*** - [Rev] - Entsiklopediya voenrikh i morskikh nauk (Encyclopedia of military and naval science). St Petersburg, 1893.
*** - [Rev] - Equipment Performance Report: 9Mm and 45-Caliber Autoloading Pistol Test Results, 1988
*** - [Rev] - Siravochnik po strelkovomu oruzhiyo inostrannkh armíy (Reference book of the firearms of foreign armies). Voenizdat, Moscow, 1947.
*** - [Rev] - Sovetskaya Voennaya Entslklopediya (Soviet military encyclopedia). Voenizdat, Moscow, eight volumes, 1976-80.
*** - [Rev] - The Colt 45 Exotic Weapons Systems, 1985
*** - [Rev] - The Ruger Pistol Exotic Weapons System, 1984
ADAMCYZK, M. - [Rev] - Pistolet P-64. Warsaw, 1974.
BADY, DONALD B. - [Rev] - Colt Automatíc Pistols, 1896-1955. Borden Publishing Company, Alhambra, California, revised (second) edition, 1973.
BALASZ J., AND J. PONGO - - [Rev] - Pisztolyok, revolverek. Budapest, 1977.
BENEŠ, C. - [Rev] - PalnéZbrané v zbirkach nasich musei. Pardubice, 1981.
BERGER ROBERT J. - [Rev] - Know Your Broomhandle Mausers, 1985
BLAGONRAVOV, ARKADY A. - [Rev] - Materialnaya chast strelkovogo oruzhiya (Constructional details of firearms). Voenizdat, Moscow, 1945.
BOCK, GERHARD, AND WILHELM WEIGEL - [Rev] - Faustfeuerwaffen. Melsungen, 1965-74.
BÖHEIM, WENDELIN - [Rev] - Handbuch der Waffenkunde. Leipzig, 1890; reprinted by Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, Graz, 1985.
BOLOTIN - [Rev] - Sovetskoye strelkovoe oruzhíye (Soviet firearms). Voenizdat, Moscow, 1986.
BOLOTIN, DAVID N. - [Rev] - Sovetskoye strelkovoe oruzhiye za 50 let (Fifty years of Soviet firearms). Leningrad, 1967.
BREATHED, JOHN W., JR, AND JOSEPH J. SCHROEDER, JR - [Rev] - System Mauser (A pictorial history of the Model 1896 self-loading pistol). Handgun Press, Chicago, 1967.
BRUCE, GORDON, AND CHRISTIAN REINHART - [Rev] - Webley Revolvers (revised from W.C. Dowell's The Webley Story). Vertag Stocker-Schmid, Dietikon-Zürich, 1988.
BUTTLER W. W. - [Rev] - The Art and Science of Basic Handgun Accuracy, 1991
BUXTON WARREN H. - [Rev] - P.38 Pistol: The Contract Pistols, 1940-1945Vol 2, , 1985
CHARLES R. SKILLEN - [Rev] - American Police Handgun Training, 1977
CLEDE BILL - [Rev] - Police Handgun Manual: How to Get Street-Smart Survival Habits, 1985
CLEDE BILL - [Rev] - Practical Pistol Manual, 1997
COCHRAN, KEITH - [Rev] - Colt Peacemaker Encyclopedia. Published privately, Rapid City, South Dakota, 1986. A supplement was produced in 1989.
DERBY, HARRY - [Rev] - The Hand Cannons of Imperial Japan. Derby Publishing Company, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1981.
DOWELL, WILLIAM C. - [Rev] - The Webley Story (A History of Webley Pistols and Revolvers and the Development of the Pistol Cartridge). The Skyrac Press, Kirkgate, Leeds, 1962.
ERICKSON WAYNE R., CHARLES E. PATE - [Rev] - Broomhandle Pistol 1896-1936,, 1985
ERLMEIER, HANS A., AND JACOB H. BRANDT - [Rev] - Manual of Pistol & Revolver
EZELL, E. SMALL ARMS TODAY. - [Rev] - Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, second edition, 1988.
EZELL, EDWARD C. - [Rev] - Handguns of the World (Military revolvers and self-loaders from 1870 to 1945). The Stackpole Company, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1981.
FEDEROV, VLADIMIR G - [Rev] - Evolyutsiya strelkovogo oruzhiya (Evolution of firearms). Voenizdat, Moscow, two parts, 1938-9.
