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251.—School of Recreation, or a Guide to the Most Ingenious Exercises of Hunting, Riding, Racing, Fireworks, Military Discipline, the Science of Defence, Hawking, Tennis, Bowling, Ringing, Singing, Cock-fighting, Fowling, etc. London, 1710, 1732. 12mo.
252.—Fishing and Hunting : The Art and Cunning of Hunting the Hart, Stag, Hare, Fox, Otter, Wild Goat, etc., the Art of Fishing and sundry curious baits, viz., Worms, Flies, Pastes, etc. T. Bailey. London, 1720. 8vo, pamphlet.
253.—Country Gentleman's Vade Mecumi. Jacob Giles. A compilation by a well-known "bookmaker." London, 1717, 12mo.
254.—Complete Sportsman.—Another compilation by J. Giles, who also published in 1740 a compilation of game laws, and list of statutes relative to game licences, etc. The " Complete Sportsman" appeared in 1718.
255.—Poem. Pleryplegia, or the Art of Shooting Flying. Abraham Markland, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster. London, 1727, 4to.
256.—Great Art op Artillery. Casimirr Simienowicz. Translated from the French by G. S. Shelvock. The translator states that the book in the original or any Latin edition could not be procured, so he was forced to translate from the French edition (Amsterdam, 1661), which he complains "is now grown very obscure and obsolete ... it is the most carelessly printed book I ever saw." It was compared with a German edition (Frankfort, 1676). This book was for long the standard work on artillery. It contains: Book I., xiii. ch. on the calibre; Book II., xxxii. ch. concerning pyrotechnics ; Book III., x. ch. on rockets; Book IV., pt. 1, iv. ch. on Fire globes or balls, pt. 2, xix. ch. Military fire-balls; Book V., Warlike Firearms, 2 parts, xiii. and x. ch. Tonson, London, 1729. Folio, 404 pp., 23 copper plates. See No. 171.
257.—Treatise on Gunnery. John Gray, F.R.S., of Carthagena. London, 1731, 1781. Svo.
258.—New Principles of Gunnery. Containing the determination of the force of gunpowder, and an investigation of the difference in the resisting power of the air to swift and slow motions. Benjamin Robins, F.R.S. This book is epoch - making, and probably no book dealing with firearms is better known or so frequently quoted; its principles were accepted generally, and the work was recognised as the standard authority for many years. Nourse, London, 1742. Svo, pp. Ivii, 95, 1 plate.
259 .—Country Gentleman's Companion, or Sportsman's Dictionary. London, 2 vols. 4to, 1744; in 12mo, 1755; an edition in Svo, Dublin, 1750.
260.—Light to the Art of Gunnery; or Sea Gunner's Companion. . . . with the most necessary conclusions for the Practice of Gunnery, either in land or sea service. Captain Thomas Binning, mariner. London, 1744. Small 4to, 114 pp., 2 plates, tables, diagrams.
261.—Doctrine of Projectiles : Demonstrated and applied to the most useful problems in practical gunnery. William Starrat. Published by subscription and dedicated to the Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin. Has list of subscribers. Dublin, 1740. Svo, pp. xii, 170, 4 plates.
262.—Attack and Defence of Fortified Places. John Midler. The first of a number of technical books by a "Professor of Artillery and Fortification." London, 1747. Svo, 3 parts.
263—Practical Sea-Gunner's Companion. An introduction to the Art of Gunnery. WilliamMountain, F.E.S. Might be more aptly named a Treatise on Arithmetic -and Elementary Mathematics. Is based on Povey and Binning. Rumpf gives date as 1747. London, 1747, 1750, 1781 ; 127 pp. The 17S1 edition has addenda, 7 pp., plates and figures.
264.—Poem. Compleat Marksman. Hon. R. Coote. On the art of shooting flying. London, 1755. Svo.
265.—Treatise on the Practical Part of Fortification. John Mullerr. A work written "for the use of the Royal Artillery at Woolwich." London, 1755, Svo, 28 copper plates.
266.—Easy Introduction to Practical Gunnery, or the Art of Engineering. Francis Holliday. A work on
ballistics, by a Professor of Mathematics, the author of numerous works in Arithmetic, Geometry, etc. Innys and Richardson, London, 1756. Svo, xv and 173 pp., plates.
