ENGLISH BOOKS, 1800—1850.
401.—Remarks on Rifle Guns. Ezekiel Baker. The full title to the 11th edition is: "Remarks on Rifle Guns; being the result of sixty years' practice and observation, with specific remarks on fowling-pieces, the percussion lock, and firearms in general. To which are subjoined descriptions of a new bullet mould and clipper, various improvements in gun and door locks, spring bolts; a description of firearms deposited in the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich, including all the improvements and inventions for which three silver medals have been awarded by the Society of Arts, together with tables of balls, descriptive plates, etc., by Ezekiel Baker, Gun and Rifle Maker to His Majesty, the Honourable Board of Ordnance, and the Honourable East India Co." The author's work as an inventor will be found recorded in the Society of Arts Transactions. This book has an etching by Barlow, some curious plates, and strictures on Birmingham-made military guns. Smith, Elder & Co., London, 1800 (1798?), 1804. Eight other editions before 1835. (11th edition), 8vo, pp. 268, half-title and plates.
402.—Cautions to Young Sportsmen. Sir Thos. Frank-land. London, 1801 (2nd edition, with additions). 8vo.
403.—English Bowman. T. Roberts. This is the most easily obtained book containing the Musket and Bow Controversy between Sir J. Smith and H. Barwick and others in the 16th century. Printed for author by C. Roworth, Strand, London, 1801; second edition 1804. Plates, including one folding of cross-bows. 8vo, pp. 300.
404.—Rural Sports.—William Barker Daniels. An inferior Sporting Cyclopaedia, redeemed by some fine plates due to J. Scott. Sometimes found in three vols. London 1801-2. 2 vols. 8vo. A Supplement in 1813; another edition in 3 vols. 1812.
405.—Sporting Dictionary and Rural Repository of general information upon every subject pertaining to Sports of the Field. Wm. Taplin. There is a stable directory, a sort of veterinary handbook, by the same compiler, which is sometimes confounded with the above. London, 1803. 8vo.
406.—Sportsman's Cabinet. Songs. 1803. 4to.
407.—Shooting Directory. R. B. Thornhill. London, 1804. 4to; price 31s. 6d.
408.—Sportsman's Dictionary. Improved and enlarged by H. J. Pye. Fifth edition, 17 plates. See No. 288. London, 1S07. 4to.
409.—Oriental Field Sports. Thomas Williamson. A complete description of the wild sports of the East. Drawings of Animals bj- S. Howitt. London, 1807. Folio.
410.—Ormes' Collection of British Field Sports, with 20 engravings from designs by S[amuel] H[owitt]. London, 1807. 4to, oblong. These must not be confounded with a series of copper-plate engravings often bound together with this title, but without letterpress, and which originally appeared in oblong folio about 1650, at Leipzig (?).
411.—Scloppetaria. Captain Beaufoy. "Considerations on the nature and use of rifled barrel guns with reference to their forming the basis of a permanent system of national defence agreeable to the genius of the country." On the formation of rifle corps, and arms for their use, plates of gun parts, butts, diagrams, etc., tables and index. Egerton, London, 1S0S; 2nd edition, 1812 ; pp. 251, 10 plates and frontispiece.
412.—Group of Animals from Life. S. Howitt. No text. London, 1811. 4to. 413.—British Sportsman. Samuel Howitt. A book descriptive of Field Sports, and illustrated with 70 coloured plates. Ed. Ormc, London, 1812. 4to, plates.
414.—Foreign Field Sports, with supplement of New South Wales. The supplement has separate title, and issued apart. Illustrations by S. Howitt, Atkinson Clark, Maus Kirch, etc. The original was produced in sumptuous style—green morocco, extra bound, sporting tools on back and broad borders, gilt edges. It contained 50 plates. Present value £3 to M. London, 1814. 4to.
