P — See Pennsylvania State Gun Factory.
P*I — Part marking on locks and barrels by Desverneys, Charleston, S. C.
P. B. — Unidentified. Marking on Kentucky rifles.
P. C. V. R. — Unidentified. Stamped inside hand-forged lock of early flintlock Kentucky rifle by I. P. Beck.
P. F, — Unidentified. Marking on Kentucky rifle.
P. G. — Unidentified; Kentucky rifles.
P. G. F. — Unidentified. Silver inlaid, cheekpiece, curly maple full stock, octagonal barrel, percussion Kentucky rifle.
P. K. — Unidentified, Pennsylvania. Kentucky rifles.
P. L. H.— Unidentified; Kentucky rifles. Possibly P. L. Hain of Pa.
P. P. P.—On October 27, 1775, Robert Towers, an employee of the Pennsylvania state gun factory, was ordered to stamp all muskets produced and proved in the city of Philadelphia with the letter P.
P. R. — Unidentified. Maker of flintlock Kentucky rifles. Lock by R. & W. C. Biddle.
P. S. J. & CO.— (P. S. Justice?) Percussion Kentucky type pistol.
P. Y. — Maker of a full curly maple stock, brass mounted, double set trigger, Kentucky type percussion rifle.
P.A.— Phil Anglin, ("Old Uncle Phil"), Robertson Co., Tenn., maker of flintlock and later percussion, Kentucky rifles. Maker of a 61" flintlock rifle marked "P.A.", with lock by John Kirkman, Ash ville, Pa. Also made tiger maple, full stock, .38 caliber, percus sion rifle with set triggers and lock apparently of own manu facture.
Pachmayr, Frank A.—1220-24 South Grand Avc., Los Angeles, Calif. Active 1918 or before, to date. Son of August Pachmayr who, for fifty years, maintained a fine reputation for the excellence of his work.
PACHMEYER, A. M.— Los Angeles, Calif. Modern.
Pacific Arms Corp.—Box 427, San Francisco, Calif. Active from 1926 to date. According to their ads they produce machine guns, light artillery, rifles, pistols and military equipment.
PACKARD, Charles— Arms stocker, Springfield Armory, 1795.
PACKARD, William— Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, 1859-60. Half-stock, percussion, octagonal barrel rifle.
Packard, William M.— Riflemaker of Elyria, Ohio. Shop on the east side of the Public Square and active 1854 to 1862.
PACKSON— With Bennett settled on Kent Island, Md., in 1631. Maryland's first gun makers. Established three years before the founding of the Province by Calvert.
PAGE, Allen W.— 108 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y., 1801.
Page, John—Preston, Conn. He was employed by the state in 1776- 77 producing muskets. These arms were ordered stamped with the maker’s name or initials and “S. C.” for the State of Connecticut.
PAGE, John — Preston, Conn., Gun-lock maker to Committee of Safety. Delivery recorded of twenty-four bridled gun-locks, and payment made in August, 1777.
PAGE, John — Norwich, Conn., gunsmith, 1780. Originally from Preston, England. (Same as John Page, gun-lock maker to C. of S. above?)
PAGE, LEWIS ARMS CO.— Chicopee Falls, Mass. Small caliber rim fire cartridge rifles.
Page-Lewis Arms Co.—Chicopee Falls, Mass. Active about 1920. Now a subsidiary of Stevens Arms Co.
PAINE, KNOX & CO.— Kentucky. About 1860. Squirrel rifles. Elihu Paine.
PAINE, S. T.— Unlocated. Half stock target rifles.
PALM, Frederick-— Ulster County, New York, rifle maker, 1769-1775. One of four rifle makers induced by Sir William Johnson to come out from Pennsylvania and settle in New York State by grants of buildings and tools. By 1775 rifle making became an enter prising industry with most of the settlers and Indians trading their smoothbores for rifled arms, and New York was second only to Pennsylvania in their manufacture.
PALM, Isaac — Pennsylvania.
Palm, Jacob—Riflemaker of Lancaster, Pa., 1759» thence to Esopus, New York in 1768.
PALM, Jacob — Pennsylvania about 1764-68 and Ulster County, New York 1769-1775, rifle maker. One of four rifle makers induced by Sir William Johnson to come out and settle in New York State by grants of buildings and tools. Flintlock Kentucky type target and hunting rifles, numbered. Heavy flintlock match rifle, silver-inlaid stock, marked No. 4; numbers 109 and 206 known. Related to Frederick Palm?
PALM, John — Lancaster, Pa.
PALMATEER & WRIGHT— Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1835-46.
Palmer exhibited two rifles at the International Exposition, London, 1851.—
PALMER, Amasa — Connecticut. Musket maker to Committee of Safety. May 3, 1776, with Hezekiah Huntington applied for pay ment for 27 muskets and 25 gun-locks made by them.
Palmer, H, F.—Riflemaker of Maiden Lane, Adrian, Mich., 1862-67, before and after.
Palmer, J.—Riflemaker of St. Catherine’s, Ontario, 1867-75, before and after.
Palmer, J. C.—President of Sharps Rifle Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn., 1851-63. A number of government contracts were made to Palmer as representative of the firm. See Sharps R. M. Co.
Palmer, Thomas—Gunsmith of Philadelphia, 1772-76. On July 6th, 1776 the Council of Safety ordered him to deliver the ‘‘rifles by him made” to Robert Tower at Philadelphia for proof-test, 17 being subsequently delivered on July 16th. (Pgs. 648, 653, Colonial Records of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Vol. X.)..
PALMER, Thomas— North Ward, Philadelphia, Pa., 1773-76, before and after. Musket maker to Committee of Safety of Philadelphia in 1776. President of the committee of petitioners, representing gun makers, complaining to the Committee of Safety in Novem ber, 1776, against the high and rising cost of materials and labor entering into gun making, and quoting advances in prices within one year, since 1775. He advertised in the Pennsylvania "Gazette," March 31, 1773: "Tho: Palmer, Gun Smith, at his shop: the north side of Market street, between Fourth and Fifth-streets . . . well made Rifles, of different lengths and Sizes of Bores, which he will insure to the Purchasers, to be as good and as handsomely fitted up as any made in America; he likewise makes Fowling Pieces, of different Sizes, such as have been approved of by Gentlemen of this City. All persons that will please to favour him with their Custom, shall be served with great Dispatch and care."
PALMER, Thomas — Inspector of Arms for U. S. in Philadelphia, 1808-10.
PALMER, W. R.— New York City, 1848-51. American Gun Makers 161
Palmer, William R.—Patent was granted Palmer on a breech-loading arm, December 22, 1863. The first bolt action, metallic cartridge arm to be used in the U. S. service, it was produced by E. G. Lam- son & Company at Windsor, Vermont and supplied the government in 1864.
PALMETEER & WRIGHT— Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1835-1846.
PALMETEER, Peter— Or Polmateer. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1835-60.
Palmetto Armory—A state owned gun factory established at Columbia, South Carolina in 1852. The equipment of the shop of Asa Waters at Millbury, Mass., was purchased and installed by the firm of Boatwright & Glaze. William Glaze operated during the Civil War and. marked the arms produced here “Palmetto Armory
PALMETTO ARMORY— Established at Columbia, S. C, by Messrs. Glaze & Boatwright in 1852, with machinery bought from the Waters Armory of Millbury, Mass., to manufacture arms for South Carolina, when and if the state were to secede from the Union. In 1852-53, the armory produced Model 1842 percussion pistols, Model 1842 muskets, and a few Model 1841 percussion rifles. From 1861 until February, 1865, when the armory was burned by Sherman's troops, the plant manufactured cannon, minie rifle balls and 18 pdr. shells for the Confederacy. Proba bilities are that flintlock muskets were altered to percussion at the armory during the Civil War, but no new arms manufac tured. The plant was rebuilt later, and was known as the Palmetto Iron Works, or Shields' Foundry. The firm was in existence until several years ago, and the building still standing, although in rather delapidated condition, at the northeast corner of Lincoln and Laurel Streets.
