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Atlante delle armi - Waffenatlas -Atlas of the arms
Edoardo Mori
In questo sezione intendo raccogliere un ampio assortimento di immagini di armi corte.
I modeli illustrati sono 565 per le rivoltelle e 886 per le pistole.
Le immagini sono tratte dal libro russo "Revolver e pistole" di A.B. Juk, pubblicato a Mosca nel 1983. Ritengo che
esse non siano coperte da coyright perché all'epoca l'Unione Sovietica non aderiva alle convenzioni
internazionali sul diritto d'autore. Se mi sono sbagliato, me ne scuso e sono a disposizione degli aventi diritto per ogni chiarimento.
Alessandro Borisovich Juk è nato in Ucraina nel 1922 ed è stato disegnatore e grafico per le forze
armate sovietiche. Questo suo libro ebbe grande successo ed egli ottenne
un premio importante. Esso è stato ripubblicato in Inghilterra nel 1995, con aggiunta di molte
immagini (oltre 2500 in totale) e note e con una veste grafica diversa, con il titolo: A.B. Zhuk, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Handguns,
Greenhill Books, London. Nel 2002 ne è stata ripubblicata una versione aggiornata a cura del Deutsches Waffen Journal (DWJ)
Le armi sono divise per nazione di origine. I numeri individuano l'arma nella pagina che si visualizza cliccando
sul link. Il primo dei due numeri individua anche la nazione di origine dell'arma e perciò, ad esempio, pistole
che iniziano con il nr. 33 sono tutte tedesche.
Austria - Revolver
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Austria - Pistole
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Argentina - Pistole
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Belgio - Revolver
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Belgio - Pistole
- 29-1 - Browning mod. 1900
- 29-2 - Browning mod. 1900
- 29-3 - Browning 1903
- 29-4 - Browning 1906
- 29-5 - Browning 1910/12
- 29-6 - Browning 1922, cal. 7,65 e 9 corto
- 29-7 - Browning Baby, cal. 6,35
- 29-8 - Browning 1935, cal. 9 Para
- 29-9 - Browning 1935, cal. 9 Para
- 29-10 - Browning (FN Herstal SA) mod. 130, cal. 7,65 o 9 corto
- 29-11 - Browning (FN Herstal SA) mod 140 DA, cal. 7,65 o 9 corto
- 29-12 - H&D , Henrion & Dassy, Liegi (1912-1914), cal. 6,35
- 29-13 - Bayard (Anciens Etablissement Pieper SA, Her-stal), vari calibri
- 29-14 - Bayard 1908
- 29-15 - Bayard 1923
- 29-16 - Bayard 1930
- 29-17 - Bergmann-Bayard 1908
- 29-18 - Warnant, L. & J Frères
- 29-19 - Warnant, L. & J Frères
- 29-20 - Warnant, L. & J Frères
- 29-21 - Vici (fabbrica sconosciuta
- 29-22 - Wilson (fabbrica sconosciuta
- 29-23 - WS o Wegria-Charlier,
- 29-24 - Gavage Armand,
- 29-25 - Delu F.
- 29-26 - Dictator o Centaure
- 29-27 - Jieffeco
- 29-28 - Jieffeco
- 29-29 - Clément 1903
- 29-30 - Clément 1903
- 29-31 - Clément 1903
- 29-32 - Clément 1907
- 29-33 - Clément 1907
- 29-34 - Clément 1908
- 29-35 - Clément 1909
- 29-36 - Clément 1909
- 29-37 - Clément 1912
- 29-38 - Clément 1912
- 29-39 - Lepage, 1925
- 29-40 - Lepage
- 29-41 - Lepage
- 29-42 - Manifacture d'Armes à Feu, Liegi
- 29-4 - 3 Le Martiny
- 29-4 - 4 Melior
- 29-4 - 5 Melior
- 29-4 - 6 Melior new model
- 29-4 - 7 Melior new model
- 29-4 - 8 Melior new model
- 29-4 - 9 Melior new model
- 29-50 - Melior
- 29-51 - Mercury (Melior per gli USA)
- 29-52 - M. L.
- 29-53 - M. L.