267.—Treatise on Artillery. John Muller. Contains : 1, General construction of brass and iron guns used by the sea and land forces, and of their carriages ; 2, General construction of mortars, howitzers, their beds and carriages; 3, The dimensions of all kinds of carriages used in the artillery; 4, The exercise of the regiment abroad ; 5, March and encampment, ammunition stores and horses; C, The necessary laboratory work. To which is prefixed a theory of powder applied to firearms. Appeared in 1757. Afterwards published with an appendix or supplement. London. 1757. 1768. Svo.
268.—Art of Shooting Flying. T. Page. A dialogue between a gunmaker and his pupil; gives some curious particulars of guns and gunmaking, Spanish barrels, loads; practice at moving targets, etc. The later edition has an appendix with long excerpts from and remarks upon the " Principles of Gunnery," by the ingenious Mr. Robins. Grouse, Norwich, 1766, 1782. Svo.
269.—Poem. "Various scenes of Shooting. John Aldington. London, 1767. 4to.
270.—Poem. Partridge Shooting. Francis Fawkes. "An eclogue to the Hon. C. Yorke." London, 1709.
271.—Poem ox the Cruelty of Shooting. John Aldington. London, 1769. Svo.
272.—Introduction to Marine Fortifications and Gunnery. Lieut. J. P. Ardesoif, P.X. Gosport, 1772. Svo, two parts, plates.
273.—Art of English Shooting; with necessary observations for the Young Sportsman when out and returning
home. George Edie. A treatise inferior to that of T. Page, but on similar lines. Cooke, London, 1777. Svo, 31 pp., 1 plate.
274.—Principles of Gunnery, investigated and explained, comprehending Euler's Observations upon the New System of Gunnery, published by Mr. Robins, to which are added many necessary explanations and remarks. H Brown. London, 1777. 4to.
275.—Discourse on the Theory of Gunnery. Sir John Pringle, Bart., M.D. P.R.S. London, 1778. 4to, pamphlet.
276.—Poem. The Art of War. H J.. Pye. Translated from the French of the King of Prussia. London, 1778.
277.-—The Sportsman's Dictionary, or The Gentleman's Companion, for the Town and Country, containing full and particular instructions for Setting, Hunting, Fowling, Hawking, etc., etc., the Management of Dogs, Gamecocks, Dunghill Fowls, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Pigeons, Singing Birds, etc., collected from the Best Authors, with very considerable Additions and Improvements, by Experienced Gentlemen. First edition, London, 177S, 4to, plates, second edition 1782, other editions 1787, 1792, 1800.
278.—Restitution of the Geometrical Treatise of Apollonius Pergaeus on " Inclinations." Also, " The Theory of Gunnery." London, 1779. 4to.
279.—Description of Double Firearms. Dr. John Aikins. Believed to be written by an ingenious surgeon, a voluminous writer, who also did much to improve surgical and orthopaedic instruments. I have been unable to find a copy. See Watt, " Bib. Brit." London, 1781. Svo.
280.—Dissertation on the Errors of Marksmen and Gunmakers. K. McLemon. London, 1782.
281.—Shooting. A Poem. A". McLemon. London, 1782.
282.—Shooting. A Poem. Faulder. London, 1784. 4to.
283.—Shooting. A Poem. H. J. Pye. Nos. 282-3 are given as distinct publications by Watt. I have been unable to refer to a copy of Pye's poem of this date. London, 17S4.
284.—Poem ; written during a shooting excursion on the Moors. W. Greenwood. R. Crutwell, Bath, 1787. 4to, pp. 25.
285.—Essay on Shooting. Anonymous. A translation of Marolles' book, interspersed with a few remarks, and the addition of " The Game of this country as connected with the Amusement of Shooting." In the preface to the first edition the author acknowledges his indebtedness to M. Marolles, but claims to have added much new matter. (The work is practically a literal translation of Marolles.) In the second edition he writes of the " Metaphysics of the Art," and terms gunsmiths " a set of men who have little or nothing to do with the manufacture of the most important part of the instrument." Cadell, London, 1789, 1791. 8vo, 313 pp.
286.—Treatise on Gunpowder, a treatise on firearms and treatise on the service of artillery in the time of war. Translated from the Italian of A. V. Papacino D'Antoni by J. Thompson. London, 1789. Svo, 374 pp., plates.