PANCOAST, A. R. — Vicinity of Morganstown, W. Va. Rifle maker.
PANCOST, E. L.— Greensboro, Greene Co.; later at Elizabeth, Alleg heny Co., Pa. Trained under Barney Engle at Greensboro in the early 1870's. Made gain-twist rifles. Maker of a fine, curly maple, full stock .33 caliber percussion rifle with lock marked "G. GJULCHER," (G. Goulcher).
PANNABECKER, Daniel— Employed as musket barrel maker by Joseph Henry in 1810.
Pannabecker, Jefferson—Gunsmith of Hopeland, Lancaster County, Pa., about 1790-1810.
PANNABECKER, Jefferson — Hopeland, Lancaster Co., Pa., about 1790-1810. According to Mr. R. E. Gardner, the family of Panne beker, (including variations in spelling), Pennsylvania gun smiths, are descended from a Dirck Clasen, a "panne backer" or tile baker, an early (1640) Manhattan settler, whose descend ants migrated to Pennsylvania, and founded the line. One of the descendants was the late governor of that state, Samuel Penne packer.
PANNABECKER, Jess— Adamstown, Lancaster Co., Pa., about 1820 1840.
Pannabecker, Jesse—Bought the mill of Michael Shepler, the fuller, on Middle Creek in 1833. James Pannabecker was associated with him as a partner. Continued until 1861 or later.
Pannabecker, John—Brother of Jefferson. Active at Adamstown, Lancaster County, 1836-66, before and after.
PANNABECKER, Samuel — Muddy Run, Lancaster Co., Pa., about 1780. Heavy flintlock Kentucky rifle.
Pannabecker, William—Gunsmith of Mohntown, Berks County, Pa., about 1800-38.
Pannabecker, William Jr.—Son of the above. Born Mohntown, Pa,, 1818. Succeeded his father about 1845. Moved to Trenton, N. J. where he is found in 1860-65 but returned to Mohntown where he died in 1880.
PANNEBECKER, Jess— Or Pennypacker. Elizabeth Township, Pa., about 1820-40. (Same as Jess Pannabecker of Adamstown, Pa.?)
PANNEBECKER, John— Adamstown, Lancaster Co., Pa., before and after 1863-66.
PANNEBECKER, L.— Unlocated. Flintlock Kentucky Rifle.
PANNEBECKER, William, Jr.— Son of William, above. Born 1818 and associated with his father, whom he succeeded. At Trenton, N. J., 1860-65, then back at Mohnton, where he died in 1880.
PANNEBECKER, Wm., Sr. (or Pannabecker)— Mohnton, Berks Co., Pa., about 1800-1818 and later. Made flintlock Kentucky rifles, also locks and barrels for shotguns. Thirteen-pound Kentucky match rifle with carved curly maple fullstock, globe and peep sights.
PANNET, W.— Unlocated. Marking on barrel of circa 1845 rifle.
Park, Horace—Shotgun maker of Columbus, Ohio. Active 1878-93. Entered into a number of partnerships, Park & Graber, 1886-88; Park & Irvin, 1889-93 1 Park & McLeish, 1878-80.
Park, John—Gunmaker of Williamsburg, Clermont County, Ohio, 1878-82.
PARK, John— Williamsburg, Clermont Co., Ohio, 1878-82.
PARKE, Henry — Maker of a curly maple, full stock, brass trimmed, percussion, smoothbore sporting gun.
PARKER, A. — DeSoto, Iowa. Set trigger percussion rifle of fine work manship. Name of town obsolete, having been changed in the 1850's.
PARKER, A. B.— Three Mile Bay, N. Y. Percussion rifles.
PARKER, Charles— Meriden, Mass., before and after 1868. Double barrel percussion hammer, later hammerless, shotguns.
Parker, Charles; Parker, Snow, Brooks & Co.; Parker Bros.—In 1832 Charles Parker founded the Parker Company to manufacture coffee mills. About 1842 began the manufacture of vises. In i860 the firm became the Parker, Snow, Brooks & Co., and at the beginning of the Civil War the production of muskets for the government began. During the period 1865-68 Charles Parker was president of the Meriden Mfg. Co. In 1868 the firm of Parker Brothers was formed, the three members being Wilbur, Charles and Dexter, sons of the founder. The first shotgun was made in 1868 and was known as the "Parker Brothers/ ’ This was a hammer gun with a lifter bolting mechanism. The fore-end fastened to the barrels by a key through a hole in the loop. In 1879 an improved fore-end was adopted based upon the Deeley & Edge type, which is used upon Parker guns at the present time. On June 1, 1934 the Parker Brothers Company was taken over by the Remington Arms Company. The present line includes thirteen models ranging from the A-i Special ($800.00 to $900.00) to the Trojan ($60.00 to $90.00).
PARKER, FIELD & SON— Makers of flint locks for sporting rifles.
PARKER, H. & CO.— Trenton, N. J. Flintlock Kentucky rifles.
PARKER, H. & CO.— Trenton, N. J. Modern.
PARKER, Henry — Unlocated. Probably lock maker only. Late flint and early percussion locks marked "HENRY PARKER WAR RANTED," in old English letters. Flint lock on Jason L. Harris Kentucky rifle; percussion lock on J.L. (Joe Long) Kentucky rifle.
PARKER, Henry— Flintlock Kentucky rifle.
PARKER, J. or I.— Unlocated. Kentucky rifles.
PARKER, Samuel — Philadelphia, Pa., musket maker to Committee of Safety, 1776. One of the petitioners, representing the gun makers, to the Committee of Safety at Philadelphia, November, 1776, complaining against the high cost of materials and labor entering into gun making, and quoting advances in prices within one year, from 1775.
PARKER, W.— Unlocated. Percussion rifle marked "W. PARKER 1876."
PARKERS, SNOW & CO.— Meriden, Conn. Civil War contractors of Sept. 28, 1863, for 15,000 Model 1861 Springfield rifle muskets at $19.00 each. Contract fulfilled.
PARKESON, B. L.— W. Va. Late flintlock Kentucky rifles.
Parkhill, Andrew—Riflemake.r of Dock Ward, Philadelphia, Pa., 1778-85.
PARKHILL, Andrew— Dock Ward, Philadelphia, Pa., 1779.
PARKHURST, Wm. (or Henry?)— Amherst, N. H. Percussion rifles.
PARKS, Horace — Columbus, Ohio, 1873-93. Associated with Charles McLeish, 1878-80; with W. L. Garber, 1886-88, and with Irwin 1888-93.
PARMALEE, Phineas — Armorer to the Continental forces in 1775.
PARRISS, W. A. — Pensylvania; very early flintlock Kentucky rifle.
Parrot, Robert Parker—Inventor of the Parrot gun, the most effective artillery of the Civil War. Born at Lee, N. H. in 1804. Graduated from West Point in 1824 and assigned to the ordnance department but soon thereafter resigned to enter business as a founder. Located in Orange County, N. Y. where he secured 7,000acres with all mineral rights and the Greenwood furnace. He later secured control of West Point Forge, situated at Cold Springs, on the Hudson River Railroad, three miles above West Point Station and half a mile from the Cold Springs Station, in Put- name County. Just when Parrot began the production of ordnance is uncertain but it was prior to 1858 and continued until 1871 when the last blast was made. His wartime cannon was patented in i86r. Parrot described his cannon as “a hooped gun of the simplest construction, composed of one piece of cast iron and one of wrought with no tapers, no screws, no successive layers of hoops’’. Parrot died in 1877 but the West Point Foundry was revived shortly 1871' and continued until about 1895. cf. Pgs. 150-151, "Iron Manufacturers Guide,” J. P. Lesley,* New York, 1859. Pg. 17, Vol. T, "History of the Manufacturers of the United States,” V. S. Clark, New York, 1929. Many references, "Gun Making in the United States,” R. J. Birmie, Washington, 1879.