- 29-54 - Le Monbloc
- 29-55 - Le Monobloc
- 29-56 - Pieper mod. N
- 29-57 - Pieper 1908
- 29-58 - Pieper mod B
- 29-59 - Pieper mod. O
- 29-60 - Pieper 1908
- 29-61 - Pieper 1909
- 29-62 - Pieper 1920
- 29-63 - Pieper
- 29-64 - Pieper Legia
- 29-65 - Pieper
- 29-66 - Radium
- 29-67 - Le Rapide
- 29-68 - Teuf-Teuf
- 29-69 - Francotte Auguste
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Canada - Pistole
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Brasile - Revolver
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Inghilterra - Revolver
- 4-1 - Imitazione Smith & Wesson. cal. 30
- 4-2 - Tranter
- 4-3 - Tranter
- 4-4 - Tranter
- 4-5 - Tranter mod. 1878
- 4-6 - Adams 1867
- 4-7 - Adams 1872
- 4-8 - Thomas
- 4-9 - Webley 1865
- 4-10 - Webley
- 4-11 - Webley 1866, cal. .577 Boxer
- 4-12 - Webley RIC (Royal Irish Constabulary), 1867
- 4-13 - "
- 4-14 - "
- 4-15 - Webley Mod. II
- 4-16 - Webley n. 2, 1878, The British Bulldog
- 4-17 - Webley n. 5 Express
- 4-18 - Webley Frontier
- 4-19 - Webley- Pryse
- 4-20 - Webley-Pryse
- 4-21 - Webley- Kaufmann, mod. 1880
- 4-22 - Webley- Green 1879
- 4-23 - Webley Green 1892
- 4-24 - Webley- Wilkinson
- 4-25 - Webley Mark 2, 1894
- 4-26 - Webley Mark II
- 4-27 - Webley Mark III, 1897
- 4-28 - Webley Mark III
- 4-29 - Webley Mark IV, 1899 (calcio anche a becco)
- 4-30 - Webley Mark IV
- 4-31 - Webley Mark IV
- 4-32 - Webley Mark IV
- 4-33 - Webley Mark IV
- 4-34 - Webley Mark IV
- 4-35 - Webley Mark V, 1913
- 4-36 - Webley Mark VI, 1915
- 4-37 - Webley Pocket, 1897
- 4-38 - Webley Pocket, 1901
- 4-39 - Webley- Fosbery, 1901
- 4-40 - Enfield Mark II, 1882
- 4-41 - Enfield nr. 2 Mark I, 1931
- 4-42 - Webley Mark IV
- 4-43 - Webley Mark IV
- 4-44 - Excelsior
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Inghilterra - Pistole
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Germania - Revolver
- 5-1 - Mod. 1874 cal. .442 per la Sassonia
- 5-2 - Mauser 1 mod. Zickzack, Mod. 1878
- 5-3 - Mauser 2 mod. Zickzack, Mod. 1878 (telaio chiuso)
- 5-4 - Mauser 2 mod. Zickzack, Mod. 1878 (telaio chiuso)
- 5-5 - Armeemodell 1879 (M/79) (Reichrevolver; marchiato Mauser
e Dreyse)
- 5-6 - Armeemodell 1879/83 (marchiato Mauser e Dreyse)
- 5-7 - Armeemodell 1879/1883, versione civile
- 5-8 - Armeemodell 1879/1883, versione civile
- 5-9 - Dreyse 1893
- 5-10 - Haenel C.G.
- 5-11 - Geco, sistema Colt (Genschow & Co.)
- 5-12 - Arminius HW 3 della ditta HW (Hermann Weihrauch)
- 5-13 - Arminius HW 38
- 5-14 - Heym
- 5-15 - Röhm, RG 10
- 5-16 - Röhm, RG 10 S
- 5-17 - Röhm, RG 11
- 5-18 - Röhm, RG 12
- 5-19 - Röhm, RG 14
- 5-20 - Röhm, RG 20
- 5-21 - Röhm, RG 23
- 5-22 - Röhm, RG 24
- 5-23 - Röhm, RG 30
- 5-24 - Röhm, RG 38
- 5-25 - Röhm, RG 57
- 5-26 - Röhm, RG 63
- 5-27 - Röhm, RG 66M
- 5-28 - Röhm, RG 88
- 5-29 - Cicago Cub
- 5-30 - Reck R-15
- 5-31 - Reck R-18
- 5-32 - EMGE 22 corto
- 5-33 - EMGE 22 l .r.
