa. Flintlock rifles circa 1810-20; over under percussion rifle.
MILLER, B. — Pennsylvania. Kentucky rifles.
Miller, Benjamin—Riflemaker of Berks County, Pa. Established in 1821 and active until 1852 or later.
Miller, C.—Riflemaker of Honoeye, N. Y., about 1850-55.
MILLER, C. — Honeoye, N. Y., about 1850. Over-under, mule ear rifles.
MILLER, C. A. — New Haven, Conn. Magazine sporting rifle.
MILLER, Daniel — Unlocated. Curly maple full-stock, octagonal bar rel Kentucky rifle converted from flintlock to percussion. Deeply curved butt; engraved patchbox.
Miller, David—Riflemaker of Troy, Ohio. Active T859-77, before and after.
MILLER, David— 209 Market St., Springfield, Ohio, 1870-78.
MILLER, Elmer E.— Millersburg, Pa. Died August 1952, aged 70. Gun smith and inventor of a single trigger for double-barreled shot guns, and the Miller set trigger.
Miller, Franklin—Reading, Pa. Active 1841 and in 1854 he owned three gun factories along the Wyomissing and several shops and forges in other parts of the state. Made rifles and firearm barrels.
MILLER, Franklin — Wyomissing Creek, Berks Co., Pa., near Reading. Built two shops, one 30 feet by 60, with three water wheels, on Wyomissing Creek between Mohn's Store and Gouglersville, in 1821, using the creek water power to bore and grind gun barrels. Made 4,000 barrels a year. By 1854 had three factories on Wyo missing and several in other parts of the state. Also conducted a hardware store at the corner of 4th and Penn Streets, in Reading, Pa. Later was forced to dispose of his gun shops as a result of unfortunate investments and they were transformed into other commercial plants.
MILLER, G. C. — New Haven, Conn. Heavy, Civil War period percus sion sharpshooter's rifle.
MILLER, H. — Unlocated. Early percussion Kentucky rifles.
MILLER, J. — Curly maple, full stock, brass mounted, flintlock Ken tucky rifle (converted to percussion). Made without patchbox.
MILLER, J. — Rochester, N. Y. Percussion period, 1829. Inventor of pre-Colt percussion revolver and pill-lock revolving rifles.
Miller, John—Gunmaker of Pcnfield and Monroe, Michigan, about 1836-75-
Miller, John—Gunsmith of Lancaster Borough, Lancaster County, Pa., 1771-82. During the Revolution he worked on public arms as repairman.
MILLER, John — Lancaster Borough, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1773-82. Pay ments recorded for work on public arms in 1777.
MILLER, John— Penfleld and Monroe, Mich., about 1830-75.
MILLER, M.— Unlocated. About 1850.
Miller, Mathias—Gun and locksmith of Easton, Pa. He was descendant of an ancient line of German armourers, his arms being “remarkable by reason of their exquisite firelocks.” Found on tax lists from 1771 to 1788.
MILLER, Mathias — Strasburg County, Pa., in 1779, and at Easton, Northampton Co., Pa., in 1788. Famed for the excellent workman ship of his gun-locks.
MILLER, S. C— New Haven, Conn., 1855.
Miller, S. C.—Gunmaker of New Haven, Conn., about 1850-60.
MILLER, Samuel— Boston, Mass., 1730. Early, 42 inch half octagonal pinned barrel flintlock rifle with gooseneck hammer. Full cherry stock with deeply curved butt and brass butt plate, Marked "S. MILLER" on barrel flat.
MILLER, Simon— Hamburg, Pa., about 1770-1820. Master riflesmith; long silver-inlaid flintlock Kentucky rifles with incised carving. Possibly same as "S. M.' maker of a pair of flintlock Kentucky pistols carried by Col. Nathan Dennison at Battle of Wyoming, Pa., July 3, 1778.
MILLER, W. D.— Pittsfield, Mass., about 1850.
MILLER, W. G. — Unlocated. Late period flintlock and percussion Kentucky rifles.
Miller, William Deeds—Pittsfield, Mass., and New York City. Active 1861-77, before and after.