287.—Amusements. A poetical essay. H. J. Pye. Has some lines on shooting, and a demmeiation of the practice of slaughtering hand-reared birds. J. Stock-dale, London, 1790. 44 pp., 4to.
288.—The Sportsman's Dictionary. Compiled by G. Montague. First edition appeared in 1792. There was a subsequent edition about 1803.
289.—Pocket Book. The Sportsman's and Gamekeeper's Pocket Book; or a comprehensive and familiar treatise on the Game Lairs, comprising, amongst other matters, all the statutes and resolutions of the courts relating to hares, rabbits, grouse, fish, and other game, together with some general and particular remarks tending to explain their import and facilitate their construction, to which are also added the mode of recovering Penalties under the Game Laws, the Law concerning Trespass in the Pursuit of Game, and the General Law relating to Dogs. Anonymous. For " Game Laws " see also ante, No. 254. W. Clarke & Son, London, 1794. 58 pp., 12mo.
290.—Tiie British Sportsman, or Nobleman, Gentleman, and Farmer's Dictionary of Recreation and Amusement, including a most improved system of Modern Farriery and Anatomical Dissection of the Horse, with concise Rules for Choosing good Horses, and the secrets of Training them with Wind and Vigour for the Course, Field, and Road, particular Instructions for Riding, Racing, Hunting, Coursing, Hawking, Shooting, Setting, etc., etc. W. A. Osbaldiston. London, 1795. 4to, plates.
291.—Observations on the English and French Locks, and on one newly constructed by an Officer of the Guards. London, 1799. Privately printed (?).
292.—Observations on the present state of Game in England, and proposal offered for its more effectual preservation. W. Taplin. London, 1772. Svo.
293.—Advice to officers of the British Army. Francis Grose. A satire. London, 1782, Svo; 1783, 1787, 12mo. Reprinted 18G7 by the Agathynian Club.
294.—Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons. Francis Grose, A series of illustrations and descriptions of old arms. Supplement, with distinct pagination and title,
published at intervals. London, 1786—1789. 4to, 3 parts, plates.
295.—Military Antiquities; respecting the history of the English Army from the Conquest to the present time. Francis Grose. This remains the standard work upon the subject of the military equipment of the British army in mediaeval times. It was improved in later editions by descriptions and illustrations of the arms and stores in the Tower. The best edition is that of 1812, 4to, 2 vols. T. Egerton, London, 1786-88. 4to. New edition, enlarged, 1801, 1812.
296.—Songs. The Royal Sportsman's Delight: a collection in Svo, 1765, 1800, 1820. Sportsman's Delight: a collection of hunting songs in 12mo, 1790. Sportsman's Garland: five new songs. Bristol, 1770.
297.—The Chase. W. Somerville. A poem descriptive of hunting. With it is often found "Hobnol, or Rural Games" and "Field Sports," a poem. Numerous editions, 1735, 1757, 1767, etc. " Field Sports " published separately by J. Orphoot, Edinburgh, 1809, pp. 87. A good edition of The Chase and " Field Sports" annotated by E. Topham, in 12mo, from the Albion Press, 1S04, illustrated with plates and woodcuts.
298.—Periodical. The Sporting Magazine. This pioneer of sporting periodicals and general repository of all pertaining to field sports was started in 1793, and quickly became famous. The second series, started in 1815, terminated in 1842; a third was run from 1843 to 1870. The illustrations, which were particularly good, are highly prized; an index to them has been made by the Hon. F. Lawley. Demy 8vo. 1793—1880.
299.—Prints. Too numerous to specify particularly. A set published 1770 by Woollets, after Stubbs, seems to fairly represent shooting at that period.
301.—Nädigs underruttilse om Artillerie til Lands och Siös, etc. Grundels. A practical and theoretical treatise on Artillery in Swedish. Stockholm, 1705. 4to,
302.—Curieuser Kriegs- und Friedens-Stern. Geisler. Treatise on military fireworks by one who had nearly half a century of experience in the art. Dresden, 1707. Folio.
303.—Pyrophili, ars tormentaria enucleata. A textbook for gunners. Frankfort, 1703, 1707. 8vo.
304.—Anleitung fur Artillerie. Hasenbank. Hamburg, 1710. 8vo.