- 5-34 - EMGE 32
- 5-35 - EMGE 223 e 323
- 5-36 - Mayer & Söhne
- 5-37 - Sauer & Sohn, Frontier 2/59 (riproduzione della
- 5-38 - Sauer & Sohn, TR 6
- 5-39 - Sauer & Sohn, TR 6
- 5-40 - Sauer & Sohn, FR 4
- 5-41 - Korth Combat
- 5-42 - Erma mod. ER 440
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Germania - Pistole
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Ungheria - Pistole
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Vietnam - Pistole
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Danimarca - Pistole
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Indonesia - Pistole
Iran - Pistole
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Israele - Revolver
Spagna - Revolver
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Spagna - Pistole
- 37-1 - Alkar
- 37-2 - Astra mod. 900
- 37-3 - Astra mod. 901
- 37-4 - Astra mod. 300
- 37-5 - Astra mod 300
- 37-6 - Astra mod. 400 (
- 37-7 - Astra mod. 903
- 37-8 - Astra mod. 600
- 37-9 - Astra mod. 4000 Falcon
- 37-10 - Astra mod. 800 Condor
- 37-11 - Astra mod 2000 Cub
- 37-12 - Astra mod. 7000.
- 37-13 - Astra mod. 5000 Constable
- 37-14 - Azul
- 37-15 - Azul MM31
- 37-16 - Bernedo
- 37-17 - Bulwark
- 37-18 - Boltun
- 37-19 - Victoria M 1911
- 37-20 - Campo Giro 1913/16
- 37-21 - Colonial
- 37-22 - Continental
- 37-23 - Llama mod. 1 e mod. 2
- 37-24 - Llama mod. 3A
- 37-25 - Llama mod 9A
- 37-26 - Llama mod. 18
- 37-27 - Llama mod. 19
- 37-28 - Llama mod, 19
- 37-29 - La Lira (anche Triunph
- 37-30 - Longines
- 37-31 - Looking Glass
- 37-32 - Martian
- 37-33 - Martian
- 37-34 - Martian
- 37-35 - Mondial
- 37-36 - Mugica
- 37-37 - Royal
- 37-38 - Ruby
- 37-39 - Thunder (Thander) M1919
- 37-40 - SEAM
- 37-41 - Star 1906
- 37-42 - Star mod. 1914
- 37-43 - Star mod. 1
- 37-44 - Star mod. 1
- 37-45 - Star mod. 1
- 37-46 - Star M1919
- 37-47 - Star M1920
- 37-48- Star modello militare (1920)
- 37-49 - Star mod. A, 1921
- 37-50 - Star mod. A e AS
- 37-51 - Star mod. B
- 37-52 - Star mod. HD
- 37-53 - Star mod. BKS Starlight
- 33-54 - Star mod. PD, 1975
- 33-55 - Star mod M 1922
- 33-56 - Star mod. BKM o BM
- 33-57 - Star mod HK Lancer
- 33-58 - Star mod. SI e S
- 33-59 - Star mod DK Starfire
- 37-60 - Star mod I, 1934
- 37-61 - Star mod. per ufficiali
- 37-62 - Star mod.FR e IR
- 37-63 - Star mod. H e HN
- 37-64 - Star mod CO
- 37-65 - Star mod CU
- 37-66 - Star mod. HK Lancer
- 37-67 - Star mod. E
- 36-68 - Star mod. E
- 37-69 - Tanque
- 37-70 - Tauler, mod. II
- 37-71 - Tauler
- 37-72 - Phoenix
- 37-73 - Fiel
- 37-74 - Jo-Lo-Ar
- 37-75 - Charola y Anitua
- 37-76 - Sharp Shooter
- 37-77 - Express
- 37-78 - Express
- 37-79 - Express
- 37-80 - Echasa model Fast
- 37-81 - AAA
- 37-82 - Avion
- 37-83 - Avion
- 37-84 - Aurora
- 37-85, 6, 87, 88, 90 - Ignoto
- 37-91- Action
- 37-92 -93- 94 - Alkar
- 37-95 -96 - Apache
- 37-97 - Astra mod. 2000
- 37-98 - Astra Firecat
- 37-99 - Azul
- 37-100 -101 - Atlas
- 37-102 - Benemerita 1918
- 37-103 - Bronco
- 37-104 - Bulwark
- 37-105 - Bufalo
- 37-106 - Waldman
- 37-107-108-109-110 - Walman
- 37-111 - Venus
- 37-112 - Venzedor
- 37-113 -114-115-116 - Vesta
- 37-117-118 - Victor
- 37-119 - The Victory
- 37-120 - Victoria,
- 37-121 - Vincitor
- 37-122-123-124-125 - Vite
- 37-126 - Vulcain
- 37-127 - Gallus
- 37-128 - Guisasola Hermanos
- 37-129 - Gloria
- 37-130 - Hudson
- 37-131 - Danton
- 37-132 -133-134 - Destroyer
- 37-135 - Defense
- 37-136 - Le Dragon
- 37-137 - Douglas 1914
- 37-138 - Duan
- 37-139-140 - EA
- 37- 141 - Singer
- 37-142 - Singer
- 37-143-144 - Ydeal
- 37-145-146 - Kaba Spezial
- 37-147 - Cow-boy
- 37-148 - Conlon
- 37-149 -150 - Colonial
- 37-151-152 - Colonial
- 37-153-154-155 - Continental
