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Bibliografia tratta dall'opera di Wirt Gerrare, A bibliography of Guns and shooting, Westminster 1894
1.—Re Militari. Robertus Valturius. In twelve books, of which the tenth deals with artillery et inventu hominum varius reperitur. The illustrations to the Paris edition of 1532 are more numerous than in the Verona edition of 1483, and give exact representations of bombards, hand cannon, etc., and show also the manner in which they were used from ox waggons, ships, fortifications, gun carriages, etc. An arrangement of eight cannon, like the spokes of a vertically pivoted wheel, is shown ; also the Turris Tormentaria, et alia niirabilis machla. Verona, 1472 and 1483 ; Paris, 1532. Polio.
2.—Ensalada y avisos del Arcubuz. Alejo de Puelles. A manuscript dating back to 1500, and cited by D. N. Antonio y Huerta as existing in the library of the Escurial. (Spanish.)
3.—Trattato di Artigliera. A sixteenth-century manuscript (codice della Riccardiana). Is divided into eight chapters, and has a vocabulary explaining such words as " gragnuola," " balzo," " cespi." (Italian.) Venice (?). 1529-39.
4.—Neue und bewerke Recept. Pisch und Vogel zu fahen. The contents of this book " of all manner of recipes for taking birds, beasts and fishes," are not known to the compiler. (German.) 1530. In 8vo.
5.— Ordnusg. Nahmen und Zahl aller Biichsen. v. Preuss. A list of military troops, arms, and a classification of ordnance. (German.) Strasburg, 1530.
6.—Ballestas Mosquetes y Arcabuces. Pablo del Fucar. A book on sporting firearms, cited by bibliographers, but not generally known. (Spanish.) Naples, 1535.
7.—Istruzione dei Bombardieri. Gabrielo Busca. A bibliographical rarity, contains " things useful to know." A soldiers' handbook, frequently quoted; usually appeared in small 4to. (Italian.) Venice, 1545, 1554, 1559. Carmagnola, 1584. Turin, 1598.
8.—Quesiti et Inventioni Diverse. Nicolas Tartaglia. An incomplete treatise in Latin on the invention and qualities of artillery; first appeared in Venice 1528, according to Ayala. The 1546 edition, usually accredited as the first, is dedicated to Carlo VIII., King of England. See Journal des Amies Speciales, June, 1845.
9.—Trattato della Caccia. Dominico Mazzo Bocca. Book VIII. has a colophon " which finishes the eighth book of M. D. Bocca Mazzo, in which is narrated the various and diverse things belonging to the chase." (Italian.) Cartolari Perosina. Rome, 1548. 4to.
10.—Ordonnance. A Royal Edict forbidding the taking of game or its sale or purchase. Paris, 1549. Small 8vo, 8 pp.
11.—Sclopetorum sive Archibusorum Vulneribus. Alfonso Ferro. A treatise on the wounds caused by firearms, and one of the earliest on the subject. Rome, 1552.
12.—Ordonnances. Edicts of Henry II. of France respecting sporting and forest rights. Paris, 1554. Small 8vo.
13.—Modo di fer Diverse Sorte di Fuochi Artificiali. An Italian sixteenth-century MS. (codice della Magliabecchiana classe xix. n. 7), and makes mention of a battery in Brescia in 1564. It is almost entirely taken up with the preparation of saltpetre and its use for military fireworks.
14.—Avvertimenti e esamini intorno a quelle cose che richiedemo a un perfetto bombardiero. Girolamo Cataneo. This book forms the fifth portion of the author's "Arte Militare." T. Bezola, Brescia, 1567, in 4to, Venetia, 15S2; and A. Solicato, Vinegia, 1596, 4to.
15.—Arte di fare le Arme et i Fucili. G. Cataneo. One of the first treatises on the art of making firearms. The -writer was the author of " Arte Militare," and is usually described as of Novara. This treatise is quoted by Gassendi and Cotty, but is not known to bibliographers, nor is a copy known to exist; it is supposed to have been issued at Brescia about 1577.
16.—Buchsenmeisterie. A treatise on artillery, gunnery, etc., attributed to the Emperor Maximilian I. 1569.
17.—Machinis Bellicis. Heronis mechanici. An edition of Hero, by Francesco Baroccio, Venice. Another work by Bernardino Baldo is more common. Its title is " Heronis Chesibii Belopeeca, hoc est telifactiva, etc." The text in Latin and Greek. This book does not contain any reference to firearms, although translators and annotators occasionally mention them, and attempts have been made to read various references into the text. Venice, 1578.
18.—Discours sur l'Artillerie. A MS. among the archives of the town of Turin. Attributed to S. A. Due Charles Emmanuel. Turin, 1580.
19.—Pratica Manuale per l’Artiglieria. Luigi Colliado. A complete treatise on artillery, ancient and modern. The history of the art of war and the engines used therein. Pyrotechny and the making of artificial fireworks, etc., etc. The author was a Spaniard, long settled in Italy, and writing the Tuscan dialect. Various editions of the work appeared; in some the author's name is printed Collado. (Italian.) Dusmelli, Venice, 1586, folio. Bordoni e Locarni, Milan, 1606; Milan, F. Ghisolfi, 1641, in 4to.
20.—Arte of Shooting in Great Ordnance. Contayning very necessary matters for all sortes of Seruitores eyther by sea or by lande. Written by William Bourne. The first book in English dealing with gunnery. On it, or on foreign works, the better known books of Norton, Moore and Nye were based. It is dedicated to Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick. The introductory preface consists of 5 pp. in italics, then 94 pp. text, in black letter, and 2 pp. table of contents. London; printed by Thomas Dawson for Thomas Woodcocke, 1587.
21.-—Patheway of Military Practice, with a kalender for the ymbattelinge of men. Bamabie Riche. A tract on military exercises. Riche, London, 1587.
22.—Macchine Diverse et Artifiziose. Captain Ramelli. Paris, 1588.