305.—Refutacam dos Canos, etc. Bernardino Botelho de Oliveira. A treatise on Shot Guns, among other things, and the use of them explained, demonstrated and proved. (Portuguese.) A. P. Galvam, Lisbon, 1714, 1 vol., Svo.
306.—Adeliges Land und Feld leben. W. H. von Hohberg. A book of natural history, with chapters on fowling, shooting, hunting, etc. (" Adeliches Land leben," by same author, first appeared in 1682.) Nurnberg, 1716. Folio, plates.
307.—Curieuse Vollkommene Artillerie. Geisler. A treatise on cannon. Dresden, 1718. Fol.
308.—Espingarda Perfeita. Joao Rodrigues. About improved firearms, and the rules to be observed in using them. (Portuguese.) A. P. Galvam, Lisbon, 1718. 1 vol. 4to, pp. xxxii, 183.
309.—Espingarda Perfeyta. Cesar Fioscono and Jordam Guserio. A treatise on the perfect musket, its use and capabilities. (Portuguese.) A. P. Galvam, Lisbon, 1718. 1 vol., pp. xvii, 183, 4to, with illustrations.
310.—Art de Toute Sorte de Chasse et de Pèche. A compilation, a book of which the brothers Lallemand write, "contains nothing new." Bondet, Lyon, 1719. 2 vols. I., 393 pp.; II., 430 pp.
311.—Grundsaetze dek Artillerie. Liebnechts. Frankfort, 1726. Svo.
312.—Arret. An act of the Parliament of Toulouse prohibiting the killing of partridges. 1729.
312.—De Justae Torjientorum. Heinsius. The construc
tion of cannon on mathematical principles. Leipzig,
1734. 4to.
314.—Nachricht von Gezogexen Buchsen. A. Leutmann. A translation from the Latin of an article in the Comm. Acad. Petropol. Vol. III., St. Petersburg, 1733.
315.—Grundlehren der Artillerie. {Meiniys.) Plutonei. Leipzig, 1734. Folio, 2 parts.
316.—Essai de l’application des forces centrales aus effets de la poudre a canon. Bigot de Morogues.. Experiments upon which to base a correct theory for the construction of mortars. Paris, 1737, pamphlet.
317.—Moyens de Conserver le Gibier. J. B. Simon. An amusing treatise written to interest sportswomen. We. Prudhomme, Paris, 1738, 1743. 12mo. 84 pp., frontispiece.
318.—Unterricht in der Artillerie Wissenschaft. Heinrich Vogel. Second edition, Zurich, 1739; 3rd edition, 1756. Svo.
319.—Traite des Armes. Girard. Paris, 1740, 4to.
320.—Anledning til skiuta, etc. Ehrenswerd. A treatise on theoretical and practical gunnery in Swedish. Stockholm, 1741. Svo; an enlarged edition, 1757.
321.—Amusements de la Chasse. A compilation; contains instruction for taking birds, fish, animals, and hints on sport, together with much extraneous matter. Arkslee & Merkus, Amsterdam and Leipzig, 1743. 12mo, 2 vols.
322.—Cazador Instruido. D. Juan Manuel de Arellanus. Instructions to sportsmen in the art of shooting with gun, on foot and on horseback, etc. Joseph Gonzalez, Madrid, 1745, 8vo; other editions, Madrid, 1788, Barcelona, no date, Madrid, no date, and Madrid, 1807.
323.—Memoires d'Artillerie. Saint Remy. A new edition, largely augmented by Le Blond. Paris, 1745, 1747, 4to, 3 vols. The Hague, 1741. A Eussian edition appeared about 1754. See also No. 235, 1697.
324.—Chasse. A well-written article of 32 pages, illustrated with 23 plates, by Prevost and Defehrt, appears in Diderot and Alembert's Encyclop:edie du XVIII. Siecle, 1751-72.
325.—Schutze und Jager. (Partly written by J. F. Stahl.) A manual of instruction for shooters and hunters, with directions for target shooting. Various editions. Frankfort, 1752, 1760; Stuttgart, later. Price 5 sgr.
326.—Abhandlung von der Bahn dee Geschutz Kugeln. Three treatises with this title were published at Bostock in 1754 : one by Friedrich, one by Count Graevenitz, and one by Karsten. There were many other treatises, elementary or otherwise, dealing with gunnery, trajectories, shell firing, etc., etc. Published in German, Swedish and Dutch. They are enumerated in B-unipf, and later ones in Pokier. See Bibliographies.