415.—Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shooting. Peter Hawker. Probably the best known book on the subject. It was written, the author states, " at the particular request of some sporting friends of the author, who had recourse to the press in order to present each of them with a legible copy. A few supplementary impressions also were provided for the amusement and instruction of the inexperienced sportsman"; and eleven editions were published between 1814 and 1859. The first is very rare, the third is the best early edition, the ninth the most full. Subsequent to the author's death, his son, P. W. L. Hawker, edited the work, and the contents were abridged. The third edition is 8vo, has 470 pp., 10 lithographed plates, 4 coloured, a list of London gunmakers, remarks on the Game Laws, and some natural history notes; but the chief value of the book arises from the practical information given, the results of original experiments, particulars of "timely inventions," and the opinions of gunmakers. There is very little superfluous anecdote, and not so much argumentative writing as in sporting books of the time. Printed by Charles Wood, Poppin's Court, Fleet Street, for Longman, Hurst, Eees, Orme, Brown and Green. 1814, 8vo; 1816, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1830 corrected, 1844, 1854, edited by P. W. L. Hawker,1859. A supplement containing the additions to the fourth edition was published in 1825, and an Abridgment of the Game Laws, with suggestions, being an Appendix to the sixth edition, was published in 1831. The book is not rare, and is worth about 10s.
416.—Notices to all Sportsmen, and particularlj- to Farmers and Gamekeepers. Colonel George Hanger. This is a medley of recipes, including remarks on " fowling-pieces, rifle-guns; and muskets rifle-shooting; How to keep all arms loaded for two or three years so as to fire more sure than if fresh loaded; methods of netting partridges, to prevent poaching, to stalk red deer, to shoot wild fowl, remarks on the rifle-breach, etc., etc.; to which is added, A plan for training and developing a corps such as never yet has appeared in any army of Europe, armed with a peculiar gun which will shoot with the precision of a rifle one-third farther than any rifle hitherto used on service, and can also be loaded with cartridges and fired as quick as a common musket." This book gives much information respecting small-bore American rifles, from which the "express" principle is supposed to have been developed. J. J. Stockdale, London, 1814. 8vo, 226 pp.; price 12s.
417.—Report: Manton v. Parker. The case for Joseph Manton's improved gun lock, heard at Westminster July 6th, 1814, relates to the formation of the hammer, which allows the ah' to escape when loading, but stops egress of powder. The judge said, " It seems to me that the utility of this invention and the purpose of the patent wholly fail." W. Clarke &. Sons, London, 1814. 8vo, 65 pp., and plate of gun hammers.
418.—Thirty Years' Practice in Horses and Dogs ; with Remarks on Fowling-pieces, Rifles, etc., together with plan for training a corps armed with a peculiar gun. Colonel G. H. Hanger. London, 1814, 1816. 8vo.
419.—Letters on Shooting. Robert Lascelles. One of three parts of a treatise called "Angling, Shooting, Coursing." London, 1815. 8vo.
420.—Thomas's Shooters' Guide, or complete Sportsman's Companion. {T.B.Johnson.) London, 1816. Post 8vo, frontispiece.
421.—Complete Sportsman; containing a compendious view of the Ancient and Modern Chase, etc. T. H. Needham (i.e. T. B. Johnson). Simpkin & Marshall, London, 1817. 12mo, 312 pp.
422.—British Field Sports. W. H. Scott. Embracing Practical Instructions in Shooting, Hunting, Coursing, Pacing, Cocking, Fishing, etc., with Observations on the Breaking and Training of Dogs and Horses, also the Management of Fowling-Pieces and other Sporting Implements. Thirty-four engravings by J. Scott, after Berenger, etc., and woodcut vignettes and tailpieces by Bewick. London, 1818. 8vo.
423.—Shooter's Companion ; or Directions for the Breeding, Training and Management of Setters and Pointers, with an Historical Description of Winged Game. The fowling-piece considered, particularly as to the use of Percussion Powder; the various methods of making Percussion Powder, and the best pointed out. Of scent . . . shooting illustrated ; and the art of shooting flying simplified and clearly laid down. The Game Laws familiarly explained ... as well as every information connected with the use of the Fowling Piece. T. B. Johnson, author of " Thomas's Guide and Need-ham's Companion." The sub-title too fully indicates the scope of this small book. It is inferior to others of earlier date. Edwards & Knibb, London, 1S19. 12mo, 156 pp., 3 etchings by Charles Towne.
424.—Shooters' Guide, or Complete Sportsman. B. Thomas [T. B. Johnson]. London, 1820. 12mo, 1 plate.
425.—National Sports of Great Britain. John Lawrence and Henry Alken. Descriptions in English and French of a series of coloured illustrations. London, 1821. Folio.
426.—Sportsman's Progress, a poem descriptive of the pleasures derived from field sports. Represented from 2nd edition of Scott's "British Field Sports." London, 1820.