23.—Pathwaye of Militarye Practise. Three Bookes of Collequies concerning the Art of Shooting in great and small pieces of artillery, variable randges, etc. This is a translation of the Italian of Nicolas Tartaglia, by Cyprian Lucar, who also augmented the volume. Whether or not this is the same "Pathway" as that published by Riche, the compiler has been unable to discover. London, 1588, folio. Another edition, entitled " Lucar Solace," in four books, 1590, 4to.
24.—Ballad. Discrybinge the vallure of our Englishe archers and shotte that accompanied the Black Prince of Portugal, their governor, into the fieldes on Twees-dale, the 12 of August, with the welcome into Lyme Streete, by Master Ilucih Ojfley. Jones, London, 1589.
25.—Booke of Honour and Armes, wherein is discoursed the causes of quarrel, and the nature of iniuries with their repulces, with the meanes of satisfaction and pacification. A treatise on duelling. Richard Jones, London, 1589.
26.—Military Discipline. In Spanish, by D. S. de Lomdomo, with one other booke, entitled The Office of the Sergent Maioor. One of several like works on the ordering of troops, etc. J. Woolf, London, 1589.
27.—Certen Discourses Concerning the great mistakinge of the effectes of diverse sortes of wepons, and chiefly of the musket, calyuer, and long bowe ; and of the use of archers. Compiled by Sir John Smith. This is the gravest charge brought against the use of firearms for military purposes, by a commander who bad much experience in Spain. Mr. Humphrey Barwick took up the case on behalf of the musketeers and bombardiers, and Sir John Smith subsequently modified his views, but remained the staunch champion of the English long-bowmen. See the " British Bowman " for an abstract of the work, which in the original state is very scarce. The MS. is in the Harleian Collection. Bich. Jones, London, 1590.
28.—Breefe Discourse, concerning the force and effect of all manual] weapons of fire, and the disability of the long bowe or archery in respect of all others now in use. With sundry probable reasons for the verifying thereof; the which I have doone of dutye towards my soveraigne and country, and for the better satisfaction of all such as are doubtfull of the same. Written by Humfrey Barwick, gentleman, souldier, and captaine. Et encor plus oultre. A continuation of the musket-bow controversy led by Sir J. Smith, this little manual of 42 pp. is a brief for firearms, and was soon answered by Sir J. Smith, who admitted that firearms had their use. See "The English Bowman," 1810. Bich. Olife, 1591, 4to, black letter, 42 pages, with a folding woodcut manual.
29.—Tratado de Artilleria. J. Ferrufino. A manuscript in the National Library, Madrid. The work of an Italian who left Milan in 1588, for an appointment as Director of Artillery. 1591, 1595.
30.—Unterricht. Kaspar Burger. How to shoot from fortifications or in the field, the ordering of ordnance and the loading of arms. (German.) Strassburg, 1591. 4to.
31.—Instruzzione de Bombardieri. Eugenio Gentillini. A manual for gunners. (Italian.) Venice, 1592. 4to.
32.—Manner How to Handle Weapons Safely, as well offensive as defensive. Giacomo de Gresse. A translation of an inferior Italian treatise. J. Jagger, London, 1593.
33.—Certen Instructions, observaconns and orders militarie requisite for all cheeftaines, captaines, and higher and lower men of charge. Sir John Smithe, Knight. Another treatise by the chief advocate for the suppression of hand guns in the British Army. Rich. Jones, London, 1594.
34.—Absolute Soldier, or Pollicee of Arms. Ponsonby, London, 1595.
35.—Hawking, Hunting, Fowling, Fishing, with the true measures of blowing. Will Gryndall. This book is rarely found: whether or not it treats of shooting is not known by the compiler. London, 159G, folio. [Not in British Museum.]
36.—Poliorceticon sive de Machiniis. Justus Lipsius. An account of the artillery of the ancients, in five books, of which the fifth is the only one treating of Tormentis, or firearms. The writer was born in 1547, and, according to Scaliger, was venerated almost as a deity in the Netherlands. This book is usually found bound up with other books, commonly with De Cruce, published the following jTear. (Latin.) Antwerp, 1596, folio, 263 pp. plates ; included also in complete edition of works, published in 1665.
37.—Buchsenmeisterei. The art of gunnery, and directions for making guns, muskets, powder, projectiles, and fireworks. (German.) Frankfort, 1597.
38.—Nomi dell' Artiglieria. An Italian sixteenth-century MS. (codice della Riccardiana). The writer was on board a Venetian vessel in 1597 at Lisbon preparing for the invasion of England. Among other matters dealt with are English usages in comparison with those prevalent in Lisbon and among the Venetians.
39.—Theorie and Practise op Modern Wars, descoursed in dialogewise. Ponsonby, London, 1597.
40.—Corona e Palma Militare di Artigliera. Alexandro Capobianco. A treatise on artillery, measuring instruments, mathematics, and gunnery. Bariletti, Venice, 1598, 1602, 1618, 1647, fol.
41.—Diana of George of Monte Mayor, done out of the Spanish into English by Bartholomew Younge, gent. Geo. Bysshop, London, 9 September, 1598.
42.—Arte op Gunnery, by Thos. Smythe, of Barwycke-upon-Tweed, souldyer. London, 1599.
43.—Buchsenmeisterei und Feuerwerkerei. Brechtel. A treatise on firearms and fireworks. Nurnberg, 1599. Svo.
44.—Maison Rustique, or The Countrie Farme, compiled in the French Tongue by Charles Stevens and John Liebault, doctors of physicke, and translated into English by Richard Surflet, practitioner in physicke. Also A Short Collection of the Hunting op the Hart, "Wilde Bore, Hare, Foxe, Gray Conie, of Birds and Faulconrie, the contents whereof are to be seen in the page following. London, printed by Edm. Bollifant for Bonham Norton, 1600.