327.—Compendio de Artilleria. A treatise on naval gunnery; a service publication, cited by Rumpf, but not given in Almirante. Cadiz, 1754. 4to.
328.—Silva Venatoria. Don Augusterio Calvo Pinto y Velarde. The methods of hunting all kinds of birds and beasts. Gordeguela. Madrid, 1754. Svo, pp. xvi. and 303.
329.—Kriegs Bibliothek. A series of works, some relating to gunnery and muskets. The first series was edited by Groben and published in 10 vols. 4to, at Breslau. Translations in various languages in Svo, 1755-72. Another edition, 1772-80. Another "Ivriegs Bibliothek," published at Leipzig, in 5 vols. Svo, in 1815-17.
330.—L'Artillerie Nouvelle. Tronson de Coitdray. An examination of the modifications made in cannon. There were also some anonymous letters published in between 1756 and 1770. Amsterdam, 1772, 8vo; Amsterdam in 1773. They are attributed to the same author.
331.—Polvere da Fuoco. Francesco Vandelli. A work in Latin by a professor of military architecture at the Bologna Institute. Is of a controversial character, and the author propounds his own theory of the qualities of explosives. May be found in the " Oom-mentarii Bolognesi," vol. iv., B. V., part II. Bologna, 1757.
332.—Lecion de Artilleria. Tomas Cerda. A treatise by a Jesuit priest, the author of several mathematical works, cited by Rumpf and Almirante. Spanish. Barcelona, 1764. 4to.
333.—Memoire sur la Destruction des Loups. An official order printed at the Royal Press, Paris, in 1770. 4to, 4 pp.
334.—Principes Nouveaux d'Artillerie. This treatise is founded on Robins, with Wilson's additions, and was translated by Dupuys. Grenoble, 1771. Svo, 2 vols.
335.—Manuel du Chasseur. De Chaugrain. A treatise on the chase, hawking, etc., previously published as the " Almanach du Chasseur." First edition, 1773. Also in 1780 by Saugrain, Paris. 12mo. Frontispiece by Choffard.
336.—Collection de Memoires Authentiques. Expressions of different opinions on cannon and gunnery, by Gribeauval and S. Auban. Also another volume on the same subject, entitled, " Observations and Experiences." Alethopolis, 1774. 8vo.
337.—Considerations sur la Reforms des Armes. An account of the proceedings of the Council at the Invalides, Paris. Paris, 1774, fr.
338.—Mémoires de Physique. Grignon. Contains an article on the manufacture of cannon, forging barrels, etc. Paris, 1775. 4to.
339.—Gewehr-rechte Jager. J. F. Stahl. A treatise on the art of shooting with the shot gun for sporting purposes. Metzler, Stuttgart, 1776. 8vo.
340.—Memoires d'Artillerie, containing also "New Artillery," by Scheel. Copenhagen, 1777. 4to. Paris, 1798.
341.—Receuil de pieces sur un nouveau fusil. D'Aray. Paris, 1777. 8vo pamphlet.
342.—Aviceptologie Francaise. Bulliard. Natural history of game birds, etc. This book was in reality produced by a gunmaker and sporting goods dealer of Paris, named Krezne, q.v. Didot le Jeune. Paris, 1778. 12mo, 34 plates. Twelve editions have appeared.
343.—Explicacion de las Piezas, etc. Nadal y Mora. A vocabulary of the component parts of firearms, muskets, carbines, pistols, etc. Madrid, 1779. Svo.
344.—Lettees sue une Arme a Feu. Relates to a new infantry arm, and adduces evidence to show that musketry fire was not appreciated at its proper value. Contains also particulars respecting a new pattern Prussian rifle. Avignon, 1780. 8vo.
345.—Chasse au Fusil. Magnè de Marolles. This book is very frequently quoted by writers on firearms and gunmaking. The author was born at Tourouvre (Orne), France, and employed in the King's Household. Ho died at Paris when about sixty years of age, in the year 1792. The first edition of his book had six plates illustrating arms—(1) the marks of barrel-makers ; and (2) plans. Tables of contents, xvi and 582 pp. The 1836 edition has ten plates, xvi and 494 pp. Paris, 1788, 183G.
