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Home > Armi > Banche dati > Tradenames and Brands - H |
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| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
H & A (Hopkins & Allen) | US | |
H & D (Henrion & Dassy) | BG | |
H & D Folsom Arms Co. | US | |
H & H Enterprises | US | Redwood City, CA |
H & N Minicraft | US | Covina, CA |
H & R (Harrington & Richardson) | US | Gardner, MA; now known as H & R 1871, Inc. |
H & R 1871, Inc. | US | Gardner, MA; formerly known as H & R |
H. D. Military | US | Model of High Standard |
H. F. Grieder | US | Importer |
H. J. Inds. | US | Brownsville, TX |
H. J. S. Inds. | US | Brownsville, TX |
H. Koon, Inc. | US | Mfr. of Snake Charmer shotgun model |
H. M. Gering | GE | |
H. M. Kolb | US | Mfr. of revolvers |
H. M. Quackenbush | US | |
H. O. Peabody | US | Mfr. of Civil War rifles |
H. S. Precision, Inc. | US | Rapid City, SD |
Habicht | SP | Shotguns |
Hackett Special | US | Brand of Hunter Arms |
Haenel, C. G. | GE | Same as Haenel-Schmeisser |
Haenel-Schmeisser | GE | |
Haerens Tojhus | DK | Military weapons |
Hafdasa | AT | Mfd. by Fabrica de Automoviles Hispano Argentina |
Halfbreed | US | Mfd. by Forehand & Wadsworth |
Halfbreed | US | Brand of Hopkins & Allen |
Hall, J. H./Hall-North | US | Civil War rifles |
Hamada | JA | Japanese military arsenal |
Hamal | EN | |
Hamilton | SQ | |
Hamilton | US | Model of Whamo |
Hamilton Rifle Co. | US | Mfr. of rifles |
Hämmerli | SZ | |
Hämmerli | SZ | Mfd. by S. I. G. |
Hämmerli-Walther | SZ | Model of Carl Walther |
Hammond Automatic | US | |
Hammond, Grant, Corp. | US | Handguns |
Hand Ejector | BG | Model of Neumann Freres |
Hand Ejector | US | Model of Smith & Wesson |
Handi-Gun | IT | Mfd. by Serna |
Handy-Gun | US | Model of Harrington & Richardson |
Handy/Handy Auto Pistol/Handy Model 1917 | SP | |
Hanover Arms | BG | Mfr. of shotguns |
Hans V. Lidl | AU | |
Hanscomb Hardware Co. | US | |
Hansson, Elof | SP | |
Hard Pan | US | Mfd. by Hopkins & Allen |
Hard Pan | US | Mfd. by Hood Firearms Co. |
Hardballer (AMT) | US | Mfd. by AMT |
Harold Sunngard | NW | |
Harrich | AU | Mfr. by Sodia |
Harrington & Richardson | US | |
Harris Gunworks | US | Phoenix, AZ; mfr. of bolt-action rifles |
Harris McMillan Gunworks, Inc. | US | Phoenix, AZ; mfr. of custom bolt-action rifles |
Harrison, Frank, Arms Co. | BG | Various mfrs. |
Harry Lawson Co. | US | |
Hartford Arms Co. | US | Various mfrs. |
Hartley, Spalckaver, & Fay | US | Brand of Hunter Arms Co. |
Hartman | SZ | |
Harvard | US | Mfd. by Crescent |
Haskell | US | Lima, OH |
Hauptli | GE | |
Haut Rhin | FN | Walther-type pistols |
Hawes | WG | Importer |
Hawk Engineering, Inc. | US | Northfield, IL |
Hawk Inds. | CN | |
Hawken | US | Early rifle mfr. |
Hawken/Hawken Seneca | US | Model of Thompson Center Arms Co. |
Hawthorne (Montgomery Ward) | US | Brand sold by Montgomery Ward |
HDH | BG | |
Healthways | US | Brand name of Iver Johnson |
Heckler & Koch | ||
Hecla | WG | |
Hege | HU | Mfd. by Feg Union |
Hege Waffen | WG | |
Heim | GE | Brand of C. E. Heinzelmann |
Heinemann | BG | |
Heinzelmann, C. E. | GE | Handguns |
Helfricht, K. | GE | Brand of A. Krausser |
Helicodog | FN | Model of shotguns |
Helkra | GE | Brand of A. Krausser |
Hellenic Arms Ind. | GC | Athens, Greece |
Helwan | EY | Mfd. by Maadi |
Hemburg | NE | Military weapons |
He-Mo | GE | |
Hendrick Sales & Engineering Co. | US | Importer |