427.—Shooting on the Thames. J. Hassell. This is contained in a scarce little book called " Excursions of Pleasure and Sports on the Thames." A series of aqua-tint illustrations. Simpkin, London, 1823. 12mo, pp. iii, 191 ; coloured engravings.
428.—Shooting. Henry Alken. Coloured Plates caricaturing the sport. Oblong folio. McClean, Haymarket, London, 1824 (re-issue?).
429.—Sportsman's Companion. Songs. J. Pitts, London, 1825. S. sh., folio.
430.'—Sportsman's Companion or Gamekeeper's Account Book. Chelmsford, 1827. 8vo.
431.—Observations, on the manufacture of Firearms for military purposes, on the number supplied from Birmingham to the British Government during the late War, on the proof to which barrels are subjected, and on the Proof House, together with some remarks upon the inexpediency of the Ordnance Department fabricating small arms, and upon the obstacles to the free export of arms. [S. King.] An anonymous publication, evidently the work of a Birmingham firearms merchant, full of statistics relative to the firearms trade of this country. Longman, London. J. Drake, Birmingham, 1829. 8vo, pamphlet, 3 parts.
432.—Adventures in Rifle Brigade in the Peninsula, France, and Netherlands, from 1809 to 1815. John
Kincaid. A record of soldiering; later, wrote some " Random Shots of Rifleman " (1835). London, 1830, 12mo ; 1838 (12mo).
433.—Dictionary of Military Science. E. S. N. Campbell. London, 1830. 8vo.
434.—Field Sports in the North. L.Lloyd. "Comprised in a personal narration of a residence in Sweden and Norway in the years 1827, 1828." Illustrated. London, 1830. 8vo, 2 vols. Enlarged edition. Simpkin & Marshall, Glasgow. Printed 1885. 8vo, 416 pp. Swedish edition, Stockholm, 1830.
435.—Sportsman's Shooting Journal and Game Account Book. On an improved plan, embracing the advantages of the Holkam Game Book. London, 1830. 8vo. An annual.
436.—The Sportsman's Vocal Cabinet. C. Armiger. Lyrics. London, 1830. 12mo.
437.—Sportsman's Cyclopaedia. " Being an elucidation of the science and practice of the field . . . etc." T. B. Johnson. London, Liverpool printed, 1831. 8vo, frontispiece.
438.—Wild Sports op the West. W. H. Maxwell. With Legendary Tales, by a writer of fiction. London. 1832, 4to; 1833, 12mo; 1839, 8vo; 1850, 8vo ; 1882, 8vo; pp. 158.
439.—Hints to Grown Sportsmen. Longmans, London, 1832. 12mo.
440.—The Field Book. W. II. Maxwell. "Sports and Pastimes of the United Kingdom, by the author of 1 Wild Sports of the West'; being Sports and Adventures in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland," and numerous other similar books. London, 1833. 8vo, woodcuts.
441.—Twenty-five Years in Rifle Brigade. William Surtees. Edited by J. Surtees. Edinburgh, 1833. 8vo.
442.—Methods used in Pointing Guns at Sea. Captain J. H.. Stevens. A brochure on naval gunnery. J. Murray, London, 1834. 8vo, 45 pp., and plates.
443.—The Gun : or, a Treatise on the various descriptions of Small Firearms. William Greener. The first of Mr. Greener's books, and the most original work on the subject published this century. Colonel G. Hawker considered it " by far the best work ever wrote on the subject." The author had much difficulty in procuring correct illustrations, and the publication was in consequence long delayed. In apologising for the delay in the preface he adds " Should it be objected that the book is too thin for the price, he has only to say that had it been half the thickness, he would not have thought of charging it one farthing less; the immensely expensive scale upon which his experiments have been conducted have, in a great measure, been ruinous to himself." The book was written in Newcastle about 1832, and printed in Sunderland in 1834. Dedicated to the Duke of Wellington. Longman & Co., London ; Cadell, Edinburgh, 1835. 8vo, 240 pp., 4 plates, and w7oodcuts in text. Price 15s.
444.—Remarks on Shooting. W. Wall. Instructions on shooting, and part of the Game Laws done into "familiar verse," by a facetious and much quoted sportsman, who lived at Islington. Sherwood & Co., London, 1835, 8vo; enlarged edition, 1839, 8vo. 96 pp., plate.