MILLER, William H.— Patentee of Miller alteration of U. S. musket. In 1888 made a deposition that he had been in the cutlery business since 1868, was now postmaster at Meriden, Conn. Age 66. Prior to 1868 manufactured firearms as supt. and contractor. Be gan as apprentice in firearms in Paterson, N. J. Until 1868 con tinually in that business. After leaving Paterson went to Chicopee manufacturing Jenks carbines, also at Mill Creek, Pa. manu facturing muskets, at Cincinnati manufacturing rifles for the Government as contractor with John W. Griffith. Came back to Paterson, N. J. was in locomotive shops six months, thence to Chicopee Falls on firearms, thence into Springfield Armory. Made a gun previous to taking out his patent in 1865.
MILLIRON, C. — Dayton, Pa. Percussion Kentucky rifle.
Mills—Riileniaker of Harrodsburg, Ky. Came from the rifle works at Charlottesville, N, C., to establish in Harrodsburg in 1790. Active until 1814 or later. Produced the rifles for Colonel Richard M. Johnston's Mounted Kentucky Rifles which saw action in the Battles of the Thames.
MILLS, B. — Benjamin Mills, a gunsmith of Charlottsville, N. C, who served with Morgan's Rifles in the War of Revolution, and settled in Harrodsburg, Ky., about 1790, and where he made arms until about 1815. The settlement of Harrodsburg was founded by Col. James Harrod. Benjamin Mills is reputed to have armed Colonel Richard M. Johnson's regiment of mounted Kentucky riflemen, who de cisively defeated the British and their Indian allies under Gen eral Proctor, in the battle of Thames River, near Moravian Town, Canada, on Oct. 5, 1813. Tecumseh was among the slain, and as a result of this defeat, his Indians deserted the British cause.
MILLS, Benjamin — Harrodsburg, Ky., percussion rifle and pistol maker of the Civil War period. Had been assistant armorer at Harpers Ferry Armory and was one of the hostages held by John Brown and rescued by Col. Robert E. Lee. During the Civil War cast his lot with the South and was rumored to have been in charge of arms production at one of the Confederate arsenals. Was reputed to make very fine trigger systems and to have numbered Fremont and Kit Carson among his clients.
MILLS, F. M.— Charlottesville, N. C. About 1790. Flintlock rifles. Ap prenticed to Henry Leman. Later opened own shop at Harrods burg, Ky. Succeeded by son Benjamin Mills.
MILLS, Jason— Pittsfield, Mass. In 1806 Jason Mills, of Springfield, Mass. purchased the old Whitney forge, and established a small gun-shop for the manufacture of fowling-pieces and other custom-work for the surrounding country. In 1808 the representa tives of Mills sold out to Lemuel Pomeroy.
MILLS, Joseph — Colerain Township, Bedford Co., Pa.
MILLS, O.— Burnham, Troy, N. Y., 1839. Kentucky rifles.
MILNOR, Isaac— Philadelphia, Pa., in 1799; flintlock Kentucky rifles.
Mine!, John—Gun and pistol maker of Brooklyn, N. Y., 1869-78.
MINN. FIREARMS CO.— Minneapolis, Minn. Makers of "The Protector" palm pistols.
Minneapolis Fire Arms Co.—Minneapolis, Minn. Produced the ‘‘Protector," 7-shot revolver, patent of March 6, 1883.
MISSISSIPPI STATE ARMORY— Panola, Miss. Established prin cipally for conversion of sporting arms to military caliber. Machinery and equipment moved to Brandon, Miss., then on May 10, 1863, moved again to Meridian, Miss., due to advance of Federal troops on Jackson. The armory had employed 34 hands, boring, reaming, turning and rifling barrels, fitting locks and stocking arms. The "Daily Clarion," Meridian, Miss., June 6, 1864, states "The carbine factory is engaged in making carbines for the cavalry, chiefly of the Maynard patent and fully equal to the best product in Yankeedom."
MITCHELL, Joseph— Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 19, 1798. Was apprenticed at an early age to Joseph Coons, Philadelphia gun smith, and after finishing his service worked for a time for Brooke Evans (Brook Ivins) at Valley Forge. After a while returned to Philadelphia to manufacture arms on own account. Turned to farming in 1841.
MOCK, A. — New York. Early American air rifles.
MOCK, G. S. — Unlocated. Marking on barrel of a half stock, heavy barrel, percussion match rifle of very good workmanship. Back action lock.
