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484.—Introduction to the Field Sports of France. R. O'Connor. Murray, London, 1846. 8vo, Gs.
485.—British and Foreign Sports. Spiers, London. 2 vols., 4to, 16s. each.
4SG.—The English Country Gentleman, his Sports and Pastimes. — Lloyd. A poem. Longman, London, 1849. 8vo, 2s.
487.—Sporting Excursion in the Rocky Mountains. J. K. Townshend. Colburn, London, 1839. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s.
488.—Field Sports in America. H. W. Herbert. The English edition of " Frank Forester." Bentley, London, 1S48. 2 vols., post 8vo, 21s.
489.—Young Sportsman's Manual. Chapman & Hall, London, 1849. Post 8vo, 7s. 6d.
490.—Exmoor; or, Footsteps of St. Hubert in the West. H. B. Hall. Of little sporting interest. Newby, London, 1849. 2 vols., 8vo.
491.— Sportsman and his Dog; or, Hints on Shooting. H. B. Hall. Darling, 1850. 12mo, 2s. 6d.
492.—Thirty-six Hints to Sportsmen. Okehampton, 1850. 4to, 18 pp.
501.—Theorie Generale de toutes les Chasses. This book appeared under various titles; as Aviceptologie it is attributed to Balliard. It appears to have been compiled by Kresz, a manufacturer of sporting accessories, and the work was again added to by Cussac. It is a compilation with 36 illustrations, the literary contents drawn chiefly from Marolles, Desgraviers, Buflbn, and the Encyclopaedia. See also No. 342.
502.—Dictionnaire Theorique et Pratique de Chasse et de Peche. I). de Sales. The author was born at Lyons 1743, died 1816. He wrote numerous books. This one came under the ban of the censor and was suppressed, only to reappear under other titles.
503.—Fabrication des Amies portatives. M. Cotty. A treatise on the manufacture of small arms for military purposes, by an artillery officer, and the inventor of the Cotty flint lock. Magimel, Paris, 1806. In 8vo.
504.-—Instruction sur les Armes a feu. A text-book of drill, etc. Magimel, Paris, 1806. In 8vo.
505.—Memoire sur la Fabrication des Armes portatives de Guerre. H. Cotty. An exact account of the methods followed in producing the various types of firearms. Magimel, Paris, 1806. 8vo, 230 pp. and table.
506.—Manuel des Chasseurs. Chevalier Blanc-St.-Bonnet. A shooting code ; manual for sportsmen and a bibliography of 5 pp. Eymery, Paris, 1820. 12mo. Another edition in 8vo; an enlarged edition in 1821.
507.—Fusils de Chasse. Henri Roux. Devoted chiefly to the percussion gun invented by Pauly, but with some remarks on the manufacture of firearms generally, on shooting, on gunpowder, and its effects. Dolaunay, Paris, 1822. 8vo, 82 pp.
508.—Precis des Epreuves. An account of the comparative test made in 1820 and 1821, with cannon of different kinds. Baron Field-Marshal C. Paris, 1822.
509.—Album du Chasseur. Doneaud du Plan. Has a small bibliography. Lefual, Paris, 1823. In 18mo, live illustrations.
510.—Tarif des Prix de Reparations. Authorised charges for repairing small arms. Verronais, Metz, 1823. Folio.
511.—Projet de Legislation. C. de Girardin. A project made in 1S17, and printed at the Royal Press in 1824.
512.—Vade mecdm du Chasseur. An old sportsman's hints on kennel management, etc. Paris, 1827. Three illustrations. Five francs.
513.-—École Pratique de Chasse. Prospectus of a shooting school. Belin, Paris, 1829. In 4to, 10pp.
514.—Chasse et Pêciie, suivies de poesies diverges. Comte de Ghevigne. Small edition, printed for the author. Odes, stories, etc. Reims, 1832, 265 pp.
515.—Des Effets de la Poudre. Comte de BouHchage. Published in 1834, this book is of little use now; it gives the effect of powder in sporting arms, and upon various projectiles.
516.—Vieux Chasseur. Theoph. Deyeux. Reminiscences. Houdouille, Paris, 1835, in 8vo. Fifty-one litho. illustrations. Other editions 1836, 1837, in ISmo; 1844, in 12mo. In 1851, by Aubry, with fifty illustrations, also by Peon, 1854-55. New edition, with preface. Dentu, 1868, 1873, and one or more later without date.