- 37- 156 - Crucelegui Hermanos
- 37-157-158-159 - Liberty
- 37-160 - Libia
- 37-161 - Looking Glass
- 37-162-163 - Marina
- 37-164 - Marte
- 37-165 - Marte Erquiaga
- 37-166 - Martian
- 37-167 - Merke
- 37-168 - Minerva
- 37-169-170 - MS
- 37-171 - Omega
- 37-172 - Orbea
- 37-173-174 - Paramount
- 37-175-176-177 - Pinkerton
- 37-178 - Premier 1913
- 37-179 - Principe
- 37-180 - Princeps
- 37-181 -183-183 - Protector
- 37-184 - Rayon
- 37-185-186-187 - Regent
- 37-188-189-190 - Regina
- 37-191 - Reims
- 37-192 - Renard
- 37-193 - Retolaza
- 37-194 - Rival
- 37-195 - Royal
- 37-196-198 - Ruby
- 37-199 - Salvaje
- 37-200 - SEAM
- 37-201 - Selecta
- 37-202 - Celta
- 37-203 - El Cid 1915
- 37-204 - Sprinter
- 37-205-206-207 - Stosel
- 37-208-209 - Tatra
- 37-210 - Tiwa
- 37-211 - Tisan
- 37-212-213 - Titanic
- 37-214 - Trust
- 37-215 - Triomphe
- 37-216 - Unique
- 37-217-218-219 - Union
- 37-220 - Favorit,
- 37-221 - Fiel nr. 1
- 37-222 - Fortuna
- 37-223 - Joha
- 37-224 - Jubala
- 37-225 - J. Cesar
- 37-226 - Campeon
- 37-227-228-229-230 - Express
- 37-231-232 - Errasti
- 37-233 - Etna
- 37-234 - Jupiter
- 37-235 - Ignoto
- 37-236-237 - Ignoto
- 37-238 - AA 1916
- 37-239 - AAA 1916
- 37-240 - Ignoto
- 37-241 - Fabrique d'armes de guerre
- 37-242 - Hijos de C. Arrizabalaga, Eibar
- 37-243 - Ignoto
- 37-244 - Arizaga
- 37-245 - Hijos de C. Arrizabalaga
- 37-246-247-248 - Ignoto
- 37-249-250 - Allies
- 37-251 - Alkar
- 37-252- 253 - Alkar, Fabrica de Armas Alkartasuna, Guernica
- 37-254 - 258 - Astra, Esperanza y Unceta, Guernica
- 37-259 - Astra
- 37-260 - Azul
- 37-261 - Acha Hermanos
- 37-262 - Le Basque
- 37-263 - Beistegui Hermanos, 1914
- 37-264 - Bolumburu
- 37-265 - Bristol
- 37-266 - Bronco
- 37-267 - Brunswig
- 37-268 - Waldmann
- 37-270-271 - Walman
- 37-272 - Venus
- 37-273 - Vesta
- 37-274 - Victoria
- 37-275 - Vincitoribar
- 37-276 - Vilar
- 37-277 - Gloria
- 37-278 - Destructor
- 37-279 - Demon
- 37-280 - Destroyer
- 37-281 - Destroyer
- 37-282 - Singer
- 37-283 - Singer
- 37-284 - Indian
- 37-285 - Ydeal
- 37-286 - Izarra
- 37-287 - Cobra
- 37-288 - Ca-Si
- 37-289 - Liberty
- 37-290 - Libia
- 37-291 - Lusitania
- 37-292 - Looking Glass
- 37-293 - Martina
- 37-294 - Omega
- 37-295 - Omega
- 37-296-297-298 - Paramount
- 37-296 37-299 - Plus Ultra
- 37-300 - Praga
- 37-301 - Princeps
- 37-302 - Puma
- 37-303 - Precision
- 37-304 - Puppel
- 37-305-306 - Regina
- 37-307 - Regina
- 37-308 - Republic
- 37-309 - Reims
- 37-310 - Retolaza
- 37-311 - Royal
- 37-312 - Royal
- 37-313 - Royal
- 37-314 - Roland
- 37-315-316 - Ruby
- 37-317 - Aldazabal
- 37-318 - Echeverria
- 37-319 - Salaverria
- 37-320 - Cebra
- 37-321 - Le Secours
- 37-322 - Selecta
- 37-323-324 - Stosel
- 37-325 - Zulaica
- 37-326-327 - Titanic
- 37-328 - Trust
- 37-329 - Union
- 37-330 - Urrejla y Compañia
- 37-331-332 - Fiel
- 37-333 - Joha,
- 37-334 - Campeon
- 37-335 - Ignota
- 37-336 - Ignota
- 37-337 -7 - 8 - 9 - Express
- 37-340-1-2-3 - Express
- 37-344-345 - Errasti
- 37-346 - Jupiter
- 37-347-348 - Ignota
- 37-349 - Astra 700
- 37-350 - Boltun
- 37-351 - Walman
- 37-352-353 - Danton
- 37-354 - Destroyer
- 37-355 - Ruby
- 37-356 - Handy
Torna all'inizio
Italia - Revolver
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Italia - Pistole
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Cina - Pistole
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Corea - Pistole
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Messico - Pistole
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Norvegia - Pistole
43-1 - Army mod. 1914
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Polonia - Pistole