PARSON— Plattsburg, N. Y., 1857-60.
Parsons—Riflemaker of Plattsburg, N. Y., 1857-60, before and after.
PARSONS, Hiram— Baltimore, Md., 1819.
PARTRIDGE, W. — Unlocated. Marking on the lock of a percussion sporting rifle.
PASSAGE, C. — Rochester, N. Y. Percussion rifles.
PATCH, N. W.— U. S. Inspector of Contract Arms, 1834-40. Inspected arms at the Nathan Starr plant 1834-40.
PATCHEN, I. — Unlocated. Percussion over-under rifle-and-shotgun.
Patent Arms Mfg. Co.—Paterson, N. J. The first manufacturers of the Colt. Organized 1836, failed in 1841 ancl closed out the following year. Colt was an employee..
PATENT ARMS MFG. CO.— Paterson, N. J., 1836-42. Manufacturers of revolving arms under Colt's patents of Feb. 26, 1836, and Aug. 29, 1839. See Colt Patent Arms Mfg. Co.
PATERSON — Unlocated. Marking on silver inlaid, artificially striped, fullstock Kentucky rifle.
PATT, Christopher — Alma, Wis. Made Martini-style rifle actions (some of which were used by John Meunier.) Is believed to have made complete rifles also.
PATTERSON — Juniata Co., Pa. Father and son made Kentucky rifles.
PATTERSON, R.— Unlocated. Kentucky flintlock rifle with N. Beyer barrel, Golcher lock. Possibly one of the Pattersons of Juniata Co., Pa.
Patton, R. F.—Riflemaker of Quincy, Logan County, Ohio, 1858-65.
Patton, William—Shotgun maker of Springfield, Mass., 1858-68.
PATTON, William— Springfield, Ohio, 1850-68.
Paul, Andrew—Riflemaker of Pennsylvania, 1831.
PAUL, Andrew — Pennsylvania, 1831.
PAUL, C. — Syracuse, N. Y. Percussion, Schuetzen type rifle.
PAUL, I. — Unlocated. A half stock, .52 caliber percussion rifle.
PAUL, Wm.— Bedford Co., Pa.
PAULI, C. — Syracuse, N. Y. Percussion target rifles.
PAULMER, Jacob S. — Unlocated. Script marking on half stock per cussion rifle.
PAXSON, W. & J. R. —Philadelphia, Pa. Flintlock on early Kentucky rifle.
PAYNE, S. L.— Erie, Pa., 1850.
PAYSON & NURSE— Boston, Mass. Late flint sporting rifle with 33" octagonal barrel and full cherry stock with cheekpiece and patchbox. Also of a heavy barrel, muzzle-loading percussion rifle.
PEACOCK, J. & THATCHER, H. C— Chicago, 111. Percussion match rifle of fine workmanship, with back action lock and barrel marked (in separate stamps), "J. PEACOCK & H. C. THATCH ER," "CHICAGO, ILL."
Pearson, James—A Committee of Safety musket maker of Pennsylvania, 1775-76.
PEARSON, James — Pennsylvania musket maker to Committee of Safety, 1775-76.
PEAVEY, A. J.— South Montville, Me. Maker of a .22 cal. knife-pistol patented in September, 1865, and March 27, 1866.
Pecare & Smith—New York. Repeating- pistols, 1847-53.
PECARE & SMITH— 180-182 Center St., New York, N. Y., 1849. Makers of 10-shot and 4-shot percussion pepperbox pistols. Jacob Pecare and Josiah Smith.
PECK, Abijah — Hartford, Conn. Contractor to U. S. under Act of July 5, 1798, for 1,000 Charleville pattern (Model 1795), muskets at $13.40 per stand. Of these 775 were delivered by June 10, 1801.
PECK, Eli— Gunsmith. 139 Green., Phila., Pa., 1819.
Peck, J. C.—Confederate gunsmith of Atlanta, Ga., active 1857-64.
PECK, John C. — Atlanta, Ga., 1861. Maker of a percussion rampart rifle listed as "rifled wall piece" on p. 85, Catalog of Arms and Accoutrements of Springfield Armory. John C. Peck, Atlanta business man had been owner of a planning mill. With Francis Day owned a building on south side of Decatur St., at Pratt where "Joe Brown Pikes" used to arm the Georgia militia are reputed to have been made. (J. C. Peck is not in the list of pikes furnished, nor is Francis Day.) The property was sold July 1, 1863 to G. A. Trenholm of Tren holm, Frazer & Co., fiscal agents for the Confederacy. Reputed to have been used as a Confederate Armory, but this lacks authentication.
PECK, Levi— Phila., Pa. Listed as gunsmith at 137 Green, in 1829.
PECKHAM & BARKER — Providence, R. I. Half-stock, curly maple, brass trim, flintlock sporting gun.
PEDEN, D. T.— Greenville Co., S. C. Percussion rifle.
Pederson, J. D.—Noted designer. Inventor of Remington pump-action shotguns, trombone-action rifles and automatic pistols. Following the World War he was employed by the government at Spring- field Arsenal where he developed a successful semi-automatic rifle which is now known as the U. S. Model T-i Pederson.
PELAUX, Peter—Skilled armorer employed at U. S. Arsenal at Schuylkill, Phila. Same as Peter Peloux?
PELOUX Peter— Phila., Pa. Listed as gunsmith in Philadelphia Di rectory in 1816, back of 190 Cedar St., as Peter Palaix. In 1819 and 1829 he is listed as Peter Peloux. His name "Peloux," obliterated, is marked on locks of a pair of "Roman candle 3-shot?" or Chambers system?" type of flintlock pistols with external main springs.
Pence, Jacob—Gunsmith of Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pa., 1771.
PENCE, Jacob— Earl Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1771.
PENNABECKER, James & Jesse — Clay Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. Erected a rifle-barrel factory on the site of an old grist and saw mill which had been erected on Middle Creek in 1755. Rebuilt into a grist mill in 1861 by Jesse Pennabecker.
PENNEL, Joshua— Southampton Township, Bedford Co., Pa., 1844.
Pennsylvania Rifle Works—Philadelphia, Pa., G. Dunlap, Prop.
PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE WORKS— G. Dunlap, operator. Percussion period. Makers of "hardware store" guns.
PENNSYLVANIA STATE GUN FACTORY— Established by the state at Philadelphia in February, 1776, as a gun-lock factory under the direction of Peter De Haven and Benjamin Rittenhouse, Major Meredith, Captain Wilcocks and Captain Peters are also men tioned on the Board. Later the activities of the factory were ex panded to include gun manufacturing. About Dec. 13, 1776, on the approach of the British to Trenton, the stock and equipment were hastily moved to French Creek, a little west of Valley Forge, where the factory was re-established on the grounds of the Continental Powder Mills erected by the state in 1776. The factory was moved again to Hummelstown, east of Reading, Lancaster Co., about the 12th of September, 1777, on the approach of the British under General Wm. Howe; Peter De Haven being furnished a warrant to "impress wagons to carry off Gunpowder and Stores from French Creek and raise a guard …." Dec. 17, 1778, the factory was ordered dismantled by the Supreme Council of Philadelphia, and the equipment and stock sold at auction by George Henry, who on May 3, 1779, accounted for the sale to the Council. Robert Towers, later an employee of the factory, had been ordered as early as Oct. 27th, 1775, to mark muskets made and proved in Philadelphia with the letter "P," (probably for "proved" rather than "Philadelphia" or the state initial), and probabilities are that this letter "P" was marked on all arms made at the factory. While the gun factory was at Hummelstown, a petition re garding prices, signed Oct. 30, 1777, shows the following to have been employed as gun stockers at the plant: Joseph DeLaven, William Atkinson, Conrad Switzer, Conrad Bartling, William Faries, Archibald Curry, Frederick Wharton, Joseph Weaver, Joseph Eastburn and Isaac Johns.