445.—Oakleigh Shooting Code. By Thos. Oakleigh (i.e. James Wilson), " containing 220 chapters of information relative to shooting, with numerous notes." London, 1836. 12mo.
446.—Hunters of the Prairie ; or, The Hawk Chief. J. T. Irving. A Tale. London, 1837. 12mo.
447.—The Art of Deerstalking ; illustrated by a narrative of a few days' sport in the forest of Athole. William Scrope. This excellent book was republished as " Days of Deerstalking," by Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1883, with illustrations by Sir E. and C. Landseer. London, 1838, 8vo; new edition, 1883, 8vo. 324 pp.
448.—Maxims and Hints on Shooting. Richard Penn. A book of instructions for all sports. J. Murray, 1839 (?), 8vo, 7s. U.; 1855, 12mo, Is.
449.—Narrative of Expedition to South Africa . . . during the years 1836-37. Sir W. G. Harris. Illustrated. Bombay, 1838. 8vo.
450.—Snobson's Seasons. Annals of Cockney Sports. R. B. Peake; the 92 illustrations by R. Seymour. A much-sought, facetious work. A good copy is worth .£12. London, 1838, 1841. Boyal 8vo, cloth.
451.—Sporting. Embellished by large engravings and vignettes illustrative of Field Sports, with literary contributions by various writers. By " Nimrod " (i.e. C. Apperley). London, 1838. 4to.
452.—Wild Scenes in Forest and Prairie. C. F. Hoffman. London, 1839. 8vo. 2 vols.
453.—Wild Sports of South Africa. Sir W. G. Harris. London, 1839, 1840, 1841.
454.—Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports. Edited by D. P. Blaine. This is a work of mediocre performance, essentially a publisher's book. London, 1840, 8vo; 1852, large 8vo, revised by " Harry Hieover " ; and the best edition, having plates and 600 woodcuts, 1858, revised by R. Braunston, has plates by Leech. An edition partly rewritten and brought up to date was printed in Edinburgh 1870, and published by Mackenzie, London.
455.—Moor and Loch. John Colquhoun. " Containing practical hints on most of the Highland Sports ; and notices of the habits of the different creatures of game and prey in the mountainous districts of Scotland." Edinburgh. 1840, 8vo; London, 1851. Fourth edition enlarged, 2 vols, 1S7S; Fifth, 1SS0, 1884.
456.—Portraits of Game. Sir W. C. Harris The sketches of African Field Sports drawn by F. Howard, the animals " delineated from life in their native haunts." London, 1S40. Folio.
457.—Rifle and its Exercise. Contained in " Defensive Exercises." Edited by D. Walker. London, 1840. 8vo.
45S.—.MS.—Account of Gun-making in Birmingham. Hawkes Smith. Written about 1840. Quoted by S. Timmins in " Industrial History of Birmingham."
459.—Rod and Gun. James Wilson. The Angling and Shooting articles from the " Encyclopaedia Britannica." Black, Edinburgh, 1840, 1841, etc. 8vo, with engravings and a frontispiece.
460.—Guide to the Tower. John Hewitt. Some descriptions of the Armour and Weapons in the Tower of London. First pubhshed in 1841.
461.—Engines of War; or historical and experimental observations on ancient and modern warlike machines and implements; including the manufacture of guns, gunpowder, and swords, with remarks on bronze, iron, steel, etc. Henry Wilkinson, M.R.A.S. A readable treatise by the eminent sword manufacturer and gun-maker of Pall Mall. It is based on a paper read before the Royal Institution, and its theory of the discovery of gunpowder is most ingenious. The descriptions of manufacturing processes are not accurate, and the author was led into a serious error as to the " composition of explosives." W. Greener exposed the error in his " Science of Gunnery," and a note correcting the mistake was inserted in copies issued after. There seems to have been a charge of plagiarism made by Wilkinson, for Greener retorts : " I have already shown that Mr. Wilkinson is wrong in a many of his conclusions, but in none can he be more so than in imagining I had borrowed from him. Impossible ! Ho has nothing to lend, and, of course, nothing worth borrowing." Longman & Co., London. 1841. 8vo, 268 pp.