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Olanda - Revolver
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Polonia - Revolver
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Romania - Revolver
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Russia - Revolver
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Russia - Pistole
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Usa - Revolver
- 14-1 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 1
- 14-2 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 1
- 14-3 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 1
- 14-4 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 2
- 14-5 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 1 1/2
- 14-6 - Smith & Wesson, Schofield, Army No. 1 (1875)
- 14-7 - Smith & Wesson, Army mod. No. 3 (1878)
- 14-8 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 1 1/2
- 14-9 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 2
- 14-10 - Smith & Wesson, dopia azione (1880)
- 14-11 - Smith & Wesson, doppia azione (1881)
- 14-12 - Smith & Wesson, doppia azione (1889)
- 14-13 - Smith & Wesson, doppia azione (1889)
- 14-14 - Smith & Wesson, mod. safety con sicura sul calcio
(dal 1888)
- 14-15 - Smith & Wesson, mod. safety con sicura sul calcio
(dal 1888)
- 14-16 - Smith & Wesson, 1909
- 14-17 - Smith & Wesson, 32. Hand Ejector 1896
- 14-18 - Smith & Wesson, 1896, mod. II
- 14-19 - Smith & Wesson, 1899, per esercito e polizia
- 14-20 - Smith & Wesson, 1902 per esercito e polizia
- 14-21 - Smith & Wesson, New Century
- 14-22 - Smith & Wesson, Ladysmith I mod.
- 14-23 - Smith & Wesson, Ladysmith, II mod.
- 14-24 - Smith & Wesson, Ladysmith III mod.
- 14-25 - Smith & Wesson, Hand Ejector Pocket, 1903
- 14-26 - Smith & Wesson, Police 1926
- 14-27 - Smith & Wesson, 1905 per polizia ed esercito
- 14-29 - Smith & Wesson, 1905 Serie speciale
- 14-30 - Smith & Wesson, Hand Ejector U.S. Service o
British service
- 14-31 - Smith & Wesson, Mod. 10 per esercito e polizia
- 14-32 - Smith & Wesson, Mod. 10 Canna pesante
- 14-33 - Smith & Wesson, Mod. 12 per esercito e polizia
- 14-34 - Smith & Wesson, Mod. 15 Masterpiece
- 14-35 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 19, 357 Combat Magnum
- 14-36 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 19, 357 Combat Magnum
- 14-37 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 20, 38/44 Heavy Duty
- 14-38 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 22 Army
- 14-39 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 27, 357 Magnum
- 14-40 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 28, Highway Patrolman
- 14-41 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 29, 44 magnum
- 14-42 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 30, Hand Ejector
- 14-43 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 32, Terrier
- 14-44 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 33, Regulation police
- 14-45 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 34, 22/32 kit-gun
- 14-46 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 36, Chiefs special
- 14-47 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 38, Bodyguard Airweight
- 14-48 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 40, Centennial
- 14-49 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 43, kit-gun airweight
- 14-50 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 57, 41 magnum
- 14-51 - Smith & Wesson, mod.58, 41 magnum per esercito
e polizia
- 14-52 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 60, Chiefs special stainless
- 14-53 - Smith & Wesson, mod. 67 (1972)
- 14-54 - Colt, conversione Richards per cartucce c.f.