517.—Memoire sur le Fusil de Guerre, 1S36. M. Heurteloup. A descriptive text-book for the 1836 pattern musket.
518.—Manuel. Nouveau manuel du Chasseur. M. 'Thierry. This book is further described as being a complete treatise on hunting with gun and hound. Iluzard, Paris, no date (1838). In 18mo, frontispiece, engraved title, 6 plates, 252 pp.
519.—Musée du Chasseur. Victor Adam. A collection of every description of fur and feathered game, with an account of their habits, haunts, etc. Arm. Robin., Paris, 1838. Two parts in one volume. Large 8vo. Coloured lithographs by V. Adam. Italian edition, also published. Part I. contains: Animals, pp. viii, 224. Part II. : Birds, pp. xvi, 227. Seventy-two illustrations, coloured or black.
520.—Manuel du Chasseur. M. Champeonniere. A treatise on sporting rights and game laws. Videcoq, Paris, 1844. 16mo.
521.—Manufactures Royales d'Armes. An order respecting the French Government arms factories. Imp. Royale, Paris, 1845. Folio.
522.—Usage des Armes A feu. Marquis de Saint Auban. A translation from the Italian of Papacino d' Antonio.
523.—Maison rustique du XIX c. Bixio Bailly and Malpeyre. A country cyclopaedia, in the fourth volume of which are some remarks on field sports and the use of firearms. {Vide No. 44.) Dusacq, Paris, no date. 4to.
524.—Traités de Toutes Sortes de Chasse et de Pêche. An imitation of " Ruses Innocentes." The ninety plates of illustrations taken from " Amusements de la Peche." Vol. I., xvi et 343 pp., II., vi et 271, table of contents and alphabetical glossary of sporting terms.
525.—Traité Général des Chasses a courre et a Tir. A compilation. Vol. I., xiii et 311 pp., 12 pp. music ; Vol. II., 323 pp. The book is much sought by collectors.
526.—Chasses et Pêches anglaises. This is the same work as " La Chasse et la Peche en Angleterre et sur le Continent," which see.
527.—Traité de la Chasse, au silicer a poil. A compilation from articles in the "Encyclopedic Methodique," Marolles, etc. Bulliard appears to be the compiler. A modification of a "Traite de la Chasse aux Oiseaux." Paris, no date, 223 pp., seven plates (from the '•Encyc")
528.—Menage des Chiamps. Another of Liger's compilations, and apparently often confounded with other books of similar titles.
529.—École du Chasseur. A compilation, chiefly extracted from Diderot's encyclopedia and the Essai of M. de Marolles. Paris, no date, 402 pp., ten illustrations, the latter not new.
LIBRI TEDESCHI, 1800—1850.
601.—Schessen mit der Schrotflinte. A manual on the art of shooting with the shot gun ; for sportsmen. From the English. Baumgartner, Leipzig, 1802. In 8vo.
602.— Erfahrung gegrundeter unterricht für Buchsenschützen. F. B. G. G-rasshoff. A guide to the art of shooting with the rifle (purschbuchse or Stutze). W. B. Korn, Breslau, 1803, and 1813. 8vo.
603.—Gewehrfabrik in Suhl. Heinrich Anschutz. The foundation, history, and present position of the industry and the methods followed in the manufacture of both sporting and military firearms. Arnold, Dresden, 1811, 8vo. Two plates. Price 2G| n. groschen.
604.—Anleitunq. Carl Fr. von Sponek. How to take Red, Fallow, and Roe Deer. Groos, Heidelberg, 1812, 1819, 1825, 1827 ; also Leipzig, 1919.
605.—Hilfsbuchlein fur Jagdliebhaber scheibenschutzen. A manual for the sportsman and marksman with the art of shooting with the gun. (Steinacker, Leipzig), Gotha, 1817. 8vo,.
606.—Gewehrkenner. , J. W. Roux. A theoretical and practical treatise on the sporting gun and rifle. Steinacker, Leipzig, 1822. 8vo, price 15 n. gr.