Mohn, Benjamin—Riflemaker of Berks County, Pa. Active from before 1842 until his retirement in 1859. Succeeded by his foreman, Henry Worley, who continued until 1880.
MOHN, Benjamin — Wyomissing Creek, Pa., gun maker. Built a gun shop in 1835. Gave up the business before the Civil War, and moved to Reading. The plant was taken over by Henry Worley, Mohn's superintendent, who continued the operation until about 1880. Percussion Kentucky rifles.
MOLAN & FINN— Contractors of Nov. 19, 1807, with Tench Coxe, Purveyor of Public Supplies, for 350 pair of pistols at $10.00 the pair and 700 rifles at $10.00 each. It is doubtful if any deliveries were made as the firm failed.
MOLL, F. L.— Franklin Co., Pa., Kentucky rifles.
MOLL, J. & W. H.— Allentown, Pa., until 1883. John Moll III and son Wm. H. High-class rifles and pistols.
Moll, John and William—William Moll appears to have been the founder of a family of gunsmiths which was active from 1740 until 1883.William was active 1740-48 and perhaps before and after. John Moll, the cider, gunsmith of Allentown and son of William, is found on tax lists as a single man until 1772. On April 28th of the same year he married Lydia Rinker, the daughter of a gunsmith. During the Revolution he was employed by Ebenezer Cowell working on public arms. Died in November of 1794, leaving a widow and two sons, John, junior, and Peter. John Moll, junior, son and successor of the elder, assumed charge of his father's business on August 18, 1793. He was born May 13, 1773, married Elizabeth Newhard in 1795 and his son, John 3rd, was born the following year. John Moll, the 3rd, son and successor to the above, was born in Allentown in 1796. Took over his father's shop about 1824 and continued until 1863. Died in Allentown, 1883. William H. Moll, son and successor to the above, took over the business about 1863 and continued until 1883. He was the fifth generation, of gunsmiths in the Moll family and the fourth to operate in the same shop established by John the elder. This shop, demolished in 1883, was a small, story and a half log house which stood on the east side of North Seventh Street.
MOLL, John H— Son of John Moll I. Born May 13, 1773. Succeeded his father in the business, on the latter's death in 1794.
MOLL, John I— Allentown, Pa. Son of William Moll. Listed in 1772. Worked at the State Gun Factory with Ebenezer Cowell during the Revolutionary War. Established the Moll gun shop on 7th Street in Allentown. John Moll I died in 1794.
MOLL, John III — Rifle maker. Son and successor to John Moll II. Born at Allentown in 1796. In the later years of his life, and until his death in 1883, the business was managed by his son, William H. Moll.
Moll, N .—Gunsmith of Pennsylvania, 1840.
MOLL, N.— Allentown, Pa., about 1840. Very heavy flintlock Ken tucky rifle with German silver patchbox, Joseph Golcher lock.
MOLL, P. & D.— Peter and David Moll, Hellerstown, Pa., 1812-1833, before and after. Fancy flintlock Kentucky rifle inlaid with silver, ivory, and brass; Taylor lock; barrel marked in gold inlay "PETER MOLL HELLERSTOWN, WARRANTED, MAY 26, 1826, NO. 40." Another dated Jan. 30, 1833. Rifled brass-barreled flintlock holster pistol with artificially striped stock, London lock, S in silver monogram plate - supposedly used by Sawken Light Horse Cavalry in War of 1812. The Molls specialized in brass-barrelled, rifled pistols, arti ficially grained to produce "tiger striped" stocks. The effect was produced by burning a heavy, tarred twine wrapped around the stock in the rough. On the finished stock, the heat-hardened welts produced the effect of curly maple in striped pattern. Legend has it that a sufficient number of brass-barrelled, rifled pistols was produced by the Moll brothers to equip a troop of cavalry in the War of 1812.
MOLL, P. & John S. — Circa 1815, flintlock swivel-breech, superposed rifle marked "P. & JOHN*MOLL S." (Same as Peter Moll of Hellerstown, Pa.?)
MOLL, P. & John, Jr. — Circa 1815, Penna. type flintlock rifle marked "P. & JOHN MOLL JR." (Same as Peter Moll of Hellerstown, Pa.?)
Moll, Peter—Gunsmith, Pennsylvania, 1840.