Another edition Maisox Rustique, or The Countrey Farme, compiled in the French Tongue by Charles tStevens and John Liebault, doctors of physicke, and translated into English by Richard Surflet; now newly reviewed, corrected, and augmented, with divers large additions, out of the works of Serres, his Agriculture, Vinct, his Maison Chapestrc (French); Albyterio in Spanish, Grilli in Italian, and other authors. And the husbandrie of France, Italy, and Spaine, reconciled and made to agree with ours here in England, by Gervase Markliam, the whole contents are in the page following (see below). London, by Adam Islip for John Bill, 1616. Illustrations. Folio.
This is the First Edition edited by Gervase Markliam. The following is a summary of the contents: "Whatsoever can be required for the building, or good ordering, of a Husbandman's House, or Countrey Farme; as, namely, to foresee the changes and alterations of Times; to know the motions and powers of the Sunne and Moone, upon the things about which Husbandry is occupied : as, to cure the sieke labouring man, to cure Beasts and flying Fowles of all sorts ;
OR Petum (with a woodevt of the plant), as also of the root Meehoacan: to Plant, Graft, and Order Orange-trees, Citron-trees, and such other strange trees : to order Bees : to make Conserves : to preserve Fruites, Flowers, Eoots, and Rindes : to make Honey and Wax : to plant and graft
of Cervices, and Oyles : to distil Waters and Oyles, or Quintessences, of whatsoever the Husbandman's store and encrease, with manie patternes of Limbcckes for the distilling of them : to feed and preserve Silkworms : to make and maintaine Medow-groundes: Fishponds of Running or Standing Waters : to take Fishes : to measure and tyll Corne-ground: to bake Bread : to trimme Vines : to make medicinable wlnes ; with a verrie large and excellent discourse touching the nature and qualitie of Wine in General : and after that, another special and particular one. OF all such Wines as grow in Gasconie, Languedoc, Touraine, Orleans, Paris, and other countries of France : to Plant Woods of Timber-trees and Undcr-growth : to make a warren; to breed Herons : and to imparke Wild Beasts. As also a large discourse of Hunting the Hart, Wild Boke, Hare, Fox, Gray Conie, and such like : with the ordering of Hawkes, and all sorts of Birds, and lastly in the end thereof, is briefly shewed the nature, manner of taking, and feeding of the Nightingale, Linnet, Goldfinch. Siskin, Larke, and other such singing melodious birds."
The original French edition appeared in 1566, founded upon L'Agriculture et Maison Rustique of the same author {Charles Estienne), published in Paris in 1564, Lyons 1565, and Antwerp 1565, and in Pans 1565. A similar book, Pr/EDIum Rusticum, in Latin, appeared in 1554. Other editions of this country encyclopaedia are given by Souhait as follows Paris, 1567, 1570, 1570 (Geneva imprint), 1572, 1573, 1574, 1576, 1578, 1583, 1586 (two editions), 1589, 159S (three editions), 1612, 1620, and 1683. Rouen, 1598 (three editions), 1600, 1602 (three editions), 1608 (two editions), 1620 (two editions), 1G24, 1625 (three editions), 1629, 1632, 1641, 1646, 1647, 1655, 1656, 1658 (three editions), 1664, 1665, 1666 (three editions), 1668, 1674, 1676 (two editions), 1677, 1685, 1698 (two editions). Lyons, 1578, 1583, 1584, 1586 (two editions), 1590, 1591, 1595, 1597, 1607, 160S, 1610, 1611, 1628, 1637 (two editions), 1645, 1650, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1659, 1667, 16S0 (two editions), 1686, 1689, 1698, and 1702. Geneva, 1569. Montluel, 1572. Luneville, 1577. Cologne, 1695; there was also an edition (unidentified) in 1660. In Italian, as L' Agricultura e casa di Villa, it appeared at Venice, 1581, 1591, 1668, 1677. Turin, 1582, 1583, 1590, 1609, 1623. As Bucher von dem Leldbaw in German, at Strassburg, 1580 and 1588. In Dutch as Hof-Stede en Landt-huts. Dordrecht, 1612. The numerous editions are accounted for by the publication of an appendix, Ohasse aux Loups, almost annually.45.—Artillerie. Graf Solms. A manuscript in the Hesse-Darmstadt Ducal Library.
46.—Due Trattati di Artiglieria. Two volumes of manuscript in the Parmense collection.
47.—Istruzione intorno al modo di preparare le Artiglierie Militari. A manuscript formerly in the Royal Library, Paris; probably destroyed.
48.—Su' Cannoni. A manuscript in the Vatican collection (389 art. G7).
49.—Manuale. Carlo Giudotti da Mantova. A manual for the bombardier, presumed to have been written or compiled by the Commandant of Artillery of Lecce (Loffredo Lecco). Twenty-three chapters. Vatican
(la numerazione ricomincia da 101; non è un errore!
101.—Imperatorum Regum atque archiducum . . . quorum Arma in Ambrosianre arces armamento conspiciuntur. Jac. Schrenck. A very rare work on armour, with 129 full-length figures of knights in full suits, and useful as a sidelight upon the arms of the period. A copy is priced by Quaritch at .£12 12s. j^Enoponti, 1601.
102.—Macchine. Achille Tarducci. A treatise on the engines of war used against the Hungarians at Vaccia in 1597, and in the Transylvanian Campaign of 1600. Contains also comparisons of the weapons of the ancients with those used in the seventeenth century. (Italian.) Ciotti, Venice, 1601 and 1631.
103.—A Spedie way fob the wynnisge of any Beeache. Bound up with a tract on the use of " Cole baules " for " fyer " and " some other new and seruisable invensions answerable to the tyme." Short, London, 1602.
104.—Della Caccia. Erasmo di Valvasone. A poem in five cantos, written in the sixteenth century, and probably first published at Padova in 1593. The compiler's copy appears to have been printed at Venice in 1602, for F. Bolzetta, of Padova. The title states that the text is " Pucowetta et di molte stanze ainpliata. Con le annotation! di M. Olimpio Marcucci." Several plates, sporting firearms shown, also pictures of shooting with them at boar, deer, etc. 252 pp. text, 40 pp. notes, six plates. Venice, 1602.