607.—Schiesskunst. C. F. E. Thon. A treatise on the art of shooting with the rifle, shot gun and pistol, as well at the target as in the field and on service. Eight editions. Sonderhausen, 1822, 1824, subsequently issued at Weimar. 8vo, two parts, price 1. 10.
608.—Schiesspulver. C. F. Saltzer. A treatise on the history, manufacture and qualities of gunpowder. Müller, Carlsruhe, 1S24. 26| groschen.
609.—Akweisung. Gunther Schild. The full title is " Deutl. Anweisung iiber den richt, nnd zweckmassig. Gebr. d. Jagd-Flinte, mit praktischen beispielen erlautert." A treatise on shooting. Nordhausen, Leipzig, 1824. 8vo.
610.—Erklärung üb. d. Bestandtheile d. Feuergewehrs. How to use firearms, and particulars respecting some varieties. Neukirch, Basel, 1824. 8vo, one woodcnt, price 4 groschen.
611.—-Prakt-Jagerschule. Gunther Schild. A treatise on the art of shooting, etc. Dorflling, Leipzig, 1824, 1S37. 8vo.
612.—Feuer- und Seitengewehre. Beroald-Bianchini. A general treatise on small arms. Gerold, Vienna, 1829. 2 vols. 4to, 38 illustrations, price S r. thalers.
613.—Englische Buchsenmacher, oder gruendliche Anweisung alle Arten von Gewehren, Buchsen und pistolen, nebst Percussions, Sichcrheitsschlosern und iibrigem zubehor, nach den neuesten-Erfurdungen und Verbersei'ungen zu verfertigen nebst. Belehrungen iiber die verschiedenen Arsen des Schiers- und Knall-pulvers, Nachrichten iiber die bedeutensten Gewehr-fabriken Europa's und dgl.mehr. Fiir Buchsenmacher und Buchsenschafter. George Christ. Alison. Nach dem Englischen bearbeitet und mit mehreren franzo-sischen und deutschen Erfindungen und Verlusser-ungen vei'mehrt, mit 103 Abbildungen in Steindruck.
Gottfr. Basse, Quedlinburg & Leipzig, 1832. This book of 84 pp. and three plates of drawings somewhat belies its title. It consists for the most part of descriptions of new inventions, translations of newspaper articles and excerpts from technical papers. It lias an illustrated description of a double-barrelled breech-loading fowling-piece furnished with a safety lock. Also a description of an intercepting safety bolt working from a lever on the hand of the gun-stock, for which invention we are informed that Dr. Romershaufen received the Civil-Verdienst-orden from his Majesty. The book contains interesting details of improvements in gun-locks, the manufacture of detonating balls, fulminating powder, and copper caps ; also of thread-wound shot cartridges, experiments with wire cartridges, the oval bore, etc. The gun factories at Tulle and Yotka (Viatka) are described in detail; but with the exception of recipes for browning gun-barrels the technical instruction is wanting.
614.—Jägerschule. Chr. F. E. Thon. An instruction-book for sportsmen and foresters, with a vocabulary of technical words. Various editions (published annually with calendar). Ilmenau, 1834. 8vo, 25 illustrations. G lithographed plates. Subsequently issued by Voigt, Weimar. Price 2 th. lOngr.
G15.—Kunst auf der Jagd gut zu Schiessen. E. Eichenlaub. A practical treatise on the art of shooting with the shot gun and sporting rifle; the various kinds of game and methods to be used in aiming, etc., described. Contains also a glossary of sporting and technical words. Various editions published, some with lithographed illustrations. Furst, Nbrdhausen, 1834-41. 16mo.
616.—Volkommene Jäger. L. Hoffman. The art of expert shooting. According to Souhait, first edition appeared in 1811. Tender & Schaefer, Vienna, 1834. 3rd edition.
617.—Hilfsbuch fdr Jeden Gewehrbesitzer. A. Sponeman. Manual for all who have guns. Brasse, Qued-linburg, 1S39, 1840. 8vo.
618.—Waldschneppe. C. Diezel Leipzig, 1839: also in 1842.
619.—Schiess für Schiess. W. K. Chrestman. Shot upon shot. A treatise for sportsmen, game shots, etc. Forderer, Villingen, 1843. 12mo. 1 litho. plate.