(Army Model1 1871, modifica del New Model Army 1860)
- 14-55 - Colt, idem
- 14-56 - Colt, mod. Old line 1870
- 14-57 - Colt, mod. Colt's House Pistol (Cloverleaf Colt
& Jim Fisk Pistol 1871-1875)
- 14-58 - Colt, mod. 1871 Colt Pocket
- 14-59 - Colt, mod. 1873 New Line, S. A. Pocket
- 14-60 - Colt, mod . 1874 New House o New Line
- 14-61 - Colt, mod. 1872 Frontier (munizioni anulari)
o 1873 (munizioni a percussione centrale).
- 15-62 - Colt, mod. Frontier Scout 62
- 14-63 - Colt, mod. Bisley
- 14-64 - Colt, mod. 1877 doppia azione, Lightnig o Thunderer
- 14-65 - Colt, mod. 1878 Frontier D. A.
- 14-66 - Colt, mod. 1889 predecessore del mod. 1892 New
Navy o New Army
- 14-67 - Colt, mod. 1892 New Navy o New Army
- 14-68 - Colt, mod. New Service, 1898
- 14-69 - Colt, mod. New Police
- 14-70 - Colt, mod. New Police
- 14-71 - Colt, mod. Army M-1917
- 14-72 - Colt, Army Special M- 1909
- 14-73 - Colt, mod. Police positive special, 1907
- 14-74 - Colt, mod. Detectiv special, 1926
- 14-75 - Colt, mod. Cobra, 1950
- 14-76 - Colt, mod. Agent , 1955
- 14-77 - Colt, mod. Police Positive
- 14-78 - Colt, mod. Police Positive
- 14-79 - Colt, Poket Positive
- 14-80 - Colt, Python
- 14-81 - Colt, Marshal
- 14-82 - Colt, Commando
- 14-83 - Colt, Trooper
- 14-84 - Colt, Diamondback
- 14-85 - Colt, Detective Special
- 14-86 - Colt, Police Positive Special
- 14-87 - Colt, Viper
- 14-88 - Colt, Metropolitan Mk III,
- 14-89 - Colt, Lawman Mk III
- 14-90 - Colt, Trooper Mk III
- 14-91 - Allens & Weeklock, 1858
- 14-92 - American Army Co.
- 14-93 - Brooklin Army Co.
- 14-94 - Bacons Arms Co.
- 14-95 - Bacons "Havy"
- 14-96 - Bacons Peperbox
- 14-97 - Bacons & Garrington
- 14-98 - Harrington & Richardson, mod. American.
- 14-99 - Harrington & Richardson, mod. Young America
- 14-100 - Harrington & Richardson, mod. Automatic con
lama di coltello (1900 circa).
- 14-101 - Harrington & Richardson, mod. Premier
- 14-102 - Harrington & Richardson, mod. Worcester (è
la città di produzione)
- 14-103 - Harrington & Richardson, mod. Defender
- 14-104 - Harrington & Richardson, mod. Defender Special
- 14-105 - Harrington & Richardson, mod. Defender 1925
- 14-106 - Harrington & Richardson, mod. 900
- 14-107 - Harrington & Richardson, mod. 929
- 14-108 - Hopkins & Allen, mod. Tremis Terror
- 14-109 - Hopkins & Allen, 1871 XL N. 1
- 14-110 - Hopkins & Allen, mod. Defender 89
- 14-111 - Hopkins & Allen, 1879 Dictator
- 14-112 - Hopkins & Allen, 1879 Ranger N. 2
- 14-113 - Hopkins & Allen, mod. XL N. 4
- 14-114 - Hopkins & Allen, mod. XL DA
- 14-115 - Hopkins & Allen, mod.