105.—Istruzzioni de Bomibardieri. Orlandi. Cited by Ayala. Rome, 1G02. 4to.
10G.—Trattato di Scienza d'Arme. Cornelius Agrippa. Cited by Rumpf. Venice, 1601.
107.—Elements de l'Aktillerie. Flurance Rivauult. Watts says this is a rare and curious work. It is mentioned by llumpf, but does not appear in the catalogues of the chief general or technical libraries. Paris, 1605.
108.—Appareil des Machines de Guerre. (Also known as "Forge de Vulcain.") Ch. de Saint Julien. A curious treatise in which is specified a variety of warlike engines and arms. It treats also of the materials used, and the construction of the machines, their appearance, and the effects caused by their proper use. Guill. de Voys. The Hague, 1606. Svo.
109.—Briefve instruction sur le faict de l'Artillerie de France. Daniel Davelcourt. An account of French cannon and a treatise on gunnery. Paris, 2nd edition, 1608. Svo.
110.—L'arcenal de la milice francaise. " Fumee." Paris, 1608.
111.—Maniement d'Arhes ; d'arquebuses, mousquets et piques, en confomité du Prince Maurice d'Orange. Jacob de Gheyn. The Hague, 1608. Folio.
112.—Arcenal et Magasin de l'Artillerie. D. Davelcourt. Contains also the " Brieve Instruction," which see ante. Paris, 1610. Svo.
113.—Istruttione d'Artiglieri. D'ayalo Santo Ajello. The instructions give the practice usual in the kingdom of Sicily at the time. Palermo, 1G10, 8vo; another edition in 4to in 1689.
114.—Recherches et Considerations sue le faict de l'Artillerie. D. Davelcourt. Also the "Epitome ou abrcgee, contenant ruaximes, etc." A rare treatise on the artillery of the French. Napoleon I. is said to have sought in vain for a copy. An incomplete copy sold at the Laing sale for £1 10s. Quaritch prices a copy at £5 5s. Paris, 1G10, 1619, five vols., sometimes bound as one. 12mo.
115.—Noble Arte of Venerie. Paris, 1611. 4to.
116.—Artilleria. Diego Ufano. This treatise on the artillery used in Flanders has been extensively copied, and served as a basis for the works of Hancelet, Siemenowicz, Saint Remy, and some English writers. The first edition appeal's to have been published at Brussels in 1612 or 1613, a second, also in Spanish, at Brussels in 1617. In 1614 French and German editions wore published at Frankfort by Theo. de Bry, also Zutphen, 1621, and Eouen, 1628. It was Englished by Eldred (q.v.), and in 1643 a Polish translation by ./. Deckau was published at Lesznie. Usually folio in three parts, about 179 pp.
117.—Buchsenmeisterei. Zuebler. Geometrical gunnery : a manual of instruction for Artillerymen. Zurich, 1614. 4to.
118.—Buchsenmeisterei-compendium. A cyclopaedia of gunnery. Strashurg, 1616. 8vo.
119.—London's Artillery. R. Niccols.
120.—Recherches et Considerations sur le Faict de l'Artillerie. D. Davelcourt. A work on experimental and theoretical gunnery. Paris, 1617. In Svo.
121.—Archilen-Kriegs Kunst. V. Wallhausen. The Art of War (German). Hanau, 1617. Folio.
122.—Caccia. Poema heroico. Alessandro Gatti. An epic poem on the chase. Italian blank verse. Printed in London. (?) Imprint, Gio Billio, London, 1619. Svo.
123.—Geschoss und Feueewerk. Theo. de Bry. Given by Paunpf; is probably a later edition of Ufano. V. supra, anno 1613. Frankfort, 1619.
124.—Dissertatio de Bombardis. Besoldi, 1620. Given by Itumpf.
125.—Kriegs und Archillen Kunst. Ruscelli. A translation of "Precetti della Militia Moderna," Part I. (German.) Frankfort, 1620.
126.—Waffenhandlung der Musketen und Piken. Isselburg. A book of drill and military practice. (German.) Nurnberg, 1620. 4to.
127.—Waffenhandlung von den Rohren, Musketen, und Spiessen. Jacob de Gheyn. See No. Ill, supra.
128.—Artiglieria. Pietro Sardi. Italian romance, divided into three books. G. Guerrigli, Venice, 1621. Folio.
128.—Edits, etc., Augmentes des Ordonnances du Roi Henri, sur le Port d'Arquebuses. This compilation was made by M. Durand. Cramoisy, Paris, 1621. In Svo.
130.—Oplomachia. A treatise on the manner of using arms. (Spanish.) Siena, 1621.
131.—Traité d'Artillerie. Diego Ufano. A translation from the Spanish, published at Zutphen, 1621, Rouen, 1628, and in German, at Frankfort, in 1621. V. supra, anno 1613.
132.—Essay des Merveilles de Nature. (Etienne Binet) Rene Francois. A cyclopaedia of little interest; has a few pages on arms and sports. (French.) Twelve editions published, 1621—1726. Osmont, Rouen, 1622. 4to.
133.—Discours von der Artillerie. Schwachii. Is said to be a copy of Ufano. "Dresden, 1624, 4to
134.—Breve trattato d'alcune inventioni che sono state fatte per rinforzare e raddoppiare i tiri degli archibugi e moschetti. Guliano Bossi. This book, which apparently existed in manuscript in 1616, is one of the most important dealing with ancient gunmaking, giving as it does minute particulars, more especially with reference to double guns. Bossi was an Italian inventor, who resided for some years in the Netherlands, and is believed to have made gun-making his profession. An author of several pamphlets treating of arms. (Italian.) G. Verdussen. Antwerp, 1625. In 12mo.
135.—Kriegs Munitions und Artillerie Buch. Ammon. Frankfort, 1625.
130.—Ordonnance et Placcart . . . sur le port des Arqucbuzes. (French.) Braxelles, 1625.