FEDEROV, VLADIMIR G - [Rev] - Oruzheynoe delo na grani dvukh epokh (Gunnery on the boundary of two epochs'. F. E. Dzerzhinsky Artiliery Academy, three parts, 1939.
FEDEROV, VLADIMIR G. - [Rev] - Novobbedeinya v vooruzhenii inostrannkh armiy. Automaticheskie pistolet (Introduction to the armament of foreign armies. Automatic pistols). Streikovoy shkol, 1907.
GABRIEL SUAREZ - [Rev] - The Tactical Pistol: Advanced Gunfighting Concepts and Techniques, 1996
GANGAROSA GENE, JR, GENE GANGAROEA - [Rev] - P 38 Automatic Pistol: The First Fifty Years, 1993
GLUCKMAN, COLONEL ARCADI - [Rev] - United States Martal Pistols & Revolvers. The Stackpole Company, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1956.
GNATOVSKY, N.I., AND P.A. SHORIN - [Rev] - Istollya razvitiya otechestvennogo strelkovogo oruzhiya (Historical catalogue of indigenous fìrearms). Voenizdat, Moscow, 1959.
GÖRTZ, JOACHIM - - [Rev] - Die Pistole 08. Verlag Stocker-Schmid, Dietikon-Zürich, and Motorbuch-Verlag, Stuttgart, 1985.
GÖRTZ, JOACHIM AND JOHN D. WALTER - [Rev] - The Navy Luger ('The 9mm Pistole 1904 and the
GREELEY HORACE IV - [Rev] - The Colt General Officers' Pistol, 1989
GRENNELL DEAN A. - [Rev] - Pistol & revolver digest, 1982
HARTINK A.E. - [Rev] - Encyclopedia of Pistols and Revolvers, 1997
HATCH, ALDEN - - [Rev] - Remington Arms in American Hístory. Remington Arms Company, Inc., Ilion, New York, revised edition, 1972.
HÄUSLER, FRITZ - [Rev] - Schweizer Fastfeuerwaffen - Armes de poing suisses SMss Handguns. Verlag Häusler, Frauenfeld, 1975.
HAVEN, CHARLES T., AND FRANK A. BELDEN - [Rev] - A History of the Colt Revolver. William Morrow & Company, New York, 1940.
HICKEY BOB, ART SIEVERS - [Rev] - Successful Pistol Shooting, 1996
HOGG, IAN V - [Rev] - Military Pistols & Revolvers. Arms & Armour Press, London; 1988.
HOGG, IAN V - AND JOHN S. WEEKS - [Rev] - Military Small Arms of the Twentieth Century. Arms & Armour Press, London; sixth edition, 199 1.
HOGG, IAN V - AND JOHN S. WEEKS - [Rev] - Pistols of the World (The definitive illustrated guide to the world's pistols and revolvers). Arms & Armour Press, London, third edition, 1992.
HOGG, IAN V. - [Rev] - German Pistols and Revolvers, 1871-1945. Arms & Armour Press, London, 1971.
HOLMES BILL - [Rev] - Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance: The.22 Machine Pistol Vol 3, 1995
J.W. HORNADY J.W. - [Rev] - Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading: Rifle-Pistol (2-vol. set), 1991
JINKS, ROY G. - [Rev] - History of Smith & Wesson (No Things of Importance Will Come Without Effort). Beinfeld Publishing Company, North Hollywood, California, 1977.
JOHNSON, MELVIN M., AND CHARLES T. HAVEN - [Rev] - Automatic Arms. William Morrow & Company, New York, 1943.
JORDAN BILL - [Rev] - No Second Place Winner, 1989
KASLER PETER ALAN - [Rev] - Business Partners: The Best Pistol/Ammunition Combinations for Personal Defense, 1991
KELVIN MARTIN - [Rev] - The Scottish Pistol: Its History, Manufacture and Design, 1997
KÖNIG, KLAUS-PETER - [Rev] - Faustfeuerwaffen. Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart, 1980.
KOPEC, JOHN A., WITH RON GRAHAM AND KENNETH C. MOORE - [Rev] - A Study of the Colt Single Action Army Revolver. La Puente, California, 1976.