- 14-116 - Hopkins & Allen, mod. Bulldog
- 14-117 - Hopkins & Allen, 1875
- 14-118 - Hopkins & Allen, mod. 32
- 14-119 - Grant
- 14-120 - Dan Wesson, mod. 12
- 14-121 - Dan Wesson, mod. 15
- 14-122 - "Pocket Pony"
- 14-123 - Iver-Johnson 1883
- 14-124 - Iver-Johnson 1891, mod. Smoker
- 14-125 - Iver-Johnson "American Bulldog
- 14-126 - Iver-Johnson 1900
- 14-127 - Iver-Johnson tipo Smith & Wesson
- 14-128 - Idem
- 14-129 - Iver Jonson's -Safety Automatic Hammerless
(tipo S&W)
- 14-130 - Iver-Johnson, mod. 55S Cadett ?
- 14-131 - Iver-Johnson , mod. 66 Snub
- 14-132 - Kolb & Co - Baby Hammerless
- 14-133 - Connecticut Arms 1866
- 14-134 - Crispin 1865
- 14-135 - Liberty
- 14-136 - Maltby, Curtiss & Co., Police Modell 1884 ??
- 14-137- Maltby, Henley & Co 1889 (Metropolitan Police)
- 14-138 - Manhattan Fire Arms Manufacturing Co.
- 14-139 - Mervin & Bray ?
- 14-140 - Mervin-Galbert, 1886, russian model (prod.
- 14-141 - Mervin-Galbert, 1873
- 14-142 - Mervin-Galbert
- 14-143 - Mervin- Galbert DA
- 14-144 - Meridian Fairarms Co.
- 14-145 - Marlin "Standard" N. 2, 1878
- 14-146 - Marlin "OK"
- 14-149 - National Arm Co ???
- 14-147 - Moore 1860
- 14-148 - Moore 1864
- 14-150 - Nord American Arms
- 14-151 - Osgood "Duplex"
- 14-152 - Plant
- 14-153 - Plant
- 14-154 - Pond, 1864
- 14-156 - Prescott, 1860
- 14-157 - J. Reid, "My Friend" 1865
- 14-158 - Remington mod. n. 1
- 14-159 - Remington mod. n. 3
- 14-160 - Remington "Rider"
- 14-161 - Remington, 1875
- 14-162 - Rupertus "Peperbox", 1887
- 14-163 - Smith, 1873
- 14-164 - Whithe Star
- 14-165 - Whitney
- 14-166 - Fyrberg Arms, 1903
- 14-167 - Forehand Arms Co.
- 14-168 - Forehand Arms Co.
- 14-169 - Forehand & Wadsworth, Bulldog 1871
- 14-170 - Forehand & Wadsworth
- 14-171 - Forehand & Wadsworth, mod. russo, 1873
- 14-172 - Forehand & Wadsworth, Bulldog
- 14-173 - Forehand & Wadsworth, British Bulldog
- 14-174 - Forehand & Wadsworth, 1877
- 14-175 - Forehand & Wadsworth (tipo S&W)
- 14-176 - High Standard , "Sentinel"
- 14-177 - High Standard "Sentinel" MK I e MK IV
- 14-178 - High Standard tipo Western
- 14-179 - High Standard ,"Kit-gun" ??
- 14-180 - High Standard, Sentinel Mk III
- 14-181 - Higgins 88
- 14-182 - Charter Arms "Undercover"
- 14-183 - Stoeger Arms Co. "Deputy"
- 14-184 - Sturm, Ruger & Co., "Bearcat"
- 14-185 - Sturm, Ruger & Co., "Single-six"
- 14-186 - Sturm, Ruger & Co., "Blackhawk"
- 14-187 - Sturm, Ruger & Co., GA-34
- 14-188 - Union Arms Co., Revolver automatico
- 14-189 - U.S Revolver Co.
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Usa - Pistole
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Turchia - Revolver
Turchia - Pistole
Finlandia - Pistole
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Francia - Revolver
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Francia - Pistole
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Cecoslovacchia - Revolver
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Cecoslovacchia - Pistole
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Cile- Pistole
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Svizzera - Revolver
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Svizzera - Pistole
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Svezia - Revolver
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Svezia - Pistole
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Iugoslavia - Pistole
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Giappone - Revolver
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Giappone - Pistole
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Vari di produzione artigianale - Revolver
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Tipo Bulldog - Revolver
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Tipo Velodog - Revolver
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Imitazioni S & W - Revolver
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Sconosciute - Pistole
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