137.—Soldiers'Accidence. Gervase Markham. An introduction to military discipline, for Infantrie, Foote Bandes, Cavalry, and Horse Troopes. Bellamy, London, 1625. 4to, 66 pp.
133.—Trattato Cinegetico. Fr. Birago. A rare tract on sport. (Italian.) B. Bidelli. Milan, 1626. 18 pp. (one blank).
139.—Halanitro-pyrobolia. Josephus Furttenbach. A new art of gunnery, pyrotechny, and treatise on the manufacture of saltpetre. V. infra, anno 1643. Ulm, 1627. Folio.
140.—Gunner. Robert Norton. Showing the whole practice of artillerie, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, together with the making of artificial fireworks. Wrote also "Historie of Queen Elizabeth," and published revised or annotated editions of Stevin's "Disme, or Art of Tenths"; Bourne's "Gunner's Dialogue," 164.3; Digge's "Art of Great Artillery," 1624. H. Robinson, London, 1628. Folio.
141.—Order. The effect of certain, branches of the Statute made in anno 33 Henry VIII., treating the maintenance of artillerie, and the punishment of such as use unlawful games, to be put in execution by order from the King's Majestie. London (black letter), 1621. S. sh. folio.
142.—Whole Art of Gunnery. Sir John Smith. The writer of the Bow and Musket controversy. London, 1G2S. 4to.
143.—.Treatise of Artificial Fireworks ; both for Warres and Recreation. Francis Malthus. A translation from the French. Hawkins, London, 1G29. Svo.
144. .— -Dissertatio di belli fulmine langreano, quo
plures ordine et distincto incendio, globi ex uno eodemaque tormento exploduntur. An account of a wonderful invention in pyrotechny; a destructive bomb for use with mortars. Bruxelles, 1630. Pamphlet.
145.—Mysteries of ^Nature. John Bate. A treatise in four parts, of which the second deals with " fyer-workes." T. Harper, for Pi. Mab. London, 1G34 and 1635. 4to.
146.—Origen y Dignidad de la Caza. D. Juan Mateos. A first-class book treating fully of arms for sporting purposes, and illustrated with numerous woodcuts. Is one of the best books for details of the construction of antique sporting guns. (Spanish.) Madrid, 1634. 1 vol. 4to.
147.-—Pyrotechnica, or a discourse in Artificial Fireworks, whereunto is added a treatise of Geometry. John Babington (a gunner). In three parts. London, 1635. Folio.
148,—Parallela horoscopa, seu de directione tormentorum. An anonymous treatise on ballistics and the science of gunnery; the first book on the subject printed in Poland. (Latin.) Vilna, 1536. 4to.
149.—Pyrotechnie. Lorrain Hazelet. The secrets of machines and of artificial fireworks. 1636, 4to.
150.—Discours sur les machines des victoires et conquetes. Douet. Paris, 1637. In 12mo.
151.—Directions for Musters. Wherein is showed the order of drilling for the musket and pike . . . set forth in pictures, with the words of command and brief instructions for the right use of the same. T. Buck and E. Daniels, Cambridge, 1638. 4to.
152.—Martyr'd Souldier. Henry Shirley. A Tragedy in five acts and in verse; edited by I. K. J. Okes, London, 1638. 4to.
153.—Compleat Cannoniere, or The Gukner's Guide, by John Roberts. The author of a tract, entitled " Great Yarmouth's exercise, in a very compleat and marshal] manner, performed by their Artillerymen," published in 1638, of which this book is apparently an enlargement. The author is described as a gentleman of Bath. J. Okes, London, 1639. 4to.
154.—Scolare Bombardiere. Alex. Chincherni. A manual of instruction for the gunner. (Italian.) G. Gironi, Ferrara, 1640. In 8vo.
155.—La Caccia dell' Arcobuzio. Cap. Vita Bonfadini. One of the earliest books on sport with firearms. Marolles drew from it for his " Essai." (Italian.) First appeared at Bologna, 1C40. Other editions : Ferrini, Bologna, 1641; Milan, 1647-8; Ferrara, 1652; Bologna, 1672; Venice, 1691; Bologna, 1729; Bologna and Bassano, no date. See No. 175.
156.—Arte Fabrile. Ant. Petrini. A treatise on the useful arts by a Florentine master. Deals particularly with the nature of metals; various inventions relating to arms; the duties of a bombardier. Various editions have different titles. (Italian and Latin.) Florence, 1641, or earlier.
157.—Arte militare. Gio. Batt.Colombina. A manual for the soldier, with particulars of Artillery and instructions for its use. The first edition of this book, from the press of M. Antonio, Trevigi, 1G08, is exceedingly rare; a second edition is said to have appeared at Venice in 1617. See " Arte della Guerra." (Italian.) Guinti, Venice, 1641. In 4to.
158.—Practica di Artigleria. E. Gentilini. See supra, No. 31. Venice, 1641.
159.—Practyke der Bosschieterye. Wilhelm Claesz van Utrecht. A manual in the Netherlands vernacular for the artilleryman. (Dutch.) Rotterdam, 1641 ; Utrecht, 1659 ; and Amsterdam, 1695 and 1696.
160.—Pratica moderna dell' Artiglieria. Luigi Collado. See ante, No. 19. (Italian.) Milan, 1641.
161.—Maneggio dell' armi moderno. Galezzo Gualdo Priorato. A small handbook on the use of arms, and manual training for soldiers. (Italian.) Vicenza, 1642. 12mo.
162.—Tradado de Artilleria. Lazaro de la Isla. Lisbon, 1642.
163.—Buchsenmeisterie Schule. J. Furtenbach. The School for Gunners, by the author of "Halynitro-pyrobolia," or Particulars of Gunnery, published at Ulma in 1627. This treatise was published at Frankfort in 1643. (German.)
164.—Military Discipline, or The Young Artilleryman. Captain W. Barriffe. London, 1643, 3rd edition. Small 4to.