LARRY HACKER - [Rev] - The Colt 1911 Automatic Pistol: Its Predecessor and Variations, 1989
LAYNE SIMPSON - [Rev] - The Custom Government Model Pistol, 1992
LEATHERDALE FRANK, PAUL LEATHERDALE - [Rev] - Successful Pistol Shooting, 1995
LONG DUNCAN - [Rev] - The Ruger 22 Automatic Pistol: Standard/Mark I/MarkII Series, 1988
LUGS, JAROSLAV - [Rev] - Handfeuerwaffen. Berlin, 1973, 1980.
MARKEVICH, V.E. - [Rev] - Ruchnoe ognestrelnoe oruzhiye (Manually-operated small arms). F. E. Dzerzhinsky Artillery Academy, 1937.
MASON JAMES D. - [Rev] - Combat Handgun Shooting, 1976
MASSAD F. AYOOB - [Rev] - Semi-Automatic Pistol in Police Service and SelfDefense, 1987
MATHEWS, J. HOWARD - [Rev] - Firearms Identification. Charles C. Thomas, Springfleld, Illinois, three volumes, 1962-73.
MATURO JEFFREY - [Rev] - The ABC's of handguns and shooting
MCCULLOUGH WILLIAM J., RICHARD F. KENEHAN - [Rev] - Pistol Instruction Handbook, 1994
MORRISON, GREGORY B., JEFF COOPER - [Rev] - The Modern Technique of the Pistol, 1991
MÜLLER, H. - [Rev] - Gewehre, Pistolen, Revolver. Leipzig, 1979.
NEAL, ROBERT J., AND ROY G. JINKS - [Rev] - Smith & Wesson 1857-1945. A.S. Barnes & Company, Inc., South Brunswick, New Jersey, 1966.
NONTE GEORGE C. - [Rev] - Pistol & revolver guide, 1975
NONTE GEORGE C. - [Rev] - Pistol Guide, 1983
NONTE GEORGE C. - [Rev] - Shooter's Bible pistol & revolver guide
NRA HANDBOOK - [Rev] - Basics of Pistol Shooting, 1983
PARSONS, JOHN E - - [Rev] - The Peacemaker and its Rivals. William Morrow & Company, New York, 1950.
PARSONS, JOHN E. - - [Rev] - Smith & Wesson Revolvers. The Pioneer Single Action Models. William Morrow & Company, New York, 1957.
PASTUKHOV, I.P., AND S.E. PLOTNIKOV - [Rev] - Rasskaz o strelkovom oruzhii (Stories of firearms). DOSAAF, Moscow, 1983.
PONOMAREV, P.D. - [Rev] - Revolver i Pistolet (Revolver and pistol). Voenizdat, Moscow, 1941.
R. BLAKE STEVENS - [Rev] - The Browning High Power Automatic Pistol, 1992
RAMOS J. M. - [Rev] - .45 Acp Super Guns: Modified .45 Autos for Competition Hunting and Personal Defense, 1991
REESE MICHAEL - [Rev] - Collector's Guide to Luger Values, 1972
REINHART, CHRISTIAN, AND MICHAEL AM RHYN - [Rev] - Faustfeuerwaffen. Verlag Stocker-Schmid, Dietikon-Zürich, 2 vol. ("Vorderiaderpistolen, Revolver" and "Selbstladepistolen"), 1974-5.
ŠÁDA, MIROSLAV - [Rev] - Ceskoslovenské rucni palné zbrané a kulomety. Naše Vojsko, Prague, 1971.
SCHAAL, DIETER - [Rev] - SuhlerFeuerwaffen. Berlin, 1981.
SERVEN, JAMES E. - [Rev] - Colt Fireams from 1836. The Foundation Press, La Habra, California, seventh printing, 1972.
SHUMAKER L. - [Rev] - Colt's Variations of the Old Model Pocket Pistol, 1957
SMITH, WALTER H.B - [Rev] - The Book of Pistols & Revolvers. The Stackpole Company, Harrisburg, Pennsytvania, seventh edition, 1968.
SMITH, WALTER H.B. - [Rev] - Mauser, Walther & Mannlicher Firearms. The Stackpole Cornpany, Harrisburg, Pennsyivania, 1971.
STAMMEL, H.J. - [Rev] - Mit gebremster Gewalt (Polizeiwaffen von heute und morgen). Stuttgart, 1974.