Henri Dumoulin | BG | Mfr. of rifles and shotguns |
Henrion & Dassy (H & D) | BG | |
Henry Aiken | EN | |
Henry Deringer Sr. & Jr. | US | Early mfr. of pistols and rifles |
Henry Gun Co. | US/BG | Imported by Crescent |
Henry, J. J., & Son | US | Mfr. of Civil War muskets |
Henry Repeating Rifle Co. | US | NY; mfr. of reproductions of Colt firearms as joint operation with Cold Black Powder Co. |
Hepburn/Hepburn's Patent | US | Single-shot rifles made by Remington Arms Co. |
Herbert Schmidt | WG | Mfr. of handguns |
Hercules | US | Various mfrs. |
Heritage Arms | US | Dallas, TX |
Heritage Manufacturing, Inc. | US | Opa-Locka, FL; bought out Quality Firearms, Inc. |
Herman | GE/BG | |
Herman Weihrauch | GE | Mfr. of Arminius |
Hermanos | - | Not a brand; Spanish word for brothers |
Hermetic | FN | |
Hermitage (Arms or Gun Co.) | US | Various mfrs. |
Herold | GE | Mfd. by Jager |
Herstal | - | Not a brand; city in Belgium |
Herter's, Inc. (VARIOUS) | U.S. | importer/manufacturer |
Hesse, Ltd. | US | Invergrove, MN |
Heym | WG | Mfr. of rifles and revolvers |
Hiawatha | US | Mfd. by Savage |
Hibbard (model W-H) | US | Mfd. by Harrington & |
Hibbard, Spencer, & Bartlett | US | |
HIB-SPE-BAR | US | Richardson; Trademark of Hibbard, Spencer, & Bartlett |
Higgins, J. C. | FN/US/SP | In some cases, numbers appearing on barrel(s) of Higgins weapons are production numbers, not serial numbers. |
High (Hy) Hunter | JA/IT/WG/SP | U.S. importer |
High Sierra | US | Model of High Standard |
High (Hi) Standard | US | |
Highway Patrolman | US | Model of Smith & Wesson |
Hijo (automatic) | IT | Model of Rigarmi |
Hijo Militar | IT | Model of Rigarmi |
Hijos | - | Not a brand; Spanish word for sons |
Hijos de A. Echeverria | SP | Mfr. of Vesta |
Hijos de C. Arrizabalaga | SP | |
Hijos de Jorge Bascaran | SP | Mfr. of Marke and Martigry |
Hi-Point | US | Mansfield, OH |
Hi-Point Firearms | US | Mansfield, OH |
Hispano Argentina | AT | |
HK/HK-4 | WG | Model of Heckler & Koch |
Hoban Mfg. Co. | - | |
Holland & Holland | EN | |
Holland Firearms Co. | US/SP | Importer of shotguns |
Hollenbeck | US | |
Hollis & Sons | EN | Mfr. of rifles and shotguns |
Holmes | US | Mfr. of MP-83 and MP-22 |
Holston Enterprises | US | Piney Flats, TN |
Holt, Sam | US | |
Hombre | US | Mfd. by F. I. E. |
Hombre | US | Model of High Standard |
Hood Firearms Co. | US | |
Hood, Robin | US | Mfd. by Hood Firearms Co. |
Hope (pistol of barrel) | SP | Mfd. by Star |
Hopkins & Allen (H & A) | US | |
Hoppes | US | Replicas of antiques |
Hornet | US | |
Horse Destroyer | SP | Mfd. by Isidro Gazanaga |
Horsely | EN | |
Hotchkiss | EN | Machine gun |
Hourat et Vie | FN | |
Howa/Howa, Ltd. | JA | |
Howard Arms Co. | US | Mfd. by Crescent |
HS | WG | Herbert Schmidt not High Standard |
Hubenbeckler | GE | Mfr. of derringers |
Hubertus | EM | |
Hudson | US | Brand of Hunter Arms Co. |
Hugo Borchardt | GE | |
Hummer | BG | Imported by H & D Folsom Arms Co. |
Hunter | FN | Shotgun; model of Darne |
Hunter Arms Co. | US | |
Hunter Special | US | Shotgun; model of Hunter Arms Co. |
Huntsman (automatic) | US | Model of Colt |
Husky | GE | Model of Krico |
Husky | SQ | Model of Husqvarna |
Husqvarna | SQ | |
HV (auto pistol) | FN | |
HVA | SQ | May appear on guns mfd. by Husqvarna |
Hy Hunter | JA/IT/WG/SP | U.S. importer |
Hy Power | US | Mfd. by Crescent |
Hy Score | US | |
Hyde | US | |
Hyper-Single | US |
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