165.—Arte de Ballesteria y Monteria. Alenzo Martinez del Espinar. The treatise from which Marolles drew his information of gunmaking in Spain. Madrid, 1 vol. 4to, 1644. Last edition 1761.
166.—Ballistica et ancontismologia in qua sagittarum jaculorum et aliorum missilium jactus et robur arcuum explicatur. Merseuni. A treatise on external ballistics and the science of gunnery. Paris, 1644.
167.—De motu gravtum et naturaliter projectorum, Torricelli. Florence, 1644. 4to.
168.—Lecciones de Artilleria. T. de Cerda. Madrid, 1644.
169.—Nouvelle Fortification. N. Goldman. A pretty book, illustrated with numerous plates, of no particular value apart from its form. Elzevir, Leyden, 1645.
170.—Gunner's Glasse, set forth by way of dialogue between an experienced gunner and a scholler, with tables of randomes, whoreunto is annexed a part of the excellent work of Diago Uffans. William Eldred. Practically a translation from the Spanish of Diego Ufano. London, January 16, 1646, O.S. 4to.
171.—Ars magna Artilleria. Casimir Siemenowicz. A standard work on the art of war. The contents will be given in the account of the English translation published 1729. Early editions are rare. Folio, with plates, Amsterdam (Latin text), 1650, (French) 1651, (Italian) 1651. A translation by Daniel Elrich into German, published at Frankfort in 1676, and same year and place a translation by Noiset.
172.—Complete Body of tiie Art Military. Richard Elton. 3 parts. London, 1650, fol., and 1654.
173.—Polvora. Maria Afflito. The treatises of this Spanish General are known as "Muniendarum urbium methodus modernus, de munitione et fortificatione, b. 2" (Bib. Magliabechiana, MS. of 1650). The more important is " De igne et ignivomis," 1661 (see Dormer): cap. 5 treats of " belico pulvere," cap. 6 " pyrobolis ac bombis." See infra, " Breve Trattato," No. 241.
174.—Pratique de la Guerre. Malthus. A treatise in French concerning the use of artillery, bombs, mortars, artificial fireworks, petards, mines, bridges, earthworks, etc., etc. Paris, 1G50.
175.—Caccia dell' Arcobugio. Captain Vita Bonfadini. A treatise on the use of firearms for sporting purposes and the art of shooting in the wing, together with a lot of miscellaneous information for the use of sportsmen. A clever little work with wonderful illustrations of arms, showing the various bores and how to gauge them with fingers and thumb, of powder and shot measures, of a pistol candlestick invented by the author for the use of students, and some curious information concerning the manufactm-e of firearms, gunpowder and shot. Dedicated to Benedetto Macciavelli; has a laudatory poem on the Arqubus, by Mariscotti, and one by Carlo Possenti on the invention of powder. Giuseppe Gironi, Ferrara, 1652. Small 12mo, 102 pp.
176.—Tractatus de Armis. Joh. de Bado Anreo (Rumpf). Ed. Bessaei. London, 1G54.
177.—Tratado de la Caza del Brelo. Fernando Tamariz de la Escaler. A treatise on the use of the Arcubus for sporting purposes given in ten chapters, viz. :— I. General rules. II. On the management of the Arcubus. III. On loading the weapon. IV. Loading for special purposes. V. Shot-gun shooting. VI. Rules to be observed hi the field. VII. Game seasons. VIII. Habits of game. IX. Hints to shooters. X. Final directions. Laas Deo, and an appendix on the setting dog and how to use it. Title, J-title, 4 pp.; dedication, authorisation, 1 p.; and address to the reader, 4 pp. 31 pp. text. Madrid, 1G54. 12mo.
178.—Secret Shooting of the wicked reproved. James Naylor. The incoherences of a lunatic Quaker. London, 1G55. Folio.
179.—Buchsenmeister Discours. Schreiber. A dialogue on the art of gunnery, etc., and a treatise of military fireworks (German). Brieg, 165G. Folio.
180.—Oil du Cannon, ou la mire Francaise. Chevillard. Paris, 1657.
181.—Fortii militaria, cum imaginibus instrumentorum projectorum. Amsterdam, 1660.
182.—Plusieurs models des plus Nouvelles Manieres qui sont en usage en l'art d'arquibuzerie. Jacquinet. Specimens of firearms and the manner in which they are ornamented, by a Paris artisan. Only one copy known ; but see No. 1038, for particulars of Quaritch's reprint. Paris, 1660. Folio, plates.
183.—Compleat Canoneer. Anonymous. Showing the principles and grounds of the art of gunnery, as also of fireworks for sea and land. London, 1661.
184.—Busschietery Konst. F. van Zedlitz. A gunner's manual in the Netherlands vernacular. Amsterdam, 1662. 12mo. The same treatise in German. Frankfort, 1676. 12mo.
185.—Real Caza de Volateria. Joseph de Xibaja and Diego de Morales. An official publication. Madrid, 1664. Folio, 22 pp.
186.—Bericht von Geschutz. Breslau, 1666.
187.—Traite’ des Blessures. Pierre Dailly. A surgeon's book treating of the nature of wounds caused by firearms. (French.) Paris, 1668.
188.—Artilleren und Zeugwarting. Heidelberg, 1669. Folio.
189.—Instruction sur le fait de l'Artillerie. Coehom. Paris, 1633, 1669. 12mo.
190.—Art of Gunnery. Nathaniel Nye. This treatise is composed for the help of all such gunners and others that have charge of Artillery, and are not well versed in arithmetick and geometry. Nye was master gunner of the city of Worcester; he gives in his treatise an account of the firearms made at Broinsgrove, of testing coulverines at Deriton, and an illustrated description of a powder tester, very different to the common eprouvette. Also treats of the manufacture of gunpowder and nitre and of artificial fireworks. W. Leak, London, 1647, 1648, 1670. Svo, plates.
191.—Vestibulum pirobolia, sive compendium Artillerie. Sigismuncl Kestner. The author of this treatise on the elements of gunnery was an officer in the Danish Artillery. (Latin.) Frankfort, 1671-9. Folio.