PENNSYLVANIA STATE GUN REPAIR SHOP— Allentown, (old name was Northampton), Pa. Probably established about Sep tember, 1777, when the British took Philadelphia. The shop also served as an arsenal or depot, where on May 11, 1778, were stored 800 complete stands of arms and 150 in assembly, as well as other field equipment. James Walsh was Superintendent of Arms.
Pennypacker, Daniel—Gunmaker. Located in Cumru Township, Berks County, Pcnna., about 1772. The following year he built a small gunshop near the head of the Wyomissing. He made his arms entirely by hand and met with such success that by the fall of 1776 he was giving employment to five hands. Active until t8o8 and succeeded by his son, William.
PENNYPACKER, Daniel and William—Daniel, a German gunsmith, located in Cumru Township on Wyomissing Creek, Pa., in 1773. Employed five hands by 1776, disposing of his arms in Philadel phia during the Revolutionary War. Made locks and stocks by hand, using Wyomissing Creek water power to bore and grind barrels. His son William took over the shop in 1808. William retired from the trade about 1858, when the gun making busi ness on the Wyomissing went into a decline.
Pennypacker, William—Son and successor to the above in 1808. Active until 18^8.
Penshallow, Capt. John—Gunsmith of Boston, Mass., 1726. Doubtful as to production.
PENSHALLOW, Capt. John— Boston, Mass., 1726.
PERKIN — Probably same as Joseph Perkin(s), Philadelphia, and I. Perkin. Born in England; first master armorer at Harpers Ferry Armory, Va. A long goose gun marked PERKIN PHILADA., about 1785. Brass-barreled flintlock pistols; brass-mounted flint lock holster pistol.
PERKIN, Henry H.— U. S. Inspector of Contract Arms 1813 to Jan. 1817. Inspected arms (sabers and N.C.O. swords) at plant of Nathan Starr.
PERKIN, Joseph — First Superintendent Harpers Ferry Armory (1803). Inspector of Arm for New England District, 1813. Prob ably identical with Joseph Perkins.
PERKINS, Jacob— U. S. Inspector of Contract Arms at Asa Waters plant in 1821.
Perkins, James—Gunmaker of Bridgewater, Mass., 1800.
PERKINS, James — Bridgewater, Mass., musket maker associated with Adam Kinsley in a contract under Act of July 5, 1798, for 2,000 Charleville pattern (Model 1795) muskets at $13.40 per stand. There were 1,550 reported delivered by June 10, 1801.
Perkins, Joseph—Gunsmith of Philadelphia. During the period 1787-88 he was employed working on public arms receiving £1,078;- 1455. His shop was located on the east side of Water Street where he was active from 1783 to 1790 or later.
PERKINS, Joseph— Philadelphia, Pa., 1783-89. Worked on public arms, with five payments recorded in 1788, totalling 1078 pounds, 14 shilling, 5 pence.
Perkins, Luke—Gunsmith of Bridgewater, Mass., 1800.
PERKINS, Luke— Bridgewater, Mass., before and after 1800.
Perkins, Rufus—Bridgewater. Rufus, Luke and James were related. T11 1808 Rufus secured a government contract for muskets “for arming the Militia.” A report dated October 7, 1812 indicates that the 200 stand covered by this contract had been delivered.
PERKINS, Rufus — North Bridgewater, Mass., musket contractor on Oct. 31, 1808, for 2,500 Model 1808 muskets; duration five years. Of these 200 were reported delivered by Oct. 7, 1812.
Perm & Gaff Mfg. Co.—Gun manufacturers at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1880-84.
PERRY & GODDARD— 1868. Makers of double-derringers.
PERRY & JARRELL— Seborn Perry and Manlief Jarrell. W. Green St., High Point, N. C. Operators of a gun stock factory under the supervision of the Confederate Government.
Perry Patent Arms Co.—Newark, N. J. Produced Alonzo D. Perry's patent 1855 breech-loaders. Two hundred of these arms were purchased by the government for the 1855 trials (Navy) and the following year they were favorably commented upon by Admiral John A. Dahlgren. This arm had a magazine primer consisting of a tube inserted through the butt plate. The caps were fed exactly like the cartridges in the Spencer carbine. This was the second model Perry, the first patent of November, 1854, being the so-called “Rebel” Perry. This firm also produced the Perry rifle with six 24-inch revolving barrels, each complete with sights. Rare.
PERRY PATENT ARMS CO.— Operated at Newark, N. J., by A. D. Perry, as above. The firm made Perry percussion, breech-loading, automatic capping pistols, which were offered to the government, but were rejected. The Company became involved in financial difficulties about 1855, and failed.
PERRY, A. D.— Alonzo D. Perry of Newark, N. J. 1855-58. Maker of Perry breech-loading, percussion, mechanically primed pistols, carbines and sporting rifles under patent of Jan. 16, 1855, No. 12,244. Two hundred carbines were ordered from A. D. Perry by the War Department April 12, 1855, at $25.00 each. Some Perry carbines were also purchased and used by the navy.
PERRY, H. V.— Fredonia, N. Y., from about 1840; 3-barrel rifles. Moved to Jamestown, N. Y., in 1850; percussion hunting rifles, mule-ear shotguns, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-shot revolving rifles. After about 1875 specialized in heavy match and 40-rod rifles an ex pert match shooter. Died May 7, 1897.
Perry, Horatio B.; Perry & Son—Gunmakers of Salem, Mass., 1857- 68, before and after.
Perry, J.—Gunmaker of Del Norte, Colorado, 1877-80.
Perry, J. V.—Riflemaker of Jamestown, N. Y., 1840.
PERSONS, H.— Plattsburg, N. Y. Reported maker of superposed rifle shotgun.
Peter* Cartridge Co.—Organized at Kings Mills, Ohio, January 24, 1887. G. M. Peters, the organizer, was also president of the King Powder Company. Produced the first machine-loaded shotgun shells. Now a subsidiary of Remington.
PETERMAN, A— 131 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., 1852-60. Breech and muzzle-loading arms.
Peterman, Abraham—131 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Produced both breech-loading and muzzle-loading arms, 1852-75.
PETERS, Sell— Two miles north of Getaway, Lawrence Co., Ohio. Learned the trade at Harpers Ferry Armory before Civil War. In his 90's at time of death.
Peterson, A. W.—Gunsmith of Denver, Colo., about 1909-30. Sons continue to date.
PETERSON, A. W. & SON— Axel W. Peterson, Larimer Street, Denver, gun maker, former partner of George Schoyen. Of Scan dinavian origin, Peterson came to U. S. as a boy. He came to Denver after working briefly in Chicago, in 1879 and became associated with George Schoyen in 1904. Continued the business of making fine arms and accurate barrels after Schoyen's death in 1916, being joined by his son Roy Peterson who now operates the shop.
PETTENGILL, C. S.— Patentee with Raymond & Robitaille, in 1856 of hammerless percussion revolvers made in belt, navy and army sizes by Rogers & Spencer.