MOLL, Peter— Pennsylvania, about 1840. (Same as Peter Moll of Hellerstown, Pa.?)
MOLL, William— Lehigh Co., Pa., before and after 1747.
MOLL, William— Lehigh Co., Pa., about 1747.
MOLL, William H.— Allentown, Pa. Son of John Moll III. The last of the Molls to operate the Moll shop on North 7th Street. The shop was demolished in 1883.
MOLLER, Louis— 712 Washington St., San Francisco, Calif. 1887.
Montagney, Thomas—Noted gunsmith of Vermont, period of the War of 1812.
MONTAGNY, Thomas— Vermont. War of 1812. Holster pistol of fine workmanship.
Montgomery Arms Co.—Montgomery, Ala. Made shotguns, 1893.
MONTGOMERY ARSENAL— Montgomery, Ala. Confederate plant engaged in arms repair and alteration of flintlock muskets to percussion.
Moon, C. C.—'Riflemaker of Martinsville, Clinton County, Ohio. Active 1846-54.
Moon, J. H.—Riflcmaker of Martinsville, Ohio, 1846-54. Though he was probably related to the above he worked in a separate shop.
MOON, M. A.— Buffalo, N. Y„ 1828.
Moon, William and Jesse—Riflemakers. The Moon family came from Philadelphia and from North Carolina. They migrated to Clark Township, Qinton County, Ohio, in 1809 to establish, what became to be known as the “Moon Colony/ ' Included in the original party were two skilled gunmakers, William and Jesse Moon, who were active until 1826 or later. Many of their rifles were in use in the old pioneer families of Ohio and • Indiana. (P. 965. “History of Clinton County, Ohio/ ' Beers, Chicago, 1882.)
MOORE & BAKER— Unlocated. Flintlock . . . lock makers only? "MOORE & BAKER" stamped with separate stamps on lock plate of a converted flintlock on an extremely long (7'-10"), Kentucky "rifle." Also marking reported on silver inlaid, flintlock Kentucky rifle.
MOORE G. A.—Barrel marking on a curly maple stock, percussion Kentucky rifle with"HENRY PARKER WARRANTED" lock.
Moore, Abraham—Gunsmith of Coventry Township, Chester County, Pa. Served the Committee of Safety and active 1770-76.
MOORE, Abraham— Coventry Township, Chester Co., Pa., 1770-76. Arms maker to Committee of Safety.
MOORE, Benjamine — U. S. Inspector of Arms 1810-15.
MOORE, D. & CO. —Operated by Daniel Moore at Brooklyn, N. Y.,1862-63. Makers of single action revolvers under the DanielMoore patents of Sept. 18, 1860, No. 30,079 and Jan. 7, 1862, No.34,067. In 1863 the arms in stock, 3,376 revolvers were turned over to Smith & Wesson due to an infringement of the S. & W.controlled Rollin White patent for "a cylinder bored end to end." See Moore's Pat. Firearms Co., below.
Moore, Daniel, Moore’s Patent Fire Arms Co.—Brooklyn, N. Y. Moore received the following patents: April 3, 1855, side swung revolver; September 18, i860, revolver improvements; January 7, 1862, seven-shot, rim-fire revolver (pressure upon a stud to the right of the hammer allows the barrel and cylinder to swing to the right on a pivot at lower end of the frame) ; February 24, 1863, pistol, the barrel swings to the left to load. Moore’s patents were infringements on Smith & Wesson and were taken over by that firm. Produced D. Williamson's patent teat-fire revolver, patent of January 5, 1864. Active 1853-67.
MOORE, Geo. — Madison County, Illinois.
MOORE, George— Mount Vernon, Ohio, 1886-94.
MOORE, HENSZEY & CO.— Percussion bar lock marked "MOORE, HENSZEY & CO."
Moore, J. P.—Gunsmith of Union, N. Y. Active 1844-46, before and after. Produced muskets for the government.
MOORE, J. P.— Union, N. Y. Active 1844-46.
MOORE, John— 96 Beaver St., Albany, N. Y., in 1820. At 8 Beaver St. in 1821 - apparently bought out Hugh McClellan's shop. At 11 Beaver St. in 1834-35.
MOORE, John P.— Established at 302 Broadway, New York, N. Y., in 1823. See John P. Moore's Sons.