346.—Anfangs grunde der Geschuetz Kunst. Fuchs. An elementary treatise on artillery shooting. Gotha, 1790. 8vo.
347.—Versuch uber die Gewehrfabriken. G. E. L. von Timaeus. This treatise on gunmaking, the art of shooting, and sport with tho gun, appears to be a compilation by a well-known publisher, and is said to have been derived from English sources. I have been unable to examine a copy. Reinecke, Leipzig, 1792. 8vo, 8 plates.
348.—Resumen Sacado, etc. D. Ig. Ahadia. An account of the arms in tho Royal Armoury, Madrid. (Spanish.) Madrid, 1793. 8vo.
349.—Compendio Historico de los Arcabueeros de Madrid. Isidoro Soler. A compendious history of the gun-niakers of Madrid, with the marks they use and the current counterfeits of them. Aznar, Madrid, 1795. 1 vol. 4to.
350.—Dictionnaiee de Toutes Especes de Chasses. Fr. Lacombe. A compilation published with the same illustrations as used in L'Encyclopaedie du XVIII. Siecle, of which it forms the 19th part. Agasse, Paris, 1795. 1 vol. and atlas of 32 plates. 4to.
[Note.—The compiler has not included in the foregoing list of eighteenth-century books several works which treat of gunnery, the use of artillery, etc., incidentally, as part of the general scheme of works devoted to such subjects as fortification, military architecture, tactics, discipline, or naval matters; particulars of such books are readily ascertained upon reference to military bibliographies. In the same manner some books of minor interest have been omitted. In the following short list are given titles of books, J1SS. and articles, chiefly of Italian origin, the dates and some other particulars of which the compiler has been unable to verify.]
351.—Esercizio d’Artigliera e maneggio del Fucile. Ant. Sorra. A treatise on artillery and musketry drill. Venice. 1703. 4to.
352.—La Nobilita e Virtu, che ha in se la virtuosissima professione del vera archisbusiere, composta per suo divertimento, etc. Cartello de Lari. This is a manuscript, circa 1714, praising the soldiers' calling, and is said to be written facetiously. Codice della Marcelliana ccclxxv.
353.—Dissegni d'ogni sorta de cannoni et mortari. Particulars of the various kinds of cannon, mortars, construction, weight, loads, ranges, etc., with directions. A manuscript of the Salluziana collection, date 1732.
354.—Sentimento sopra la prova delle polvere. A MS. treating of gunpowder tests, etc. Now in the Turin library, date 1745.
355.—Sperienze intorno alla carica, etc. Experiments relating to loads, ranges, possible weights of cannon, etc., cited by Balbo in his " Life of Papacino." Supposed to have been written at Valetta, Malta, 1747. Marandone of Turin supposed author.
356.—Sperienze su la Lunghezza de Tiri. Experiment to ascertain the range of cannon. D. Vincenti. Turin, 1754. [357 manca]
358.—Artigleria Veneta. Domenico Gasperoni. A rare book treating of Venetian artillery, and the author promised another dealing with ancient arms, but this does not appear to have been written. " Artigleria " has 20 engraved plates. Venice, 1779.
359.—Regolamento, respecting dimensions of the barrel, bayonet, lock, etc., of the infantry musket, 1788 model. Naples, 1793.
360.—Polvora. D. Pedro Castro. A paper in which proofs are set out that gunpowder was used in Italy prior to 1380. MS. now in the library of the Acad. de la Hist., Madrid; written about 1767.
361.—Polvora. Espicion de Castro. A MS. treating of the sale of gunpowder; gives also some particulars concerning the use of the arqubus and artillery, and a history of firearms generally. (Ayala.) Bib. de F. San Roman. Sig. xvi, folio 43.
362.—Esamine della polvere. D. Antonio, P. A. de Villafranca. Published at Turin, 1763. 8vo.
363.—Machina. G. Casale. An account of a special machine designed in order to prove certain theories of ballistics. The description is included in Vol. V.,
364.—Arte Fabrile. Petrini Antonio da Firenze. This treatise has some particulars of the manufacturing arts of possible interest to gunmakers. See No. 156.
365.—Dissertatio Artiglieria. Various MSS. with this title are among the MSS. Salluziana.
366.—Stato dell' Artigleria. A MS. in the Parmense collection.
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