Pettibone, Daniel—Gunsmith and cutler of Philadelphia. In 1802 Pettibone secured patent on method of welding of cast steel with borax. During the War of 1812 he acted as pike maker to the Committee of Defense. On February 12, 1814 secured a patent “in boring guns, pistols &c. by an auger, called a pistol groove or twisted screw auger.” Produced belt knives and axes also. Active 1790-1814 or later.
PETTIBONE, Daniel— U. S. Inspector of Arms 1808-1809. Inspected sabers of contract of Dec. 9, 1807 for 2,000 horsemen's swords, awarded to Rose & Sons, Blockley Township, Phila., Pa., by Tench Coxe, Purveyor of Public Supplies.
PETTIT, A.— Pennsylvania? Kentucky rifles. A highly decorated half stock percussion rifle. Same as Pettit, Andrew?
PETTIT, Andrew— Salem, Columbiana Co., Ohio, 1835.
PFEIFER, Charles — Lancaster, Pa., 1857.
PFEIFFER, George— 160 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1859-60.
PFLOEGER, John and Wm. A. — See John Fleeger.
PHEATT, G. K.— Toledo, Ohio, 1882-83.
Pheatt, Gideon K.—Gunmaker of Toledo, Ohio. Shop at 189 Summit St., active 1859-84. Succeeded by D. G. & F. A. Pheatt who were active until 1896.
PHELPS, Jedediah — Lebanon, Conn. Gun-lock maker to Committee of Safety. Thirty-six double-bridled gun-locks delivered to Hezekiah Huntington, musket maker to the Committee, Jan. 14, 1777.
Phelps, Silas—Gunsmith of Lebanon, Conn., 1770-77. Produced guu- locks for Committee of Safety, 1776.
PHELPS, Silas — Lebanon, Conn., 1770-77. Gun-lock maker to Com mittee of Safety. Petitioned for payment for fifty-five gun-locks made for the army, on which he could not collect premium on account of design. Three shillings allowed for each lock in No vember, 1776. Additional payment for gun-locks made in August, 1777.
Philadelphia Arm» Co.—Shotguns, Philadelphia. Active from about 1900 and became the A. H. Fox Co., which is now a subsidiary of Savage.
PHILADELPHIA ARMS CO.— Incorporated in 1903 with capital stock of $200,000 to manufacture firearms. Principal office was in the Guaranty and Trust Building, 419 Market St., Camden, N. J. Incorporators were Alfred P. Shannon, C. William Haywood, Isaac Elwall, Ansley H. Fox and Henry J. Kingsbury
PHILIPPI, Samuel and Solon C— Easton, Pa. Samuel Philippi, born 1801, died 1877. Succeeded by son Solon C, born in 1841, appren ticed in 1855.
PHILLIPS — Prosperity Co., Pa. Late percussion period. Made a few very good rifles as a hobby.
PHILLIPS, A.— Geneva, N. Y. Maker of slim, full stock, mule-ear rifles.
PHILLIPS, E. — New York, N. Y. Maker of a percussion sharp-shoot er's rifle with heavy barrel and telescope sight
PHILPY, J.— Unlocated; buried in northern Ohio. Oddly designed flintlock Kentucky rifle with incised carving.
Phip», James—Gunsmith of Kennebec River, Mass., 1643-51, before and after. Father of William (born 1651, died 1695) who afterwards became Sir William Pliips, Governor of Massachusetts.
PHIPS, James — Kennebec River, Mass., before and after 1643-51. (Father of Sir William Phips, Governor of Massachusetts.)
PHOENIX ARMORY— See W. W. Marston.
PHOENIX CO.— Makers of breech-loading, 12 gauge shotguns pat ented in 1874.
Phoenix Iron Co.—Philadelphia. Manufacturers of wrought iron cannon “the invention of Mr. Griffen the superintendent. Like the Armstrong except muzzle loading. The 12-pounders will throw a fifteen pound ball two and a half miles'9. Active during the Civil War.
PIATT — Portsmouth, Lawrence Co., Ohio.
Pica tinny Arsenal—Located in northwestern New Jersey, about five miles from Dover. It comprises approximately 1,800 acres and has a nominal value of nearly $8,000,000. Picatinny is the ammunition arsenal of the Army and is charged with the experimental work looking toward the improvement in design of powders, explosives, pyrotechnics, fuses of all kinds, bombs, and field artillery projectiles.
PICKELL, Henry — Also Pickel, York, Pa., musket maker. In asso ciation with Jacob Doll and Conrad Welshanze, contractor on April 17, 1801, with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for 1,000 Charleville pattern muskets. Contracted with Tench Coxe, Pur veyor of Public Supplies on Dec. 9, 1807, for 100 rifles.
PICKETT — Tennessee. Percussion Kentucky rifles.
PICKETT, R. M. — Ionia, Mich. Over-under and three barrel rifles.
Pickle, Henry—Riflemaker of Lancaster, Pa., 1800.
PICKLE, Henry— Lancaster, Pa., 1800.
PIEPER, Abraham — Lancaster, Pa., gun maker. Petitioner to the 7th Congress on June 28, 1803, for the non-removal of import duties on arms.
PIEPER, H. — Maker of Flobert type cartridge rifle and Pieper target rifles.
PIERCE, H. — Liverpool, Ohio. Maker of a double barrel, side-by side, muzzle-loading, percussion rifle.
PIERCE, J. J.— Liverpool, Ohio. Flintlock rifles.
PIKE, Samuel— Troy, N. Y., in 1834; Kentucky rifles.
Pim—Gunsmith of Boston, 1722.
PIM — Boston, Mass., 1722. Reputed to have made an 11-shot flintlock repeater.
PIPER, C. Y. — Natchez, Miss. Unique brass-halfstock percussion rifle, with patent breech and breechplate hook. Six gold bands at breech one at muzzle, one in muzzle. Cast brass skeleton half stock with engraved silver inlays in the brass. Burl walnut insert with silver patchbox and cheekpiece inlay engraved with 13 stars, eagle, "E PLURIBUS UNUM," flowers and scroll wire inlay.
PIPER, S. — Oswego, N. Y. Percussion period.
PIPINO, Jacob— 18 Ensor St., Baltimore, Md., 1853.
PIPPERT, Carl— Bladensburg, Md. Fine, modern, flintlock Kentucky rifles and restorations of old. Made his first gun in 1940.
PISTOR, G. & W. — Unlocated. Twenty gauge percussion double barrel shotgun.
PITCHER AUTOMATIC REPEATING FIREARMS CO.— Neilsville Wis. Formed in 1889, to make gas-operated, semi-automatic rifles invented by Henry A. Pitcher, dentist of Neilsville. At least two or three specimens are believed to have been made and one was tested by the Army in 1891. It is believed to the first semi-auto matic rifle tested by the Army.
PITTINGER, J. S. — Unlocated. Half stock percussion target rifle.
PITTSBURGH FIRE ARMS CO.— Pittsburgh, Pa., period of 1860. Barrel stamping on walnut halfstocked, brass-mounted smooth rifle with Leman lock.
PLANT'S & HOTCHKISS— New Haven, Conn. See Plant's Mfg. Co.
PLANT'S MFG. CO— New Haven, Conn., about 1863. Makers of re volvers under Willard C. Ellis and N. White's patents of July 12, 1859, No. 24,476 and July 21, 1863, No. 39,318, assigned to Ebenezer H. Plant, Henry Reynolds, Amzi H. Plant and Alfred Hotchkiss. The Plant revolver was sold by Merwin & Bray, agents and distributors to supercede the Prescott, which was an infringement on the Rollin White patent of a "cylinder bored end to end," controlled by Smith & Wesson.