MOORE, R. A. — Cortland St., New York, N. Y. Percussion telescopic sight, Civil War, sharpshooters rifle.
Moore, R. R.—Of Cincinnatus and Cortland, N. Y. Produced double shotguns and double rifles, about 1851-62.
MOORE, R. R. — Seneca Falls, N. Y., 1865-67, then Cincinnatus, and later Cortland, N. Y. Apprentice of Billinghurst of Rochester. Made shotguns and sporting and match rifles.
MOORE, S. — Unlocated, early 19th century. Flint rifle and pistol locks; one marked "S. MOORE WARRANTED" on a P. & D. Moll Kentucky pistol.
MOORE, W.— Colerain Township, Bedford Co., Pa., 1810. Flintlock Kentucky rifles marked "W. MOORE." Possibly father of William Moore.
MOORE, William— Colerain Township, Bedford Co., Pa. 1850.
MOORE, Wm. — Madison County, Illinois. (Related to George Moore?)
MOORE, Wm.— Windsor, Conn., 1860.
MOORE'S JOHN P., SONS— In 1885 the firm consisted of a son, George G. Moore, son of John P. Moore, and two grandsons, John P. M. Richards and Henry M. Richards. The firm was founded by John P. Moore "who started for himself in New York, in the year 1823, after serving a regular apprenticeship of several years at the vise. From a very small beginning, our House has been gradually built up by honest dealing and strict attention to business principles . . .". In spite of which, the firm was bought out by Schoverling, Daly & Gales in 1888.
MOORE'S PAT. FIREARMS CO.— Brooklyn, N. Y. Makers of teat primer cartridge revolvers under David Williamson's patent of Jan. 5, 1864, No. 41,184, put on the market to replace the D. Moore revolver, which was an infringement on Smith & Wesson controlled patents. The firm was identical with or succeeded by the National Arms Company of Brooklyn, N. Y. See D. Moore & Co., above.
MOPIN, J. — Missouri. Percussion rifles.
MOPIN, M. — New Haven, Mo. Percussion rifles.
MORGAN & CLAPP— New Haven, Conn., 1864-66. Rim-fire pocket pistols using the L. Morgan side-swing loading system.
MORGAN, G.— Galena, Ohio, active 1863-1867; Lansing, Mich., 1867 1874 or later; died 1895. According to his son be turned from blacksmithing to riflemaking about 1863. An overunder per cussion rifle marked "G. MORGAN LANSING, MICH. 1874 326;" also a brass-mounted halfstock Indian rifle with Geo. Golcher lock.
Morgan, James—Riflemaker of Utica, N. Y. Active 1838-48, before and after.
Morgan, Joseph—Gunsmith of Morristown, N. J., T779. Doubtful as to arms production.
MORGAN, Joseph — Morristown, N. J., 1779.
MORGAN, Joseph — Superintendent of Springfield Armory Nov. 1, 1802 to October 31, 1805. Had been U. S. Inspector of Arms 1799 1801.
MORGAN, Lucius— 2 Bridge St., New Haven, Conn., 1858-77. Maker of rim-fire, side-swing pocket pistols. Associated with Clapp, in the firm of Morgan & Clapp, in 1864-66.
Morgan, Lucius; Morgan & Clapp—New Haven, Conn. Pistol makers, 1864-70.
MORLITOR, Joseph— St. Anthony, Minn., 1858-65.
MORR, A.— Lancaster Co., Pa., about 1830-1840. Percussion Kentucky rifles.
Morrett, L.—Riflemaker of Columbus, Ohio, 1847-51.
MORRETT, L.— Friend Street, Columbus, Ohio, 1847-48.
MORRILL, MOSMAN & BLAIR— East Amherst, Mass., 1836-38. Makers of Elgin cutlass-pistols. The firm was organized Aoril 1, 1836, by Henry A. Morrill, Silas Mosman, Jr., and Charles Blair. The business panic of 1837, and the failure of the firm of Knowles & Thayer affected the enterprise, and the partnership was dissolved in July, 1838, the business being carried on by Mosman and Blair until February, 1839, when the firm failed, and the machinery and effects were sold at assignee's sale. In 1837 the firm employed four hands and produced bowie-knife pistols to the value of $2,000. The firm's advertisement in the Hampshire Gazette under date of March 8, 1837: "Wanted - Six or eight filers, who can do first-rate work, and who feel smart enough to do a day's work in ten hours, without raising higher pressure of steam than cold water will make, and can leave their long yarns until their day's work is done. Such will find good encouragement by applying imme diately to MORRILL, MOSMAN & BLAIR"
Morris & Brown—Received patent on six-shot Conical Repeater, January 24, i860. W. H. Morris and C. L. Brown.