462.—Science of Gunnery, as applied to the use and construction of Firearms. William Greener. This book embodies " The Gun," and has additional chapters on " Ancient Arms, Gunpowder, Shot, etc., together with much matter of controversial nature, and examinations of the theories of Robins, Hutton, etc." A vigorously written and interesting book, and having as frontispiece an excellent engraving by Nicholson, representing the author shooting the wild white cattle of Britain in Chillingham Park. The preliminary " advertisement " is incorrectly dated 1831; should be 1841. Dedicated to Prince Albert; engraved title. Longman <fe Co., London, 1841. 8vo, 324 pp., 8 plates. New edition, Woking, 1846.
463.—Sportsman in France. F. Tolfrey. Account of a sporting ramble through Picardy and Normandy, with particulars of boar shooting in Lower Brittany. London, 1841. 12mo, 2 vols., 12 illustrations.
464.—Modern Shooter. Captain R. Lacy. " Containing practical instructions and directions for every description of inland and coast shooting." Was reviewed by P. Hawker, in the preface to the ninth edition of " Instructions," and did not reach a second edition; it is nevertheless well worth possessing, and if not containing much that is new, is fairly illustrated, and a happy specimen of the facetious style of writing then the fashion. Whittaker & Co., London, 1842. 8vo, 548 pp., engraved title by Landells, frontispiece by T. A. Priors, woodcuts.
465.—The Old Forest Ranger; or, Wild Sports of India, on the Neilgherry Hills, in the Jungles and on the Plains. Walter Campbell. London, 1842, 8vo ; third edition, 1852 ; American edition, 1S53.
466.—Shooter's Handbook ; being the treatise on shooting from the " Hod and Gun." Ey J. Wilson. Edinburgh, 1842. 12mo.
467.—Scenes and Sports in Foreign Lands. E. H. D. E. Napier. London, 1842. 12mo, 2 vols. Wild Sports in Europe, Asia, Africa. E. II. D. E. Napier. London, 1844. 8vo, 2 vols.
468.—Hyde Marston ; or, a Sportsman's Life. " Craven " (i.e. W. Carleton). London, 1844. 8vo, 3 vols.
469.—Highlands of Aehiopia. Sir W. C.Harris. A book of African Sport. London, 1844. 8o, 3 vols. Second edition same year.
470.—The Shooter's Preceptor. T. B. Johnson. Certain practical instructions in the choice and management of dogs used in shooting. The fowling-piece fully considered. The art of shooting flying simplified, etc. London, 1844. 12mo.
471.—Sportsman's Directory and Park and Game Keeper's Companion. John Mayer. Illustrated. London, 1845. 8vo.
472.—Sporting Excursion to Niagara and the Canadian Lakes. By Saron. Three Articles from The New Sporting Magazine. Two cuts added. 8vo, half calf. London, 1845.
473.—Sportsman in Canada. F. Tolfrey. London, 1845. 2 vols. 12 mo.
474.—PiECREATions in Shooting. " Craven" (i.e. John William Carleton). A pleasantly written and well illustrated book on the favourite field sport, with some account of the game of the British Islands. London, 184G. 8vo. Added to Bohn's Illustrated Library, with, engravings on wood by Branston and on steel after A. Cooper, 1849.
475.—The Sportsman's Library. J. Mills. A compilation by a novelist; P. Hawker and others are laid under heavy contribution for the matter. Edinburgh, 1845. 8vo.
476.—Highland Sports and Highland Quarters. H. B. Hall. H. Hurst. London, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s.
477.—Instructions to Young Marksmen. John R. Chap-man. Treats of the general construction, practical manipulation, causes and liability to error in making accurate performances, and the theoretic principles upon which such accurate performances are founded, as exhibited in the improved American Bine. Has some interesting notes on rifle manufacture in America. Appleton, New York, 1840. 100 pp., litho. plates, woodcuts.
478.—Natural History of Ireland. —Thompson. This work has a chapter on punt guns, punts, and some notes on wildfowling. Reeve & Co., London, 1849.
479.—Walker's Manly Exercises. The ninth edition, edited by " Craven," has more about gun handling than others. London, 1849. 8vo.
480.—The Shooters' Pocket Companion. " Trigger." A manual for sportsmen. Field, London, 184-. 12mo, 2s. Gd.
481.—Shooters' Handbook. A treatise on shooting. Simpkin, London, 184-. Post 8vo, 6s.
482.—Sportsman and his Dog ; or, Hints on Sporting. By the Author of " Scottish Sports and Pastimes." London, 1850. 12mo.
483.—The Sporting Adventures of T. S. Haubuck. Facetious. Longman, London, 1847.