Plants Mfg. Co.—Plantsville, Southington, Conn., about r860-61, thence to New Haven, 1861-66 when the factory was destroyed by fire in the month of December. Produced the Plant revolver, patent of Willard C. Ellis and N. White, July 12, 1850; July 21, 1863 and August 25, 1863.
PLANTS, Christian— East Finley Township, Washnigton Co., Pa. Post Civil War. A very ornate gun dated "1873" on the barrel.
Plate, A. J.—San Francisco, Calif. Produced rifles and shotguns from 1856 to 1875. One of Plate's rifles won first award at the First Exhibition of the Mechanic’s Institute of the City of San Francisco, i«S7-
PLATE, A. J.— San Francisco, Calif., 1849-1875. Dealer and importer; marked rifles made by Slotter & Co., Philadelphia. Agent for Henry Deringer; induced Deringer employees to quit and make thousands of imitation Deringer pistols marked "J. DERINGER." Listed at 103 Commercial St., 1859-60, at 507 Commercial in 1861 and at 411 Sansome in 1864-65.
PLATH, C. — New York, N. Y. Maker of a plain, serviceable, half stock percussion rifle with brass furniture.
PLEASANTS' — Philadelphia, Pa. Single-barrel, percussion goose gun.
Plush el, F.— Gunmaker of Cedar Falls, Iowa, 1866-69.
PLUSHEL, F.— Cedar Falls, Iowa, 1868.
POEL, Van der— Albany, N. Y., 1740.
POINT OF FORK (VA.) STATE ARSENAL— Point of Fork, Va., at the confluence of the Rivanna and James Rivers, on the land of David Ross. Virginia State Arsenal in which equipment and clothing were manufactured, arms repaired and restocked, bay onets forged and filed, ramrods fitted and locks made. It is not known when the arsenal was established, but probabilities are that it was set up in January, 1781, for the storage of supplies partially evacuated from Richmond, Va., when Benedict Arnold attacked it Jan. 5-6th, 1781, in the course of which 2,200 small arms, and two large casks containing 2,000 new French musket locks (used for repair and replacement) were destroyed by Arnold. At the same time another raiding column of Lt. Col. Simcoe's dragoons destroyed at Westham 1,800 cartridge boxes and bayonets, 330 barrels of powder, 19 chests of musquet cart ridges, 3 chests of flints, a foundry for casting iron cannon, a magazine, etc., etc. The arsenal was raided by Col. Simcoe about June 5, 1781, buildings were burned and some supplies and arms destroyed; however a portion of the latter had been evacuated and saved on warning of the approach of the British. The arsenal was re occupied by State troops after the raid, but the machinery and equipment for repair of arms had not been replaced by Sept. 24, 1782, (report of Capt. John Peyton, in charge), though a limited amount of clothing and shoes had been produced that year. A shortage of thread, tools and materials is mentioned in May of that year. In 1784, the machinery, equipment, tools and supplies of the discontinued Public Gun Factory at Fredericksburg, Va., were moved to Point of Fork Arsenal, and three new, large, stone buildings were ordered erected for the storage of powder, small arms and artillery. Gunmakers were hired, and the arsenal re sumed its functions of repair of arms. It was intended for the state to accumulate and recondition a reserve of 10,000 service able arms, which was accomplished by October, 1791, including about 3,000 French arms purchased by the State of Virginia in 1786. From 1802, with the establishment of a state manufacturing armory at Richmond, the business of the arsenal fell off, and it was absorbed in the Virginia Manufactory, the new State Armory, about 1802.
POLE & CUTTER — Silver mounted percussion rifle.
POLLARD, John — Pennsylvania musket maker to Committee of Safety in 1776. John Pollard was one of the petitioners, repre senting the gun makers, complaining to the Committee of Safety of Philadelphia, in November, 1776, against the high cost of labor and materials entering into gun-making, and quoting advances in prices within one year, since 1775.
POLLARD, Robert — Arms contractor to the State of Virginia, 1799 1800.
POLLOCK, B.(?) — Unlocated, probably southwestern Pa., period of 1800-1820. Flintlock Kentucky rifles marked in script. Perhaps related to S. Pollock, New Castle, Pa., 1841.
POMEROY— Canton, Stark Co., Ohio.
Pomeroy, “Deacon” Medad—Born about T637, son of Elty. At Northampton, Conn., 1659 until his death, December 30, 1716, age 79 years.
Pomeroy, Ebenezer—Son of Medad, born May 30, 1669, died January 27, 1754- Worked at Northampton, Mass.
POMEROY, Ebenezer — Son of Medad Pomeroy. Northampton, Mass. Born May 30, 1669; died Jan. 27, 1754.
Pomeroy, Eldad—Son of Elty. Located in Boston, then to Hampshire and Northampton. Active from 1630 until his death, May 22, 1662.
POMEROY, Eldad— Son of Elty Pomeroy. Active from 1630 at Boston, Northampton and Hampshire until his death May 22, 1662.
POMEROY, Elty— Also Pumery, Eltweed, Eltwud, or Eltwood. Ar rived at Boston, Mass., from England in 1630. In Dorchester, 1633-37, and later at Hartford and Windsor, Conn. Living with his son Medad, in Northampton, Mass., 1670-71.
Pomeroy, Elty or Eltwed, El tweed, El t wud or Eltwood—Came to America from Devonshire arriving in Boston in 1630. He is found at Dorchester 1633-37 and later at Hartford and Windsor, Conn. Moved to Northampton 1670/ 71 to be cared for by his son, Deacon Meded Pomeroy.
Pomeroy, General Seth—Son of Ebenezer. Born May 20, 1706, died in the army at Peekskill, N. Y. February 19, 1777.
Pomeroy, Lemuel—Born 1778, died August 25, 1849. Located at Northampton and later at Pittsfield, Mass. Received the following government contracts: June 20, 1816, 5,000 muskets. May 17, 1823, 10,000 stands of arms, complete at $12.25. February 26, 1840, 6,000 muskets, complete, M-1831, $12.75. March 18, 1842, 1,000 muskets, Model 1840, $14.50. Produced arms for New York, also.
POMEROY, Lemuel— Pittsfield, Mass., musket maker. Contracted with United States May 17, 1823, for 10,000 muskets Model 1816 to be delivered over a period of five years, 2,000 per annum. Contract of Jan. 26, 1829, details unknown. On Feb. 26, 1840, Lemuel Pomeroy contracted for 6,000 flintlock muskets, Model 1835, at $12.75 per stand, duration five years, at 1,200 per an num. On March 18, 1842, be obtained an additional contract for 1,000 of the same arms at $14.50 each, duration to Jan. 1, 1845. Lemuel Pomeroy, grandson of Gen. Seth Pomeroy of French, Indian and Revolutionary Wars, was born in Northampton, Hampshire Co., Mass., in 1778. In 1799 he moved to Pittsfield, Mass., and started the manufacture of plows, sleighs and wagons. The plant burned down in 1805, and was rebuilt, apparently with some provision for arms manufacture, for though not listed among the eighteen government contractors of 1808, he reputedly started musket manufacture that year, making arms for the states' militia and the Federal Government. The Pomeroy (priv ate) Armory became one of the six accorded national recognition and subsidies, at one time employing thirty expert gunsmiths. Pomeroy continued musket manufacture until about 1846, when the portion of his plant containing arms manufacturing facilities burned down and was not rebulit, for the output of Government Armories at Springfield and Harpers Ferry became adequate io supply the military establishment, and the award of musket contracts to private manufacturers was curtailed. Lemuel Pomeroy died at Pittsfield August 25, 1849, after a protracted illness. The following advertisement in PITTSFIELD SUN, Pittsfield, Mass., of Jan. 27, 1809, is of interest: - Lemuel Pomeroy wishes to purchase a quantity of good hard and chestnut coal, 2 or 3 tons of good horse hay and 3 or 4 well fatted hogs: for which good pay will be made. He has now on hand and is constantly making a large quantity of military musquets of the English and French initiation. Likewise some first rate fowling pieces . . . articles which may soon be sub stituted for our blessed embargo. He also has all kinds of Black smith and Harness work executed at his shop by the best of workmen. The patronage of his friends is once more solicited."