MORRIS & BROWN— Morris W. M. and C. L. Brown of New York. Conical Repeater, 6 chambers, caliber about .41 rim fire. Patent No. 26,919 Jan. 24, 1860.
MORRIS, H. M. — Kentucky rifle, the buttplate tang extends over the comb of the stock for its entire length. See Morris & Brown.
MORRIS, John — Armorer. Was paid $32 New Emission Currency (at rate of exchange 2Vz for one, equal to $12, specie) for cleaning and repairing 6 muskets, Phila., Sept. 28, 1781.
MORRISON — Virginia musket maker associated with Wheeler in a contract of Oct. 21, 1808, for 2,500 Model 1808 muskets, dura tion five years. Only 125 were delivered by Oct. 7, 1812.
MORRISON, S. — Milton, Pa. Late flintlock period and early percus sion rifles. Also made mule-ear percussion rifles.
MORROW, Abraham— Also Murrow. Philadelphia, Pa. With John Nicholson received warrants to repair the arms of the militia of Bucks, Chester, Lancaster, Montgomery and Delaware Coun ties, as well as of Berks and Northampton, in 1791. Had con tracted with U. S. to furnish "rifle guns" in 1792, for which a payment of $312.00 was made on account.
MORSE — Painesville, Ohio. Percussion rifles.
MORSE ARMS CO.— Greenville, S. C. about 1863-65. Makers of Con federate Morse breech-loading, brass frame carbines. Operated by Geo. W. Morse, partly with machinery which had been cap tured at Harpers Ferry Armory. Sufficient arms made to equip a company of Confederate troops. See Morse, George W.
MORSE ARMS MFG. CO.— See Morse, George W.
MORSE, E., Jr. — Unlocated. Half-stock, brass trim, side-by-side double rifle.
Morse, George W.—Hast Baton Rouge, La. Secured patent of breechloader and cartridge, October 28, 1856. At Worcester, Mass., he received a government contract, March 16, 1858, for 100 arms at $4.00. On September 13, 1858, contracted to alter 2.000 muskets to breech-loading at $10.00. He was employed at Harpers Ferry when the Civil War broke. T.eft the vicinity to establish in Augusta, Ga., and Columbia, S. C, where he produced a few arms for the Confederacy.
MORSE, George W. — Worcester, Mass. Inventor and maker of Morse patent carbines, patented Oct. 28, 1856, Pat. No. 15,995. On Mar. 5, 1858, the Secretary of War directed the purchase of 100 Morse carbines at $40.00 each. The order was accepted by Mr. Morse, but no deliveries were ever made. On Sept. 13, 1858, Morse sold to the U. S. for $10,000 the rights to alter 2,000 muzzle-loading arms to his breech-loading system. However, only 60 muskets were completed, and parts were made for the alteration of 540 more, before the appropria tions allotted for the purpose were exhausted. In 1875, the Chief of Ordnance reported that in the spring of 1861, Mr. Morse, leaving his family in Washington, went to Richmond until after the Battle of Manassas Gap, thence to Nashville, Tenn., where he was in charge of cartridge making machinery taken by the Confederates at Harpers Ferry. He next took the machinery to Chattanooga, then to Atlanta, and lastly to Greenville, S. C, where he "actually made arms for a company of rebel soldiers, as he declared, 'for State use to keep the peace,' which probably meant to enforce Confederate con script laws." In 1875, Mr. Morse ineffectually entered a claim against the government alleging infringement of his patents by every breech loading arm made by the government since 1865, and claiming a royalty of $5.00 on each of the 130,000 arms made. George Woodward Morse died March 8, 1888, at age of 76. See also State Rifle Works.
Morse, Thomas—Gunsmith of Lancaster, N. H., about 1866-90.