620.—Volkommene Jagd und Scheiben schutze. Gh. Fr. G. Thon. Instructions for becoming speedily a correct shot at game or at target. Voigt, Weimar,
1843, 1852. 12mo.
621.—Handbuch der Gewehr und Schiesskunde. M. F. Elrichs. A guide to the art of shooting, instructions for handling guns, written for sportsmen, riflemen and military. With illustrations. Brugmann, Leipzk',
1844, 1849. 8vo.
622.—Behandlung der percussionsirten Jagd- und Schüt-zengewehre. M. F. Elrichs. Full instructions for the use of percussion, field and target guns. A handbook for the rifleman and the sportsman, with illustrations. Furst, Nordhausen, 1846. 12mo.
623.—Zeitung fur Buchisenmacher und Gewehr fabrikanten. The Gimmaker's Journal, edited by E. 0. Schmidt, illustrated. Published by Voigt, Weimar, 1844, etc. This was the first technical periodical for the firearms manufacturers, and nominally appeared quarterly, really at irregular intervals. The compiler's set shows that six numbers were issued to each volume, and that publication ceased with the fifth number of the 3rd volume, issued in 1855. Large quarto, lithographed plates with each issue.
624.—Praktischer Jagd-betrieb. L. Allich. Treatise on game shooting and trapping. Landherr, Heilbronn, 1S46. 12mo.
625.—Vollst. Anweisung aufscheiben und bei Jagden gut schiessen zu Iernen. L. Allicli. Treatise on art of target shooting, and use of the gun for sport, culled from the most trustworthy sources, with practical directions for the acquirement of a difficult art. Landherr, Heilbronn, 1846. 12mo.
626.—Praktisches Handbuch des Gewehr-fabrikanten und Buchsexmachers. Eduard Oscar Schmidt. A treatise on gunmaking, including directions for all branches, and the preparation of the necessary material. It is really only a small pamphlet in a paper wrapper compiled by a voluminous producer of trade and technical handbooks. [The first portion of the book is devoted to practical directions for barrel making, browning, smith's work, hardening and tempering ; the second to the fitting of the patent breech, lock-making, sight-filing, and particulars of the percussion system. The illustrations consist of twelve 8vo pages of lithographs of gun parts, furniture, etc., and are not of special interest. The book is of the kind from which the intelligent artisan of half a century ago might obtain useful hints and designs.] Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg and Leipzig, 1848. 8vo, paper wrapper, 68 pp., 12 plates.
627.—Gewehr Kenner. Joh. W. Roux. Practical and theoretical treatise on sporting firearms, their use and expert handling.
LIBRI ITALIANI, 1800—1850.
701.—Struttura e Governo del Fucile de Fanteria. Seb. Maurizio Bordino. A small book approved by the Royal Military Academy. Chirio e Mini, Turin, 1820. In 8vo.
702.—Arte di Fare le Sciabole di Damasco. Antonio Crivelli. This brochure is reprinted from the Proceedings of the Institute of Science, Letters and Art, and is divided into numerous short chapters, the whole in 73 pp. It relates to the manufacture of Damascus iron, swords, etc. Eoyal Press, Milan, 1821. In 8vo, 73 pp.
703.—Fucile di Fanteria con esca Fulminante. S. M. Bordino, A work on the percussion gun, which had the honour of a French translation. The author was Director of the Boyal Arms Factory. Fodratti, Turin, 1S39. In 8vo. French edition, 18-11. Government Print.
704.—Mouvement des projectiles applique aux armes a feu. P. A. Arena. A treatise on external ballistics, the force of explosives and initial velocities. Turin, 1839.
705.—Museo del Cacciatore. See Muséee du Chasseur, of which it is a translation. In large 8vo, 72 lithographed illustrations. Venezia, 1844.
SPANISH BOOKS, 1800—1850.
801.—Resumo Historico das armas de fogo Portatiles. Ant. Huet. de Bacellar. Short account of the history and development of hand firearms. Written specially for the instruction of military cadets. Imp. Reg., Lisbon, 1816. Un vol. 8vo, 75 pp.
802.—Construccion de una llave de fusil. D. Joaquinde Loresecha. Published in the Mem. Artill., 1844. Valencia, 1831. 19 pp., 2 plates.
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