POMEROY, Medad — Son of Elty Pomeroy. Northampton, Mass. Born about 1637; died Dec. 30, 1716.
POMEROY, Seth— General. Son of Ebenezer Pomeroy, Born May 20, 1706; died in the military service, at Peeks-kill, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1777.
POND & CO.— Albany, N. Y. Flintlock pistols.
POND, L. W.— Lucius W. Pond, Worcester, Mass., before 1863 to about 1870. Maker of a top-break cartridge revolver, infringement on the Smith & Wesson patents. There were 4,486 Pond revolvers turned over to the S. & W. Co. in settlement, in March, 1863. To avoid infringement, from 1863 manufactured a front-loading revolver with removable steel shells.
Pond, Lucius—Worcester, Mass. Patented a revolver July ro, i860, which he subsequently produced. These were infringements upon Smith & Wesson and were taken over by that firm. Pond was active as an arms manufacturer from i860 to 1870 returning to tool making the following year.
POOL, Lemon—Springfield, Ohio, 1874-76.
Poole Engineering & Machine Co.—Baltimore, Md. Designed and produced the 3-inch naval guns for sub-chasers, 1918. Active to date.
POOLEY, James— Memphis, Tenn., 1860.
Pope, Harry—Famous barrel maker. Born in Walpole, N. H., 1861. Graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technolog}? in 1881 with a degree in engineering. Made his first rifle barrel in 1884 and on June 12th, 1888 secured a patent on a breech-loading mechanism. Active until 1936 or later.
POPE, Harry M.— Hartford, Conn., active to 1901.
PORTER & PRICHITT— Phila., Pa. Makers of a full stocked, brass mounted, side-hammer percussion pistol.
PORTER, P. W.— Patrick W. Porter of Memphis, Tenn., and later New York, N. Y. Manufacturer of percussion revolvers and inventor and maker of 9-shot, pill-lock, turret type, revolving-breech rifles, patented July 8, 1851, No. 8,210. Mr. Porter was killed while demonstrating one of his rifles to Col. Colt.
Porter, Patrick W.—Of Memphis, Tcnn. Patented a revolving breechloading arm July 8, 1851, #8,210. These he made, or caused to be made, in New York City. The inventor lost his life at a demonstration given before Col. Colt arid party, by the failure of one of his arms. Nine shot, percussion employing paper cartridges.
Ports* J. A.—Riflemakcr of Sunbury, Ohio, 1870-82.
PORTS, J. A.— Or J. E., Sunbury, Ohio, 1877-82.
POST Samuel B. — Washington Co., Pa. Learned the trade under George W. Craft, on Craft Creek, Morris Township, about 1880; in business at England (now Pleasant Grove) Pa. Made about 100 guns before 1900, largely half stock, with locks and barrels mostly purchased in Pittsburgh. Did his own rifling and marked barrels "S. POST," in script. Died in 1947.
POST, J. — Newark, N. J. Maker of a hammerless, ring-trigger, per cussion pepperbox pistol patented May 15, 1849, patent No. 6453.
POSTLEY, NELSON & CO.— Unlocated (Pittsburgh, Pa.?) before about 1880; barrelmakers. Brown & Hirth of Pittsburgh adver tised in 1886 that "the hands we employ have been making Rifle Barrels for over thirty years, with the late firm of Messrs. Postley, Nelson & Co., who carried on the Gun Barrel business for a period of twenty-five years." Barrel of a rifle by J. V. Hoff man, Attica, Ind.
POTTER, Daniel— Hartford, Conn., 1867. Percussion rifles, full-length telescope sights.
POTTER, H. & CO.— New York State. Percussion rifles.
POTTER, N. — Unlocated. Percussion sporting rifle.
Potts & Rutter—Samuel Potts and Thomas Rutter, cannon founders to the Committee of Safety at Philadelphia in 1776 and .to the Board of War until 1780.
Potts, William—Riflemaker of Columbus, Ohio, 1880-83.
POTTS, William— Columbus, Ohio, 1883-84.
POULTNEY & TRIMBLE— 200 West Balto St., Baltimore, Md., 1860 and later. Makers of Smith carbines, patented by Gilbert Smith June 23, 1857. There were 300 Smith carbines bought by the War Department in 1860, and 30,062 during the Civil War. The carbines were also manufactured for Poultney & Trimble by the American Machine Works at Springfield, Mass.; the American Arms Company of Chicopee Falls, Mass., and Massachusetts Arms Company of the same city. It is uncertain whether any Smith carbines were actually manufactured by Poultney & Trimble in Baltimore.
Poultney, Trimble & Co.—Baltimore, Md. Produced J. Smith's patent April 1864 breech-loading carbines. Submitted the Smith and the Poultney carbines to the U. S. trials of 1816. Active 1863-75, before and after. Produced C. Pd ward Sneider's patent March 20, i860 breech-loaders also.
POUNDS, I. D.— Columbus, Ohio, 1834-55. Rifle, pistol and shotgun maker.
Pounds, L—Produced rifles, pistols and shotguns at Columbus, Ohio, from 1843 to J&55 when he retired to gO' into the hotel business.
POWELL & BROWN— See Powell Palemon.
POWELL & CLEMENT— Cincinnati, Ohio, before and after 1890-92.
POWELL & SON— See Powell, Palemon.
POWELL, Jacob— Logan Co, "The Indian Country" (now Richland Co.) Ashland Co., and Bowling Green, 1825. Made and repaired rifles for Indians 1808.
Powell, Palemon—»Native of Cincinnati and first mentioned as a rifle- maker as of the year 1839. From 1856 to 1858 he was a member of the partnership of Powell & Brown. Listed as P. Powell 1860-1870 then Powell & Son until 1890. Became Powell & Cement in 1891 and continued to 1908 or later.
POWELL, Palemon— Cincinnati, Ohio, active about 1839-73. Asso ciated with Brown, 1856-58. Firm changed to Powell & Son in 1871 to 1873 and later.
POYAS, F. D.— Charleston, S. C. Percussion duelling pistols.
Prahl, Lewi8—Gunsmith and sword cutler of the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. Served the Committee of Safety in 1775 as musket-maker. Had delivered muskets prior to Nov. 9, 1775 as one was delivered to Sebastian Keely to be used as pattern. Jan. 16, 1776 delivered 8 new arms. In 1776 he contracted with that body for 1,000 horseman’s swords, deliveries at least two dozen per week. In 1777 he employed 16 hands and is found on the census of 1790 listed as a gunsmith. (Several references, Penna. Archives, Papers of the War of the Revolution, 2nd Series, Vol. II.)
PRAHL, Lewis — Philadelphia, Pa., musket maker to Committee of Safety. Contracted Oct. 23, 1775, for 150 stands. Made the pattern musket for the Sebastian Keeley contract for 100 fire-locks.
PRAILISH, Charles— Lancaster, Pa., 1857.
PRATT — New Harmony, Ind. Percussion rifle.