MORSE, Thomas— Lancaster, N. H., about 1866-90.
Mortimer & Kirkwood—Boston, Mass. Active 1878, before and after. David Kirkwood.
MOSES, M. A.— Malone, N. Y. About 1860-65. Percussion muzzle and breech-loading rifles, the latter using a steel, reloadable chamber with a recessed base for taking the primer.
MOSHELL, J. H.— Columbus, Ga. Advertised May 30, 1862 for "four or five No. 1 Blacksmiths to forge Gun Barrels by the piece. Good prices will be paid."
MOSHER, S. & S.— Unlocated. Percussion Kentucky rifle.
MoSs, Ebenezer—Gunsmith of Maryland, 1723. Doubtful as to production.
MOSS, Ebenezer— Maryland, 1753.
Mossberg & Son», Inc., O. F.—213 Green St., New Haven, Conn. Rifles and sights.
MOSSBERG, C. F. & SONS— 200 Greene St., New Haven, Conn., 1920 to date. Single-shot and repeating rifles and pocket pistols.
MOSSER, D. E. — Danville, Pa. Superposed percussion rifles.
MOSSY CREEK — Tennessee foundry or gun factory reputed to have made guns at Mossy Creek as early as 1812 (unverified). Mossy Creek bridge and road at points were destroyed by Col. W. P. Saunders column of 1,500 Federals about June 21, 1863. Col. Saunders states "near this place I also destroyed the machinery of a Gun Factory and a Saltpeter Factory. (Mossy Creek, now called Jefferson City, is next station east of New Market and 29 miles east of Knoxville.
Moster, George—or Morter. Gunsmith of Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pa., active 1771-79. No record of arms production.
MOSTER, George— Or Morter. Earl Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1771-79.
MOTT, A. — Pennsylvania, early 1800's. Flintlock Kentucky rifles with silver wire inlays.
MOULTON, R. B. — Proctorsville, Vt. Halfstock percussion harmonica rifle.
Mount Joy Forge and Valley Forge—Mount Joy forge, at the mouth of East Valley Creek and Schuylkill River, on the Chester County side of the creek, was active prior to 1751. Stephen Evans was active here as early as 1742. Mount Joy Forge was destroyed by the British in 1777. After the Revolution, Isaac and David Potts, brothers, erected another forge on the Montgomery County side of Valley Creek about one-half mile below the site of the old forge. The new forge was called Valley Forge. Active as early as 1783, it was in ruins in 1816. (P. 176, Swank.) Potts & Rutter probably cast cannon at Mount Joy Forge before its destruction.
Mount Union Furnace—Built 1772 about four miles northwest of Rockavvay, New York, by John Jacob Faesch. Produced cannon and shot in considerable quantities during the Revolution. Active until about 1825. (Pp. 151-152, “Iron in All Ages,” Swank, Philadelphia, 1894.)
MOWER— Columbia Co., Pa. Late Kentucky rifles.
Mowery, James D.—Contract musket maker at Norwich, Conn., 1863- 65. Produced 22,000 muskets.
MOWRY, J. D. — Jas. D. Mowry, Norwick, Conn., Civil War con tractor for Springfield rifle muskets, Model 1861: Dec. 26, 1861 for 30,000 at $20.00; 10,000 delivered. Nov. 27, 1863 for 20,000 at $20.00; 20,000 delivered. April 6, 1864 for 10,000 at $18.00; 10,000 delivered. The barrels for the Mowry arms were made by Cole & Walker on Franklin Street, on sub-contract; the locks by C. B. Rogers & Co., of West Chelsea, and the remaining parts at Mowry's own plant at Greeneville
MUELLER, Hieronymus— Decatur, Illinois, maker of muzzle-loading, percussion and later of breech-loading, shotguns. German trained, Mueller was also the town plumber and pioneered a water main tapping machine which from the founding of Mueller Co., 1857, grew into the present corporation.
Muenier, John; Meunier Gun Co.—Gunmaker of Milwaukee, Wise. Active 1855 until about 1886, died 1919.
MUIR, W. & CO.— William Muir, Windsor Locks, Conn. Civil War contractor of Dec. 7, 1861, for 30,000 Model 1861 Springfield rifle til muskets at $20.00 each. Contract completed.