STEM, DARDEL K. - [Rev] - 10 Shots Quick ( The Fascinating Story of the Savage Pocket Automatics). Globe Printing Company, San Jose, Califomia, 1967.
STEPHENS CHARLES - [Rev] - Sharpshooters: How to Stand and Shoot Handgun Metalic Silhouettes, 1991
STEPHENS CHARLES - [Rev] - The Thompson/Center Contender Pistol: How to Tune, Time, Load, and Shoot for Accuracy, 1996
TAYLERSON, ANTHONY W. F. - [Rev] - - The Revolver, 1865-1888. Herberi Jenkins Ltd, London; 1966.
TAYLERSON, ANTHONY W. F. - [Rev] - - The Revolver, 1889-1914. Barrie & Jenkins, London; 1970.
TAYLERSON, ANTHONY W. F. - [Rev] - The Revolver, 1818-1865. Herbert Jenkins Ltd, London; 1968.
WALLACK L.R. - [Rev] - American Pistol and Revolver: Design and Performance, 1978
WALTER JOHN - [Rev] - The Luger Story: The Standard History of the World'sMost Famous Handgun, 1995
WALTER, JOHN D. - [Rev] - - The Pistol Book. Arms & Armour Press, London; second edition, 1988.
WALTER, JOHN D. - [Rev] - The Luger Book (The encyclopedia of Borchardt and Borchardt-Luger handguns, 1885-1985). Arms & Armour Press, London; 1986.
WALTER, JOHN D. - [Rev] - German Military Handguns, 1879-1918. Arms & Armour Press, London; 1980.
WHITE, HENRY P., WITH BARTON D. MUNHALL AND RAY BEARSE - [Rev] - Centrefire Pistol &Revolver Cartfidges. A. S. Barnes & Company, New York, 1967.
WHITTINGTON ROBERT D. - [Rev] - The Colt Whitneyville-Walker Pistol: A Study of the Pistol and Associated Characters 1846-1851, 1984
WILSON, R.L. - [Rev] - Colt, An American Legend. Blacksmith Corporation, Chino Valley, 1991
WILSON, R.L. - [Rev] - The Colt Heritage (The Official History of Colt Firearms from 1836 to the Present). Simon & Schuster, New York, undated (1979).
CALLE MAYOR - [Rev] - Revolver, 1997
COCHRAN KEITH - [Rev] - Colt peacemaker yearly variations
DOUGAN JOHN C. - [Rev] - Know Your Ruger Single Actions: The Second Decade, 1963-73, 1990
DOVE P. EDWARD - [Rev] - The revolver: its description, management, and use; with hints on rifle clubs and the defence of the country
F. GEBHARDT JAMES F. - [Rev] - Official Soviet 7.62 Mm Handgun Manual: Instructions for Use and Maintenance of the Nagant 7.62Mm Revolver Type 1895 and the Tokarev 7.62Mm Semi-a, 1997
GARTON GEORGE - [Rev] - Colt's S.A.A.: Post-War Models, 1979
GARTON GEORGE - [Rev] - Colt's SAA: post war models
GRAHAM RON - [Rev] - Study of the Colt Single Action Army Revolver, 1992
HACKER LARRY - [Rev] - The Colt: Single Action Army Revolver, 1989
KOPEC JOHN A. - [Rev] - Colt cavalry & artillery revolvers: a continuing study
MARK STAMPS - [Rev] - .380 Enfield no. 2 revolver
MCDOWELL R. BRUCE - [Rev] - A Study of Colt Conversions and Other Percussion Revolvers, 1997
MCGIVERN ROBERT - [Rev] - Ed McGivern, Fast and Fancy Revolver Shooting, 1975
NONTE GEORGE C. - [Rev] - Revolver Guide, 1983
RAPLEY ROBIN J. - [Rev] - The complete collector's guide to the identification of Colt percussion accoutrements, 1834-1873: including cartridge conversions and their valves
STROUD DAVID - [Rev] - Civil War sword and revolver presentations: as reported in the Boston daily evening transcript, 1861-1865
TAYLERSON A. W. F. - [Rev] - The revolver 1818-1865
TAYLERSON A.W.F. - [Rev] - The revolver, 1889-1914
WILSON R. L. - [Rev] - Colt engraving