192.—Deliciae Cranachianae. Ulrich von Cranach. A description of unique war engines, weapons and devices the invention of the author. (Latin.) Hamburg, 1672. Folio.
193.—Hollandtscke Burgery in ruste . . . vervat in een Schuyt-Praetjen tusschen een Domine Politick Militair en Borger. A political rather than a military treatise. Amsterdam, 1672. 4to.
194.—Military and Maritime Discipline. Captain Thos. Venn. Book I., Tactics; IT., Military Architecture; III., Tho Compleat Gunner. London, 1673. Folio.
195.—Trattato dell' Artiglieria. Moretti. Venice, 1665. Brescia, 1672.
196.—Venerie Royale. An account of the hunting establishment, etc., of the French Kings. Paris. 1672. 2 vols., 18mo.
197.—Caccia del schioppo . Nicola Spadoni. A treatise on sport with the arqubus, together with descriptions of the various firearms used for sporting purposes and directions for using them, given in 74 letters of instruction, necessary to the making of a valiant and expert shot with the gun. G. Longhi, Bologna, 1G73. Small 12mo, 93 pp., and one sheet of illustrations of guns and gun parts. Rare.
198.—General Use and Effect of Gunnes. Robert Anderson. Contains particulars of experiments and tables of projection, exactly calculated by T. Streete. 2 parts. London, 1674. 4to. See also infra, Nos. 226, 229, 232.
199.—Traite des Armes, des Machines de Guerre. Louis de Gaya. A short account of the arms used in the French Army, together with a short history of other arms, French, Iioman, etc. The author gives precise particulars as to the size of muskets, carbines, etc., the number of rifled arms to others, qualities of matchlocks and firelocks; and states that he saw an air-gun tried in France. The book has 20 plates of illustrations. S. Cramorsey, Paris, 1678, pp. 1-4 and 1-172, in 12mo. For an English edition see infra, 205.
200.—Archerie Revw’d , or the Bow-Man's Excellence. An heroick poem. Robert Shotterel and Titos. Durfey. Exhorting all brave spirits to the banishment of vice, by the use of so noble and healthful an exercise.
"Let Gunners with our Archers now joyn hands.
Our Frontiers guarded well with Guns and Bows,
Whose strong contracted power would dare alarms,
And conquest win, though Hell rose up in Arms."
Eoycroft. London, 1676.
201.—History of Birds. F. Willoghboeus. A book on natural history; but there is a rare edition of 1678, having as an appendix a treatise on the " Arts of fowling, falconry, and ordering of fishing birds," by John Ray. Several editions in Dutch were published at Amsterdam. The original treatise is in Latin, the edition of 167S in English.
202.—Dialogus de Arte Artilleira. Jes. Dietrich. Whereby you are taught what a good gunner should know. (Latin.) Nurnberg, 1G79. 12mo.
203.—Doppi Archibugi a Euota. G. Bossi. A brief treatise on the double wheel-lock gun, the invention of G. Bossi, of Home. A small work of 22 pp. (Italian.) Paris, 1G79.
204.—Wissenschaft und Verrichtungen eines Buchsenmeisters. Eisenkramer. Ulm, 1G79. 12mo.
205.—Treatise of the Arms and Engines of War, op Fireworks, Ensigns and Military Instruments, both Ancient and Modern, with tiie manner they are at present used, as well in French Armies as amongst other Nations, enriched with many figures, written originally in French, by Lowis de Gaya, author of the Treatise called the Art of War, translated for Publick Advantage. This is a translation of L. de Gaya's " Traite des Armes"; it is prefaced by a number of instructions (31 pp.) upon the drilling and ordering of troops, and its title is " English Military Discipline, or the way of exercising Horse and Foot according to the practice of the time, with a Treatise, etc." It is generally found bound with " The Art of War." Robert Harford, at the Angel in Oornhill, London, 1680, pp. 1, 31 and 143, 20 plates. 8vo.
206.—Compleat Soldier, or expert Artilleryman. The several postures and exercises of the Pike and Musquet. E. Ruwlings. Treats of drill and military manoeuvres, words of command, etc., etc. Sawbridge, London, 1681. 12mo, 240 pp.
207.—Beschrywinge van de Artillerie. T. Nelson Brinck. Gravenhaag (The Hague). 1681, 1699. 8vo.
20S.—Fundamentum et Praxis Artillerie . Braun. In six parts, Dantzig, 1682, 16S7. Folio.
209.—Theoria et Praxis Artillerie. Bucklers. A treatise on the firearms in actual use. In three parts, Nurnberg, 1G82, 1690. Folio.
210.—General Treatise on Artillery. Sir Jonas More's translation from the Italian of T. Moretti. An edition appeared in 1689 which was bound up with a work on " Fortification " and Sir A. Dager's " Artificial Fireworks." Neither of the publications are of exceptional value. London, 1683.
211.—Mariner's Magazine contains the art of Gunnery and Artificial Fireworks, by Colson. London, 1684.
212.—Esame de Bombisti. Sigismondo Albergetti de Venezia. By the author of several works on Artillery : see Nova Artilleria. (Italian.) V. Finelli, Venice, 1G85. In 12mo.
213.—Gunnery Experiments at Woolwich.—John Greaves or Gravius. A contribution to the Transactions of the Philosophical Society. London, 1685.
214.—Handbuchlein uber die Buchsenmeisterei. — Eugenii. (German.) Augsburg, 1685. 12mo.
215.—Kompendium der Artillerie. Winkrat. Inspruck, 1685. 12mo.
216.—Gentleman's Recreation. An encyclopaedic work in two divisions: the first treats of Heraldry, Music, Painting, the Fine Arts, etc. ; the second of Horsemanship, Deer, Fox and Hare Hunting, Hawking, Fishing, Fowling and Shooting, Cock Fighting, etc. It is illustrated with numerous plates. This book was one of the first of a long series of " publisher's books " sold on subscription and rarely worth the money asked for them. Bibliographers give Blome a bad character, declare that he derived from other authors and publishers what he published as his own, and that his writings are unreliable and his illustrations coarse and cheap. The chapters on Shooting are short, and their contents insignificant. The plates deserve no praise. The first edition is worth .£6 if clean, subsequent editions much less. See also " The Complete Sportsman." Richard Blome, London, 1686, folio; and later under various titles.