MULHOLLAND, James — Reading, Pa. Civil War contractor of Jan. 7, 1862, for 50,000 Model 1861 Springfield rifle muskets at $20.00 each. A total of 5,502 delivered on contract.
MULL, John — Northampton Township, Northampton Co., Pa., 1788.
MULLEN, Cyrus — Williamsburg, Ind. Percussion rifle.
MULLER, J. H.— Gunsmith, Elysian Fields, New Orleans, La., 1853
MULLIN, J. & P.— Fulton St. and 36 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. John and Patrick Mullin. Patrick Mullin immigrated from Ireland after gunsmithing in London and Dublin; on Fulton St. made custom percussion shotguns, later occupied shop in Maiden Laneiand made plain shotguns and expensive sporting breech-loaders. His brother John made percussion rifles in the same shop.
MULLIN, Patrick— New York, N. Y., 1850.
Mullins, John—Gunsmith of New York, 1846-50. Rifles.
Mullins, Patrick—Gunsmith of New York, 1858-75. Rifles.
MULLOY, N. P.— Worcester, Mass., 1869-71.
MUNSON, Levi — Saybrook, Ohio, percussion period.
MUNSON, MORSE & CO.— 63 Temple St., New Haven, Conn., 1856 1862. Listed as pistol as well as coach, saddlery and hardware manufactory. At 157 Temple St., in 1862.
Munson, Theophilus—New Haven, Conn. Born September 1, 1675, died November 28, 1747. O11 March 6, 1697, when but 22 years of age, he purchased the residence and gunshop on the southeast corner of Elm and High Streets. Two gunsmiths had preceded him there successively. A list of the Colony debts for August, 1711, includes an item “for his work upon guns and marking arms.” lie is mentioned as one of “the select men to set the Great Gunns upon Carriages" in a memorandum dated December 8, 1728. He became a prosperous and influential citizen. After serving as sergeant and ensign, he was appointed “Captain of the Second Company or Trainband." He produced pikes for the Colony in 171 r.
MUNSON, Theophilus— New Haven, Conn., about 1700. Doglock musket.
Munz, Jacob—Riflemaker of 133 Griswold St., Detroit, Michigan. Active 1858-67.
MURFREESBOROUGH ARMORY— Murfreesboro, Tenn. Confederate shoulder arms repair and reconditioning plant.
MURPHY, Justin— U. S .Inspector of Contract Arms, 1818-1831. In spected arms in the plants of R. & J. D. Johnson, Simeon North, Lemuel Pomeroy, Nathan Starr, and Asa Waters.
Murray, J. P.—Confederate gunsmith of Columbus, Georgia, 1856-63.
MURRAY, J. P.— Columbus, Ga., 1856-65. Confederate shoulder arms. Master armorer for Greenwood & Gray, of Columbus, Ga., makers of Murray carbines. J. P. Murray advertised June 8, 1860, as "J. P. Murray, suc cessor to Happold & Murray, 46 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., maker and dealer in Shotguns, Rifles, Pistols ....and repairing done with neatness and dispatch." July 6, 1861, he advertised for persons who had arms on repair to call for same. August 28th, 1861, Murray received 200 flintlock Confederate muskets to convert to percussion. March 29, 1862, J. P. Murray was reported by the Macon Telegraph to be making Mississippi rifles at Columbus, Ga. See Greenwood & Gray.
Murrow, Abraham—or Morrow. Gunsmith active at Philadelphia 1776-83 and before. Employed upon public arms in 1788 and found on the first census of 1790. Delivered 22 new guns to the Committee of Safety at Philadelphia, February 27, 1777.
MURROW, Abraham— Philadelphia, Pa., before and after 1783-91. Worked on repair of public arms in 1788-91. See Morrow, Abraham.
MUSGROVE, S. — Ironton, Ohio, percussion period.
MUSSER, H.— Mulheim, Pa.
Muzzy, N. M.; Muzzy & Trumbull—Gunmakers. The partnership was in effect at 45 South Canal Street, Chicago, in 1882-84, then Muzzy continued alone until 1889.
MYER, Henry — Lancaster, Pa., arms maker for the Committee of Safety. Excused by the Executive Council from military duties Dec. 5, 1777, for the making of arms for the State of Pennsyl vania, in the employ and under direction of William Henry I of Lancaster.