Pratt & Whitney—Established i860 at Hartford, Conn. Produced all manner of firearms including William Gardner's machine guns, Hotchkiss revolving cannon, etc. About 1872 began the production of the Gardner machine gun which they exhibited at Philadelphia in 1876 and at Paris in 1878. During the period of the depression of 1873 they had sufficient work to employ their shop for two years ahead. Made a very large amount of gun-making machinery for the Prussian government which was placed in the arms factory at Spandau for the manufacture of the Mauser rifle. In 1888 began the production of the Hotchkiss revolving cannon, 3-pounder and 6-pounder rapid fire for the U. S. Navy. The contract had been given to the Hotchkiss Ordnance Co,, a promotional set-up. cf. Pg. 576, Report of the Secretary of War, 1877, Vol. III. Pg. 312, ‘'History of Manufacturers in the United States,” Clark, N. Y., 1929.
Pratt, Alvan—Riflemaker of Concord, Mass., 1835-68.
PRATT, Alvan — Concord, Mass., gun maker, was born at Sherborn, Mass., Nov. 23, 1790, and served his apprenticeship at the Whitte more gun factory in Sutton, Mass. After serving full time as apprentice and some months as journeyman, went into business with his brother Nathaniel, also a gunsmith, in Water town; how ever, they failed and Alvan returned to Sutton. His establish ment prospered for a while, then was burned out, after which he returned to Concord, his birthplace, where he remained until his death Jan. 20, 1877. Pratt was well known for the accuracy of his rifles and excel lent quality of his products. However, being over-conservative, if not actually old fashioned, he was opposed to improvements and new machinery, and gradually his custom fell off and the last ten years of his life were spent in repair work. A musket lock-plate marked "A. PRATT" is described by Mr. Walter White, which though converted to percussion shows the characteristics of a Model 1795 musket. Certainly the arm is of not later than 1808 vintage. In view of Alvan Pratt's birth in 1790, it is not likely that he is the maker. An Asa Pratts blacksmith, was located in Essex County, Mass., in 1756-1811. There is no record known to date of Pratt contract.
PRATT, AZARIAH— Settled at Marietta, Ohio, in 1788. Silversmith, locksmith and gunsmith; made the lock for the first jail in the Northwest Territory.
Pratt, Elisha—Riflemaker of Marietta, Ohio. Active 1847 or before to 1854. A fine craftsman.
PRATT, G. D.— Attica, N. Y. Cased percussion target rifles.
Pratt, Henry—Riflemaker of Roxbury, Mass., from about 1832 until 1861 thence to 116 Dudley Street, Boston, Mass., until 1875. Died 1880.
PRATT, Henry— Roxbury, Mass. Born 1790; died 1880. New England type flintlock Kentucky rifle.
PRESCOTT, Benjamin — Superintendent Springfield Armory from November 1, 1805 to August 31, 1813, and from January 16, 1815 to May 31, 1815.
Prescott, E. A.—Patentee and manufacturer of so-called Prescott “Navy” revolver. Patent of October 2, i860, 6 shot; .36 caliber, rim fire and one of the earliest metallic cartridge revolvers to be used in the service. There is no record of government purchase.
PRESCOTT, E. A.— Worcester, Mass., 1860-74. Ex-employee of Ethan Allen. Maker of a rim-fire cartridge revolver distributed by Merwin & Bray. The arm was an infringement on the Rollin White patent controlled by Smith & Wesson, and production was discontinued in 1863.
PRETCHEL, J. A.— Cleveland, Ohio.
PRETZSCH, Charles — Unlocated. Percussion sporting rifle.
PRICE, Cal — Orange, Texas. Modern. Percussion, small-bore hunting rifles.
PRICE, J. — New York, N. Y. Maker of a late Colonial period, brass mounted, sling swivel equipped, sporting flintlock musket of large caliber, with engraved lock, goose-neck hammer, and frizzen separated from the pan. Marked on barrel "J. PRICE N. YORK," in rounded, engraved type lettering. Inside of trigger guard marked "ANNELY." Probably Edward Annely, New Jersey gun maker active 1771 and before.
PRICHITT— See Porter & Prichitt.
PRIEST, Josiah— Marietta, Ohio, 1840.
PRINDLE, A. — Unlocated. Script marking on halfstock percussion rifle.
Pringle, John—Committee of Safety gunlock maker of Penna. Active 1775-79-
PRINGLE, John — Pennsylvania gun-lock maker to Committee of Safety, 1775-76.
Prissey, Elias—Rifiemaker of Hooversville, Penna. Born October 25, 1835. Active 1874, before and after.
PRISSEY, Elias— Hooversville, Pa., active about 1855 and after.
PROTECTOR ARMS CO.— Philadelphia, Pa. Makers of .22 caliber 7-shot rim-fire cartridge revolvers.
PROVIDENCE TOOL CO.— Providence, R. I. Civil War contractors for Model 1861 Springfield rifle muskets: July 13, 1861-25,000 at $20.00 each. 25,000 delivered. Nov. 26, 1861-25,000 at $20.00 each. 13,000 delivered. May 1, 1864-32,000 at $18.00 each. 32,000 delivered. The firm also made Robert's breech-loading military rifles and Peabody breech-loading cartridge carbines, rifles and sport ing arms patented July 22, 1862, No. 35,947. The Peabody arms were tested by an Ordnance Board in January, 1865, and though favorably reported on, were not adopted due to termination of hostilities during the session of the Board. Peabody arms were however, adopted and purchased by the State of Connecti cut. Providence Tool Company also was active in the alteration of muzzle-loading arms to the Peabody system, and also made the Peabody-Martini carbines and rifles for foreign governments.
Providence Tool Co-.—Providence, R. I. Established about 1850. Produced Peabody’s Breech-Loader, Peabody-Martini and Martini- Henry. The Peabody, patent of H. O. Peabody, June, 1862, was used experimentally by the Navy about 1880. During the period 1873-79> ^is firm executed what was said to be the largest contract for small arms ever given to a private armory, producing 650,000 Martini-Henry breech-loaders for the Turkish government. Continued the manufacture of ordnance until 1917. During the Civil War the Providence Tool Company secured two government contracts. The first dated November 26, 1861 for 25,000 Springfield muskets and the second dated May 1, 1864 for 32,ocx) additional. They delivered 70,000 for which they received $670,725.10. (Pg. 312, Vol. II, “History of the Manufacturers in the United Stales,” Clark, N. Y., 1929.)
PUBLIC GUN FACTORY— Also Public Arms Factory and Fred ericksburg Armory. Established by Col. Fielding Lewis and Charles Dick at Fredericksburg, Va., to make arms for the Continental Line Regiments. See Virginia Public Gun Factory, rifle.
PULASKI GUN FACTORY— Pulaski, Tenn. Confederate arms plant authorized by Act of General Assembly of Tennessee, June 28, 1861. Operated by Major Joseph Stacy and James McCullum, Esq. The plant repaired, overhauled and rebored arms for use of Confederate forces, with N. B. Zuccarello and James McLean as chief mechanics. The plant, erected on a site leased from Thomas Davis, had been the property of Mr. Zuccarello, who owned the building, iron works and foundry, prior to their conversion to war uses. The factory was destroyed by Federal troops shortly after opera tions had begun. The total output is believed to have been under 500 rifles.
PULING, J.— Unlocated. Kentucky rifles. See J. P.
PULLIAM, T. — Crudely done overstamp on a repaired, percussion, G. Goulcher lock of a brass and silver mounted, maple half stock, heavy, half-octagon, .45 caliber, smoothbore barrel, long gun.
PURDY, C. K.— Unlocated. Percussion target rifle.
PURMONT, T. B.— Heuvelton, N. Y., percussion period; riflesmith.
Putnam, Enoch—Gunsmith to the committee of safety at Granby, Massachusetts and recommended for appointment as armourer to the colony, July 13, 1775.
PUTNAM, Enoch — Granby, Mass., gunsmith to Committee of Safety. Recommended for appointment as Armorer to the Colony, July 13, 1775.