217.—Discourse concerning Gravity, and its property, its influence on Gunnery. See Transactions Philosophical Society Abridgments, vol. iii., p. 261.
218.—Experiments in Shooting. Nicholas Papin. A contribution to the Transactions of the Philosophical Society. See their Abridgments, vol. iii., p. 273. London, 1686.
219.—Ordonnance du Roy. Concerning the proofs of powder. (French.) Versailles, 1686.
220.—Experiment for Improving the Art of Gunnery. Sir R. Moray (or Murray). See Transactions of the Philosophical Society Abridgments, 1688.
221.—Traité de Venerie. D'YauviUe. Premier Veneur, et ancient Commandant de la Venerie du Roi. The royal hunts described, nothing to do with shooting. Paris, de lTmprimerie Royale, 168S, in 4to, 12 and 415 pages, and 41 engraved sheets of music. Reprinted in 1859 by Journal des Chasseurs.
222.—Character of a good Commander, with an eulogium upon the London Artillery, and an encomium on the Duke of Brandenburgh. Thos. Plunket. London, 1689, 4to.
223.—Complete Sportsman, or Country Gentleman's Recreation. Thomas Fairfax. Contains the whole Arts of Breeding and Managing Game Cocks, with the Best Method of Fighting Them, of Rearing and Backing Colts, of Managing Race Horses, Hunters, <fec, of Horse-Racing, of Bowling, of Hare Hunting, of Fox Hunting, of Buck Hunting, of Otter Hunting, of Coursing, of Breeding and Ordoring Dogs for the Gun or Chase, &c. ; of Angling in all its Branches, of Breeding Pigeons, Babbits, Canary Birds, &c. ; of Finding the Haunts of Partridges, Pheasants, and all Manner of Game ; of Shooting and of Shooting Flying, etc., together with several other equally curious articles too numerous to be mentioned in this Title-page. See supra, anno 1G8G. J. Cook. London, n.d. (1689). 8vo, plate.
224.—Light to the Art of Gunnery. Bunning. Wherein is laid down the true weight of powder, both for proof and action; also the true allowance for wind, with conclusions for the Practice of Gunnery in Sea and Land Service. London, 1689. 4to.
225.—Instruction pour les gens de Guerre. Gautier. A treatise on Artillery, bombs, grenades and grenade throwing, &c. (French.) Paris, 1690-92. 12mo.
226.—To Hit a Mark as well upon an ascent and descent as upon the plain of the horizon experimentally and mathematically demonstrated. Robert Anderson. London, 1690.
227.—Traité de l'Artillerie. (Rumpf.) Lyons, 1690. 12mo.
228.—Instruttione del Bombardiero. G. B. Colomberini. In the form of a dialogue between captain and pupil. A small and unimportant brochure. (Italian.) D. Amadio, Vicenza, 1691. In 4to.
229.—Cut the Rigging, and proposals for the improvement of great artillery. Robert Anderson. London, 1691. 4to.
230.—Nouvelle Instruction pour les gardes des eaux et forets, chasses et peches. An old manual for gamekeepers and woodmen. (French.) Charpentier, Paris, 1692, 206 pp.
231.—Handbuchlein über die Buchsenmeisterie. Edel. Augsburg, 1693. 12ieo.
232.—Making of Rockets, in two parts, experimentally and mathematically demonstrated. Robert Anderson, London, 1696. 8vo.
233.—School of Recreation, or a guide to the most ingenious exercises of Hunting, Biding, Racing, Fireworks, Military Discipline, Science of Defence, Hawking, Tennis, Bowling, Binging, Singing, Cockfighting, Fowling, Angling. R[obert] [Hewlett]. The shooting with the Harqubus is treated in one short paragraph, and the sport is illustrated in one of the six divisions of the plate forming frontispiece. H. Rhodes, London, 1696. 12mo, 182 pp.
234.—Gentleman’s Recreation. Nicholas Cox. Apparently four parts, Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, and Fishing, from Blomo's book (see supra, No. 216). It was published in 8vo, with plates in 1697, and another edition in 1721.
235.—Memoires d'Artillerie. Saint Remy. Artillery practice on sea and land; a much overrated work, based on Sienienowiez and Valturius. Paris, 2 vols. •ito, 1697—1707. Amsterdam, 1702.
236.—The Experienc'd Fowler. Containing the art of taking fowl with nets, etc. Illnstrated. London, 1697. 18mo.
237.—Beschreibung . . . Buchsenmeisterie. George Schreiber. A treatise on a new method of gunnery. (German.) Breslau, no date. 4to.
238.—Grundlicher Unterricht von der Artillerie. Coehrn. A translation from the Dutch into German. Hamburg, 1699.
239.—Nova Artigleria Veneta Ictibus Propellens. S. Alberghetti. A posthumous work published in 1699 and 1703 in Latin and in Italian at Venice. Codice della Marciana (Class VII., No. DXXIL). " Sigis-inundus Alb., nova} artilleriaa inventor et ex Anglia redux, obiit MDCOII."
240.—Perfetto Bombardiero y Artillero. Sebas. Ferd. de Medrano. Bruxelles, 1699. 8vo.
241.—Trattato d'Artiglieria. Treats also of sword blades and the barrels of muskets. Is an Italian MS. of the 17th century (codice della Magliabechiania, classe IX., No. 80).
242.—Unterricht von der Artillerie. Peirander. Hamburg, 1699.
243.—Intorno al fondere delle Artiglierie. Leonardo da Vinci. A MS. consisting of 108 pp. in 8vo, said to have some illustrations on the margins by the author's hand. Much unintelligible according to Ayala.
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